Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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It was an eerily quiet night in the city of Mahoukyo. As its name might suggest, it was renowned for its wonders in magic, crawling with untold stories and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Much of the population worldwide had magic, powered by mysterious energy simply known as ‘Soul’, but only a handful compared to that went on to become mages. Mahoukyo perhaps had the worlds most world-renowned and infamous mage families dwelling in it, the Rikimaru, Isamu and Akechi families.

The three had been silently working behind the scenes, fighting amongst themselves over territory, power, members, amongst many other things out of the public eye. Much like what was happening right now out of the public eye…

A man, eyes wide with terror, ran through one of the many back-alleys that made up the city. It was almost a maze at times, and he knew this. It was his intention to lose the person chasing him at this moment. Every now and then he would glance behind him, but the figure was still there...silently following after him without seeming to break a sweat no matter how hard he ran...still they walked after them and even seemed to be catching up without a hassle!

Gah! He knew he should’ve never gotten involved with that group….he knew they were nothing but trouble, why didn’t he listen to his gut?! He came to a sudden, skidding stop at that thought, barely saving himself from running headfirst into the glistening wires in front of him.

“Oh? You actually managed to see them? Impressive.” The man’s head shot upwards to look at the voice that spoke out to him...only to see a black cat with two mismatched eyes, one green the other yellow, looking down at him. That wasn’t the only strange thing about the cat, for the tip of its tail seemed to be on fire? He was obviously a familiar, this man knew that. For that was that mans familiar.

He went to open his mouth, only to let out a blood-curdling scream as he felt himself be grabbed by an unknown force and slammed into the ground. He could feel it digging into him now, like rope, his squirming just making them tighter around him. The small figure that had been following him had now caught up and placed a foot atop his back, pressing him into the ground. The man began to frantically try to think of something, anything, that would stop this monster!

“W-wait! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again, I promise!” The man was desperate as the smaller, cloaked figure gave no hint of a verbal response, simply raising their small, doll-like hand and slowly brought it into a half-fist, causing the tight feeling around him to intensify. Wounds, as if he was slowly being sliced through by string, started to form along his body as he howled in pain.

“Heh, you should’ve thought of that before trying to steal the artifact. No mercy for thieves and traitors Leo.” The cat spoke again, grooming itself slowly as it looked down upon his writhing form. The small figure seemed to look up at the cat now, pointing down at the man beneath them before making a slashing motion across their throat.

“Oh, of course you have to kill him. That’s kinda your job there Diligence.” The cat chuckled as the hooded figure nodded silently, the man speaking up once more.

“Wait! I can explain! I just-gah!” He was cut off as it felt like a rope had been wrapped around his entire body then tightened further and further, screaming as his arm was sliced clean off like a precise surgeon, blood gushing out of his wound and spraying all over the walls and the figures cloak. The figure stopped for a moment to reach up to their face and wipe a speck of blood off as the man writhed in agony.

Flames shot out from the man and wrapped around the figure, who seemed unperturbed as he started hurling abuse at them.

“You bitch! I’ll fucking kill you for that! Mark my words, we will-!” Having heard enough, the feminine hand finally clenched into a fist. Shortly after the man was sliced into fine little chunks with one last agonizing scream, the flames dying soon after.

“Heh, he should’ve tried fighting back to begin with. Would’ve ended better.” The cat remarked smugly, leaping down from its perch up above and seemed to float down onto the figures shoulder. After patting down a small fire on it, the cat wandered up to nuzzle against the figure's cheek. “You did well again Dilligence, though could you really stop with leaving so much blood everywhere? It’ll be a pain to clean up you know?”

The figure simply nodded at the cat’s words, leaning down as all the pieces of the man seemed to be dragged by an unseen force into a large pile. Luckily despite the cat’s complaints, they didn’t need to clean this mess up ...he was meant to be an example, so it was time to leave an impressionable one.

