Avatar of MacabreFox
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: MacabreFox
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1510 (0.39 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MacabreFox 11 yrs ago
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Yes, I left my post for Sevine ending in a grapple with Armiger 9.

Poo, I did some back tracking to the post where Peik first announced the dice rolls, and where we claimed each Armiger to attack. You did say that your first target was 8, then 7’ll get the axe.

Lololol I just need to know if Sevine is still attacking 9.
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>


Haha nah, just wanted to remove the repeat of bow/arrows and add some gold in :'3 I'm trying to figure out how much would make sense without being too cumbersome/noisy to carry.

@Dervish@Leidenschaft Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe we settled on 250 septims being able to be carried physically on your person. That’s equivalent to carrying around 250 quarters, which you’re right, is quite noisy/cumbersome.

I'm super glad (and relieved ^_^') you guys liked my sheet!

I may or may not have grinned and danced

I was looking over my sheet again and saw that I want to make some changes in her belongings. Would that be alright? Mostly it was repetition, and I saw she had potion making stuff when she's not really into alchemy..

Unless it makes sense for her to know a lone potion recipe? If that's fine then I'll keep it there ^_^

Whatever makes sense to you! I don’t think it’s a problem in particular, as long as you notify us of changes made to the inventory, it’s quite alright. We wouldn’t want an Ebony sword suddenly appearing in there though!
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

No I am not. Is it everything I hope it is?

There’s only one way to find out... if this tickles your funny bone then yes


@MacabreFox @Leidenschaft @Dervish

Gods have mercy. That was quite a read! Now I really have a feeling of what kind of person Nanine is! You tied everything together beautifully.

@DearTrickster Are you familiar with the FB Page, Classical Art Memes??

@Leidenschaft that’s your cue homeboi

I love the George Washington memes yo, couldn’t help myself!
I've made a couple of edits to Gaius' bio, specifically the last paragraph.

For Your Convenience

Looks pretty good to me!

I’ll leave it up to the other half of the Holy Trinity @Leidenschaft@Dervish

You have my interest! I'll aim to get an application done before the deadline, if you'll have me. :D

Rozey Pozey!!!! :D
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Might be, I might not be.

I also may or may not be slowly and arduously refining a character idea.

That character idea may or may not include a sadistic healer that only employs his services to people so he can secretly watch their bones and flesh grossly and painfully fuse back into place.

I may or may not be highly intrigued with said character idea.

I may or may not be making some popcorn to enjoy while waiting.
@Frizan I see you lurking Friz-Master
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