Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

Well, so far so good. Nothing of any real consequence had happened yet. Just a quick talk to... what was her name, Melody or something? Hopefully they'd find something soon. He was used to walking, but the rest of the group might not be so used to it, and they'd have to park it soon. Hopefully he wouldn't have to give a piggyback to any of these poor schmucks.

A voice from beside him caught his attention next. One of the Japanese girls, Yurie, had began asking him about his work, saying she "didn't have much experience on that side of the fence". Did she mean hacking? Or something more mundane like cybersecurity? "Yeah, a place called Ironwood Studios. They do a little bit of everything from security to data management. I mostly just make and test code right now. Do some server maintenance on occasion. Pay is decent enough." It was kind of boring work, but it made the time go by, and if he ever suddenly decided he wanted to jump ship he'd have some good experience to put on his resume.

Another voice, this time from a girl named Sasha, spoke, saying something about how the so-called digital world might operate on completely different logic. "Look, as long as it doesn't operate on macOS I think we'll figure it out eventually." As he finished his retort, Sasha seemed to start talking to Melody behind him. He didn't pay much attention, instead turning his attention back towards the direction they were walking.

As his train of thought began to wander, one of the girls let out a cry. It sounded less like she was being stabbed and more like she was falling over. He turned around to see Yui tugging on the dress of Melody as she stared at something in the bushes. Was there something there? He looked around before locking eyes with whatever was in said bushes. It didn't seem too big, and was hopefully alone. If it was, it probably wouldn't attack a group all by itself, and was attempting to hide.

Sasha then decided to take the lead and try talking to it. If it was anything like those angels like before, it might be intelligent enough to speak. Isaac stepped towards the center of the group, his scowl unintentionally growing deeper as he approached. He'd leave the talking to the others, he'd just do what he does best and try to look intimidating to try and dissuade and violent actions from the thing.
I suddenly get the feeling that this boat isn't as up to OSHA standards as we think it is.
Movie theater taken over by Porygon that hypnotizes people

Fake beach, because that sounds like something a pretentious boat ride would have

A giant mirror maze, because why the hell not. Throw some spooky pokemon in there like Gengar and you've got yourself an attraction horror movie fans would love.

A day care, because fuck them kids. Or I suppose a Pokémon Nursery might be more fitting in this scenario.
Ya boi Jimmy is just "Orange" lmao
Welcome back to the guild! Good to have you back.

Isaac seemed somewhat confused about the whole name and compass thing. Were there more to these goggles than he had seen? Or were they simply not turned on? He slipped them back on over his eyes, and lo and behold, he could see everyone's names, as well as some sort of compass near the top. It didn't exactly have a quest marker on it so he was kind of screwed there. At least now he wouldn't forget people's names. He'd been at Ironwood Studios for about three years now, and there were still people he didn't know the name of. Then again he didn't exactly go out of his way to try and learn their names.

But, the group began discussing what to do next. It seemed the general consensus as of now seemed to be "Pick a direction and start walking". One of the members, Sasha, suggested looking for a river and following it upstream in hopes of finding civilization of some kind. "That's not a bad idea. Another alternative might just be looking for a trail of some kind. We'd be more liable to meet more people that way, assuming they aren't out to kill us. Who knows, maybe they'll even have signs?" Isaac shrugged.

Then the girl who fell out of the sky suggested that Isaac also lead the group. If there were critters out here, they'd probably think twice if the first thing they saw was his big angry mug. "...Yeah, sure I can lead. Should be pretty hard to lose track of the giant." He said, his voice and face completely deadpan. "Why don't we head... That-a way." He pointed off somewhere westward. It seemed as good a choice as any. He made a single beckoning motion before slipping his hands in his jacket pockets and silently walking forwards, occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure nobody had gotten lost.

After a while, Melody had mentioned something about the trees having mismatched leaves, and as Isaac looked up at a nearby tree, sure enough many of the leaves didn't match the ones next to it. She had mentioned some sort of crossbreeding going on with the trees, but that seemed unlikely to Isaac. "I doubt that. If we're supposed to be inside of a digital world, it likely isn't a real tree, just a rendition of one made from various data. The leaves are likely randomly generated from different textures or something. Either that, or it's an amalgamation of different types of tree data thrown together and that's what you end up with. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong." Isaac shrugged with his hands out to his side once more. Hopefully they'd find some sort of trail, river, or God forbid someone else to help them out sooner rather than later.
Business cards are meant to passed out, and Jimmy probably has like two dozen more in his suit pocket, so I doubt he'll miss that one lol.
Let's keep this train going with Selena again, just because I can.

Who is the most likely to get thrown overboard for being awful at karaoke?

Jimmy stared up at the masked figures as the orchestra finally fell. At least he could think mostly clearly now. There was something strange about their outfits. He felt as though he had seen them somewhere before. The news? An old fasion magazine? Jimmy quickly took out his sketchbook, letting his hand fly as he jotted down sketches of what he could see. Unfortunately, he couldn't see much from this distance, just their masks. It would have to do. Jimmy's eyes focused on every last detail he could, before moving on to the next mask.

Unfortunately for Jimmy, he would only get a rough outline before one of his legs gave out from under him as the ship violently shuddered, and he was met face to face with the spinning gears underneath the glass stadium floor. They began to turn faster and faster, the ship shaking all the while, before he was suddenly blasted in the face by an intense white light, knocking him to his back.

He jolted awake suddenly, finding himself on the floor of the stadium, sketchbook and pencil in hand. As he looked down at what he had drawn, it suddenly occurred to him that it was daytime now. The sun was high in the sky, shining down midday light onto the exotic cruise ship. Getting to his feet, he looked around at his surroundings. It seems like everyone else had the same confused look on their faces. Who were those guys? Why was it daytime? Was this some sort of holographic sun like the Pokémon he had encountered before? His eyes then settled on the pink uniform of the waitress he had met earlier, as well as the burly Machamp near her. Garçon, was it?

Jimmy took a few wobbly steps in their direction as he finally caught his stride, and it looked as though a few others had crowded around, too. He waved a hand as he approached, the gold and silver embroidery on his suit now glittering in the shining midday sun. "Hey, glad to see you two made it. Looks like we're all relatively unscathed; your, uh, Machamp's suit here notwithstanding." Jimmy gave a half hearted laugh in attempt to break the tension to the rest of the group. "Speaking of which..." Jimmy reached into an inner suit pocket, and produced an elegant eggshell white business card. It detailed his name, occupation, and contact information in a deep crimson color. He extended it towards the small group with a pair of fingers. "My name is Jimmy Recard. It's nice to meet you all. You guys, uh, have any idea on what might've just happened?"
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