Marble Heights Academy was built over 100 years ago, founded by a group of several San Francisco scholars following the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. The Academy was initially built as a place to harbor children who needed safety and the chance to learn during the rebuilding following the quake. At the time, public education was poor at best, but Marble Heights acted as a private entity, and people were willing to pay any price in their desperation to keep their children safe from the chaos.
Over the years, the Academy grew more famous and by the time construction of the Golden Gate Bridge had been completed, influential people were sending students from across the country to attend the prestigious Academy. Politicians, celebrities, and industry leaders sent their children to grow and learn on the grounds of Marble Heights. By the 1960s, even royalty from other countries were sending their children to Marble Heights.
Now, in the year 2019, Marble Heights Academy is attended by students from rich and affluent families, as well as offering scholarships for less privileged students with untapped potential. Recently, the school built new dorms, and though the historical ones are left standing, most students will be staying in the mini-skyscraper esque building thrown up over the last year. Rumor has it the building was built off of a single donation when the school turned down a particularly unruly student’s initial application.
Over the years, the Academy grew more famous and by the time construction of the Golden Gate Bridge had been completed, influential people were sending students from across the country to attend the prestigious Academy. Politicians, celebrities, and industry leaders sent their children to grow and learn on the grounds of Marble Heights. By the 1960s, even royalty from other countries were sending their children to Marble Heights.
Now, in the year 2019, Marble Heights Academy is attended by students from rich and affluent families, as well as offering scholarships for less privileged students with untapped potential. Recently, the school built new dorms, and though the historical ones are left standing, most students will be staying in the mini-skyscraper esque building thrown up over the last year. Rumor has it the building was built off of a single donation when the school turned down a particularly unruly student’s initial application.

The faculty and staff recognize students come in with a range of talents, abilities, and interests, and the school itself exists to nurture optimal growth, developing curious, creative, and confident leaders and learners. While partnering with parents in an effort to guide students on their Marble Heights journey, the private college preparatory experience encourages each individual to discover who they are and what they love. Not only will you develop empowering bonds within our supportive community, but you will also find opportunities to get involved and explore San Francisco on the weekends.

The staff of Marble Heights Academy are dedicated to the Academy’s core values of: integrity, professionalism, teamwork, and above all else, safety. Keeping our students safe is our number one priority; as a private boarding school, we recognize your children become our responsibility and we can assure you our grounds will be used only to foster their growth. Marble Heights aims to push students academically and offer unique opportunities professionally, guiding them down a starting path to lifelong careers.
Being an alumni from Marble Heights Academy is a unique resume mark for a student on the hunt for an Ivy League school.
Being an alumni from Marble Heights Academy is a unique resume mark for a student on the hunt for an Ivy League school.

“If you’re a nerd like me and you want to escape to a magical realm, I would recommend MHA to anyone! It’s like taking a trip to Hogwarts. Who doesn’t want to go to Hogwarts?! I highly suggest checking out our site because my article on the The Golden Gate Gazette is still out there from last year where you can read the reputation this place has with all kinds of paranormal activity. Think hallways filled with mist, hidden classrooms underground, some cool stuff! I don’t want to scare you away so I can promise you this place only has the best curriculum, that doesn’t only shape your mind but also your character and your well being. MHA will make sure you have the support you need, whether in grades or emotionally. Sometimes you gotta stay up all night doing projects and study sessions, but that’s why we have access to common rooms, the library, and the dining hall 24/7! As long as our RA is aware of our whereabouts, and we are in the permitted areas at night, this place is our oyster.”

