Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

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I feel as though this song in particular benefits from being Eurobeated more than usual.

Page 2 baybee

The 80's called. They want their song back.
Superman. Always has been, always will be. He's the embodiment of what a true hero is supposed to be. He's a big blue boy scout with a heart of gold who's acutely aware that he's a god amongst men, and yet still has the humility to fight for them. Especially in comics where he interacts with other heroes like Shazam. When Superman finds out Shazam is just a kid, he becomes absolutely furious that Billy Batson is basically forced against his will by a wizard to bear the mantle of Shazam. Superman even spawned a whole archetype of knockoff supermen like Omni-Man, Homelander, and, yes, even Shazam to an extent.

Been a hot minute since I've heard this one.
Route 29, Morning

Isaac's gaze remained cold and unwavering as the young trainers voiced their displeasure at his words. The angsty silent boy even going so far thump the bench he was sitting on, presumably out of frustration. Either that or some half-assed attempt at intimidation. It didn't matter. Looks like he was going to have to break this down into simpler terms. The champion's blue eyes turned towards the multicolor-haired girl, as she seemed to be the most fiery of the bunch. Cooling her down first would hopefully temper out the others.

"Strength is almost entirely irrelevant when it comes to battle. There have been numerous cases where 'weaker' Pokémon have dominated the battlefield. Take Pelipper for example. Not exactly known for being very strong. But in double battles, Pelipper is an absolute menace, and is the core of several teams. Or what about Quagsire? Quagsire isn't very strong, and its defenses aren't great either, but it's still a major threat to many teams due to its ability to recover and ignore boosting moves from powerhouses like Scizor."

Isaac then returned his attention to the group as a whole before continuing to speak, his hardened expression beginning to soften a bit. "The reason I say not to bother catching anything here, is because anything you can find here, you can find anywhere else. In fact, that's why the League decided we'd be starting here. This way, you can get used to travel without having to worry about missing out on anything. We can set our pace and discover if any of us have specific needs along the way, like if any you are horribly allergic to certain trees or Pokémon types."

As Isaac continued to speak, occasionally raising a finger to add emphasis, the Blaziken beside him began to get noticeably antsy, as if growing impatient. It began to tap its foot to the ground and its fingers in its thigh. Isaac, taking notice of this, decided to try and wrap things up. "One last thing. I suppose it should go without saying, but just to make it clear, every time you catch a Pokémon, you are the one responsible for it. You have to feed it, you have to buy medicine for it, you have to train it, you have to give it attention. If you bloat your team up with six Pokémon before you even get to the first gym, you're going to get overwhelmed very quickly, and spend more time taking care of them than anything else. Imagine trying to take care of six of these guys." Isaac jabbed a thumb in Kick's direction, who in response pointed to himself in a confused manner. "You'd be surprised just how much this guy can eat. Either way, it's better to try and get used to what you have now, and build up some experience with adventuring before going off catching things willy-nilly."

Isaac then turned towards the Blaziken, facing away from the rest of the party, beckoning them forwards with his off hand as he began to move forwards. The Blaziken beside him motioning the group forwards with a much more enthusiastic cadence. "If you really want to catch something here, I won't stop you, my advice is just to wait until you're slightly more adept at this. Oh, and Danny-boy." Isaac turned his head to the side as he spoke to the young trainer. "If you don't like walking, I'd consider looking out for a Pokémon you can ride on. I hear the Onix in Union Cave don't mind being ridden on." He turned his head back in front of him as he continued forwards. "Let's get moving. The more time we spend arguing over semantics, the less daylight we have to work with."

