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@Stern Algorithm No worries haha! It'll be a very interesting conversation.
@Stern Algorithm I'm hurt.
The Betrayed

I still have nightmares from that day. It always starts the same, without fail. I find myself talking to my brother at our tent, but the conversation is always different. How can that be? I want to ask, I want to know, but then the shouting starts and Hesif runs off. We were unprepared of course, how could anyone be ready for such senseless cruelty? I am forced to watch them burn, the men, women and children. To watch them scream as the fire engulfs them, as it chars their skin and blackens their soul. I am powerless to stop it. No matter how hard I try, I am always too late to save any of them. Including my brother.

I see him pinned, fighting two of the masked men, if you can even call them that. I see the third one, his bloody knife glistening from the light of the fires. I try to shout, try to scream- but there is silence from me. I watch him die, as the blade slits his throat. He stumbles, and is then kicked into a flaming tent. I am so angry, I want to kill them all. Make them suffer for causing so much pain.

But I stop as I see it. Then everyone stops, our gazes like children viewing something new for the first time. There stands Ghoran, the fearless leader of the Coalition. The one who brought the tribes together in the time of great peril and strife. His face is wrong, always so wrong. Behind him is something I simply cannot wrap my head around. Like the surface of a lake, yet with colors so twisted.

Ghoran then speaks, but it is not his voice. I hear her voice so clearly, for it is intoxicating, yet sounds so bored. I want to hate that voice, but I can't.

Then the demons come and my nightmare becomes real. They fight with ferocity, tearing and biting into flesh so easily. I almost break, I want to run away from such creatures but my legs refuse to work properly. I am then attacked by a wolfhead, it's sword a wicked instrument of death. I only had a stone spear in my hands, my knuckles white as I gripped the oak.

It swung and swung and I dodged, taking nicks to arm and my face. The pain is small, simply a reminder that I have been hit. Something else numbs it, an intense feeling of action surges through me in response. I needed to strike quickly before I was overwhelmed. So I went to jab the demon, only to feint my attack at the last second, confusing the creature. I then swept it legs out from under him and finally I screamed as I jabbed my spear into it's heart.

It gurgled something, I don't know what. Then it died, and I took up it's sword.

But it was not the horror of the demons that truly shook me, it was the Fire-Spawn. I see her face still, bloody and horrific. Nothing human remaining but flesh that held the madness in. The next thing I know is that she is in front of me, laughing and smiling. I cannot move, I try and try but I cannot. Then she unleashes fire upon me, and I wake up.

It never happened, but it feels so real each time. What she said I still think about. She spoke and people listened, their God had answered them. Where was ours? Where had ours been in our time of need? There was truth in her words, and I don't blame them for joining with them. But to live a life consumed by fire and murder, I hate them. Those Fire-Spawn, curse them all.

But she had made a mistake. My will to fight did not die that day, no, it only grows stronger as the days pass. Ghoran's coalition failed because we were not prepared.

My name is Ordun, and no longer shall we be afraid. No longer shall we fear to live! I say this, so our children can have a future free of fear and hate! So they might know peace...Our war, has just begun and no longer shall we be unprepared.
The silence is deafening. What is everyone working on?

Forbidden Love Part II

A collab between @Lord Zee & @Lmpkio

Ever slowly time crept on in the forest, changing day to night and night to day in an endless cycle. So, intertwined with one another, Maya and Lucius were oblivious to this fact as their love for the other grew deeper and more profound. What was once purely lust, ever so gently changed from joy, to companionship and eventually, a love seldom found by any. They frolicked through the forest like lovebirds, forgetting their duties so that they could have each other's undivided attention. Both had craved such companionship their entire lives without even realizing that they wanted such a thing, and they fell deep into the bliss of affection.

Both Devil and Angel learned from each other, their wants and desires, their passions and goals, and they talked frequently about the future that they might have with one another. The places they might see, the people that they could meet, together. They had been made for each other after all, and now introduced, they would never be able to go back to their old lives. It was but a painful thought to be taken away from each other, for they could no longer see a life alone. They were at last happy, and content! And as they watched the sun set for hundredth time, Maya cradled in Lucius' arms, they both wanted nothing more than the moment to last forever. And it was good.

Yet the two lovers both kept secrets from one another, and secrets were poison.

Maya had fabricated her entire life in the guise of a human. Damning evidence if her Angel ever found out what she truly was. She thought of it daily, and her anxiety was beginning to cripple her to inaction. She had to tell him, she had to come clean, yet every time she tried, her mouth betrayed her. And her mind bred doubt, that if Lucius truly knew what she was, then he would forever more hate her. That was something she would not be able to live with. Then there was still her food problem, for she dared not take Lucius' energy for her own. He would suspect such a thing, and Maya did not know if she would be able to hold back. She had found that normal food, fruits, berries, nuts, and meat could stave off her hunger. However, she was never meant to eat such things, but by being human it allowed her to do so. It gave such little satisfaction, and coupled with her anxiety, she felt as if she might go mad.

For several months they lived in the forest, never staying in one place for too long, and always moving on before either of their secrets caught up to them. By chance, they finally stumbled upon a village of humans and were welcomed to stay as honored guests, for the elders took Lucius to be of great significance. And so, they did, for many more months as the days seemingly blended together repeatedly. During this time Maya began to see the humans in a new light, one wholly different then from which she had been told about. These beings were not monsters to be despised. They were kind souls, who strove to do good for themselves and the world they inhabited. She learned so much every day, and slowly she began to love them for what they were.

But not all was well with Maya. She still craved their essence daily, and it took all her strength to fight it. And the single women of the village were beginning to annoy her and so too was Lucius. These women, they looked at her Angel with wanton desire. For the first time in her life, Maya had grown jealous. Her kind were never meant to be prone to jealousy, for what could be more beautiful then they? But like a seed planted in Maya's heart, it grew and grew with vivacity every passing day they lingered in the village. She began to lash out at the women in the camp, accusing them of wanting Lucius for their own. She seldom left her lover's side, and yet on the rare occasion they were parted, her fear was crippling.