The click-clacking of heeled boots on tile echoed throughout the empty warehouse, a lone, slimly built woman being the source. Long, silvery-white hair flowed out over a dark, military-esque outfit with a red-collared top and red stripes along the sleeves over the top of a similar look skirt that ended above dark, thigh highs that ended with boots of yet again a similar design with a matching dark cloak over the top, her inquisitive, gentle eyes were a strange greyish-silver. In her hand, was a sheathed katana, which she seemed to be running against the darkened walls of the seemingly abandoned building.

Coming to a stop, she lets out a loud sigh before placing her hand on what looked to be just a wall. A soft glow radiated out from her glove, where a rather peculiar looking insignia resided. A moment later, a door glowing the same color seemed to materialize from thin air. Reaching down towards where the knob should be, she made a twisting motion with her hand. Responding to the ‘key’, the door slowly creaked open and the woman stepped inside.

Upon entering, she blinked a few times as she stepped out of the semi-darkness that enveloped the warehouse from before and was now basking in bright light. She wasn’t the first one here, the first two she saw being a man with silvery hair and cold topaz eyes wearing a blue coat, the other being a man wearing some comfortable, padded armor and was leaning against the wall, eyes closed though it was hard to tell through his dark fringe.

At her entrance, the two men, who seemed to be talking amongst themselves, stood at attention. The man leaning against the wall shot up, eyes open as he saluted, while the other man simply gave a brisk salute.

“I do apologize for my tardiness gentlemen, it really is hard to find your way here in the dark.” The woman chuckled. There didn’t seem to be many others here yet, so there wasn’t much need to say anything just yet.

“Lady Maylis.”

“Mistress Maylis.”

The two men greeted her at about the same time, the dark-haired man lowering his salute as the other sauntered over to her.

“The rest of Dieter’s team will be here shortly Lady Maylis, though I really must once again voice my disapproval of you going into that...madness with them.” Mr. Bluecoat frowned as he spoke, standing tall over the woman. She wasn’t even all that short, standing at five foot eight with a slim build, however, this man was about six foot two or so so almost towered over her.

“It’s fine Alister.” Maylis sighed. “I wish to see this team first-hand, so no better way than to go in with them, no? See them with my own two eyes. My main task is to observe, and if need be, intervene. I thought I had you briefed already?”
Alister seemed to hesitate for a moment, a twitch of his eye as Maylis looked up smugly towards him. That’s right, he could complain and mother hen her all he wanted, but as family head, Maylis Isamu’s word was effectively law. If she wished to go into Zero Time to fight alongside them? Well, no one had the right to stop her.

"If I may, Mistress Maylis?” The other man, Dieter, spoke up now in a respectful tone, causing both Alister and Maylis to turn to look towards him.

Gesturing to him before Alister can say a word, she simply says one word.


“As comforting as your presence would be, I am with Mr Rose here. We cannot just allow you to keep going into Zero Time like this, least we risk another ....” With a nod, he began to speak, but soon enough he too was hesitating as he looked towards their leader.

“Another what?” She asked dryly, frowning at what he was implying here. Her hand came to rest on the hip that her sword dwelled, tantalizingly close to the handle. “Another incident like my fathers? Rest easy, I do not plan on fighting the other two...families.”

She seemed to spit the last word out like it left a foul and disgusting after-taste in her mouth. Bah, they hardly qualified as ‘families’. Especially with how the Akechi treated their own members...just thinking about it made her face go dark for a moment, but she soon recomposed herself. She didn’t want to scare the ones who would be arriving any moment now.

“Besides, it’s hardly fitting for a leader to expect one of her own to go into the thick of danger, yet not go in herself no?”

This argument was a pretty common occurrence between Maylis and the other higher-ranked Isamu, who seemed intent on not letting her into Zero Time. However, getting through to the Isamu head was sometimes impossible once she set her mind on something….

This arguing would continue for a while, even as the others filtered in. Maylis would offer a quick greeting before getting right back into the matter, the duo arguing with Maylis seeming to get more and more animated while Maylis continued to exude her usual mature and calm exterior.

