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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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I am glad I could give you that gem :P
Aura blinked a couple times. Knowing she was going to have to explain the whole "power from her father" situation to Cascade or she would never fully understand. Not to mention she would have to also explain how she and Hawk were connected. She took a moment to really think about how she was going to explain this. Cascade was pretty but it appeared she was just as dense, not everyone could be blessed with both looks and brains it seemed.

After a moment she decided to take the information one step at a time. "I am a Genasi yes? Specifically an Air Genasi. Like you I have a Genie parent, my father. He gave both this chain, which is what allows me to cast spells and have Hawk here, he also gave me this bottle which acts as my own personal vessel and the groups personal storage space. We will get into the bottle later it's not important here. This chain allows me to cast a spell that summons Hawk, as well as change his form if I so chose. It's the same spell all the bookish casters know to have animal companions. The biggest difference is I have a much stronger connection to Hawk with this than I would if I were simply to learn the spell the old fashioned way. This means I can see and hear through Hawk's senses at will so long as we are on the same plane of existance. That's how I managed to get the information about the enemy so easily. I can also mentally communicate with Hawk, which is why you might hear me talk to him like we are having a full conversation, it's because we are. Additionally I can speak through Hawk, which is what I was doing earlier in the fight to help you guys out. Finally I can cast certain spells through Hawk. Only spells that require touch but it's still helpful." She paused hoping that wasn't too much information for Cascade to take in.

Eventually she decided to speak up and once again encourage the Water Genasi woman to speak up and ask any questions she might have about what Aura had just explained. "Does all that make sense. do you have any farther questions? Ask now or forever be confused." She wasn't totally serious about the last part but knew it was better for Cascade to ask now than not understand later and Aura have to explain things to her again.
All good I just figured I would ask I know life happens. ^-^
I am waiting on you @Guardian Angel Haruki not sure if you wanted to have Cascade reply to Aura's question or not/
@Birdboy I just wanna say I love Rala. Puts up with the never ending sarcasm that comes out of Aura's mouth, and manages to not clap back too hard. :P

It wasn’t long before the fleet set out again. Brutos decided that with Maxwell not with them they might need some extra time out. Of course before leaving Brutos set out a whole list of rules that Max was to follow while most of the crew was gone. The shark man had even taken the time to write them out though the handwriting was horrible. If Max was honest up until then he was convinced that the Boss didn’t know how to write.

-No leaving the house unaccompanied
-No talking to the Muckrakers
-No talking to anyone for that matter.
-No leaving the territory even accompanied.

The list seemed to go on forever with about a million other things Brutos had deemed Maxwell was not allowed to do though those four seemed to cover most of it. He was also left with a list of things he needed to do, most things boiling down to getting Brutos more money, and any useful information was to be passed to his “caretakers” so that they could take it to the proper channels. Maxwell was sure that Brutos had left a similarly large list with the few men he left behind to ‘watch’ Maxwell. Though the boy was sure they would only care to uphold it for the first week or so at least. Afterward they would get bored of watching the boy who talks to animals and would do off and do their own thing.

It took less than two days total for Paul and Hendricks to lose interest in Maxwell and go off to do their own things. Neither returned to the house the second night and Max couldn’t help but think that this was some kind of new record for the speed in which someone disobeyed Brutos. It made sense though, those two were the newest editions. Max wasn’t sure about how or why they joined, not totally, but he knew at least with Hendricks it hadn’t been a very pleasant experience. Was Brutos so sure that his crew was totally loyal to him and or afraid of him that even the newest members would follow his orders blindly, or was he losing his edge? Whatever the reason Max couldn’t help but be at least a little relieved the two of them had left him alone so quickly. It meant Max had at least 2 weeks to do…something…

If asked what Maxwell was doing he honestly wouldn’t have an answer. He only had a handful of Berri to his name and honestly he wasn’t sure what he had was really enough for, well, anything. Either way he bribed some of the local birds to keep a look out for his babysitters so that he wouldn’t get caught out and slipped into the streets of Pol Sticid, something he hadn’t done in a long time. Not alone at least.

Elsewhere unbeknownst to the young brown haired boy Hendricks was meeting with an old associate, an enemy of Brutos and the Saw-Tooth Pirates. Money and information was quickly exchanged and the two parted ways. Hendricks knew if he lingered too long one of Maxwell’s little animal informants would catch wind of it and inform the boy. Even new, the older pirate was well aware that Maxwell got information from all over the island rather quickly, and discreetly. All he had to do was sow enough worry in the Muckrakers that the boy could just as easily get and sell information on them that might potentially cause trouble with The Grime King himself. This one stop was all it would take to get the word around and then the “Mighty Brutos” would lose the one thing that put him so far ahead of all the others in terms of information. What happened to the boy was none of his concern; he, much like many others on this island, simply wanted to get ahead. And Hendricks had his eye on “Riptide” Brutos’ cut of territory.
Aura opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again, she was about to respond sarcastically to Cascade's siblings not being the majority, but the next comment threw her off. She looked at Hawk and then back at Cascade. "First of all, god? No this is my familiar I have an enhanced connection with him cuz of this." She points to the chain that connects a small stoppered bottle and her belt. "Second, I asked him first and he said it was cool. Anything to make him more powerful. Where on earth did you get the idea Hawk was a god?" Aura couldn't help but be confused by Cascade's statement. Nobody had ever thouught her bird was a diety of any kind so this was definitly a new one.
<Snipped quote by LostDestiny>

<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

Cascade did state earlier IC that not everyone in her village is not her sibling. That would be weird. ^^"

Allow me to alter my statement.

I'm going with most of it. XD
Also how much of this village is Cascade's half-siblings? XD

I am going with all of it XD
Aura was half tempted to let Cascade continue to talk but was glad when Rala finally said something. She smirked at the older human. "Don't worry I am sure you have that passion in your bones somewere." There was a clear teasing smile on her face before she turned back to Cascade.

"All, half siblings, no full? What did your mother sleep with every man in your town or did you all just happen to find eachother and make one?" She was half joking at that comment. "I am not sure what I would do if I found out my father had that many kids with other people. As far as I am aware it was just my mother. Though he doesn't talk about her much. Only that she was an Elven Princess or something but I am pretty sure he made that up so that he could give her an excuse to not want me." Aura shrugged as if a mother not wanting her child was perfectly normal. She knew her father was capable of taking on a more human looking form so she generally theorized that her mother had no clue he was a genie so when Aura came out blue...well she knew something was up. Though she never did get confirmation. "Either way, that's insane to have so many siblings."

As she finished speaking she heard a familiar screech above her and Hawk came to perch on her shoulder. She winced a little when his talons missed the leather shoulder pad she had specifically for the bird to perch on. "Hey there buddy. I have an idea to make you a little tougher if you don't mind me changing your form." There was a moment of silence as it seemed Aura was listening to something. "Perfect we can do it while Flicker and Jormund finish their nap, it will take me an hour anyway." She looked over at Cascade and Rala. "You two up for watching me make Hawk not a Hawk anymore. It will be super exciting I promise." The last part had just a hint of sarcasm as she pet the bird and continued to walk.
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