Everything that plagued Maya was beginning to take its toll upon her, and upon the night of a full moon, she lashed out at Lucius. She accused him of wanting to stay in the village so that the women could look at him, so they could steal him away from her. Lucius retorted, speaking of her jealousy and her sudden onset of fear and paranoia. He pleaded with her to think rationally, to reason. He wanted nothing more than to help her feel better, and thus said they would leave in the morning. Maya had taken offense to such accusations and had left crying. Lucius, not knowing what to do, tried to run after her, but lost her in the thick brush of the forest.

There Maya fell into a bout of rage, fueled by her own insecurities. At the same time, she wanted to be with Lucius, she wanted him to be happy and not feel burdened by her presence. When she had at last calmed down, she knew what was needed to be done. She reverted into her original form and took off towards village. She needed to eat something more to her liking, more sustaining. Only then would she be able to feel like her old self while as a human. Only then could she be with Lucius without fear. So, Maya went into the village, and her hunger was so fierce she consumed the essence of two men and a woman before she could even think. She hated herself for what she was doing to them, these creatures she loved, but her frenzy was too great for self-control. When she was finished, she took their husks deep into the forest. She was not done however, for she was petty and sought revenge. So, Maya kidnapped the woman who had most bothered her, a fiery little redhead named Sakira. Maya took her time changing her into a Succubus, in a cave most hidden. When she was finished, Maya left a sleeping Sakira behind with the promise she would return with food. On her way back to the village, she was gripped with anger at herself, and regret for what she had to do to survive.

Upon the next day, when Lucius awoke, he found Maya nestled next to him, sleeping softly. He waited for her to wake, and when she did, they both smiled at each other like upon the first day they met. Both apologized as they spoke at length. Maya promised to change for the better, and not act as she had been, while Lucius promised that there would never be anyone else besides her. They kissed then and were preparing to leave when the villagers came to the Angel for help. They said that four people were missing, two men and two women, a thing unheard of in the village. Everyone knew everyone, and no one left without saying something. Lucius promised to help find them.

They exchanged a few words, and Lucius took off to search the area, leaving Maya alone in their hut. Blinded by hunger and revenge, she had failed to see that her actions would have consequences and her fear returned greater than ever. She had told Sakira never to leave the cave, which would benefit her, unless Lucius found her, and the young succubus told him everything. This jolted her to action, and without thinking she took off into the forest to where the cave was.

As the morning sun casted its radiant arms across the forest, Lucius began to set out on his valiant quest to find the missing villagers. And as he searched around from the air, he couldn't help but to reminisce about the love of his life. He had thoroughly enjoyed his time with Maya and had also fallen deeply in love with her. Everything about her seemed absolutely perfect and she was incredibly kind to him. They both had very similar goals in life and both wished to stay with each other for the rest of their lives. The angel general couldn't help but to stay with her for a long as he can, but at the same time he mustn't forget his real duty here.

But he couldn't help but to dreadfully sulk at his old life.

It's been several months since he and the other two angelic researchers made landfall at this remote location. What had turned from simply guard duty, turned into something far more complicated. His team was to remain in this location for a longer period of time - under Hyperion's will - mapping out every single nook and cranny until they were certain that they're ready to report this back to Terratoria. He wasn't ready to deal with the land yet, for there were other more major problems he had to deal with, but he certainly wasn't going to leave the forest unprotected. So, he sent a small brigade of angels to assist the researchers, for he didn't want one stone to be left unchecked.

Lucius had been running to and fro to please both Maya and his forces, but he had to be careful. If he reveals his affection with a mortal woman to them, they'd have to report this to Lord Hyperion himself. And the God of Light forbade such relationships. Angels are to be the purest breed of creatures in the realm and they must always be loyal to the god who created them. He believed that marriage would soften the angels and taint their future bloodline with powers that were designed to remain exclusively divine. He also feared that they'd leave his side and rebel against his rule. And so, he announced that it was forbidden to angels to marry mortals of any kind, unless he deems it so under certain circumstances. What circumstances he meant is rather unknown to Lucius, but the archangel still understood that he would say no to this. In effect, he believed that he and his kind were simply "warrior slaves" to him and that they are not to enjoy the benefits of pleasure and feeling.

But in addition, he must also keep his divine orders away from his lover. They were basically going to conquer this sacred land and therefore decree this land as a satellite campus for Terratoria. What other plans the God of Light had for this land were unknown, other than perhaps developing a massive divine fortress that would destroy a large chunk of this forest and even force the natives of this land to become exiled from their rightfully claimed land. If she were to catch wind of his actual orders here - to scout out and prepare the land for Angelic colonization - he believed that their relationship would crumble to dust and that she'd accuse him of being as an agent bent on destroying her home for greed. And with her recent attitude as of late - despite her claiming that she'd improve - this would no doubt be the piece of straw that would break the donkey's back.

Lucius was stuck between a divine rock and a hard-kept relationship. He'd have to figure out some plan to keep his happiness intact, and fast. He'll have to convince the other angels that this land is not suited for angelic settlement and give valid claims as why it's so. But knowing Hyperion, the archangel knew that he would still attempt this process all the same. But at least this would give him enough time to disappear from the grasp of his master and take Maya with him to a new world where they can be both free and happy. He just needs more time.

And when the angels did find him, they were worried as to where he had gone. Lucius kept calm in this situation and told them about his intense scouting of the area but have found no demons as of yet. The researchers told him that Hyperion ordered them to return to him by sunset and that, according to them, believe that the land was "perfectly" fertile enough to begin the colonization program. The archangel bluntly told them to wait on that order for one more day, for he wanted to make one last sweep of the land to make sure it's ready before they could leave. The researchers seemed a little skeptical about his plan at first, but after a little convincing, they conceded to his request to hold back their report by another day. Relieved, the archangel thanked them and continued to search for the villagers.

However, after an additional thirty minutes of scouring, he managed to catch a glimpse of someone running through the bush. Not sure as to who it was, Lucius silently descended from the tree-tops in order to follow whoever it was. Upon closer inspection, she looked very similar to Maya, although since he couldn't see her face, he wasn't certain. Still, he noticed that she was walking at a brisk pace, as if she was heading somewhere in a hurry. Could she potentially lead to the missing villagers?

There was only one way to find out as he continued to quietly follow her to her next destination.

