The Scarred One
When night fell upon Osarion, the castle entered an eerie dark, full of whispers and other strange noises. Candlelight and small fires were the only source of light, and even they held little presence in the thick blanket of blackness. At times, she wondered if Oao could ever use such a blanket to assault her, but Anu knew that her Elder sister was crippled by fear, unbefitting of a Goddess with her stature. No, Oao would never be a threat to the Scarred One, this she knew was fact. Ever uncaring of her siblings, Anu didn't even know where she resided, or where half of the others called their homes. It was no secret where Anu dwelled however, the Goddess had made sure of that. Let her home be a beacon of power, let it haunt the dreams of man and strike fear into their hearts. There was no reason to be so secretive, for she was honest with what she was, unlike
others. Anu sighed, her head resting on her left hand as she sat upon her throne. She had a bored expression painted on her face, the only sound in the room, was here left hand tapping on bone.
She knew not how long it had been since she sat down, time had a way of slipping away from her. The silence in her Throne room was deafening, for no creatures, no servants besides lesser devils, inhabited Osarion. The Lesser Devils had been a bi-product when Osarion was molded from the rock. She had used a great amount of her energy, and some of that raw power manifested itself into small creatures, no taller than the head of a goat, who came in many shapes and forms. Some had horns, others had wings, most were shades of red and a few were grey or black. The grey and black ones were usually in charge. They made poor servants, only really caring about food, and after she had discovered a few stealing scraps from her Blood Wall, she had banished them from her Throne. Anu wasn't sure if they had a higher form of intelligence, and to be honest, she really didn't care. Now they wandered the halls, wild and sporadic, as they tended to multiply quickly. Individually, she had noticed they were poor fighters, but when they swarmed, it was a different story. She enjoyed throwing them live humans down in the pits, a favorite treat, but fortunately they could hunt for themselves and on many occasions, she was delighted to hear screams. It had been a very long time since she had created anything new, for the Sin Curse had taken what was left of her strength, but at last she felt invigorated once more.
It was a necessary sacrifice in the end. She took great joy in knowing, and feeling, what she had inflicted upon the humans. In their hubris, her siblings had not even tried to stop it. Anu smiled, did they not see what it would do to their precious humans? Well she was not one to care about the opinions or feelings of her siblings, let them find out how deep her perversion would cling to mortal hearts. Anu doubted it would ever be able to be cured or forgotten. No- her curse would forevermore have lasting effects upon that fragile species. This comforted her in the end.
Suddenly, and without warning, she felt a great rumble ripple through Osarion and beyond. This caught Anu's attention as she sat up, the smile on her face turning to a frown at the disturbance. Directly across from her throne, her eyes fell upon a dim glow. She stood and walked out to the balcony, resting her arms upon the railings as she watched Verzak awaken. With a wave of her hand, the dark miasma parted so she had a clearer view of the mountains down South. It seemed, Ragnagedon had awakened once more. Such a destructive God, so lost from right and wrong. A devilish smile fell upon her lips, for she knew her Eldest siblings would stop at nothing to put him back to slumber. And speaking of which, she felt Sveiand's presence for a moment passing over. In the distance Anu briefly saw colorful lights, then nothing. She turned, the Miasma filtered back to where it once was and Anu walked inside. This unexpected development only meant more death would follow for mortal kind. There was nothing wrong with that in her eyes.
Right now, however, she required servants. She knew exactly what would be made, beings of flesh attuned to her domain. Feeling compelled to create, she took the corpse of the blonde headed girl, and waded into the Blood pool that was beneath the wall. She waded out into the middle, and tore the girl into pieces, letting them sink. Then Anu held out her hand, eyes glowing vibrantly, and the Goddess of Devilry poured her corruption into the pool. It began to bubble as Anu walked out, and before long, a vaguely humanoid creature emerged, pale claw hitting black stone. With bated breath, Anu waited as the
creature emerged. It stood, crimson droplets falling from its pale skin. It looked at its hands, touched itself like a child learning something new, and as more emerged, the first one looked at Anu. The Goddess stared back impassively.
"This... is not what I had intended." Came her cold voice at last. The creature still looked at her, cocking its head at the words, now joined by more. Anu again spoke aloud to herself,
"Hmm... But what went wrong?" She pondered on this, for these creatures had not been what she wanted to create. To give precious life too. Her Godly brain, incomprehensible to mortal-kind, questioned the nature of such a failure, finally coming to the conclusion within minutes. Instead of creating what she had wanted from her thoughts, in which doing so would use more of her energy, she had thought to bypass such a costly procedure by using a medium- flesh. It had been a failure, simply because she used a corpses flesh. Now knowing what she truly needed, and it was a revelation that she did not like, she looked at the creatures once more. They were silently staring at her.
She walked over and began to touch the first one, and spoke softly,
"You will have to do for now, my... Flesh Demons. Yes, that is what you are after all. What comes from flesh, always craves it... Can you speak?" The demon before her, shook her head. Though it was only a slight inconvenience, Anu knew they were at least intelligent enough to understand her, and a thought came to mind.
She pulled away from the first demon, and spoke aloud to all of them,
"I can give you a voice, but in return I have a task for you. There exists in the lands beyond this castle, beyond this mountain, another species. They are called humans, they have soft flesh and warm blood. I need a few. Bring them to me, and you will be rewarded." The Flesh Demons stood around for a couple of seconds, then left.
Anu sat back in her Throne, it mattered little to her if they were successful or not. She could get her own humans if she was in a rush, but why waste an excellent opportunity? Her first creations needed to prove themselves after all.