Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts


My favorite pill from the binding of Isaac.
I guess we're really just skipping M through R huh?


Izumi Academy

Mori's daydream came so a sudden halt as the bell for lunch time rang. It was that time already? It was his lucky day. This early in the semester they didn't actually teach anything, and it was mostly just review, so he had plenty of time to daydream about total nonsense. Mori stretched out his limbs, letting out a small groan, accompanied shortly thereafter by several cracking sounds coming from his joints. He spent the next several seconds cracking the rest of his body, from his neck, his knuckles, down to his knees. His mom always warned him about how doing that would give him arthritis, but Takeshi did it all the time and he turned out fine.

Either way it was time for food. His mom packed his lunch for him, mostly because he'd either forget to do it himself, or forget to bring money to buy food. After last year, where that happened a few too many times for her liking, she just decided to do it herself. Mori looked trough his bag, pushing past various papers and school supplies before eventually pulling out a small metal case containing his Bento. He set the box down on his desk before opening the top off and taking a look inside.

Inside was about what he expected. Some rice, as expected, mixed in with a few vegetables and the occasional mushrooms. He didn't actually have the heart to tell his mom the way she prepared mushrooms was an affront to any and all gods, and was probably a felony in at least three prefectures. Up next were a small selection of fruits, consisting of cut melon, blueberries, and a few strawberries pieces made up this section of the box. Finally, thers was the protein. Fish this time, nestled on a bed of greens. He didn't actually know what kind of fish this was, but it tasted good, so he didn't complain. As for the greens, well, Mori was a warrior, not a rabbit.

As nice as the meal was, Mori's concentration was broken by the horrible sound of someone slurping something very loudly. He turned behind him to see a girl slurping her cup ramen in the loudest possible fashion, with chunks of tofu and broth splattering on her desk. A horrendous sight to behold, Mori immediately turned back around, staring back into his half eaten Bento. Maybe he should eat those greens after all. Anything to distract him from the monstrous sound behind him.

The girl behind him was mercifully quick, despite her eating habits, and had gotten up to leave. It was peace and relative quiet at last, and he could get back to finishing his Bento. Once more his mind began to wander as he ate, traveling into strange territory of trivia and future plans. He wanted to check out the new game he had gotten. Civilization, it was called. He wasn't too terribly interested in it, but a group of his internet friends were all playing it, and suggested he get it, too. Maybe it would be more fun that he thought?
Mentions: None

Cherrygrove City

As Isaac made his way back to the Pokécenter, he noticed an unusual sight for Cherrygrove: a crowd of people around the center, most looking at their phones. Was there some sort of breaking news going on? Were they trying to record something? Isaac pulled out his own phone, scanning the latest trending news. Nothing in particular jumped out at him. No murders, lost kids, burning buildings, or rampaging Tyranitar. So what was with all the hubbub?

His question was quickly answered as several of the people in the crowd pointed in his direction. He then suddenly realized what they were there for. They were there for him. Someone had probably taken a picture of him while he was previously at the center, and now everyone had gathered to see him. Before they could react, Isaac and Kick found themselves surrounded by at least two dozen fans, waving their phones at them, or pens to get Isaac's autograph. Then the bombardment of questions came in. "Isaac! Is it true you're taking the gym challenge again? Where are the two trainers who are supposed to be with you? Can I get a picture with you? Can I get Kick's autograph?" Isaac was a little surprised at that last one, but otherwise, this wasn't a rare occurrence. People would usually ask for this kind of stuff all the time. At least they weren't the weird ones who'd ask for Kick's feathers, or anything like that.

Isaac raised his hands and made a waving motion away from him. "No, I'm not signing autographs, and neither is Kick. We're not staying here for long, we don't have time for this. Go home." Isaac heard the sound of a phone's camera clicking as he turned to see Kick posing for a picture with a handful of people beside him. Isaac let out a groan. This was not going to be easy.

After what felt like an eternity, the crowd had finally dissipated, leaving Isaac and Kick alone on the street. Kick certainly seemed grateful for the attention, but Isaac merely seemed exhausted. He made his way to a nearby bench and slumping back into it, with Kick sitting down next to him. This was a long day, and tomorrow was probably going to be even longer, given how long the road to Violet City was. They could probably make it in a day, but it would likely be sunset by the time they got through the checkpoint. And that's if Leo or Emma didn't get distracted by who knows what. Speaking of...

Where were those damn kids?
There really aren't too many if any spoilers in my thoughts, but just in case you want to know as little as possible about it, I've put it in a hider.

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