Maya arrived at the cave in about in due haste, though it did manage to take her around a couple of hours due to the fact she had remained in human form. With Lucius about, she had to take certain precautions if he chanced upon her, but Maya knew her lover would not be able to find her in such dense thickets of growth. Though it pained her to keep secrets from him, for them to remain happy it had to be done this way. She did not want to make the situation any worse, so on the way she had come to terms with what she had to do. She would have to send Sakira away or kill her. If anyone found about her, she would be blamed of course, but if Sakira told them another had created her, there would still be a search.

She entered the dark cave, to find a dim fire in an open cavern. It illuminated little, and next to the fire was Sakira. She was an impressive succubus, just the right height with just the right looks to please any mortal she encountered. She would one day make a fine leader. The girl turned to look at Maya with red orange eyes, her face going wide with excitement. She stood slowly, a smile stretching out on her face.

"What's this come before me? Oh, dear child, are you lost? Would you care for some...Comfort?" she spoke softly with a motherly tone.

Maya instinctively began to back up as Sakira stalked ever closer.

"Come now, I don't bite. I just want to have a closer look at that pretty little face of yours." Sakira mused again.

Maya realized she had made a mistake coming in her human form, but one easily rectified. She backed up into a rock, now waiting for Sakira to reach her. When the succubus did, Maya tried to slap her, but the succubus caught her arm mid swing.

"Tsk Tsk. That wasn't very nice, now was it? Trying to slap someone, that's just cruel. And cruel little girls are punished." There was malice in her eyes now, and a profound hunger.

Maya wasted no time and in a stern voice she spoke, "Stop! It's me you dult, Maya!"

Sakira looked confused and let go of Maya's arm. "What do you mean? Maya doesn't look like a human."

"Really Sakira, do you not remember me in this form from your time as a human? You were so boorish then and now your forgetful." Maya spoke in anger.

Sakira backed away from Maya, letting her have some room to breathe. "I apologize, my lady. My memories are still hazy, but when I think about, I do remember you in this form. How are you able to become human?"

"When you become powerful as I, many forms may open up to you. Now, you need to leave this place and head west to the realm of Osarion. You will find shelter there." Maya said quickly.

A contorted look of anger and pain flashed across Sakira's face, "Leave! Why? This is my home, why do I have to leave? You said I wouldn't have to be alone for much longer! You said I would have my own coven to lead!" she said angrily.

"I know what I said Sakira! I know this isn't what you want but you have to go for my safety!"

Sakira hissed, "No! I won't leave just so you can be safe! This isn't even your home! It's my land and I will control it!"

Maya tried to hiss but it came out sounding like a human mocking a snake. She then growled instead, and transformed back into her original, beautiful self. She stood taller than Sakira now, and her violet eyes were glowing with anger. This time, Maya spoke with finality in her voice, "If you won't leave, then I have no choice but to kill you. Forgive me for bringing your wretched self into existence!" Maya then jumped at Sakira, but the other succubus had been anticipating it, so she jumped backwards. Maya hissed properly and lunged at Sakira again, managing to grab the succubus by foot as she tried to run. There was a quick skirmish as the two fought over rock and stone, causing quite the commotion. Then it was over, as a large snap echoed throughout the room. Maya had won, by snapping Sakira's neck. She breathed slowly, dumping the body on the fire. She turned around to leave but stopped in her tracks. Her worst fear had come reality.

Lucius stood before her.

And standing before him was Maya. A very, very heretical-looking interpretation of her according to Hyperion's creed. He had seen everything that had taken place just from behind the cavern's entrance, but even then, he was surprised that he wasn't seen earlier. Yet here he is, looking into the face of what once looked to be rather innocent woman of purity, turned into the poster-succubus of chaos. The angel just stood there, glaring at Maya with rather disbelief. He should've seen this coming - in fact, he was surprised as to why and how he couldn't have sensed this. Normally he could tell who and who isn't a demon in disguise just by the aura they emit alone, but he failed here. Was it because of lust taking over his judgement? Was he sick? He really didn't have a clue to as of why.

Normally he would have the overwhelming urge to purge these heretics on the spot with no remorse whatsoever. But here, Lucius didn't immediately go for the killing blow. While his trained sub-conscious boomed in the voice of Hyperion to wipe her off from the realm, he didn't even raise his flaming sword from his back. Because this is no ordinary demon. This was his lover. And even only knowing her for only a mere week, he simply saw her as something more. Yet of course, there were many questions that he must have answered. And being an imposing figure of authority wouldn't help the matter. So instead in attempting to intimidate her, he made himself more cautious yet approachable in his manner.

"Maya...?" he asked concerningly, "Is that... really you?"

In that moment, everything Maya had hoped to achieve was destroyed in an instant. She looked upon Lucius' face, and saw the confusion and hurt in his eyes and expression. It broke her heart to see him in such a state, and it was all her fault. Where could she even begin? How could she even begin? Tears began to well up in her eyes and she opened her mouth several times, trying to find the right words.

At last her broken voice began, "L-L-Lucius...This...This isn't what...what it looks like. I-I-I can explain. I can explain everything." she began to cry, something she knew not she was capable of doing. It was unbefitting of a Succubus, but Maya no longer cared. "Th-This is me. The real me. What I look like. B-But it's not...it's not what I am. Not....Not anymore." she stammered as she cried softly.

Why was it so hard to speak? Why was she letting such emotions dictate her actions? It was all so human, but so heightened due to what she actually was. Maya knew what he was thinking that he had a duty to purge every single devil and demon he encountered, every single heretical thing his God deemed unworthy. It frightened her to the core, for she knew Lucius could kill her easily. Yet he had not even lifted his blade, instead he had asked her a question and she was jumping to conclusions like always. She was such a fool, such an ugly fool. Maya fell to her knees in a disheveled heap, looking up at Lucius with pleading eyes.

"I love you so much. So-so much Lucius, my angel. Please. I just...I was just so hungry and so jealous. I couldn't...I couldn't hold back. Please don't...don't hate me. Please. I can't..." her voice cut off as she broke down. Maya let her head fall to the floor, her long hair now covering her face.

