Avatar of LostDestiny


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1 yr ago
1 yr ago
Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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How long had it been since Annabelle had left Haster Island? She had to think harder than she should have to recall when she left the Island she once, reluctantly, called home. Four years? It had to have been somewhere close to that. Maybe five? She wasn’t sure, but there it was, just visible on the horizon. The dual lighthouses that flanked the cove housing the docks shone brightly in the night, as they always have. It would still be several hours until the ship she had bought passage on arrived on the Island. The trip had been a long one and her only option was to attempt to convince a bunch of pirates to let her join them on their trip to Haster. Trade ships very rarely made stops at the Island and she knew nobody savory wanted to go there, so the likelihood of her being able to buy passage from them anyway was slim to none.

“Oi girly, why you headed to this Island anyway, you a bounty hunter?” One of the crew members of the ship slid over to stand behind her watching the lights from the shore in the distance flicker. Annabelle was certain this man was the first mate, but she had never really taken the time to get to know any of the crew. She mostly stuck to herself and they seemed content to let her do so, as long as she helped out a little and or stayed out of the way.

“Something like that, I guess.” She muttered not really wanting to elaborate more. From the corner of her eye she could see the man’s one eyebrow furrow. It seemed the other was too heavily scarred for the hair to grow back. Luckily for him, whatever injury he had sustained seemed to have missed his eye. The red-head wondered how she had almost missed that detail. Maybe it was because other than the singular eyebrow and the mustache he was virtually hairless.

The man opened his mouth to say more but Annabelle moved away from him before he could get anything out of his mouth. She was aware he could follow her if he really wanted but he seemed to become distracted with Jazz. The raven had been perched on the railing beside her and hadn’t bothered to move when she did. Seeming to continue to watch the island get closer and closer.

Several Hours Later

Annabelle was woken to the sound of a bell ringing. She had been on enough ships to know that meant they were about to start docking. She didn’t remember falling asleep but apparently the easy rocking of the ship had lulled her to sleep. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she headed to the deck of the ship where the crew was going through the docking procedures. Annabelle stayed out of the way as they worked, seeming to have conversations about all the things they planned to get up to on Haster Island.

Blue eyes landed finally on the port of Haster Island. She dreaded stepping foot back on her home island. What if she wasn’t able to leave? What if she was stuck here again? A shiver ran up her spine at the thought. She turned her attention to who she thought was the captain of the ship. Despite spending so much time on it she had honestly not thought to find out the name of the ship and its crew. She briefly looked up at the Jolly Roger for any clues. The only thing that would give her any sort of clue was the singular eyebrow on the face of the skull. Was the man from last night the Captain? Was she that confused? She scanned the crew once more and quickly spotted the man she had briefly spoken to last night. He was strikingly similar to the man she had assumed was the captain. Twins? Brothers? She wasn’t totally sure but one thing was for sure. The man who appeared to be the captain seemed to have deliberately shaved his left eyebrow, whereas the other man had scarring on his right eyebrow. She furrowed her brow at the choice but shook her head eventually and walked toward the Captain.

“E-excuse me. How long are you planning on staying on Haster? I could use a lift off as well.” Her voice was soft and seemed to be drowned out by the sound of the crew working.

“What was that? I didn’t quite hear ya, speak up.” The man replied when he finally realized the red-head was standing beside him.

Annabelle sighed and repeated her question once more, louder this time and more confidently, to ensure she was heard.

“Ah, we will be here a few days, headed to that Sun place next, though we will be makin a few stops on the way.” He replied as the ship was fully docked. “Yur welcome to hitch a ride for the same price, but we won’t be waitin for ya.”

All things considered these pirates weren’t too bad, they at least left her alone so if she could get off the island the same way she came it would make things easier. Nodding she spoke again, “Fine, I will pay you at cast off, if you won’t wait I am not pre-paying.” There was more confidence in her voice now. Knowing she would have a way off as long as she didn’t miss them made things a lot easier.

With that knowledge she quickly gathered her things and whistled to Jazz to join her. The bird flew down from the crow’s nest and landed on her shoulder as she walked off the ship and stepped onto Haster Island. ‘Alright, time to see how things are going here, hopefully nobody recognizes me.’ She thought as she walked through The Red District to an Inn that bordered The White District. It would be more expensive to stay but at least it would be filled with less trouble, as long as she didn’t get mistaken for one of the working women in the area.
... why did I do this?

