As the party went on, Avidan had found suitable replacement from the piss wine in the form of a strong honey whiskey. Though it pained him to admit it, the alcohol wasn't that bad, but still not as strong as a Luthran homebrew. Before long, the guard had announced the tournament would take place and that they should make their way to the arena. This news delighted him, but his lingering scowl yet remained on his face. He walked with Angeline and a few Luthran guards to the royal box, where he stood in a corner of the room, looking out into the arena to see who had signed up. In actuality, Avidan had not been aware of a tournament this soon but relaxed when he saw several Luthrans down on the sand, looking fierce as ever could be.
His wandering gaze then fell upon Dalious, the "pirate", best friend to Melchior. That drunken fool now represented them in this contest, and though he could fight, Avidan did not think highly of Dalious. Too talkative that one, as if he never enjoyed the sound of silence. That was music to Avidan's hear, being in a quiet place away from people like him. His thought remained on how he had entered, for no doubt he had drink in him and alcohol dulled the senses. He then watched the man walk over to a redheaded Earthican, a woman, and exchange a few words. Even in the face of battle, Dalious was a womanizer. Princess Amaya spoke suddenly, bringing Avidan back to the little booth they were in, where he noticed an empty seat next to Angeline down with the royals. His spot no doubt.
He sat down without a word, and watched as the battle started. He watched his Luthran's battle exclusively, he did not care for the other teams, and they would fight them anyways. The group that Dalious fought in were doing work, and that he could respect, Avidan liked winning. Let the other kingdoms see the prowess, the savagery of the Luthran, let them fear. But his hope quickly fled him, as he stood up, gripping the ledge of the stand till his knuckles turned white. Dalious had done the unthinkable, and struck down his own men to help the Earthican girl. His scowl grew fierce, as the woman ran off, leaving Dalious alone. Oh the things men did for a woman's touch, it seemed to be the only true power in the world. Turning friend to foe.
Avidan could not believe that he had done it, as Dalious faced a Primfira opponent and beat him too. What happened next was even more infuriating, as a Luthran and Dalious embraced. Men did not hug one another in the middle of a battle, especially a Thanatos, and their prolonged exchange lessened Avidan's scowl. Revenge had a funny way of catching up to those who deserved it after all. He suspected what had just occurred and sat back down. Dalious then gave up and his suspicions were all but confirmed as blood came apparent from the man. Luthran's had a way of dealing out justice among themselves. With all luck, he would die as he lived- drink in his belly and all wit gone.
It was not long however, when the event caught up to him. An Exodus girl, escorted by a few guards came to him and Angeline, explaining the situation that they now found themselves in. Avidan sighed visibly, he should have known the fool wouldn't have bled out that quickly. As the girl left to wait nearby, he leaned into Angeline's ear and whispered,
"I'll take care of this. Stay here and watch the rest of the Tournament." Avidan then stood, and without saying a word, followed the girl.
On his way out of the Royal box, he motioned for his Luthra guards to follow, and Avidan slowed down his pace to walk beside them for a moment, speaking in hushed tones to the both of them,
"Find Jori, fought in the tournament. Take him to the ship." One of the guards asked, "What for Father?" Avidan looked at him directly,
"Being reckless." The guard then nodded and they both left him.
Avidan caught up to the girl again and followed her little escort all the way to the infirmary. The girl then brought him to the room where Dalious was in and excused herself. He went inside, with every intent on ending this embarrassment but hesitated when he found Dalious to be not alone after all. The Earthica girl from the tournament, head bandaged lay in a bed. Standing next to her was another woman wearing a dress, a noble of some sort? Then he saw an Exodus woman sleeping in a chair.
As it was, Dalious was lucky for the moment, and would not be suffocated as Avidan had planned. He walked over to the bed Dalious was in and spoke aloud for the room to hear,
"A pity."