Things were going great. The Huntsman thought Ariel's prince should be easy to locate and Pacha though there was a map shop in the Adventurer's Shopping District. Mabel giggled just a little, with a place like that, you'd think the townsfolk would be more prepared. Instead of commenting on that she told Pacha,
“Thank you, that is some helpful information.” ***
Mabel followed along with the Huntsman and Ariel, chatting whether they wanted to or not. She watched in confusion as Ariel tried to eat a flower and the Huntsman stopped her, suggesting he'd show her how to press it instead. Mabel smiled, still amused,
“You can't eat flowers. They're for sniffing. But girl, the food was bad, wasn't it?” They stopped in front of a curiosity shop,
The Octavinelle Shop of Magical Supplies and Curiosities. Ariel said she needed to go in and the Huntsman expressed curiosity about the shops wares. Mabel shrugged and followed them inside,
“Eh, sounds like somewhere that would sell the same hokey wares my Grunkle Stan peddles.”