Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

Cherrygrove City

"...Right. Let's get a move on." Isaac said to the two young trainers. He looked to the hotel they'd be staying at. The Saint Hotel. The name sounded familiar somehow. Was it a song he had heard? A band? He couldn't quite remember. The building was seemingly pretty short, only having a few floors. Hopefully it wasn't one if those fancy hotels that would charge him out the ass for even looking in the direction of the mini fridge. Only one way to find out.

Stepping inside and observing the scenery, the place was modest, but still had somewhat of a resort feel to it. The walls were a soft white, with curtains and furniture a pale blue. Red flowers in vases decorated nearby tables, and there were several nautical themed items on the walls. Paintings of boats and lighthouses hung in plain view the moment you walked through the door. If he didn't know any better, Isaac would say he was in Olivine. They were by the sea, but he thought they'd go more for the sort of springtime flowery theme, given the cherry blossom trees and the nearby forested route.

Isaac flinched ever so slightly as a woman's voice called to him from behind the counter. A short, brown-haired woman looked up at him expectantly. "Uh... Two rooms please. Adjacent, if you can, or at least nearby." The woman behind the counter spoke up. "Yes, we can do that. We've got two rooms right next to each other on the third floor. There's a door connecting the two rooms, should you need to visit each other. That'll be..." The woman looked up at Isaac, and then at Kick, opening her mouth to say something, before getting a confused look on her face. Isaac could practically hear the gears turning in her head, before she seemingly put two and two together. "Say aren't you--" "Don't." Isaac closed his eyes, a defeated look on his face. "Please, just the rooms."

One transaction later and Isaac held two room keys in his hand. 304, and 305. Two adjacent rooms on the third floor. Hopefully he could get some decent rest, tomorrow was going to be a bit of a trek. Nothing he couldn't handle, but with these two kids it was likely going to be a lot longer, what with Emma wanting to challenge every trainer, and Leo probably wanting to study every tree branch they'd come across. Isaac turned to the two trainers and held out both keys. "Pick a key, doesn't matter which one. You two get your own room, and I get mine. If you really need me for something, I'm next door. And try to keep it down at night, will ya? I don't need to hear you two stomping around all night." His eyes flicking towards Emma as he spoke.

Izumi Academy

Mori looked at the time on his phone as he put his now empty Bento box back in his bag. He had finished quicker than he thought. What to do for the rest of the time then? He could always play on his phone. Or at least browse social media. Maybe he could go wander around the school for a bit. He had a couple of friends in other classes, and notably, one of his brother's friend's brother went to school here. They were like brother brothers. That's like... brothers squared. Whoa. What class was he in again? 3-C? Maybe he should pay him a visit?

As the thought of getting up occurred to him, a voice rang out from in front of him. It was his classmate, Aozora, asking him if he'd heard of any new games coming out. Well, good games. Mori leaned back as he thought out loud. "Well, as far as good games are concerned, if you're into multi-player stuff the new Civilization game came out a couple of weeks ago. I haven't played it much but apparently the game takes a long time to play. As for other stuff, let's see here..." Mori took out his phone and began idly scrolling through, his eyes darting every which way on the screen as he scanned for information.

"There's Blackmoore's Night. It's about a pirate captain trapped on an island with a bunch of undead and you have to escape with the treasure. Apparently different combinations of treasure grant different abilities and can even determine your ending. It comes out in like a month. After that, There's Vade Retro. It's a horror game about an Onmyoji who has to exorcize demons from various places, collecting artifacts and incantations to banish them. It also has some sort of hiding system, but they havent realeased much on that yet. It's supposed to come out sometime in June."

Mori kept idly scrolling, but nothing interesting really came up. Everything else was either over a year away or didn't seem very interesting. Not to mention he didn't know Aozora's price point. Although, isn't this guy the son of a CEO? Then again, his dad would probably call it a bad financial decision if he blew a bunch of their money on video games. But what did he know? "That's about all I can find that falls under the catergory of 'new' and 'good', or at least 'interesting'. Maybe some more announcements will come out soon?" Mori gave a shrug as he twirled his phone around. "There's also the dozen JRPG shovelware games coming out like usual, if you're into that."
Mentions: @PrankFox(Aozora)

Cherrygrove City

Isaac looked up as he heard the now familiar noises of Leo, Emma, and their Pokémon. Well, at least they didn't get into trouble. Kick, however, seemed far more interested in the return his new friends, happily greeting the two as they approached, nodding along as Emma asked him about his time in Cherrygrove. The new Shinx, however, didn't seem quite as happy, attempting to intimidate the much larger Blaziken. While this might work on a smaller or less experienced Pokémon, Kick merely produced flames from his wrists in return, a warning for what might await the Shinx should it try its luck.

Isaac locked eyes with Leo as he approached, apologizing for making him wait. "No, no, I told you two to go have fun, you don't need to worry about that. Besides, if a mob of fans attacks again, you two might get a little overwhelmed. Either way..." Isaac stood up from the bench, his knees making a popping from the motion. He put one hand on his hip as he looked pulled out his phone to check the time. It was nearly six o'clock. They probably only had and hour and a half or so of daylight left. Probably not worth it to press on today. Besides, the two kids would need their rest, Isaac doubting that these two have made a trip like this before.

Isaac cracked his knuckles, as he spoke to the trainers. "Alright, here's the plan. Route 30 and 31 arent too long themselves, but we have to go through them both before we can get to the next city. Not only that, but we'll making a stop along the way at a place called Dark Cave. Yes, that's really what it's called, no, I can't do anything about it. I'll teach you two a secret hunting technique once we get there if you behave." He then pointed to a nearby hotel next to the Pokécenter. "I'm going to get us a room there. Err..." His eyes looked over the two younger trainers, their Pokémon, and Kick. "Two Rooms. I'll make sure they're adjacent, or at least nearby. In the morning we'll travel up Route 30 and 31, if all goes well, we'll probably make it to Violet City by dusk."

Isaac took a step towards the hotel, turning towards Leo and Emma. "Now then, any questions?"
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