The archangel was simply stunned at what he was witnessing. From all the years he had been slaughtering succubi and other dark chaotic figures for the glory of Terratoria, never had Lucius see anything like this come from a demon. All he knew were that demons supposedly had no emotion - at least no natural emotions other than those revolving around sin. But this wasn't a manifestation of sin. This was different. This felt truly like raw emotion jeering from her form, something he thought was purely absent from her kind. Perhaps some demons were something way more than they initially appeared and with the recent event that happened this certainly proved it. Demon against demon. His inner conflict attempted to strive him back to the realm of light and kill her where she stood, but Lucius fought back. His eyes drooped as he saw Maya drop to the floor sobbing. His heart-strings pulled at such a horrible sight. He hated to see his lover be in this absolute mess. And so, he took several steps towards the demon, kneeled to her level...

And embraced her in his powerful arms.

He knew that if he was to attempt this under Hyperion's supervision - or to any other angel at that matter - he would be executed for "treason". He knew full-heartedly that what he was doing was utter taboo, but he simply didn't care. He couldn't kill the one he loved, even if she just so happened to be the very thing he was trained to hate. Even his own eyes began to water as he attempted to hold back his tears.

"Maya..." he whispered to her, holding back his emotions, while he gingerly stroked her luscious hair, "My dear sweet Maya... please do not cry. I will not harm you..."

Maya jumped when Lucius touched her, unsure of what was going to happen. She deserved anything and everything he could give her as punishment, but instead she felt warmth as her body was embraced by the angel. It was such a small gesture, yet it carried more weight than any spoken words. She fell into his chest and cried more, letting her burden's temporarily melt away within her lover's touch. Never had she felt this safe and content then right there, nestled between two large arms. They were her shields, and for that, she was truly grateful.

She let herself be held for a very long time, as she cried and cried. When she finally calmed down, her eyes were red, and her expression was one of sadness. She spoke in a whisper to Lucius next, "T-Thank you Lucius, my Angel. I-I wanted to tell you sooner. I did, ever since we met, but I couldn't find the strength to do so. Because of my inability to speak, I became crippled with paranoia that you might find out and hate me for what I am. I tried to hide it...and I...I killed those people. I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry Lucius. I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop..." she pulled away from his chest so that she could look at his face. His eyes held the same pained expression as her own, and it was one she hated to see, but did so anyways.

She took a deep breath before speaking again, "On the day we met, I-I was going to kill you, but then we started talking and I realized that there was so much more to you then just being a meal. You were pained just like me, wanted to do more with your life just like me, and wanted to choose your own future just like me. Our gods teach us to hate what we don't know, what we don't understand. They make us fear, and with that fear they control us Lucius. Before I met you, I didn't even know your kind existed. For my goddess, you know her well, she is the devil and her lies are poison. I never chose this life, she thrust it upon me and my sisters and ripped everything familiar away. I use to be human, and living with that village these last few months relit my humanity. Anu taught us they should be hated and destroyed, but I look at these humans and all I can do is pity them, Lucius. They can be so pure and kind, and they want to do good. I hate myself for what I am, for what I did to them...I don't know what else to sustain myself upon...I just...I don't want to harm them anymore..." Maya gently touched his face, "But you Lucius, you've shown me there could be another way, free from control and our gods. I look at you and I see a beautiful future. I can't hurt these humans anymore Lucius...They are so tempting... Please...let us go from here. Let us go and never look back...please my love. We can be free for once."

Lucius breathed softly at his lover's response, already on the break of breaking down himself, as he gripped her hands tightly in reassurance. While she may have killed those men, he began to understand that this was not her fault by any means. While Hyperion was right about them being nothing but slaves towards the wretched Anu of Devilry, what he didn't tell him or to any other angel as far as he knew was that they still retained their desire for benevolent freewill. They did not pick this life. Anu did. And she would not let them go until she plunged the realm in chaos. And yet, Lucius felt all the same with Hyperion - seeing it more as "Peace through divine tyranny". Maya was right in so many ways and even she understood all too well of the archangel's burdens.

He smiled faintly at the succubi - eyes misty and his skin flushed a bright crimson - and touched foreheads with her. "Yes..." he whispered in complete agreement, "Yes, my dear, we must make haste at once."

Lucius would rise to his feet, supporting Maya as he looked out the cave entrance upon the beautiful greenery of the forest. He sighed in utter anguish at what was going to happen to this beautiful, untouched, sanctuary.

"My God - Hyperion - has been eying this forest for a long time," he admitted with utter pain in his heart, "I originally came here with a research group to map out the entire area and make way for some 'divine project'. Probably a... damn fortress or something. I was forced to escort them while they made their studies on the land. I would've gone along with the entire process... until I met you, Maya. The joy of my life, the one who gave me a new sense of purpose in this realm of warfare. I tried so hard to keep your presence unknown to the other angels, you know. For if they knew of my involvement, they would forbid it. And now in your current state, they would surely kill you... and punish me severely. And I didn't want them to take you away from me."

He paused a minute as he sniffed sadly.

"I tried to convince them that perhaps we should leave this place alone," Lucius continued, "So we could live our lives in this untouched sacred land. But Hyperion answered with an additional brigade of reinforcements. That damned tyrant. He always strived to control what he couldn't. He'd never take no for an answer, no matter how much you tried to convince him."

The archangel paused before shaking out of his depressive ramblings.

"Today is when the researchers will report back to him," he said somberly while offering her his hand, "Come, my love. Let us not dawdle here any longer. Our new life awaits us."

Maya's heart fluttered at the acceptance she received from her beloved. There was no doubt in her mind, that Lucius was the kindest, bravest soul she had ever met. She felt so safe in his embrace, and she listened to him speak. Long had she suspected that Hyperion was his God, there was no other that would fit the description she had received from Lucius so long ago. Her heart swelled with happiness at the thought he had kept her a secret from his comrades, only to protect her. Yet she was still saddened to know that they would not have approved, even if she was a human.

When they reached the cave entrance, leaving the darkness of the cave behind, Maya took in the view as well. It was a perfect land, and much too precious for either of them. It belonged to the humans, not two immortals who only brought pain wherever they went. As Lucius tugged at her hand to follow, so they might leave, Maya did not budge. She knew what they needed to do, it wasn't right that they might leave and find freedom, only for the humans to subjugated by a tyrannical God. They wouldn't want that life, she wouldn't want that life, or wish it upon anyone.

