Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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@Heartfillia pfft Maribel is also a rank 6 :P and she has the power of god on her side
Jesus, I looked away for a day and this OOC explodes lol

Oh? So rumors of her arrival had already spread throughout the guild? It wasn't surprising seeing as a Paladin was something of big news, but she didn't think that she herself deserved anything special like that. That made things a little easier, especially seeing as the man before her, Leon, was also from the church of Mayon! What a coincidence indeed! He must be a cleric or maybe a priest, something of that sort judging by his attire. "It's a pleasure to meet you, a fellow Mayonite, as well, Leon. Mayon herself must've guided us to meet this day." Her beaming smile returned as she went to look down at the paper before suddenly her smile was wiped as a realization hit her.

"Oh dear, I must apologize for my disgraceful manner! I got so excited that I forgot to introduce myself properly...er despite the fact you probably already seem to know, I go by the name Maribel Eclipse. As your adventuring junior, I do hope you can excuse my lack of experience in such a field...and um, a pleasure to meet you both!" Bowing her head respectfully towards the duo, she finally allowed herself to look over the sheet of paper on the table.

So they were to go to an abandoned monastery and recover relics? She had simplified it in her mind, but it really was 'as simple' as that really. There sounded like there was danger, but that was also the perfect test of her otherwise untested skills wasn't it! Ah, just the thought of her first adventure brought the smile back to her features.

At the mention of additional party members though...

"I, unfortunately, do not know any of these adventurers actually so...um..." She paused and looked around. Was there anyone free to join them anyway? John here didn't seem to think so, and she seemed to have been here long enough to know these things. Maribel thought so at any rate.

"I'm sure that between us three, we can handle anything at any rate! If not...uh we can make it work!" Ah, her optimism and naivety knew no bounds.
Looks like two groups for the Monastery lol
Team Deathmatch over it

Artemis was the first to arrive of the gang, soon followed by Zeke, Elliot, and Saori. Though the latter came from further below, where her lab connected to their little gathering room, she hadn’t even bothered to change out of her blood-stained clothes, not that Whina seemed to notice or mind. As the others had filed in, her mopey mood seemed to switch to much more of an energetic and friendly one as she greeted each gang member in turn, though when she turned to Zeke her eyes resembled more that of sparklers. A series of happy nodding was directed at Zeke for his comments, she had thought so too!

“I know right? I got it last week and at the price it was, I knew I just had to have it. There was also a really nice red...uh suppose that’s not relevant huh?” She caught herself mid-rant as a sheepish look crossed the girl’s face.

“Zero Time, Null Time. Same same yeah?” This time she looked to Saori and Artemis, giving the older woman a blank look at what she said. To be perfectly honest, Whina felt very much the same about Zero Time…

Like, what was the point of this all? The vessels emptied faster than anyone could fill them...it seemed rather silly to believe in this absurd legend right?

“For your...research? How would they help?” She hadn’t the foggiest what Saori really did, to be honest, all the science went in one ear and out the other. But it seemed important at any rate, so she lent her a hand whenever the girl could, honestly just trying to follow the instructions given as closely as possible to avoid messing anything up.

“I uh...guess you can take some? Assuming they don’t break apart or anything. But anyway, it seems everyone who’s coming is here...so uh.” Clapping her hands together, the girl looked away for a moment before looking down at her lap. Then her attention turned to the table in front of her. What exactly was the problem at hand? Well, that was easy. The ditz had forgotten the brief she had been given from her grandfather on the way here.

And she remembered where she had left it too. In the back of the taxi they had taken to get here….

“Um...Well, I guess if everyone’s here and ready to go then we don’t have a moment to lose yeah? Don’t want the other families to jump the gun on us! Hahaha...ha ....” This was normally the part where she was to give a quick run-down on what they had gleaned from this Zero Time event, however, seeing as she had forgotten the briefing...well she had as much knowledge as the rest of them. Lovely.

Scrambling through a small leather purse now, she pulled out a small pouch with a rock tied around it. Pocketing the pouch, she got up a little too quickly now and nearly tripped over the table, but caught herself. Gah, how could today get any worse….

As the first member of his team, Takuto, entered the room, he looked up from the papers he was perusing before glancing down at his watch. “15 minutes early? Very good Takuto. I wish the others were as punctual as yourself.” Praise, a rare thing indeed from a man that desired perfection. While he wouldn’t say 15 minutes early was overly praiseworthy, considering the other's tendencies...this really was the best he could hope for from any of them.