Clearly being blessed by a god is the way to go :P
They're saying you can grab a job then form a party, or maybe form one along the way. I believe that's what's she intends anyway
Hmm, even if I don't, he'll come to me at some point XD
Maribel doesn't have a party. She's a 'noob' XD
Hmm, the first time appearing at the guild-hall would suit the new trainee vibe I was going for. Maybe go looking for the guild master or something.
Hmm grand entrance. Doesn't really suit Maribel but tempting.
Man this IC blew up when I wasn't looking lol, time to start up a post I suppose.
EDIT: Step one, figuring out what a trainee paladin would be doing right now lol

While most chatted amongst themselves, or in general enjoyed the peace of the trip, Anemone instead was clinging onto the side of the questionable ferry, emptying her breakfast, lunch, and dinner into the ocean around them. She had hardly ever been on the ocean before, and when she had it was on far more...luxurious craft than whatever this pathetic excuse for a ship they were on was. She seemed to feel the ship rocked violently, even if it was just a small wave slapping into the side of the ship and would promptly heave some more.

So in other words, she was absolutely, positively miserable, glaring at the color-coded band on her wrist like it was to blame for her miserable condition, in her case a shade of green. The only reason she had decided to go on this trip was for three reasonably good reasons.
1. Her parents didn’t want her home for the summer.
2. Tony was going and she didn’t want to be alone without her serv-I mean partner.
And 3. It was a perfectly good excuse to slack off!

However, if she had known that the ship would be this... lackluster and pathetic, she wouldn’t have bothered coming! Even the furniture on board was like something out of a second-hand shop, like not even a good one but a crappy, dodgy cheap one. Just the thought of even sitting down on such unrefined garbage was enough to make her sick...well, not as sick as she was right now at least.

Tony, in comparison, was having the time of his life. He had never been on a boat before, but it seemed the sea was agreeing far better with him than it had with Anemone and some of their other classmates. He smelled the sea air before turning to his sick partner and speaking.

“This is perfect Anemone! We’re going to a beautiful island, enjoying the local culture and cuisine, AND I finished reading the 58-page report Ms.Opal gave us last night, so I know where all the great places to go are!”

He paused as he saw his partner’s face, but quickly misattributed the reasoning behind the green coloration.

“Are you trying to think of our team name? I have a great idea in case you can’t think of anything better - ‘Team Turquoise Thunder’! How cool is that?”

Looking over her shoulder at the boy, Anemone narrowed her eyes, went to speak, before proceeding to barf back over the edge. Wonderful. Were they there yet?

“Yeah...whatever works...I don’t care.” She was too sick to deal with this. Well, it was to be expected he had at least read the report, because as expected Anemone hadn’t even touched the thing. It was still in its envelope, in some random dumpster in Death City.

“It’s really...cool...yeah.”

Tony nearly jumped when Anemone hurled over the edge of the boat they were in. It was around this time that he realized that she didn’t seem to be enjoying the boat ride that had been going on for hours at this point.

“Oh jeez louise, are you okay Anemone? I can go ask Ms.Opal for some medicine or something…”

Tony had never been seasick before, so he was quite unprepared for this kind of situation. Usually, he’d be a lot more worried, but Tony couldn’t help but feel happy that their summer vacation was only an hour at most away.

“I think we’ll be at the island soon, so hopefully that helps...”

Well at least one of them was happy, that was something right? Well no, of course not. Because it was Anemone that was the one having the torrid time of things. Bloody lucky Tony seemed to have far better sealegs than the bratty Anemone could ever wish for.

“Oh yeah...I’m having a blast.” Came to her sarcastic response, hanging over the edge ever so slightly. Maybe it would be better to just drop in and drown? She seriously contemplated this till hearing their teacher speak up got the girl’s attention.

Land? Nearby?

That seemed to perk her up slightly, but only until she was puking her liver overboard. Or might as well be, she had already emptied everything else she could’ve at that point.

“I just need to get onto land is all Tony…”

Tony felt quite powerless to help his partner, something he was unused to after months of mostly doing her work for her. Still, things were getting better far sooner than either of the pair expected. The bell of the ferry started to ring, and the fog that had blocked their vision almost the entire boat ride seemingly diminished at the noise.

Luckily, it seemed the group had finally made it to the island. The teacher called out for everyone to get together and form lines, so Tony offered to help Anemone get into her line, looking at the island they would be calling home for the next three months.