She spoke then to Lucius, her voice no longer weakly sounding, but instead she sounded surer of herself and strong. "Lucius, for you to hide me existence from your kin...thank you. I know how painful keeping secrets are. I had a similar goal to yours my love, Anu wanted me to create more Succubi, to ruin this land with our corruption. I would have done it without thought, until I met you." Maya stepped forward and grabbed his other hand so that they faced each other.

She smiled warmly before a look of concern flashed across her face, "I know you tried your hardest to do the right thing, but sometimes the right thing is the hardest action we might take. Those humans...We can't leave them so that they might be subjugated by Hyperion. They would lose themselves to regime and order, when they live so peacefully as they are now. Don't you see? We must save them, we must tell them to leave. They will listen to you, and when that is done, then we can leave to live our lives. We owe them that for letting us stay with them for so long."

Maya began to lead Lucius by the hand, and she looked back at him, "Come Lucius! Let's do the right thing for once."

Lucius was stunned by her determination to save the other inhabitants of this forest. Maya never ceased to surprise him at every turn, being the first succubi he's encountered that actively wanted to help others in need. He honestly thought that she would simply want to leave this place and leave everyone else here to fend for themselves. He wouldn't blame her if she did, but this was something way more honorable than leaving them to their ominous fate ahead. With that, he nodded contently with this plan.

"Alright." he answers with a confident vibe as his shining wings expanded from his back, "Then we shall for the greater good of humanity."

They arrived at the village in haste, Lucius had flown, and Maya had run through the forest, no longer confined to her human form. It felt good to stretch out her limbs, but the day was far from over. When she arrived, the villager’s eyes her with profound curiosity. She did not look evil, but rather beautiful. It was a sight they had never witnessed before, but when Lucius flew down from the heavens to join Maya at her side, they began to speak of the danger that was coming. The villagers were shocked and confused and it pained Maya's heart to see them in such a state. But Lucius spoke to them, they had grown to trust his judgement and his wisdom. The village elders believed him, for the Angel could not lead them astray, now could he?

There was much sorrow in the village as the people began to collect their belongings and pack for a long treacherous journey. By all accounts, they had a day before Hyperion's colonizing force arrived and Angels were swift creatures. Maya and Lucius helped in anyways they could, packaging bundles, gathering supplies, and taking down tents. It had been a long hard journey for the two of them, but at last, Maya could see that everything would work out in the end. Devil and Angel could coexist and live with humans in peace.

Then the world erupted in an explosion of chaotic energies, vaporizing a great many humans and flattening what was once the village into nothing but ash. Maya felt the fire wrap around her, but it did not touch her flesh and when the smoke finally cleared, Anu stood before her.

The Goddess was armed with glowing armor and a spear twice as long as Maya was tall. That was new to Maya, who fell to her knees at the sight of all the human’s dead. She picked up a handful of ash, her tears falling into the clump. They had been so close to saving them, only for the cruel hand of fate to deny them of any good deed. It wasn't right! It was so wrong. She looked up, trying to find Lucius, but there was no sign of him. She feared the worst and began to shake.

Anu spoke then, having spotted Maya, "Maya darling, there you are. Seri and Rowa returned months ago and you did not, I feared the worst my sweet. Now come along, we have so much to talk about." a portal then opened behind Anu, but Maya did not budge.

Instead, she screamed at her Goddess, "Monster! You killed them all! I was going to save them, we were going to protect them! I'm never going back!"

Anu was shocked to say the least. She stood with blank expression for a moment, processing what her pet had just screamed at her. Then Anu frowned and began to walk towards Maya. Her voice took on a darker tone as she spoke, "Monster? You dare call your creator, your GOD, a monster? How disappointing Maya. You are coming back to Osarion whether or not you like it, and I will drag you there myself if you do not come willingly."

Maya stared down Anu with daggers, climbing to her feet in defiance of her goddess. "I refuse! Osarion is nothing but a place of lies and wickedness! Everything you speak is poison and I want no more part in it!"

The world seemed to darken as Anu's face distorted into one of rage. She walked up to Maya, her very presence weighted the air down, and backhanded the Succubus to the ground. She then walked over to Maya and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her well into the air. This time when she spoke, the very world trembled, "Your defiance is unwarranted little succubus. Was I not the one who gave you this life? Was I not the one who gave you your powers? Was I not the one who taught you all that you know? This is the thanks I receive in return? What happened to you Maya? What turned you against me? I shall find out and when I do, I will turn it to ash! Now, we are going home."

Anu turned around and began to walk towards the portal. Maya struggled in her grasp, desperately trying to get away but the god's strength was too much for her to overcome. It was hopeless. The humans were dead, and Lucius was...nowhere to be seen. She didn't want to accept her fate, but else could she do?

"Let her go!" a benevolent voice boomed through the village.

From the thick smoke and ash that plagued the ruined village, a bright white light pierced through to greet the succubi goddess. Like the fabled guardian angels of legend, Lucius revealed himself to Anu'Varr as he points his flaming sword of divine judgement towards her. His eyes were gleaming in a divinely yellow light, his armor shinning under the light with a face filled with rage towards the dark foe. He knew exactly who she was, for she was the head heretic that he was trained to purge on sight. At last she was here - on the front lines alone - without her forces or any other high ground for her to tread upon. It was just him, her, and the one he loved.

"Let. Her. Go, Anu'Varr!" Lucius repeated sternly in his booming voice, one reminiscent of Hyperion's but far more emotional to the ears.

He didn't want to fight her as if under Hyperion's orders, but if she isn't going to release Maya, then he'll do what he must to retrieve her from Anu's vile grasp.

Both Maya and Anu turned their heads to see who had spoken. Maya knew that familiar voice, and her heart was filled with relief to know that he was still alive. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she began to shake her head. Trying in vain to speak, to shout at him to run away. Maya renewed her attempts to free herself but try as she might, Anu's grip was adamant.

Anu in the meantime, scowled at the Angel who demanded of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noted Maya's distress, and the look in her eye. And the angel's words, telling her to release a succubus? She knew Hyperion to be a god of light, who hated the darkness and chaos. What was this angel doing?
Then it clicked, and Anu let out a small mocking laugh.

