Avatar of LostDestiny


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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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Ill get a CS up this weekend
I looked at it but I didn't move anything. It was fine when I looked at it.
Aura has used her last "big girl" spell, hope it's not a waste. :P
Annoyed that the enemy seemed to ingnore her attempt to be reasonable Aura decided to attempt to end this a little quicker. She had no doubt that a fire spell wouldn't be as effective on the Lizard in Jormund's face but it was still her best bet at doing a decent ammount of damage to him in a short ammount of time. So with a huff Aura pointed her finger at Yosef and fired three rays of fire at him. "Hope you like a taste of your own medicine seeing as I have been more than reasonable up until now." She called, hoping Jormund would be able to handle being so close for a little while longer.

Aura uses her last spell slot to cast Scorching Ray at Yosef (Since he is the one she hexed).

9 I am sure that misses :(
23 to hit, for 11 fire damage and 2 necrotic (Hex)
17 to hit, for 9 fire damage and 3 necrotic (Hex)
Total= 20 fire damage 5 necrotic damage (25 total but I feel like the fire damage is gunna be reduced so I broke it up XD)

@Silent Whispers Are the characters you have in mind male presenting female presenting or something in between? It am trying to make a character so that there isn't too male or female heavy keeping it even, if you will. As best as possible.
If you don't mind I would like to reserver this color For my character. I am trying to decide between two architypes right now so I am going to wait to see what types of characters others post first.

Keeping her head down and her hood up she departed from the ship she had taken to the island and walked down the streets of the Red District. It seemed in the years since she left many businesses had changed. Likely unable to pay the “protection fee” that Albert and his goons enforced. The Inn she remembered being near the White District was no longer there so she wandered around a bit looking for a different one. It didn’t take too long for her to find one suitable. It was closer to the Grey District than she wanted but it seemed most Inns were in the area between the docks and the district she once called home.

“Seems more like a bar than an Inn but it will do I guess.” Annabelle muttered to herself as she entered the establishment. She walked up to the single person that appeared to be working here. “Excuse me, do you have an open room?” She questioned the older man with shoulder length salt and pepper hair. She didn’t recognize this man, he certainly wasn’t a local. He was too…pristine to be one of the hardened criminals who originally inhabited the island.

“Ah, you are in luck, I happen to have one room left. Right next to the one I call my one.” He winked at her, and she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at him. Seems he fits in just well with the island personality wise at least.

The redheaded woman faked a smile. “That’s fantastic.” She couldn’t stop her voice from sounding sarcastic. “I suppose it will do. How much?” She asked him almost reluctantly. The man seemed to eye the larger firearm that was jutting out from behind her. It seemed he caught the sarcasm and her general lack of interest. She wasn’t shocked by it, someone who ran an establishment like this would likely be rather good with people.

After what seemed like an eternity of eyeing her he finally gave her a price, one Annabelle was sure he had raised for her attitude. She paid it without batting an eye and the man seemed to lose interest all together. Likely he jacked up the price to get her to try to barter with him but when she clearly wasn’t having it he frowned, handed her the key to her room and turned away from her without another word.

The sharpshooter took the key and walked toward where the man had gestured, assuming that was the direction of the rooms. She found her room fairly quickly and entered, immediately opening the window just enough for Jazz to be able to squeeze in and out, and jammed the window so it would take a bit of force to open it any more. The bird quickly joined her in the room and found a spot to perch himself.

“This might be harder than I thought, Jazzy boy.” She muttered to the bird who cocked his head to the side. Anna was never sure how much the bird understood but he was smart, he picked up on what Annabelle wanted him to do rather quickly even if he didn’t actually understand the words coming out of her mouth.

“Guess I should get started, I only have a couple days to gather as much information as I can. Maybe I should start with Palace security? No…I should try to get a feel for the people first, who are unhappy with the current rule and who are not.” Once again the bird simply turned his head to one side and Annabelle just shook her head. “Just, stay here. I don’t need people realizing Deadeye is in town.” She pointed to the bird and then to the room in general. She could easily close the window and lock him in the room but she didn’t want to cut off extra means to escape should the bird need to leave quickly.

After taking a moment to hide her more valuable things around the room, including her rifle, she headed out of the Inn and back onto the streets. If she was going to wander the Red District unbothered now was the best time, when the sun went down, it got…chaotic. Something she would rather avoid with her limited close combat knowledge.

In the four years since Annabelle left Haster the town seemed to have expanded a bit. The Red District was much more cramped than it had previously been. It seemed that despite the high price to start up a business many of the unsavory types had managed to do so. She would have to be much more vigilant. There is no telling who would decide to pick a fight with her for no reason, or just in general try to mug her. The Red District was a dice roll when it came to interactions with people. Sometimes all would be fine but you look at one person the wrong way and everything could quickly flip. As long as she avoided eye contact and stuck to subtly eavesdropping on conversations she would likely be fine. As long as nobody recognized her that is. It wasn’t like she left on bad terms but she would honestly just like to avoid having any sort of ‘reunion’ with anyone. In and out, a couple days recon, then she would be back to traveling and saving money. That’s what she kept telling herself at least.
I will try to get post up by the end of tomorrow. I likely won't be able to get one done today. I have DnD and then my sister is getting induced later tonight so I get to go sit at a hospital for goodness knows how long tonight and I hate writing on my phone. Should be less crazy tomorrow but depends on how long I am at the hospital.

As for my first One Piece OC and PR character Annabelle is actually both of those things. She has had many itterations through the years, though up until this version of her she had a Devil Fruit. And she was usually less trama riddled, also she was usually a member of a pirate crew and not a free roaming gun for hire. My character bank actually still has a past version of her since I haven't updated it yet. So if you wanna look and prolly cringe go for it. XD I liked the character concept but she needed some work to especially be a stand alone type character. I love imporving characters over the years.
Slice of life, Friends style thread, color me interested.

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