Despite reading the report, the area just ahead of the docks they landed at seemed to be covered in vegetation and vines, quite unlike what Ms. Opal described. Even the ancient tower was perfectly fine…

Tony was confused by this but chose not to make a big deal out of it, unlike their teacher. The only thing he was nervous about was trekking through the veritable jungle that seemed to lie before them - his coordination and reflexes were very poor, so tripping was almost guaranteed to happen…

The demon weapon didn’t seem exactly steady, but with Tony’s help got into line, though it was closer to the edge in case she still had something else left to hurl overboard. Blissfully unaware of how strange the vegetation before them was, instead of more overjoyed to finally be able to get off this rickety, pathetic excuse of a boat.

Basically, everything the teacher said went in one ear and out the other, as per usual when most people tried to speak to the girl. She didn’t care for this one bit. She did, however, care to get off the boat! She practically threw herself off the boat and onto the port, sighing loudly as she...seemed to hug the port?

“Ground, never leave me again.”

Tony did his best to catch up and follow his partner to dry land - after waiting for his turn to be called down by Ms. Opal, or course. He offered her a hand up from the ground when she seemed finished with her port-hugging business, seemingly undisturbed by the behavior of Anemone, and looked to their instructor for guidance.

The meister didn’t seem to register the odd behavior of both the captain and the guards of the island - whether that was because he simply was busy trying not to trip over his feet or simply because he was unused to how people are supposed to talk to each other was anyone's guess. He only spoke up once they made it into the city, and saw how dilapidated and odd it was.

“Wow, I knew that this trip was worth it! Look at this place Anemone - can’t you just feel the culture?”

...Huh? What on earth was he talking about?

Anemone glanced about the city with a blank look on her face, which granted was nothing new...but wow. This place was...wow. Nothing like she had heard Tony ramble on about to her before. She had never seen a place like this before, that’s for sure.

Their teacher seemed taken aback by this as well. Man, was she getting stressed. Was she really the right person for this job? Like seriously.

“Yeah. Culture. Sure.” Eyeing the teacher as she made an effort to talk to the locals, Anemone yawned, stretching as she rested her hands against the back of her head. She wasn’t the most perceptive girl, or maybe she didn’t care enough to be perceptive, but man their teacher was in a worse way than even her on the boat just before. Speaking of which, the girl was still pale from the experience. And very hungry.

In fact, the thought of food was enough to cause her to start visibly drooling, taking her attention for off Ms. Opal for just the briefest moment

“Let’s just get some food, I’m starving. I could go for some lamb chops or something.”

Tony nodded as Anemone spoke, agreeing with her. The plane ride to Malta took over a dozen hours, followed by another few hours on boat - it would be nice to get an actual meal, instead of the plane food they had for the last few meals.

“That’s a good idea - I’m pretty hungry too. They’ll probably let us go once we get to the DWMA chapter here. If you see somewhere that looks good, point it out and we’ll go later… Do you think they take Visa here? I didn’t think to get any Euros before we arrived...”

Tony turned to their teacher, now eager to find out when the group of students would be able to disperse and get something filling to eat…

And he was just in time to see her morph into a sheep.

Tony was silent for a solid 5 seconds, before he vomited in a manner far too similar to Anemone a few dozen minutes ago.

“Oh… My god… Our teacher is a Sheep.”

Anemone was quick to move to the side as Tony decided it was his turn to unload his lunch, making a face as she watched him for a moment. She looked like that just minutes ago...didn’t she. While most much try to comfort their partner, she instead decided that not dwelling on the fact for much longer was the easier task, she instead turned her attention to her classmates...and immediately started losing interest.

“I guess there's chops.” Anemone stated openly, shrugging her shoulders as she looked at their former teacher. Great, she was more like a child than the rest of them, turn away for two seconds and all hell breaks loose.

She had the entire schedule and whatnot yeah? How were they meant to know where to go now? Bloody hell this was a pain. Scratching her head in visible annoyance, she eyed the others as they talked, she was already sore and over this trip and they had barely even started.