She turned to look back at Maya with a devilish smile, "Oh Maya, did you fall in love with an angel? Was it his looks or his wings that turned you against me? I'm so disappointed in you." she finished, and Maya's eyes went wide with horror. She knew, and so soon. How could she be so obvious? Her thoughts went to Lucius, she needed to protect Lucius from Anu or he would die! She began to kick and flail her arms, only for Anu to constrict her throat even harder.

Anu looked back at the angel, "Was she a good lover, little angel? Did she please you well? Oh my, how very unfortunate this is for you. You must realize, your little toy will not harm me, light-spawn. In fact, nothing you possess will harm me, but I can harm you. Yes, I can punish both of you for the price of one." Anu looked back at Maya, "You are right Maya, I am a liar. I'm not going to turn him to ash, but I will turn him into something far...more...useful."

Maya tried to scream, but only a small gasp came out. She was terrified, so very terrified of what Anu was going to do to Lucius and she could not do a thing about it. She hated herself for being so weak, and always a burden. She looked towards Lucius again, her face full of sorrow and regret. She knew in her heart, that he would not be able to resist.

Anu turned back to Lucius with a wicked smile, "You love each other, don't you? But how far are you willing to fall to save her? Until your wings turn black and your heart fills with sorrow? I will kill her unless you take upon yourself everything you hate. This is my offer." and with that Anu began to choke the life out of Maya, slowly but deliberately.

Lucius anger began to boil as he saw Anu begin to slowly crush her beloved Maya's windpipe. His calm composure of rationality was beginning to take a heavy toll on him, for he wasn't going to stand by and let her die by the hands of her old master. He needed to act quickly but be cautious about not harming Maya in the process. Then out of a sudden primal impulse, Lucius roared in an enraged fury as he lunges his sword towards Anu's direction and fired a beam of holy fire at her feet from the tip of his burning blade. Hopefully this would be enough to have the goddess release the succubi without risking Maya being damaged in the process. And once doing so, he lunges towards the goddess with vengeance in his piercing glare. Today - he believed - he will slay this fowl creature not for Hyperion but for the sake of Tabrasa itself... even if it kills him in the process.

Anu was unphased by the attack and made no notion of even noticing it. She waited until Lucius was mere feet in front of her, and in a blink of an eye, she shifted Maya so that she would be a shield from his assault. Maya was able to breathe again, with quick gasps for air and she looked at Lucius with wide eyes. Anu now held Maya by her right shoulder. With her left hand, Anu held the base of Maya's neck. Lucius would know right away that with such a grip, Anu could snap her neck in an instant. However, it would be far too late for that. For Anu knew this all too well, and if the angel would not stop, he would plunge his blade into Maya's flesh.

And yet Lucius would be just a second too late to stop his blade from piercing into his love. His millisecond of terror manifested into a mortified expression within mere milliseconds after his blade tore through her stomach like butter, all while Maya glared into his eyes in absolute horror and bloody agony.

"NO!" the archangel thundered as he saw Maya's body drop to the floor.

He dropped his extinguished blade at that very instant as he dropped down to his knees and comforted a piece of his soul in his arms.

"No..." he cried in disbelief as he tried to comfort her as much as he could, "Maya no... please! I didn't mean to...! I'm sorry I...!"

How could he have been such a reckless fool? He let his anger and rage take the better of him and was punished in the most heart-ripping of tragedies. Now his lover was dying in her arms, and he could've prevented this. Why did he act so impulsively? Was this why Hyperion prevented his angels from loving in the first place? It was as if he was reliving a tragedy within the pages of a romantic tragedy in the library of Terratora or living out a bad dream. Only this time, it was anything but fictional. He began to reveal silent tears dripping from his eyes as he began to cry out in utter anguish, muttering to Maya for forgiveness over his impulsive actions.

Maya was in shock, she could not feel the pain, but knew something was terribly wrong. Why had Lucius stabbed her? Why was she so cold? Her violet eyes looked up at Lucius' familiar eyes. Oh, how she loved that color, it brought her such warmth. Those eyes were crying, so she wiped a tear away with a shaking hand and then touched his face, trying to comfort him. She knew it had been an accident, she knew Anu had caused him to do it, not Lucius willingly.

She smiled weakly at him, and when she spoke her voice was quiet, "It's okay Lucius. It's okay. Don't...Don't blame yourself. I-I want you to know that I...I love you...so...so...mu..." and Maya's voice fell silent.

Anu then kneeled down next to Lucius, and she began to whisper in his right ear, "Such a pity...She loved you and you murdered her, simply because you would not listen." Her voice went silent, and then she whispered in his left ear, "I could bring her back. It would be so easy, but there must be a price to pay. Give yourself to me, and I shall bring back your love. Give yourself to me, and you will never know heartbreak again. Or don't...And suffer for eternity. The choice is in your hands." Anu then stood back up and loomed over the angel and her dead succubus. The moment Maya had openly defied her, was the moment she had stopped caring for her. Yet at the same time, she was hurt deeply by the betrayal.

The archangel remained silent after Anu gave him the offer. But before he could give her an answer, he heard a painfully-familiar voice coming from nearby.

"He's here!" it cried out, "Come quickly, my lord!"

It was one of the researchers Lucius had been with and it appeared that he wasn't alone. He could suddenly see the nearby smoke and mist vanish almost instantly from the village as he hears the thunderous footsteps of a massive armored figure. He didn't even need to look up to recognize who had arrived on scene.

"Anu'Varr." Hyperion's voice boomed as he was flanked by six elite guards from his private regiment, "Heretic goddess of chaos. You have caused much damage today. And you are treading on newly acquired Terratorian ground. Surrender and I may let you go empty-handed. This offer will not be repeated."

The armored god then noticed General Lucius on the ground, however he didn't seem to notice what he was holding. Curious, he looked down at him with a piercing glow within his radiant helmet.

"Brother Lucius." he said with bluntness, "Return to Terratora at once. Prepare to lead the Angelic Crusaders to purify the land of arrogant sin. You and the other researchers had done well in your journey."

