Avatar of Lurking Krog


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1 yr ago
Current Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
2 yrs ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
3 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
3 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
3 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.


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"Why would you suspect there is another shoe to drop? While I suspect Charm does not have the best intentions to us I do not think that a reason to be concerned. That being said I do not think this shop with be anything ordinary either. Having been here for gods know how long, and what little bit I remember from stories, very little in this place is ordinary."

As the group approached Aurora noticed charm sitting with a smoke filled crystal orb in front of her. The eerily calm greeting from Charm did unsettled Aurora. Something about Charm bothered her all together. She knew that Charm had advised Bavlorna to leave Downfall and that they believed the group would be trapped here. Aurora did her best to bury the emotion and keep her expression on of naivety. "Yes we did meet briefly at Bavlorna's home. I remember you saying you had a shop out here under a thunder cloud. I'm not really see much of interest. Do you have thing else? " She asked looking around to see if there was anything else.
Oh boy this may be interesting, had to go back and look at some things that Aurora caught back at the cottage. Just what she noticed about the lack of shadow and the conversation between Bavlorna and Charm.

"Not sell, give. The imp implied these were gifts and for us and the people of your village." Jørmund said while still looking down the road and leading the horses. He had not expected his suggestion to have been as well received by Mar'a'gan and was now regretting opening his mouth. "I suggested what I did expecting them to turn down the idea. I did not expect them to think it was a good idea for them. I do apologize for my suggestion possibly bringing misfortune to your home, little good my apologie may be. All I can do now is help resolve what ever is bringing this cold so they will not need those furs from that twice cursed devil."

He shift the weight of his mail some to keep the cold steel off of the areas where the gambeson and undershirt did not cover his skin. They would need to work fast before it got colder and possibly brought snow. Jørmund wasn't sure how cold it normally got down here, but back home early snows could often be detrimental to harvest and cause even more problems for the unprepared.

Aurora took the book while giving an appreciation head nod. "Thank you for your kind hospitality and gift king Illig. We will remember the gift you have given. If we may, I believe my companions and I would like to visit the thunder cloud as I have heard there is a merchant there. I'm sure my companions would like to resupply before we go on any other ventures as well as I do." She said as she started to stowe the book in her bag. With a quick glance to the others, Aurora turns to leave the Bullywug court. She couldn't help but wonder if she made the right deal, and if Jub and Brutrumukk had managed to get to safety in the balloon. She might have to ask one of the guards later for more details.

The elf kept her pace consistent as she walked back towards the thunder cloud, waiting till they were all away from the Bullywugs. "It appears that our two lost companions have stowed away on a balloon. That might complicate our plan in dealing with Bavlorna. I'm honestly surprised that there were not more injured Bullywugs given how prone to fighting Brutrumukk is."

Aurora looked to the sky for any signs of the balloon wondering where the pair had ended up or if they were just floating through Hither.

Beigeiros dug into his coin purse and pulled out two silver coins. "I'll buy four, one for each of my companions and myself. Do you have any blackberry flavored?" he asked as he set the coins down on the display and gestured to the others to pick out what they wanted. He looked over each displa, wondering which would be flavored most like blackberries.
How's everyone doing?

It was all over before Aurora realized it. She hadn't even caught the conversation between Illig and the other nobles. Her eyes were drawn to the head as it rolled away from the corpse of the former king of the bullywugs. Part of her wondered if this was a good idea and if Illig would honor the agreement.

Aurora approached and gave a slight bow. "Congratulations King Illig, may your rule be long. If we may, my companions and I would like to resume working on some tasks given to us. We have much to do and little time to do it in. No doubt you will remember the services we gave you to aide in your ascension to becoming king." She bowed again this time trying to get a better look at the book Gullop had in his hands.
Interesting, I was expecting a battle as well.

"Bargain, no bargain it matters not what you bring us we will be more likely to send you back on your way contracts unsigned. If you truly mean the furs come with no strings take them to the people yourself. I've already had enough of being the mule for Midnight's dirty work." Jørmund call over his shoulder as he leads the horses onward.

Aurora considered briefly before stepping forward to catch the attention of the King and his knights. Greetings. I beg pardon if my companions and I are ariving at a bad time but we seem to have been brought to this area against our will by Agdon Longscarf. We are looking for a way to get to someone who could return us home." She tried to keep herself ready to move once Illig makes his move while not appearing suspicious.
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