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Hello, @Lmpkio I can answer your questions I think.

Firstly, we do not have a God/Goddess of Destruction, the topic itself is very broad but that isn't a bad thing at all. However, we do have a God of Fire who is destructive. So I believe you could consider/do a Destruction domain but at the same time must take into consideration with what we have already.

As for your second question, maybe this might help?

I have also created a list for that page with three categories: Those of The World, Those of Man and Those Who Came After. Basically those of the World are all the oldest gods, all born roughly close to one another in time span. Those of Man came shortly after them, gods and goddesses formed from domains born of humankind. Lastly there are Those Who Came After which are the youngest, coming after all the others. You are all free to discuss with others in the same bracket where you stand with one another age-wise but this is the general setup as far as determining who or what came when.

Relations sheet updated for Anu, take a gander if you dare.
@Kalas Hey cool! 20 bucks is a bit much for me right now though, and I don't even know what else I would use for it XD

[@all] I defined what the "Sin Curse" is on my creation tab. If it's toooooo OP, let me know.

@A Lowly Wretch I hadn't made a spot on the map for Gorgen yet, so no worries.
Welp. looks like I'm changing some stuff.

Also, @A Lowly Wretch what exactly do you mean? I believe everyone who is a realm in the physical world, and the players who have those Gods, have rejoined us.
Here is Anu'Varr updated, plus the map. I am not sure if @gorgenmast is joining us or not with Arda, so part of my biography may or may not work right now, depending on if they return. I can always change it to not include Arda if this is the case.

The Father

Avidan left the infirmary, his large body casting a large shadow as he walked through the halls. Though he had wanted to murder Dalious, now was not the time. He would give the boy one more chance, and if The Father saw him again at this festival where he shouldn't be, he would be dealt with accordingly. Meanwhile he had other business down at the ship, so he forbade the rest of the tournament, and went there instead.

His men were waiting for him at the ramp, the same two guards and a Thanatos named Drot. A small bald man with a scrunched face, bearing a large grotesque scar down the right side of his face, from the corner of his eye down to his chin. His blue eyes were about the only feature on his face that weren't ugly.

"Father, we got em." Came Drot in a sleazy voice, "Good old boys had to be persuaded some, in the cargo hold waiting for ya."

"Good." came Avidan's voice as he walked up the plank.

He heard the tournament fighters before he saw them, loud laughter coming from their throats. There view obscured of him, as Avidan and his men walked down the stairs.

"Ya should have seen him!" said a man, "That pirate fuck thought I was actually congratulating him, the shock on his face when I knifed him like a stuck pig was priceless!" his laughter followed, along with the others. At least his guards had found Jori.

The laughter died down and another voice could be heard, "Damn him and damn that tournament! We would'ha won if it weren't for em." This was followed by a couple of Ay's.

"Fuckin' Earthica bitch. Shouldn't let her fight. Woman's are for fuckin, not fightin." Came a third man.

It was Jori who spoke again, "Oh come now, Harrow, your loins feel a bit'o fire seein' her fiery hair?"

"Oh shut up Jori, I'd have er' in a heartbeat and you knows it to. They say Earthica girls smell like flowers, and I ain't just talkin' about their hair! She couldn't resist ma Luthran charms." said Harrow, which was followed by more laughter.

"Oi you wish Harrow, you ain't ever even been with a woman, less see their cu-"

"Enough." came the father's stern voice. The men, playing cards on a small table immediately stood up at attention. In their mirth, they had failed to see the father come close.

It was Jori who broke the silence, "F-Father, you wanted to see us?" he said as his voice broke slightly. Avidan looked at the men in front of him with disgust. Jori was the only one wearing respectable clothing, Harrow and the other man wore filthy rags stained with sweat and blood. All of them avoided eye contact with the Father, and shifted nervously.

"Sit." said the Father, and he joined them at the table. A dingy lantern hung above them, providing a dim light. "A good display in the arena, unfortunate with what happened."

"Ye-Yeah!" Piped up Harrow, "That Dalious, weren't even supposed to be there and he dun fuck everything up. Father."

"Dalious acted against me. But, as I learned, for good reason. Prevented a head injury, an illegal move."

At this, the men began to shift uncomfortably. "Thanatos fight dirty, yes, but should not have in that place. Makes me look bad, then the stabbing. Did you think I wouldn't notice... Jori."

Before the man had time to react, Avidan grabbed him by the back of the head, and slammed his head on the table. He spoke aloud as he repeatedly slammed Jori's head, blood going everywhere, "Such. A. Fool! To. Think. You. Wouldn't. Be. Seen." The table finally broke in two, and Avidan let Jori's corpse fall between his two friends, who expressed horror. He looked at them, "Either of you say a word, your dead. Now clean this up, then fuck off back to Luthra!" He bellowed.

The two got to work immediately, as Avidan left up to the deck of the ship. The guards and Drot keeping their distance as they followed. It was unfortunate to loose a fighting man, but Avidan needed to punish someone tonight, and who better then a fool. Upon stepping up to greet the setting sun, Avidan noticed he was splattered with blood. A dark crimson in the fading light, he would have to change, but for now he watched the sun set.
You're gunna have a lot of gods if we're having them exist as things start to exist XD. Just imagine God of Bread, God of Alcohol, Goddess of art, etc. Then we would get into some very whack gods as time progressed. I'd like to think the Gods came into being by being born by something, what that is can be up for debate.

In my opinion I don't think we should leave it up to worship for strength. Gods should just naturally grow more powerful as the ages go by, and if they ever take on new domains or steal another gods domain.
I am also here, waiting to see the updates to the cs before posting, as I am going to update Anu to fit the new lore.
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