The beginning of Route 29 was relatively straightforward, and there was already a well-worn foot path that would take them directly to Cherrygrove City. Most of the Pokémon here were relatively docile, or otherwise quite skittish. The Hoppip overhead mostly just floated carefree wherever the breeze decided to carry them, and the Sentret in the tall grass would rather flee than fight. The Rattata were somewhat proactive, but knew better than to attack a human. The Pidgey in the surrounding forested area mostly kept to themselves, only leaving their trees to hunt for the occasional prey Pokémon. The only "obstacle" that the party faced was a slope somewhat later that would take them to the woods just before the route 46 checkpoint. With any luck, nobody should be in any real danger, unless someone felt like throwing themselves off of a ledge near the slope.
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New Bark Town, Morning --> Route 29, Morning

Isaac's mood immediately began to sour as the first of the young trainers showed up. A brown-haired, blue-eyed teen introduced himself as Danny, accompanied by a Houndour. The lively Houdour seemed very interested in Kick, who, in response, gave a equally lively squawk towards it. As the young boy asked about a car, Isaac's shoulders suddenly felt much heavier as he realized just what he was getting saddled with. He leaned forwards, hands interlocking as he put them to his mouth. Only the champion's piercing blue eyes moved towards the boy as he spoke. "You really don't know what you're getting yourself into do you?"

Then the second trainer, an older teen sporting a myriad of hair colors carrying a guitar. This oughta end well. The way she spoke immediately gave her away as a Galarian. That certainly wouldn't make her stand out like a sore thumb or anything. Fortunately, her conversation was mercifully short, as she nearly immediately headed towards the other end of the route exit. If all their exchanges went like this, she might end up being his favorite.

The third was an almost comically short girl with blue hair. She reminded him of Claire, only with less Resting Bitch Face. A shy looking Ralts accompanied her on her shoulder. As the champion's eyes flicked over to his new prey, he could immediately tell she was somewhat intimidated by both him and his Blaziken. With any luck that would keep her quiet, or at least obedient. She managed to squeak out a singular greeting towards him, in which the champion only replied with a mere grunt. Kick on the other hand, gave a cheerful wave towards the blue-haired girl, as if he was happy to make a new friend.

Fourth was a black-haired boy with nearly equally dark eyes. He seemed... almost frustrated as he approached. As the two locked eyes, they both waited in silence. Then the boy broke contact first, and sat down a short distance away. Isaac merely dismissed it as teenage angst. Either that or he was pissed he wasn't the only one here. It didn't matter to Isaac.

Finally there was a short, black-haired boy in a blue hat holding a Rockruff who approached, who then quickly lost control of said Rockruff as it leapt out of his arms and began barking and sniffing around, even going so far as to rub itself on the champion's leg. Isaac remained silent and motionless as this happed, but held a glare at the young boy as he ran over to pick it up. The boy introduced himself as Tim, but either had a terrible stutter, or was incredibly nervous. Given the situation, probably the latter. "You'd better keep him on a short leash. Letting it run amok as it pleases is an easy way to get hurt, or worse." spoke the champion as he began to stand.

Now at full height, he looked over his gaggle of trainers, only now realizing just how much he towered over them, especially mini-Claire and The blue capped boy. Kick got up shortly after, taking a stand next to his champion trainer. "Alright kiddos, listen up. Here's the plan. Route 29 isn't that long, we should be able to make it to Cherrygrove by late afternoon, assuming none of you end up getting horribly maimed. I'm going to assume most of you aren't stupid and know not to eat any of the random wild berries or to go trying to pet the local Pokémon." Isaac began to take a few strides towards the exit to the city, making a beckoning motion towards the group. Kick followed closely behind, with a much more gleeful step.

"I'll just tell you now, there's nothing worth catching on Route 29, save your Pokéballs for later. If you're particularly unlucky, you're going to need as many as you can hold. At the midway point is a checkpoint to Route 46. We can't go that way, unless you all feel like climbing a mountain, and fighting Pokémon way out of your league. We'll be taking a pit stop there, as I'm assuming most of you aren't used to walking entire routes yet." By now, Isaac, Kick, and any who had followed him had now reached the exit, and had taken the first steps into Route 29. He turned around to face the young trainers one more time as he spoke again.

"Lastly, keep an eye on your Pokémon. If I find one of them chewing on me or my stuff, I'm going to have Kick here punt it into the stratosphere." The Blaziken's eyes went wide and let out a surprised "Ken!" in shock, waving its arms back and forth, as if to reassure he wouldn't do that. Isaac let out a sigh as he shifted his weight to one side and but his hand on his hip. "Now then, any questions?" He quickly held up a single finger. "Correction. Any important questions?"
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