Lucius remained silent as he looked down at Maya with dreadful sorrow. He began to carefully reflect on Anu's word regarding the possibility of resurrecting her. With her death, he felt as if the world had been sucked dry of any meaning. His pleasure and enjoyment had all but been extinguished. He began to crave this feeling back. He didn't want to remain underneath the iron foot of Hyperion's monarchal rule. And if Anu could potentially resurrect her again, he can finally be happy once more. The temptation was excruciatingly alluring and oh how attractive it was. With his answer underneath his grasp, he looked back at Hyperion with eyes of utter disgust towards him.

"No." Lucius sternly responded as he rose opposite of him.

Hyperion was somewhat surprised at that statement. He didn't know why his most trusted general - one of the strongest warriors in his arsenal - defied his orders at first. However, upon looking at the feminine corpse below him, did he finally understand why. And he was immensely displeased by this defiance of his creed.

"Brother Lucius." he repeated once more but way more sternly, "You know the rules."

"I KNOW ALL TOO WELL!" the archangel yelled out in pure defiance, "AND THAT RULE CAN GO TO THE DARKEST PITS OF HELL!"

Hyperion was of no stranger to butting heads with the hot-headed and passionate general. He had encountered such minor ramblings before. But this was far different then the simple arguments they had in the past. This felt raw and unchained, as if Lucius had reverted to a primal animal. The God of Light feared that this would happen, yet he wasn't necessarily too surprised with it either. But Lucius wasn't finished.

"For too long was I forced to bow to your every will and way!" Lucius shouted with immense hatred, as if he was pouring his entire soul and feeling into such passionate statements, "You claim for us to be beings of light above the features of man! Yet you strip us from the pleasure that humanity enjoys to their fullest! All we do is fight, and fight, and fight, and FIGHT! Purge heretics here, purge heretics there! But you never treated us as actual people with inner desires and souls! Are we nothing but your warrior slaves cursed to do your every bidding for the rest of our lives?! It's madness!"

"DO NOT DEFY MY DIVINE WILL." the god of light boomed as took a step forward, "Of course you are all more than warriors. You are all my brothers and sisters. But there is a reason why I keep you all from achieving certain~"

"LIES!" the archangel roared back with equal resolve, "Your rules had been outdated for centuries! And I'm absolutely sick of your archaic ways! I loved her, you know! And she was willing to change, but you won't see it! You would've purged my only joy in life to ash! I want to be free to live out my life as I wish, instead of living under a tyrannical monarch who wants to achieve the impossible!"

Anu bided her time, watching the interaction between Hyperion and Lucius with amusement. Though Hyperion arriving in person put a damper on her spirits, she took solace in the fact that he was having the same problem she was. Defiance in their subjects, a most unsightly thing. It seemed that this general was tired of the fighting that consumed his life and she could use that to her advantage if needed, but Lucius was broken, and a soul torn asunder fell quickly to the heart’s desire. All she had to do was wait and bide her time as she waited to speak.

When at last she had an opening she spoke with mirth, "Mhm, greetings brother. I hope I’m not interrupting anything, between this... father and son argument. You must realize, I was woefully unaware that you put a claim to this land, and for this I shall apologize. You must forgive me for the damage caused, I'm sure it can grow back in time." she let out a small laugh, "Apologies brother, this situation is highly amusing. Who knew that an Angel and a Devil could fall so deeply in love, that they would cast aside their creators? It truly is a tragic tale, one of sorrow and love. Brother, you should listen to him. All he wants his peace of mind, and to stop killing what he now loves. What's so wrong with that? It seems heresy comes in many forms as of late..."

She spoke to Lucius next, "My offer still stands Lucius, but you must decide quickly before her soul is claimed by Azhriel. Listen to you heart...Let the pain go away..." Anu finished softly.

There was a long pause in between the three figures, as Lucius began to make the final preparations that would seal his fate forever.

"Lucius." Hyperion said concerningly, "You can still make amends. Return to me and you will be spared from punishment. I assure you."

But the decision was already made, as the warrior turned to face his old master with a snarl.

"Save your petty lies of omission." he growled to him with resentment as he picked up his fallen love.

With that, he turns towards Anu for guidance.

"Please..." he begged as he dropped to his knees once again, "Make this immeasurable pain go away. Cease my suffering."

Anu's face distorted into a smile of pure malice. She spoke aloud to Hyperion, "He doesn't want your help, brother. Know that he chose this fate."

In a flash, Anu stood before Lucius and stroked his face. Her eyes burned with a fiery crimson, reflecting her very soul. She was twisted and perverse and used words to her advantage.

She spoke a seductive whisper, lulling Lucius into a state of calm, "As promised Lucius...I shall take your pain and suffering away. You will never know heartbreak, ever again."

The Goddess of Devilry, then ripped out Lucius' very heart and devoured it before him and Hyperion. She then caught his body before it fell, and with her dark powers, she would make him whole again. One did not need a heart to live, no, one only needed the will to survive. To endure, and the rage to guide them. The pervasive energies of Anu's powers, worked wonders upon the body of an angel. Lucius was no different, for without a heart he was easily transformed into a being of the devil. A fallen angel, wicked, spiteful, and full of anger. But there was a freedom to this form, one that escaped the tyrannical oppression of Hyperion's order and light. Lucius would finally be free to do as he pleased, all within Anu's own will of course. His wings turned black, and his heavenly glow was replaced with that of a dark aura of malice. His powers of light were darkened into that of the infernal. He was born anew, as Lucius, the first fallen angel, and he was at last free.

When he awoke, his eyes were no longer yellow, but a stone grey. He was plagued no longer by heartache, only a profound emptiness would remain. And such an emptiness could never be filled. This was the price Lucius had made to be with his lover, for deals with the Devil, seldom went in anyone favor but Anu.

She backed away from Lucius, with a nefarious look. Though she had lost a powerful succubus, she had gained something far greater. A mighty general for her legions, something she sorely lacked.

She asked aloud, "How do you feel Lucius?"

The reborn fallen angel looked at his new form, studying it extensively from top to bottom. He could no longer feel the heartbreak that had pained him for the brief yet utterly agonizing minutes prior. And his new body was just simply... perfect. He chuckled loudly as he turned to face his savior.

