Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

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That works for me
It was the table bot. I tried to use the delete button on my phone but it didn't work. It did, however, work on my laptop, so problem solved I guess?

Emperor pls
I was pinged by someone in a thread that got deleted, and since I can't go to the thread anymore, the notification doesn't go away. Is there another way to remove this, or is it stuck like this?

Cherrygrove City

As Isaac and Kick stepped through the doors of the Pokécenter, the pink-haired nurse behind the counter immediately recognized him, greeting him with a smile. "Ah, champion Isaac! It's good to see you here. Here for business?" The nurse extended a tray to put the pokeballs in, as Isaac silently slipped the ball containing Anchor into it. Isaac glanced around the room, as several people seemed to have heard the nurse say "Champion Isaac" and were now looking in his direction, some taking pictures with their phones or whispering to each other while pointing in his direction. "...Yeah, something like that." He finally responded. The nurse handed back the ball containing Anchor and gave him a polite bow. "Until next time, champion Isaac."

Isaac tried not to pay attention to the various stares he got as he exited the building, now standing back on the street. It looked like those two kids were going to go off exploring on their own. This seemed like a good time to finally get some alone time. Or rather, alone and being followed by a big red bird-man. What to do, what to do...

There was always the mart, though he didn't know if they would honor the badges he had, given his current arrangement. He had enough healing items and a variety of Pokéballs to get him through the next few towns, though he'd probably end up having to share them with Emma and Leo. It would probably be a good idea to restock once they hit Violet City. The trek to Azalea Town would be a long one. He'd probably end up using quite a bit just fighting off the sheer number of Pokémon that like to hang out around Route 32. And then after all of that there was Union Cave they had to go through. Though from the little he knew about Leo, he'd probably be begging to go to the Ruins of Alph. There weren't too many Pokémon there, but the place always kind of creeped him out.

But that wouldn't be for a while, they still needed to traverse Routes 30 and 31 before they even got to Violet City. That, and Isaac wanted to make a stop at Dark Cave for a certain rare Pokémon. Isaac sat down on a nearby bench in the shade of a cherry blossom tree as he pondered his thoughts about what was next. There was a squawk from Kick as he grabbed and pulled on Isaac's wrist, seemingly wanting him to follow. "What now?" Isaac moaned. Kick gave another firm tug on Isaac's wrist and let out another squawk. Isaac sighed as he got up from the bench, his wrist still in Kick's talons.

Kick suddenly took off, pulling Isaac behind him. Isaac, not expecting this, could barely keep up with him, nearly tripping on multiple occasions as Kick guided him though various city streets. After a few moments of racing down the streets, Isaac finally recognized where they were headed. It was that old candy shop he had talked about at the entrance of town. He was surprised Kick still remembered where it was, given he was just a Torchic when Isaac was still going there. Kick slid to a halt as the two stood in front of where the old candy shop used to be. It wasn't a candy shop anymore. It was instead a bakery, specializing in fruit tarts. Though oddly enough the name was still the same.

Kick let out a sad "Blaaaze..." as his shoulders dropped. He seemed pretty saddened by the discovery. The owners were pretty ancient, even when Isaac was a kid, so it wasn't too surprising for him to find out, but even still, the reality of it still kind of hurt. Well, since they were here, he might as well check the place out.

Stepping inside, Isaac's senses were immediately assaulted by an extremely sweet fruity smell, and a blinding white interior. A pale, black-haired man stood behind the counter, seemingly writing something down from a nearby laptop. "Welcome to--" The man looked up from the paper, seeming to recognize Isaac and Kick almost immediately. "Y-You're... Champion Isaac! My grandparents used to talk about you visiting this place all the time! They had no idea they were serving a future champion. What can I get you?" Isaac seemed somewhat confused. "What do you mean they talked about me? I don't quite recognize this place. Didn't this place sell candy way back when?" The man behind the counter gave a knowing look. "My grandparents used to own this place. Unfortunately, they ended passing away about six years ago now. I used to work here when I was younger and ended up inheriting the place. I wasn't any good at making candy, but I had discovered I had a passion for baking, and, well, now we sell baked goods.

Isaac nodded in understanding, and gave Kick a slight nudge. "Hear that Kick, it's still the same place, just looks a little different." Kick seemed to brighten up a little upon hearing the words, but didn't seem entirely convinced either. Looked like there was only one way to remedy that. "Let me get two of those Mago cakes there." He pointed to a group of pink pastries in a display case. The man nodded. "Right away, sir!" One transaction later, and Isaac and Kick were both now the proud owners of two Mago cakes. Isaac waved goodbye to the new owner of the shop, before stepping outside and handing one of the pastries to Kick. His face lit up one more as he began to devour the small cake. But that was enough exploring for now, he had better head back to the Pokécenter and wait for the two greenhorn trainers.

You may not like it, but this is what peak Mashup sounds like.

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