Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

Hopefully done
And here I thought we would bully him for 'people die when they are killed'
Yeah shooting lightning is tempting, but when I go lightning I zip around the battlefield much like your bloke would, so I'm trying to avoid going into it. I'm failing atm as I keep going back to do it though >.>
I think I'm about to go mad about thinking of a concept here. Every time I come back here with an idea, I find it already taken XD
Time to think out of the box a bit more maybe....
Damn there's goes my idea of a lightning mage then lol
Suppose I'll actually need to make a new character rather than resurrect one. How dare people make me work.
Consider me interested as well mate
Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

The only one here with an attitude problem was this human! Fuming and crossing her arms over her chest, the little exceed glared down at Gabriel as she hovered over him. She had half a mind to strike this human down right here and now. However, he still had a purpose to fulfil and so instead she just grumbled under her breath about not being small and followed after Gabriel after he had scooped Jasmine up in his arms.

Groggily, Jasmine's mind began to click into gear once more as she felt a warm embrace around her. What was this feeling? It felt so familiar, a floating sensation combined with a strange warmth. A strange lub-dub noise echoing throughout her mind as she began to stir in Gabriel's arms. Her eyes felt so heavy, in fact not just her eyes but also her arms, legs...and well everything. Her entire body felt like it was coated in cement and even a small movement caused a wave of pain to wash over her entire being. Confused, her eyes slowly fluttered open. At first, though all she could see through her glazed over eyes were a blur of fabric and blue, an unfamiliar scent filling her nostrils as she gripped the fabric of Gabriel's shirt. Who was this? This didn't smell like Penny.

Nor was the embrace anywhere near as warm or comforting. She sniffed again, yet still couldn't place the scent. But at least her vision was starting to return as her eyes adjusted, her mind starting to wake up through a cloud of exhaustion still hung over her. Now it was starting to become clear to her that the strange floating sensation she had been feeling was in fact...her being carried. But who was it? It couldn't be Penny, otherwise, Jasmine would've recognised the scent.

Cody? James? No. The duo had gone out on a quest before the guild had gotten together to go to Tenrou. Ah, now she knew why this embrace was so familiar. It reminded her of Magnolia. When she was rescued by the two Phoenix Wing mages from those strange moth people, she had woken up being carried by Cody and...


Her eyes shot wide open the moment her mind finally processed what was happening. Her face slowly retreating from the shirt she had buried it into and had been openly sniffing at it, rather obviously at that. Slowly her eyes trailed upwards to look up at the person...man that was carrying her. For a moment, time seemed to freeze for the girl moments before reality came crashing down on her.

She had been sniffing this complete stranger like an absolute utter freak.

"Uh..um..t-this...isn't umm..." Her face flushed a deep crimson as she tripped over her own tongue, unsure of what even to throw up in defence. How could she even explain this? She wanted to just curl up and die in a hole.

At least it delayed the realisation that was her being held in a princess carry. Then again, which one was truly more embarrassing anyway?
Banned because this is the 11,000th reply/post :)
Cody Bloodstein

Cody winced as he shifted his shoulder uncomfortable a few times. Holy hell, did that hurt. Just how strong was this Plutus anyway? Maybe it just showed how much training Cody still needed, but once the younger boy had latched onto his wrist Cody couldn't shake him off and almost had his shoulder torn apart.

"I would have way too many questions if we received a friendly one." Cody mumbled in agreement as he bent down to pick his sword up. He had dropped it thanks to Plutus' surprising man-handling of his arm. Seriously, what was his problem?

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Jasmine was indeed well and truly out of it, though it wasn't like a blow from Rajah would leave much more than a mark. The exceed certainly didn't have the strength to bruise a tomato, let alone a slayer. But even so, a torrent of slaps, shaking and abuse at the volume that the little exceed dished out would probably wake just about anyone up.

When Gabriel came over, Rajah latched onto his hand with her tail and floated over him, glaring daggers down at the boy. "And just who the fuck do you think you are huh?" She couldn't believe the nerve of this human! That he thought he could just casually swagger over to them and lay a hand on her disciple...unthinkable! She had three-quarters of a mind to smite him for such an idiotic, feeble-minded action. However, his offer was certainly more than tempting. I mean, of course, she could easily carry Jasmine, she was a superior divine being. But at the same time, such a task was beneath her. She supposed she could allow this worm to carry out such a task. It wasn't like she lacked the physical strength to carry a pillow, let alone a human girl for longer than five seconds. Totally not. Slanderous lies.

"Hmph, no matter. I shall permit you to carry my disciple. You should be honoured, to be of use to one like myself." The sheer disdain and snobbery on display was simply staggering, each word oozing arrogance that defied belief.
Mate, I don't learn shiiiiitttttt about this lol
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