𝕊𝕒𝕘𝕖 ℕ𝕠𝕖𝕞𝕚 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕤
(FC: hanakanzu, Dialogue Color: D19FE8)____________________________________________________________
| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |- Noe "like no?Ayyyyy"
- Noah
- Thỏ "mom says it's cause i'm lucky, but that seems sus."
| | A G E | |18, 21 December 2000, ♐
| | G E N D E R | |Female; Bro/Her/Hers
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |Demisexual brosexual?
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |"between my bros and spiritual journey to become the Sage, I haven't had time. But ya girl does want some cuddles"
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |"Nah fam, unless looking siiick 24/7 counts as a job."
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |Senior #co2020
| | I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E | |Height: 5’2.5"
Body Type: Petite & toned.
Hair Colour: Naturally black, but she's recently bleached two small front pieces that frame her face.
Eye Colour: Dark Brown.
Style: Sage tries to get away with wearing the boy's uniform from time to time, often cuffing the slacks to expose her ankles and give the appearance of being taller, she keeps the button-down untucked and the bottom three buttons undone and wears an oversized blazer. For the girl's uniform, she wears the skirt a bit shorter than intended, throws on the boy's sweater over the blouse, and chooses a pair of sneakers in place of the dress shoes.
On casual days Sage likes to experiment with her outfits and is still in the process of nailing down her personal favorite. So far she likes functional and comfortable clothing over anything else, lest an item of clothing prevents her from impulsive adventures or daring endeavors.
| | R E P U T A T I O N | |There aren’t very many people who don’t know Sage. After all, she’s the glue that’s managed to keep the infamous bro squad together and operating at a greater than functional level. Not necessarily the brains of this operation, but she sure does boost the morale on gloomy days, and lead them all on crazy adventures.
Sage is a liberated woman, who has no time to be held back by outdated gender roles, or societal taboos. She does what she wants when she wants— and doesn’t really give a damn what anyone thinks of that. Her smile is magnetic, and her unfussy, hyper-authentic honest and confidence make it easy to fall for her or want to be her best friend, or both.
And she’s always glad to expand her circle of friends and confidants.
| | H I S T O R Y | |Despite being born into a royal family of the fashion world, Sage lived a relatively normal life. She’s the youngest of two siblings and has been doted on since birth.
Despite living lavishly and without many restrictions she grew to be rather thoughtful and well-mannered (at least in one sense). Her days as a child were spent wandering the grounds of the university her mother taught at or following her father around his impressive and colorful work life.
Sage loved learning new things, picking up sewing as easily as she did mathematics. She was an easy child, who loved to learn new things and would keep herself busy doing so. In her preteen years, she spent more time away from her parent’s workplaces and grew into her own independence, following the beat of her own drum into all sorts of wild and reckless adventures. A particularly dumb idea to try out “parkour” with her friends landed the free-spirit a one-way ticket to MHS.
At first Sage took the news as a punishment, and reacted in accordance. The French girl acted out in rebellion, pulling inappropriate pranks and refused to apply herself in her classes. Eventually, by way of her many trips to detention, she gained a group of friends that has slowly expanded over the years. Not only has she found herself a group of bros, but she’s slowly figuring out that maybe.. just maybe she doesn’t want to inherit the Hermés line. Good thing she has a whole year to cause some ruckus with her bros figure it out.
| | B E Y O N D M Y R E P U T A T I O N | |As much as she would love to play it off, Sage isn’t just optimism and good times. There is a fear of being left out and left behind that plagues her, a little voice that echoes in her mind while she lays in bed staring at her ceiling. The future is something that excites her and terrifies her, and she is more frequently spending sleepless night ruminating on what’s to come for her, what choices she’ll be forced to make come the end of the school year.
| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |- She tutors the bros
- BJJ "Brown belt gang"
- The Fashion Club "I pop in from time to time, I mean my dad is currently the creative director for Hermés so ya know."
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | || B E S T |- Chemistry
- Math "yeah, haha, so funny"
- French "idk why they let me get away with it, lmaooo not my problem."
| W O R S T |- English "It's my third language, can't help it"
- History "American history is wild? wtfff shit sucks lmao"
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |- Sage spent her summers in New Zealand where her maternal grandparents retired. And has a New Zealand accent when she speaks english.
- At Home she speaks mostly French, sometimes Vietnamese.
- She 100% is wearing the sweater she borrowed from your closet looking at you brosapiens
- She is obsessed with Taro Milk tea and doesn't care if it makes her basic.
- She scares easy and 50/50 chance of her swinging on you in response.
- She's very affectionate and likes premarital hand holding and piggy back rides
- She's is in fact a virgin, and has submitted herself to the bullying from the bros.