I will probably get a post up in the next couple of days. It's spring break so I have all the time in the world since I don't/can't work. Working in schools is fantastic. XD

Character Description

Get paid, do the job, get out, hope I didn’t draw attention

Annabelle was an orphan on her island, one of many, too many if she were honest. A bloody civil war when she was young left many children without one or both of their parents. It seemed nobody won this war, well, nobody but the man who now sat on his self proclaimed “throne” and bullied the weakened citizens. The same man who promised to change the island for the better. Turns out he simply meant to change it for the better for nobody but himself and the brutes that worked for him. It was early in life that Anna made the promise to herself that she would get off the island by any means. She was desperate for a better life for herself, to the point where she would quite literally do anything for it. She would do just that, stooping to killing for money and becoming quite good at it. She made a name for herself as a sharpshooter for hire after she finally escaped the hell hole that was her home island.

Character Goals

One might notice that Annabelle has some heavy influence from Nami in terms of backstory. She is one of, if not my favorite female character in all Shonin type anime. I wanted to explore something similar if not a bit more…intense? While still having my own personal touch and allowing me to explore other avenues, then “main character good guy pirate saves girl and town from bad guy”.

Annabelle is by nature deeply untrusting and scarred. The circumstances of her upbringing have shaped her into the person she is. She is aware not everyone's the same and the people from her home island but unwriting the things she learned at a young age is difficult and time consuming to do. This of course makes Annabelle a rather…awkward individual when not in “business mode” as she fights with her instincts and mind. My hope in introducing Annabelle is to provide a thru line. A character that everyone might have some sort of interaction with at some point, be it good or bad, brief or long standing. While also providing the writer with plenty of space to grow and develop the character.

Character Notes:

Organization:Independent (Potentially joining an established organization later in the story)
Position: Gun for Hire
Starting Sea: West Blue
Other: Contacting Deadeye, the gun for hire is difficult but not impossible. Rumor has it the sharpshooter has a peculiar raven that follows them around. A distinct white and black pied bird, find the bird and you will likely find the sharpshooter at the nearest Inn or hotel.

Relations and character related NPCs

Sample Post

The barrel of Annabelle’s pistol dug into her side as she sat at a bar enjoying a drink. She should have left the thing in her room where she had also left her rifle mask and other items. She would have if not having one of her weapons on her didn’t make her nervous. In certain circles she was the decently well known sharp shooter and gun for hire Deadeye, so she would rather be armed just in case, by some chance someone recognized her. It was slim to none that it would happen but she was paranoid by nature despite constantly reassuring herself that the likelihood of getting attacked in public was almost zero.

The redheaded female had finished a job recently and had sent Jazz, her raven, with a letter tied to his leg to her client informing them the job was done. She wasn’t sure why the bird had followed her off of Haster island several years ago when she finally managed to stow away on a departing ship but she was always silently glad for the bird’s company. Though she half expected him to just never come back one day and if that day ever came she wasn’t sure if she would be worried or relieved.

“Another round ma’am?” The bartender pulled Annabelle out of her thoughts and her blue eyes landed on the woman who had been providing her with a steady stream of drinks for the past hour.

“Ah, no, I think I am okay, thank you.” She muttered, sliding the now empty mug across the counter where it was quickly scooped up and taken into the back room where Anna had seen glimpses of other people working every so often when they passed the doorway. She could hear laughter coming from a nearby table and dared to steal a peek at the other patrons of the bar this late at night. Nobody was too impressive, mostly just your regular working class, though she did spot a couple lower ranking Marines at a corner table and quickly averted her eyes. She had to mentally assure herself that the Marines cared little about her or Deadeye, the hired gun had never taken a job that targeted anyone important in the world government. She had no interest in getting caught up in the politics of that. She was content to simply settle the squabbles of rich idiots so long as they kept paying her.

After a moment of composing herself she stood from her stool at the bar, placing the money for her bill on the counter as she did so and turned to leave. Though it seemed her movement drew the attention of the Marines as one of them sauntered over to block her exit, clearly drunk.

