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@Polybius When do you think we'll be starting?
@Kalas Hahaha, that's a giant Kraken.
@Kalas Can do. That Wonderdraft looks pretty cool, I'll have to keep myself updated on it!

@Dealdric Yes, I had planned on it.
Pocket realms are great and all, but lets not forget the world is in an Ancient State, usually a time when God's walk upon the earth and interact with it. A time when stuff is created, and ideas explored upon. The development of a pocket realm, at least in my opinion, should take time. It needs to grow and be added too instead of just, POW, you're done. But that's just me, and I won't knock anybody for how they rp. I think i'm going to have Anu basically be in the material world as of now, and later expand upon a realm apart from the material world, if certain events or circumstances arise.

I do agree that they should have a door in the physical world however, it could lead to interesting stories, maybe even some banishment. As for where Anu sits on the 'age' thing; She is pretty much what you could call, one of the last middle born, before we get to the youths.
Valeri Andora

Interacting with: @Aamaya

The pale girl, with a glass of rich purple wine, which was ever so sweet upon her lips, smiled gracefully as she remembered old faces and met with new ones as the party went on. Her time spent at Primfira parties and her upbringing, allowed her to mingle with really anyone, she didn't mind. The princess liked experiencing new things, whether it be people, stories, food or drink. Valeri had not learned of anything rather important since the time she had arrived, but she had been observing, putting faces to the names she knew of. She thought herself reliable on the current Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses of each kingdom, even the Mother and Father plus their ilk.

She had spotted most of the Exodus royals, including King Harold, who was as handsome as she thought and Queen Vivianne. The rumors of her youth were not lost upon Valeri, for she truly wondered whether blood could help keep the body young. She felt a little squeamish at the thought of her pale body being encircled by another's blood. But the sight of the Princess brought her back from that uncomfortable thought. Amaya wore such a beautiful dress, and she was even prettier then she had been told. She wondered why her parents would want to marry her off, it seemed like a waste of a bloodline. Then at last she spotted the enigma of the royal family, Thyrri she was called, cousin of the Princess but from what she could tell, different in all aspects. She seemed to be talking with another woman, a red haired girl, most likely Earthica but before she could see her face they vanished into the crowd, leaving Valeri wondering.

Her gaze turned to the other pair of oddities at the party, the Mother and the Father. She cared little for Luthra but why Exodus had invited them was beyond her, just something else to hold a grudge agaisnt. They weren't even a kingdom, rather a place where criminals went to live out the rest of their pitiful days. Yet, Valeri was impressed, for they seemed to hold their heads high, even in the face of what they would see as different. Angeline she knew more of, the cold woman was one she respected a little, but this new Father was unknown to her, other then the fact he had arrived and killed the previous father, just to take his place. Once again, Valeri wondered what they were thinking, what, if anything, they were planning.

Valeri took another drink of her wine, remembering an age old proverb about the Andorian people, something about being akin to a cockroach. She smiled, though it was silly to think of herself, or her people, as cockroaches, there was a certain truth to it. Her people, especially those with a knack for less.. favorable work, were everywhere, throughout the kingdoms. The Andora royals would be the first ones to know of any gossip, any lie, any truth, any potential threat- before anyone else. Call it a survival mechanism from the days of old, for when closest to the fire, it is most wise to be the one with a plan of escape. Intelligence was having information, and information was power in the game she played, her spies knew this.

She wondered how Azi- but before she could finish her thought a guard announced that a tournament was taking place. She frowned slightly, before returning to her usual smile. She hadn't even met any of the other Princes or Princesses yet, and already a tournament was taking place? How inconvenient, she didn't really care much for fighting. She knew it was necessary most times, but she never wanted in part in it.

She followed the crowd, being escorted by a couple of Primfira guards to the arena. It was certainly a sight to behold, and she found herself a little jealous that Primfira did not have one to compare. After awhile she found herself in the royal section, with plush chairs and a fine view. The Earthica King and Queen, who she had missed earlier, sat in the front with the rest of the royals and their children, all left to fend for themselves. After talking with her parents for awhile the tournament was about to begin. She noticed Princess Amaya, rise and give a lovely speech for the crowd, she truly was everything Valeri had been told about. She watched as the Princess took a seat near the back, and with a confident stride, she went over to make her acquaintance.

She gave a curtsy before the Princess, before speaking, "Princess Amaya! It is so good to finally meet you! I am Valeri Andora, of Primfira." She paused, finishing her curtsy, and rising to her full height. She spoke to Amaya again in a calm voice, "I must say, I liked that speech, it was very.. Confident." Valeri then smiled warmly at Amaya before continuing, "What a wonderful festival so far, I rather enjoyed the selection of wine at the party. I had no idea Exodus had such wonderful alcohol." She then took a seat next to the Princess, "I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you, please let me know if I should leave, I've just been dying to finally meet you." Valeri's voice then dropped to a whisper, "Also, between you and me, I don't much care for fighting. It's the blood, makes me a bit sick."
@A Lowly Wretch Ha! I thought she might like that.
Alright y'all, I've been working on a map. I've put some realms in that I have found to be more physically in the world then others and I am 100% willing to change/add/remove whatever for people to be happy. I ask that people take the map and go to a paint program, and then circle where they want their home to be. I'll do the best I can to add it, as the program I am using is free and limiting haha. Feedback is appreciated.

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