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@A Lowly Wretch Go for it, I look forward to starting.
Valeri Andora

Interacting with: @Aamaya

"I have heard many things about you."

"All good things I hope." Valeri giggled in her rich voice, trying to contain a smile but failing. But as the topic of blood made headway into their conversation, Valeri would settle down and grin slightly as the princess spoke. The game had begun so soon, as to be expected with one such as her. She watched with eyes full of curiosity as Amaya twirled her blooded drink and take a sip of the crimson liquid. The pale girl watched her lips for a moment, before returning her gaze with soft eyes. The rumors of the broken iris were true it seemed.

Valeri listened to Amaya speak again of blood, while biting her lips occasionally. Her eyes becoming very inviting. Though the talk of blood was unsettling to her, it was a topic she could stomach. Indeed, she had to give Amaya due respect for attacking the supposed weakness in which she had given her, but Valeri, well...She knew how to play the game likewise. Amaya was attempting to make her uncomfortable, but Valeri would look anything but that. Instead she chose to play the part of the girl engrossing herself with how the Princess looked, how she spoke- Valeri wanted to be seduced by her or seduce her, it didn't really matter. Amaya's smile, though slightly exaggerated, made Valeri smile ear to ear.

Valeri would then speak to her in a very soft voice, "I like beautiful things too.." But a sudden commotion in the arena broke both their attention away from one another. Valeri spotted the Luthra man, bloodied, and she thought that it was quite fitting in that moment of time. To her great disappointment however, she realized Amaya was leaving her, but before the Princess of Exodus had left her seat, Valeri would speak to her once again, now slightly pouting, "Oh my, how unfortunate. Farewell then, Princess Amaya. I do hope we can... continue this chat of ours." And Valeri watched Amaya go, very satisfied with what she saw, before turning her gaze away.

As events unfolded away within and out of the arena, Valeri had stayed seated, in thought of what had just transpired between the two Princesses. Amaya hadn't really surprised her, but she would be a challenge indeed. The girl was good, she had to admit that, but Amaya had gone for the obvious and she could deal with that. Valeri fidgeted in her seat, hoping that her display hadn't been too unnerving for the young princess, or too straight forward. Valeri was at a slight disadvantage, she didn't actually know if Amaya liked women, but she was determined to find out. She had gazed into Amaya's eyes, had seen the strange beauty of the broken iris and knew that the Princess hid secrets, just as Valeri did.

After awhile of brooding, Valeri perked up to look around the room. She noticed her father, which wasn't at all very hard to see, the King of Primfira was a giant after all. All the other royals were there, besides the Father who she saw was absent, perhaps it had something to do with the bloodshed from earlier? She also failed to see the Princess of Earthica, which was another unfortunate circumstance, she would have liked to talk with her too. Her sources on the way Princess Evangeline swung were more resourceful, but Valeri wouldn't know for sure until they talked. But she knew also knew that would have it's own set of challenges.

Valeri, so caught up with those around her, was slightly startled when she heard a man roar, then the arena burst into applause and cheering, especially from the Earthica people. She spotted the lone man down on the sand, a proud warrior no doubt, raising his weapon at the royal box. She supposed he would handsome, if not for all the sweat, blood and grime. Well, with the tournament over, she felt no need to stick around and so left, following her Father for a ways, before she split off from him. She couldn't imagine what her King was up too, but she knew it wasn't anything good. Like she, her father had a penchant for Exodus hate, she would have to talk to him alone to really know what was going on however.

For now Valeri walked the halls, wondering what next was in store.
If we did do a reboot, what would people like to see? I'm a fan of starting on a blank world, with nothing built up, where we have more potential world building but I am open to a great amount.
The Father

“You should be grateful to him, you know.”

That voice brought the Father's attention to Laurel, who now sat up and addressed him in a candid manner. He liked that, could even respect it, though she sounded pathetic. He looked into her eyes, and he saw fire. A knowing wisdom, a clever fox, such was the ways of the forest people. She knew why he had come to that chamber, and for one brief moment, the Father gave her a smile. A devilish thing while he listened to her speak. Avidan didn't care much for what she had to say, but he listened regardless, there was always more to the story then at a first glance. When she finished, he looked down to Dalious for a long moment.

So, the pirate protected her from foul play. Misguided as it was, it held a semblance of honor, something he thought not possible from a man such as he. Though he felt Dalious deserved a more severe punishment, his stabbing was more then sufficient after what Laurel had told him. That would be his punishment for this transgression against Luthra, however, there were others who's punishment would be far more severe, as his thoughts turned to the one who stabbed Dalious and that one who would have hit Laurel- a blow that would have been far more severe. He thought upon this for a moment, then turned to Laurel and spoke, "No, it is he who should be grateful." he then turned to Dalious, watching the man awake. His message to Laurel was one laced with bluntness, one that she would understand, for she had just saved this man's life.

When Dalious finally turned to him, Avidan watched his expression change from his usual self to that of a scared dog. This amused the Father and he listened to Dalious speak with a passive expression. He looked at the figure in front of him, and spoke at last, "A bad excuse boy. No scratch would open with so much blood...they know." The large man whispered, "What happened, happened boy. Your punishment is that." He pointed to the bandaged wound, but Avidan's face grew fierce as he spoke again, "Don't thank me, boy. Would have killed you if not for that Earthica girl, not for the truth she told." With that said, his tone shifted again to his more normal one, "Now, I'd have you go lay back down, out of sight. This is no place for you. Besides, that girl wishes to thank you, maybe you learn a thing or two about integrity...Instead of slinking off to drown yourself in drink."

