Avatar of Lurking Krog


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1 yr ago
Current Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
2 yrs ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
3 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
3 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
3 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.


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Beigeiros: What is thing you call 'ice cream'?
Hag, tearing up: ... oh you poor boy.

Didn't think of it this way but it makes it even better.

The sights, sounds, and smells of the market were all overwhelming to the Goliath at first. It took all he had to keep his attention on following Lissandra's path through the market. Once they had arrived at their destination, Beigeiros's attention was drawn to the bheur hag calling out to them. He wasn't sure about the item in question but he was curious enough to see what it was. Warily he approached the hag's stand. "A cone of cold? What exactly is it? I cannot say I've heard of that before." He cast a glance to the others to see if Lissandra had grabbed the portal key from her bag yet.

The temperature of the area dropping as it had drew Jørmund's concern and much of his attention as he pondered what it ment. He picky half heard what the imp had said, barely catching that it had implied that the northmen brought the cold with them. This was a possibility that one of them struck some terrible deal with one of the terrible gods of winter. That in exchange for saving themselves or a village they would bring the bitter cold to regions that have rarely known frost to fall.

The cleric kept quiet and listened to his companions and the imp exchange words not really interested in dealing with a devil. When Aura snatched the contract to read it and then spoke her peace about the terms he nodded in agreement with her last statement. To him as well it seemed this contract was not to the favor of the group.

Jørmund went to the cart and started to lead the horses onward having resolved to just ignore the imp and press onward. At this point he wanted to get to Zephyr and get out of the weather. This cold was a bad enough omen without the imp appearing with furs and contract. "Let's go. Staying out in this cold will do no one any good. The sooner we get to the village the sooner we can get around a fire."

Beigeiros was unfamiliar with how things typically went in Sigil, though judging by Lissandra's response the fact things were going well for her was a miracle of sorts. That left him with a poorer impression of the city than before. Lissandra mentioning how fickle the portals are had him sensing the urgency of the matter as well.

As Lissandra introduced him to Aaliyah, Beigeiros gave a curtious nod. When the owl perched on Aaliyah's head and started to puff up itself he couldn't help but laugh. "Bruno will have to try harder than that to be intimidating." He said as he moved to ruffle the feathers on the top of the owls head. "It is nice to meet you as well Aaliyah. Hopefully there is something left of my home and people that we cam figure out what happened."

He turned to Mariel and looked at the emblem she presented. His disposition changed to a more somber one, though notes of relief and slight happiness could be heard in his voice. "It is heartening to see you as well. Let this be a good omen that we will find those who are missing."

Yes been working on a post. Should have it up today tomorrow the latest.

Aurora took note of the thunder cloud that was to their right as the Bullywugs were leading them to King Gullop XIX. She rembered that Charm had mentioned they had a shop there and it would be something to check out. Hopefully there would be items there they could use.

Turning back to the task at hand, Aurora started to evaluate the surroundings, look for but not finding vantage points. She looked at her Bullywug companions to see how they were reaction to the nearness of their objective. If they started to show signs of falling through on it the elf wanted to know so she could adjust the plan as needed.

"Would you prefer to provide the distraction or would you prefer me to Illig?" Aurora asked the lead rebel bullywug in a low voice so that only they could hear.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would we have learned the name of the rebel bullwug leader at this point?
Alright, so the plan is to just gank the king as hard as possible with only a slight concern on my behalf for possibly freeing a knight for assistance.

Sounds about right. Aurora may be up for letting the prisoner out as well if it would help them.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

What can Rory see in regards to possible perches or vantage points she could use?
I suppose that would be another question(s) as well, after the king is killed would the knights simply give up or would they pursue until told otherwise? Would they even accept the change of kings? Is their a knight that they might be dissatisfied with king Gullop?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I think the last thing Aurora would ask the Bullywugs is how many guards the king might have.

After that I think I'm good on my end to move on.
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