Hector said nothing else now as he went back to reading the intelligence for perhaps the fifth time it was by now. Cross-checking and confirming he understood what was written. Because if he was...this was rather peculiar.

About five minutes later, another person strolled into the room. It wasn’t Jana or Kizuna, nor was it Maya. It was indeed a man with dark hair and piercing onyx eyes, even more so with his glasses seeming to enhance his gaze that seemed to see straight through to your soul.

“Ah Cassius, you’re normally the first here. Mr. Kurokami here has beaten you today, however, which is disappointing. I’m sure you’ll strive to do better next time though.” A strained smile flashed on Hector’s face for a moment as the other man’s gaze fell upon Takuto...oh yeah he was mad with the newer mage. Just how he narrowed his gaze at the man signaled his displeasure.

“I see...that’s unfortunate, I will do better next time so as to not fail your expectations, Mr Johnson.” Not tearing his gaze away from Takuto for a moment, he went and sat down at the chair opposite as they awaited the rest of the team.

Before things could get too awkward however, Jana and Kizuna came almost running in. Jana’s accusing words and looks only made Hector smile slightly. “I haven’t the slightest as to what you’re referring to Ms. Reid. However, it is good to see that you and Ms. Enishi here early for once.” Tapping the paper on the table, he sorted it into a neat pile as Maya snuck in behind the newly arrived duo.

Even so, she didn’t escape Hector’s gaze.

“Ms. Dozier, nice of you to join us. And not a moment to spare at that. I would expect one to be a little earlier to their job, but I suppose I shouldn’t hold mercenaries to such basic standards.” Hector’s smile faded as he turned to the gathered mages. They were still missing a member...however that could wait. She was somewhat of an...exception. As much as Hector hated it.

“Well, it is 1600 on the dot so I suppose it’s time for the run-downs. I do apologize as I must keep this brief, for you see we have a rather...peculiar situation forming.”

With a sigh, Hector removed his glasses, pulling out a cloth from his pocket at the same time as he began to wipe his reading spectacles.

“As you’re already more than well aware, your job will be to enter Zero Time and extract the Soul Essence within. Ms. Dozier here is on to provide support against the monsters that dwell within, so far nothing out of the normal.” Holding up his glasses to inspect them, he seemed overly casual despite mentioning a peculiar situation just before. Though as he went to continue now, his tone took a decidedly darker turn to it.

“However, you see this is where the problems start. A monster has in fact...merged with a Soul Essence vein. Mutating it. We have very little info to go on for this monster, however, bringing it down is our number one objective. If this monster is capable of absorbing Soul Essence...then we must stop it from doing so to the rest of the veins. In the process, we believe we can still gather the Soul Essence it has absorbed so it’s two birds, one stone. This isn’t the only problem, however.” Seeming happy with his glasses, he now threw them over his shoulder before they loudly shattered somewhere else in the room.

Ah, that felt so much better to vent just even a little.

“Reports state there are only seven veins this time, including the one absorbed by the beast. So we must act swiftly if we are to secure the Soul Essence, and each one seems to have...warped the area around them. You’ll understand when you see it, trust me it’s quite the sight.” Pulling on his gloves, he stood up now and nodded.

“There are other...potential issues, however, I believe those are the most pressing matters and most related to us, and unfortunately time is against us so I do not have time to...oh yes, I almost forgot.” Pausing for a moment, he seemed to mentally slap himself for forgetting to mention such a detail. “It seems that the warping within Zero Time has...destabilized it somewhat. Meaning we believe it to last around...half the time it usually does. Hence why we must hurry, so once again I do apologize for not supplying you with sufficient information this time.”

Before he had even finished he had already brought into view a small bracelet, with a series of gemstones dangling from it. “Make final preparations. We go in five.”

“Ah Father Nass, it is good to see you as well...how fares Father Sumernor?” At Nass’s arrival, Maylis turned on her heels to face him with a beaming smile on her face. This meant she turned her back to the two fellows trying to argue with her and began ignoring them, this all causing Alister’s veins to seemingly be trying to burst in front of everyone.