Thus far we only have two apparent factions but you’re more than welcome to create your own group before the start of the rp and let us know their involvement in this never ending battle of power.
The Sisters, which is the Academy’s most popular clique, consist of three blonde bombshells that hold influence in different areas of the school. They assert their dominance and good looks to stay high up in the social ladder. For example, Skylar Powers is the right hand man to the Queen Bee, Savanna Hart. He is poly, pan, and proud, leads the Gender & Sexuality Alliance club, and is a loyal member of the school orchestra. His two passions and potential weaknesses are his pride and his music. There’s also his manipulative charm, which has led him to have strong control in the Fashion and the Photography clubs; consider him an honorary member. In addition to prioritizing his influence over the clubs that sway the public image, such as those with a keen eye for ‘shots’, he has ‘Little Birds’ throughout the school that feed him secrets. Ultimately, he makes sure he has students under his thumb, for the sake of his and his Sisters’ status.
Well, aside from the newspaper club, but to him that can be a hit or miss since students are more likely to read into pictures and videos than they are to read a lengthy article. The second known faction is The Golden Gate Gazette or the Triple G team. Led by Jamie Callaghen, the newspaper club is said to be the Switzerland of the school and that lie is believable because there are some naive, innocent individuals in the club. In reality, they have a bigger agenda that most kids don’t realize. Just read in between the lines and you’ll see there is more than meets the eye. They do their due diligence to keep the school informed, for better and for worse. They are neither top of the hierarchy or below it, but they are known. Journalists are not mere messengers, they aim to make change and their words and stories are their weapons. Rumor has it, that D.B. the self proclaimed Queen of the Geeks, member of the A/V club is considering making an appealing and mutually beneficial proposition to Jamie.
Little does anyone know that a new force will be joining the school this year to shake things up. Let’s see how well our students can handle this unforeseeable factor. Only time can tell.
The Sisters, which is the Academy’s most popular clique, consist of three blonde bombshells that hold influence in different areas of the school. They assert their dominance and good looks to stay high up in the social ladder. For example, Skylar Powers is the right hand man to the Queen Bee, Savanna Hart. He is poly, pan, and proud, leads the Gender & Sexuality Alliance club, and is a loyal member of the school orchestra. His two passions and potential weaknesses are his pride and his music. There’s also his manipulative charm, which has led him to have strong control in the Fashion and the Photography clubs; consider him an honorary member. In addition to prioritizing his influence over the clubs that sway the public image, such as those with a keen eye for ‘shots’, he has ‘Little Birds’ throughout the school that feed him secrets. Ultimately, he makes sure he has students under his thumb, for the sake of his and his Sisters’ status.
Well, aside from the newspaper club, but to him that can be a hit or miss since students are more likely to read into pictures and videos than they are to read a lengthy article. The second known faction is The Golden Gate Gazette or the Triple G team. Led by Jamie Callaghen, the newspaper club is said to be the Switzerland of the school and that lie is believable because there are some naive, innocent individuals in the club. In reality, they have a bigger agenda that most kids don’t realize. Just read in between the lines and you’ll see there is more than meets the eye. They do their due diligence to keep the school informed, for better and for worse. They are neither top of the hierarchy or below it, but they are known. Journalists are not mere messengers, they aim to make change and their words and stories are their weapons. Rumor has it, that D.B. the self proclaimed Queen of the Geeks, member of the A/V club is considering making an appealing and mutually beneficial proposition to Jamie.
Little does anyone know that a new force will be joining the school this year to shake things up. Let’s see how well our students can handle this unforeseeable factor. Only time can tell.

- Year is 2019 and characters can be between 14-18 (Freshmen to Seniors).
- Please do NOT post WIPs in the OOC. Just pm your sheet to yourself. We only want completed sheets in the OOC. Remember to tag us so we know you've posted your sheet and do not move your character over until after they're accepted.
- If you want a tattoo please make your character 18. No more than two tattoos, please. Underage kids with tattoos are unrealistic. If your character has tattoos, they will need to cover it up since this is a private school with a uniform. The uniforms are provided in discord, so if you need it please contact the gm team.
- If you want, you can put in the Extra Notes section of your sheet (very bottom of it) special items your character is bringing (in their luggage). In addition to this, if you are smuggling in contraband like drugs and booze, don't expect to get away with it. Your character is more than welcome to try, but do know if they are caught, consequences will be had.
- If your character has a job in the city, they will need written permission from a faculty or staff member. Transportation will be provided, unless they have their own car. There is a fee to have a vehicle at the school and students need written permission to leave school grounds during the week, even with their vehicle on grounds.
- Friday to Sunday there is a shuttle (Every 30 minutes from 8:00 AM to 9:30 PM) that goes from the school to the closest bus station in San Francisco. Please remember to bring your student key card to get in the gates. Curfew is 10 PM.
- This roleplay is focusing on the boarding school experience, so while parties won't be our focus, there still will be some. We're just not going to have a party every other scene. We plan to offer more of an immersive school experience, like Family Day, Dorm door decorating competitions, Movie Nights, a Halloween Carnival, and so much more!
- We expect there to be lots of IC drama, and hopefully no OOC drama. Once characters come into fruitation, feel free to start establishing relationships. If there's ever an issue, we want you to communicate with us. We can't help unless we know!
- We’ll be accepting characters from all around the world who are new students or have attended for their entire career as students (and everything in between). As I've said earlier, if you have any questions reach out to @Hey Im Jordan @Fabricant451 @LovelyComplex.
- Lastly: Any specifics on the school, please join us on discord or PM us! For example, the school mascot is the Sea Lions. For now, while we are still getting the logistics down, that's the most convenient way to find out anything else.