It took Tony a few minutes to calm down from the sudden loss of their teacher, and sole guide in a completely foreign country. Luckily, it seemed that he was the only one freaking out over this - perhaps his classmates simply had more experience with things like body transformation? Tony chose to believe this to be the case, considering he and Anemone were some of the youngest students there, and she was usually pretty level-headed.

Tony, like his partner, didn’t seem to hear much of what the other students were saying, although that was more from nausea then annoyance. Still, he did catch parts of the warnings that one of the younger girls gave - not eating any food seemed a bit extreme, and while Tony had lost most of his appetite, Anemone might still want to eat… It’d probably be fine once they made it to the DWMA chapter.

Seeing how the older students handled the situation, focusing on finding shelter and keeping Ms.Opal safe, did make Tony feel better, however - if a bit embarrassed that his reaction was so much more extreme than the others. It probably showed how inexperienced he was…

Tony turned to Anemone, after doing his best to straighten his outfit and fix his hair.

“Ms. Opal said something about a Parking lot before she… turned into that. Do you think if we get there, we’ll find the bus she was talking about?”

“Maybe? I don’t know.” Anemone shrugged her shoulders. How would she know? Only Ms. Opal knew the schedule they were running on, although Anemone hadn’t paid attention so she wouldn’t know anyway.

Though no food? Surely a little would be fine, right? Anemone’s stomach grumbled loudly, and rather audibly so, at that comment, glaring daggers at Arlette. Who was this again? It didn’t matter enough to Anemone to remember anyone but Tony’s name.

“Tch, who cares. Someone just take charge and make a plan, this is getting to be beyond a pain.” A couple of sparks flew off of the girl as she folded her arms over her chest and leaned back against a wall, her annoyance visible to all.

But for now, they did need a set leader...and preferably one that wasn’t currently a sheep would be ideal.

Tony nodded his head in agreement - while he would have tried to figure out a way to convey the same message with more tact, Anemone definitely hit the nail on the head with her statement. With Ms. Opal gone, they were all just a bunch of students in a foreign country, with no idea how to orient themselves…

Well, they were trained DWMA students, so they weren’t exactly helpless. Still, someone taking a leadership position would be for the best, if only to keep everyone organized and safe. While Tony’s heart told him that he should try and take charge of the situation, his mind quickly resolved that desire - he was one of the younger students, and his reaction to Ms. Opal’s transformation couldn’t have given the others too much faith in his abilities.

Luckily, at least some of the other students were talking among each other, but no one had seemed to settle on a single concise plan. Some people wanted to look for the DWMA chapter immediately, one of the students with Goggles wanted to guarantee Ms. Opal’s safety and take her to an expert that might be able to help her, and two students were talking about some Campsite while holding a map…

Personally, Tony wanted to try and investigate the Parking Lot, but the last thing he wanted to try and introduce into the situation was another option for everyone to think over. Besides, Tony was rapidly losing faith in the chances that this place would be safe enough to simply wait for help to arrive, especially since they had yet to see someone from this DWMA chapter… Besides, the student with the goggles made a good point about keeping planning quiet until they got somewhere away from the craziness going on here, and the majority seemed to start making their way to safety.

“We are going to need a leader sometime soon, until we can get to the DWMA chapter and get Ms.Opal some help… But finding shelter is definitely the smart thing to do before anything else.“

Tony paused a moment before adding onto his statement.

“And finding something safe to eat and drink is really important sometime soon. Especially if we plan on hiking through this mysterious jungle. Maybe canned foods and bottled water?”

Tony was feeling relatively fine at the moment, but he knew that his and the rest of his classmate's energy would drain fast in such a hot, humid, and difficult-to-navigate terrain. Meisters especially if the Demon Weapons would be in their weapon forms, but Anemone was already hungry so that needed to be taken care of soon, Besides, everyone would probably feel much safer after they secured some food and water supplies.
@World Traveler
I see Whina is going to have her hands full playing peacekeeper amongst the team then, for numerous reasons XD
@World Traveler
The man, the myth, the legend I see. I doubt he'll get along well with his gang leader, so that'll make for some interesting interactions in general.
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