“Lady Maylis...Don’t change the subject. Also, I didn’t hear the door open....does that mean you left it open? Again?” An exasperated sigh escaped the man as Maylis stiffened up for a moment, eyes shiftily moving about.

“Hahaha... don't be crazy Alister! You uh...just couldn’t hear him over your persistent nagging. Yeah, you’re being crazy loud Alister.” It was a terrible effort to cover her tracks, Alister could see right through as he audibly groaned and covered his face.

And she was trying to tell him that she was to be trusted in Zero Time? She couldn’t even be trusted to shut the damn door.

That was when the twins now followed suit, Maylis greeting them with a wide smile as well.

“Oh, it’s nothing Ren, nothing at all. Nothing important at least.” Clasping her hands together, she looked at the three gathered mages then towards the door expectantly. Uh, where was everyone else? Not wanting to make things awkward, and also not wanting to give Dieter or Alister another chance to try and argue with her, she turned to the twins in particular once again.

“So are you and Rin excited to meet your new squad-mates?” Before now, they had kinda floated between squads but Maylis had finally finished preparing a squad for them to join full-time.

Even if she had to form a completely new one as a result.

“Mistress Maylis...this subject is hardly ‘nothing important’. We’re talking about your safety here, and the greater picture of how it affects the Isamu.” Dieter groaned, rubbing his temples as an exasperated sigh left Alister. Why was she like this? Well, Alister knew the reasons why...he knew them all too well in fact.

“And as I keep telling you both, I am more than capable of fending for myself. You both know this and have seen it first-hand, in fact, I’m more capable than the two of you combined. I am going, end of conversation. I will not listen to any more arguments on the matter.” A serious tone crept into her voice, the atmosphere around the trio seeming to grow heavy for a moment as Maylis straightened herself up to stare upwards at the taller men.

“Unless you think you can stop me that is?”
Hmm, could be fun to do.

Bright-eyed and brimming with a childlike mixture of excitement and anxiety, the young Paladin in training pushed open the thick wooden doors that lead to the guildhall interior. Everything about her screamed newbie, from her freshly polished, untarnished armor, to her flawless complexion, all the way to the visible, innocent aura of bubbly excitement that seemed to radiate off the young woman. Or was that holy radiance? Bah, who knew the difference anyway.

She had been sent to the guild to gain valuable experience as part of her Paladin training from the church, although this wasn't her first time here in fact. She had already been here a few times to deal with paperwork, interviews and the such. She had spoken to a few of the guild members as well, though she regretfully had already forgotten most of their names. She was sure they would come back to her if she talked to them at any rate. All that mattered was to have such formalities dealt with swiftly like this, it meant more adventure work for her! Speaking of which, she would need to work to earn her keep as an adventurer, but being a newcomer she was without a party. Should she form one? Join an existing one? Maybe go solo?

All these thoughts and more rushed through the girl's mind as she strode through the door, struggling to contain the giddiness she felt. A paladin must always keep their emotions masked, it helped keep them impartial to everything. She thought she was doing a good job of it, but the beaming grin and glistening brown eyes, framed by loose locks of red hair, she wore suggested otherwise.

Now then, what was she to do? She could see groups of adventurers off to the side everywhere she looked. Should she strike up a conversation with one of them? She would feel rude trying to barge in on a party though...hmm, maybe she should just go up to the quest board instead? If she at least pretended to be looking at quests, then someone might approach her?

The girl was tall, which coupled with her striking red hair, obviously new and well-made equipment and her shield bearing the symbol of Mayon, perhaps the most important factor, she kinda stood out like a sore thumb. And hey, who wouldn't want a Paladin in their party? Even if she was just a trainee. Nodding to herself at her, in her mind at least, ingenious plan, she took a step towards the board before suddenly whipping her head back.

That armor-clad person...seemed familiar. Ah yes, who could forget such an appearance! As in seriously, clad in armor head to toe like that was kinda impressionable. She had talked to the woman beneath the armor a couple of times when she had come in to do paperwork...what was her name again? Jennifer? No...

Jessie? No definitely not...ah that's right, John! Yep, definitely looked like a John. She seemed to be talking to someone else at the moment though, a young man around her age. Welp, guess talking to them was better than standing around like an idiot...like she was currently doing right now. Finally moved into action, the young woman approached the duo just as Jane finished speaking.

Did she just mention something about looking for people to invite? If so...