With that said, the Father put a large hand on Dalious' right shoulder and guided him back to the bed. He then turned to Eve, stating, "Princess." Then to looked to Laurel for a brief second, before leaving the room entirely.

A quick question for you and anyone else interested in pitching in on the topic: What is the state of human civilization? Are they still in their primitive hunter/gatherer tribes stage or are they onto the point of developing farms and walled cities?

For everyone else that's interested is there a particular group of people you think are developing or have developed in your lands? Any particular forms of culture that have developed?

To answer your first question:

EDIT: Working on a first post for Cimeru and some basic details about what era/tech level were at. (bronze weapons, low low tech)

I'd say it's most likely a mix to be honest. Just like our own world, human civilizations/societies have always developed on different scales. While some still could be hunter gatherers, others could have small villages even large towns. I don't think large city states are on the table yet. We have to take into consideration that the world is very young, and I imagine soon it will be full of things that like to eat humans. (I know I will be creating such things, cause Anu only sees humanity as play things/food).

As for your second question, Anu hasn't really created anything yet. The Realm description is simply that, a description and I purposefully left what inhabits Osarion vague to be fleshed out later. Anu will eventually create demonic kinds and other depraved creatures.

Edit: I am fine with waiting, @Kalas makes some good points. I will say however, even though Poly has not been on in 2 days, he has not posted in 4. So what exactly would be a week?
@Rune_Alchemist brings up a valid point that I had not thought about. Kinda scummy in a way. So I shall ask this, should we in fact make a new thread? Or wait for @Polybius to return?

@Leotamer@Legion02@thewizardguy@Dealdric@Vega7@gorgenmast@Archangel89@Okonuki@A Lowly Wretch@jetipster@Duoya@Kalas
Oh yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine then.
That's always the problem ya'know, loosing momentum.
Well, we could just start.
The Father

As the party went on, Avidan had found suitable replacement from the piss wine in the form of a strong honey whiskey. Though it pained him to admit it, the alcohol wasn't that bad, but still not as strong as a Luthran homebrew. Before long, the guard had announced the tournament would take place and that they should make their way to the arena. This news delighted him, but his lingering scowl yet remained on his face. He walked with Angeline and a few Luthran guards to the royal box, where he stood in a corner of the room, looking out into the arena to see who had signed up. In actuality, Avidan had not been aware of a tournament this soon but relaxed when he saw several Luthrans down on the sand, looking fierce as ever could be.

His wandering gaze then fell upon Dalious, the "pirate", best friend to Melchior. That drunken fool now represented them in this contest, and though he could fight, Avidan did not think highly of Dalious. Too talkative that one, as if he never enjoyed the sound of silence. That was music to Avidan's hear, being in a quiet place away from people like him. His thought remained on how he had entered, for no doubt he had drink in him and alcohol dulled the senses. He then watched the man walk over to a redheaded Earthican, a woman, and exchange a few words. Even in the face of battle, Dalious was a womanizer. Princess Amaya spoke suddenly, bringing Avidan back to the little booth they were in, where he noticed an empty seat next to Angeline down with the royals. His spot no doubt.

He sat down without a word, and watched as the battle started. He watched his Luthran's battle exclusively, he did not care for the other teams, and they would fight them anyways. The group that Dalious fought in were doing work, and that he could respect, Avidan liked winning. Let the other kingdoms see the prowess, the savagery of the Luthran, let them fear. But his hope quickly fled him, as he stood up, gripping the ledge of the stand till his knuckles turned white. Dalious had done the unthinkable, and struck down his own men to help the Earthican girl. His scowl grew fierce, as the woman ran off, leaving Dalious alone. Oh the things men did for a woman's touch, it seemed to be the only true power in the world. Turning friend to foe.

Avidan could not believe that he had done it, as Dalious faced a Primfira opponent and beat him too. What happened next was even more infuriating, as a Luthran and Dalious embraced. Men did not hug one another in the middle of a battle, especially a Thanatos, and their prolonged exchange lessened Avidan's scowl. Revenge had a funny way of catching up to those who deserved it after all. He suspected what had just occurred and sat back down. Dalious then gave up and his suspicions were all but confirmed as blood came apparent from the man. Luthran's had a way of dealing out justice among themselves. With all luck, he would die as he lived- drink in his belly and all wit gone.

It was not long however, when the event caught up to him. An Exodus girl, escorted by a few guards came to him and Angeline, explaining the situation that they now found themselves in. Avidan sighed visibly, he should have known the fool wouldn't have bled out that quickly. As the girl left to wait nearby, he leaned into Angeline's ear and whispered, "I'll take care of this. Stay here and watch the rest of the Tournament." Avidan then stood, and without saying a word, followed the girl.

On his way out of the Royal box, he motioned for his Luthra guards to follow, and Avidan slowed down his pace to walk beside them for a moment, speaking in hushed tones to the both of them, "Find Jori, fought in the tournament. Take him to the ship." One of the guards asked, "What for Father?" Avidan looked at him directly, "Being reckless." The guard then nodded and they both left him.

Avidan caught up to the girl again and followed her little escort all the way to the infirmary. The girl then brought him to the room where Dalious was in and excused herself. He went inside, with every intent on ending this embarrassment but hesitated when he found Dalious to be not alone after all. The Earthica girl from the tournament, head bandaged lay in a bed. Standing next to her was another woman wearing a dress, a noble of some sort? Then he saw an Exodus woman sleeping in a chair.

As it was, Dalious was lucky for the moment, and would not be suffocated as Avidan had planned. He walked over to the bed Dalious was in and spoke aloud for the room to hear, "A pity."
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