“Heeeey pretty lady, care to join a couple of men in uniform for a fun night?” The man slurred at her as he stood in front of her.

Of course this man was one of those Marines, the kind that was convinced the uniform was the ultimate way to get women. “N-no thank you, I need to get home and feed my…cat.” Annabelle muttered attempting to sidestep the man, mentally slapping herself for stuttering.

This, of course, did not deter the man in front of her. He sighed and leaned closer to her, causing her to take a step back to maintain her personal bubble. “Aww, come on, the kitty cat can wait, right?”

She was torn between the two reactions her brain told her to take. One was to simply pull out her pistol and threaten the man, and the other was to attempt to disengage non-violently. Luckily for her, or maybe luckily for him, the bartender stepped in on her behalf. “Wesker the lady said no thank you, how many times do I have to tell you to leave my female patrons alone.” She seemed annoyed, it seemed this type of thing happened often.

The man’s attention was quickly directed to the bartender and he thankfully sidestepped Annabelle and headed toward the women, muttering something about her being jealous. Anna had stopped listening the moment his attention shifted and she darted out the door and into the crisp night air. She took a deep breath, shoved her hands in her pockets and started walking to the docks. She liked watching the ocean at night, it was peaceful. She could sit on the edge of the docks for hours just listening to the waves and that is exactly what she intended to do.

Post Directory

Arcs will be sorted as hiders, posts for each Arc will be located under the appropriate hider.

<Snipped quote by LostDestiny>

Accepted! A couple minor typos, but that’s hardly a reason to deny a clearly free character with a ton of potential places to explore in both story and character arc. The juxtaposition between srs gunner and awkward lady also seems really fun! Also, she better watch out, because I feel like Rico would hound her about joining a certain pirate crew, but we’ll discuss that bridge when we get there.

One correction: we’re using English Devil Fruit names, so Albert would have the Bat-Bat Fruit (of whatever model, if any). Once that’s figured out, go ahead and post the sheet in the character tab!

So, now that we have two accepted PCs, I’ve going to give the IC another pass and post it tomorrow! I’m really excited to see the in progress characters start coming in and the story start to unfold.

Ill change the devil fruit when I move her over. ^-^ I know of one typo that I thought I fixed but apparently I hit cancel instead of save. Ill fix em as I notice them when I move it. Excited to see who gets to Annabelle first if anyone. :P

I am excited to see where everything goes in the future.
Okay I think I got everything I need so here she is!

I have a character I probably will need to seriously overhaul for this if I were to join...The current sheets make mine look like a baby wrote it. XD I am typically what I call myself "a higher end causual writer" Usually around 3 or so paragraphs if I have enough to go off of or enought to ramble about :P

My biggest concern is I tend to get a little lost in the sauce if I am left to my own devices for too long. AKA my character is off on there own with no interactions for a while. So hopefully that doesn't happen.

All of that to say I am intersted but a little intimidated by the concept.
<Snipped quote by LostDestiny>

Roll Persuasion.

That's a spicy 11 but the sheet still says I have inspo so now is as good a time as any...

For a much better 21
Aura watched as the two forces clashed on the battle feild. She had half a mind to move even father back from the battlefield. She really didn't like being this close. She looked around trying to assess what she should do. Now that Yosef was on the ground he was much harder for her to attack from this distance. She scanned the clashing forces and decided to attempt to either goad or reason with the more rational of the two leaders. It would really depend on how the man took her words.

She turned to one of the men beside her. "Make sure nobody attacks me my senses will not be my own." She then proceeded to transfer her sight and hearing to Hawk. Telepathically communicating to the bird to move above Ervdul far enough that she assumed the man wouldn't be able to easily attack the bird, which he does with no complaints. Aura looks down at the battle feild from the bird's view.

"There is still time to attempt to talk this out like civilized poeple, before your hot headed lizard friend ends with more than a few broken bones. Though I suppose you would have to act quickly, my firends tend to work fast." Aura called down to the second enemy leader from Hawk. She honestly doubted he would call a cease fire at this point, but it was worth a shot. How the man decided to take her comments was entirely up to him but maybe she would be able to distract him at the very least.

Aura uses her action to transfer her senses to Hawk and talk through the bird to Ervdul.
Do I need to persuade or intimidate?
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