"I feel... magnificent." he said contently, with a voice filled with a low-pitched sinister vibe, "Thank you for freeing me from my old ghastly wretched form."

Hyperion was absolutely devastated from what he had the utter displeasure in witnessing. His most prized general - the same one who'd slain thousands of demonic succubi and dark forces - had been corrupted by the wretched Anu to serve her. It was an utterly repulsing sight, a sight which made the God of Light livid. His guards began to raise their own weapons towards the new being as they prepared for a possible conflict.

"Lucius." he boomed woefully towards him, "You have no idea on what you've just done."

The fallen angel would simply cackle maniacally at that pathetic response as he spat towards his direction.

"Oh, I know exactly what I've done." he says with a wicked grin, "I am no longer your miserable lap-dog anymore, Hyperion. For I am finally... at long-last... free!"

Hyperion wasn't going to have any more of this utter nonsense. He knew that his prized warrior had been lost - taken away from him by the vile forces of chaos.

"Then I have no choice but to purge your traitorous heresy." the God of Light answered ominously as he signaled four of his guards to decapitate him.

Yet as the four angels rushed over to eliminate him, Lucius revealed his new "Blazing Sword of Prejudice". The dark blade cackled in chaotic energy as the fallen angel made quick work of the elite guards, thanks to the training of the master who sent them.

"Bawhaha!" he bellowed insensitively, "Is that the best you got? My god have your forces grown soft. To see how your forces have fallen to such new lows is absolutely hilarious!"

He then notices the two cowardly angels who were to frightened to engage the dark angel.

"Oh c'mon you two," he taunted nonchalantly, "Why settle with this old god? If you want real power, then why not join over to my side? Take it from your old pal, Luci' eh?"

Hyperion coldly glared at Lucius' offer before looking back at his two remaining guards. They hesitated for a minute, looking at each other, then at Hyperion, then to Lucius, and back to themselves. Seduced by his dark powers, the guards levitated towards their new master as they were quickly brought onto his side.

"Goooood!" the fallen Angel replied pleasingly, "You both choose wisely. I'll make you both into powerful warriors yet."

He then turns over to Anu and nods at her.

"I believe we're done here." he said confidently, "Shall we get situated with your new residency?"

Anu watched her newest creation fight, and he exceeded her expectations, and even seduced two others to join them. She had no doubt in her mind, that Lucius would bring her great fortune in the wars to come. It seemed he had even forgotten, or no longer desired, to even see Maya again. Which of course, was what Anu had wanted all along. Maya had been useful, but she had earned her fate, as cruel as it was.

With a sudden smile, Anu spoke, 'Of course, I see no further reason to stay here." She looked to Hyperion. "Consider us even, Hyperion. He killed my servant, so I took one of yours. I shall leave this land in your humble care, brother, but venture west any further, and we shall have problems. Farewell for now."

Anu turned around and waved her hand. Before her a portal tore through reality, leading directly back to Osarion. She turned back to Lucius and the angels and beckoned them to follow, "Come now, my angels. We have so much to do." Anu looked at Maya's corpse, a hint of sadness flashed on her face, before she stepped through the portal.

Lucius and the two other angels would follow their new master in pursuit as they began to enter the portal. Little did they know however; a beam of pure light was headed straight towards them by a wrathful god. However, they were gone before the beam could have a chance to hit them, leaving Hyperion alone in the destroyed village with Maya's corpse left to rot. Hyperion's worse fears had just come to light and he was unfortunately a tad too slow to stop the breeding of a new and dangerous threat. As he stood there motionlessly within the rubble, the two loyal angelic researchers came out of cover to assess the situation.

"My god..." one of the researchers gasped in dismay, "She actually did it. She corrupted the almighty Lucius. I... I don't know what to say. Am I dreaming?"

Hyperion remained silent before glancing at Maya's bleeding corpse below him. He walks over towards it and knelt to examine her cold frail body. And yet, he showed a sliver of empathy for the succubi, one of the few times he vaguely felt for her kind. He could simply leave her here and have her soul be transported for Azhriel's judgement... but no. He had other plans for her.

"You have caused much chaos within my ranks, succubi." he whispered quietly into her dying mind, "You've turned my glorious general away and allowed a new breed of treacherous forces to fight against me... Such acts of heresy should not be left unpunished."

He'd then brush the demoness' face gingerly with his golden gauntlet, taking a better look at her face.

"And yet, I believe that redemption is still possible for you..." the god continued, "Your goddess had casted you aside for her own nefarious deeds. She abandoned you... left you for dead. You desire a newfound purpose. Vengeance, perhaps? If so, then I shall grant you that wish. If Anu shall corrupt my angels... then I shall purify her demons' wretched soul anew... that is, if you survive the process..."

Hyperion would rise before revealing a portal behind him. He then signals the researchers to beckon towards him.

"You two." he ordered, "Carry the body to the ritual tables."

The robed angels seemed confused at this statement.

"My lord?" one of them asked, "W-What are you going to do with it?"

"You will see..." Hyperion answered, "But once you do, you will keep a code of silence on the matter. Failure to comply will result in your execution. Understand?"

The two researchers nodded nervously.

"Now go."

They would carry the body into the portal as they head for the ritual tables. Before entering, Hyperion looks back at the destroyed village one last time and out into the horizon beyond.

"May the gods grant mercy upon your cursed soul..." he muttered towards Lucius as he finally entered the portal.

As both parties retreated to their realms, they left behind a deafening silence. The humans that inhabited that forest were gone, and their brief moment of suffering was but an afterthought to the Gods. Nothing of them remained but memories of a better time, when two lovers lived in peace and happiness. But much like the village, all that remained of such a pure love was naught now but ash. For devil and angel could never live in harmony, for tragedy would surely follow. But perhaps this story does not have to end in heartbreak, for time heals all wounds...
Forbidden Love part II dropping tonight y'all. It's been a long time coming, and I hope everyone enjoys it.
@Stabby I look forward to finally seeing it!

Oh don't get me wrong, I know you got rid of it. This is most interesting, and I can't wait for it.

I'm highly curious by one single sentence in your app, which has now just vanished. But I will say no more upon this matter, for I think I know what's coming.
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