"Oh? Looking for party members? What a coincidence, so am I!" Her beaming smile only grew as she butted in on the conversation. Perhaps if she wasn't so excited, she might've tried being a little more...courteous about doing so. But as it stood, she saw a chance to do some action so now wasn't the time to be dragging her heels. "What's the quest? I would love to join you both!"
Oh yeah well in that case I still agree with, hardly slow lol
What he’s looking for is people with literally nothing else to do...
Or 1x1s
'too slow'
42 posts in 2 days is slow? O.o
I haven't even gotten a post in yet XD
EDIT: Wait, you lied to me Heartfillia, it's been five days!

When the other members of Gang 13 arrived at the designated meeting place, they had a rather large, spacious basement under a cafe owned by the Rikimaru fully furnished with plush chairs, electronics, tables, beanbags, a large fridge; everything they could ever need. The first thing they would notice is that their young and...rowdy leader, Frieda Necromantia, was once again a no show. What else was new?

She was infamous even amongst the Rikimaru for her chaotic and frankly rather insane take to things. It was probably for the best that she wasn’t here anyway, thought the ginger-haired girl that was seated at the head of a long table lined with around twenty cushioned wooden chairs on either side.

Her usually unruly and long ginger hair that was commonly tied into two tails, was instead just the one long ponytail that ended just above a , a loose-fitting, long-sleeved blue blouse, that exposed a shoulder, with a orange sweater tied around her waist and black tights. She had already taken off her shoes and replaced them with more comfortable sneakers, which somewhat contrasted the far more ‘dressed to impress’ look the slender, well-endowed girl had gone with.

She had been out shopping with friends when she had gotten the call to come in, dreading it all day. No one else could deal with Frieda, nor her gang for that matter. So the only one else willing to lead this group of misfits was the young girl seated right here and now.

Gang 13 was one of the gangs charged with entering Zero Time and collecting Soul Essence, so naturally for one who wasn’t actually allowed in Zero Time, this sort of gathering was normally rather...troublesome and awkward for all those involved. She questioned sometimes why her grandfather didn’t move Frieda elsewhere, but suppose rules were rules...even archaic ones.

Sprawled out on her chest on the table, Whina sighed, she snuck a glance slightly up to her right where Dunkas stood. The absolute mountain of a man standing off just to the side, because where else would he be? He had been following her all day, even during her day out with her friends from school. He at least had the decency to stay further back than usual...yet he still stuck out like a sore thumb at the clothing stores, earning strange, concerned looks from the customers and staff alike.

Her face sunk back into her slender arms, sighing again. Just one night was all she wanted. Was that too much? She would scream in frustration right now, but she didn’t want to give Dunkas any more concerns than the protective man needed. Instead, she just waited to see who, or rather how many, from the gang would actually show up today.

Hector Timothy Johnson, a man of renowned discipline, even amongst the Akechi he strove for perfection second only to his long-time friend, Touma Akechi. Though unlike his old friend, he knew there would always be bumps along the road to perfection….

Dark hair, cold brown eyes and clad in a collared shirt, hooded jumper and trousers, all of which were as dark as his hair and look, that didn’t do justice to his surprisingly strong build. Currently, he stood, conversing with the family head through the use of his telepathy magic, enhanced by what seemed to be a phone with a rather large and expensive gem sticking out of it.

“Understood sir, consider it done.” Ending his call with Touma, Hector let out a sigh before sending out a mass message to his team through a similar telepathic link that he shared with Touma. ‘It’s a go. Meet at the usual, 1800 hours.’ His brief message delivered, the man turned on his heels, well on his way to his team's meeting place.

It would do no good for the Squad Leader to be late, no? He had a reputation to uphold.

Their meeting place was simply a...well meeting room located on the outer residence. The kind that one would expect to be used for presentations and the like for businesses. It was a professional approach to things Hector believed, besides he and his elite squad only needed the small room to prepare for what would lay ahead at any rate.

Naturally, he was the first to arrive, around half an hour early even. This allowed him time to dwell on the details that Touma had given him, as well as the details an intern from the Reconnaissance division now delivered to him and hurriedly dashed off without a word.

Reaching into a pocket and retrieving his reading glasses, Hector poured over the information as he awaited his team’s full gathering. He expected them to be on time, otherwise, they themselves knew they were going to get an earful.
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