Genre: Fantasy, Monster, Sandbox, Humour
Tone: Moustache-twirling B Movie Villainy, dark with a touch of humour. Mature themes may be mentioned but only in passing.
Tech Level: Definitely-A-Bad-Idea Steampunk meets medieval wizardry.
Scale: 2 - 4 Players, one boss character each. (players will have minions down the line)
Mechanics: Dungeon Building, Raiding, Objective Based, Aspects of Communal Planning.
System: Wicked Ones, a D6 system. No previous experience required.
Tone: Moustache-twirling B Movie Villainy, dark with a touch of humour. Mature themes may be mentioned but only in passing.
Tech Level: Definitely-A-Bad-Idea Steampunk meets medieval wizardry.
Scale: 2 - 4 Players, one boss character each. (players will have minions down the line)
Mechanics: Dungeon Building, Raiding, Objective Based, Aspects of Communal Planning.
System: Wicked Ones, a D6 system. No previous experience required.
Be a Monster, build a Dungeon, kill Adventurers, grow your Hoard.
You are a Monster who survived a calamity brought by the Light. You have banded together with the last dredges of your previous home and traipsed across this weary landscape to a faraway land, burrowing deep into the earth there and biding your time in the dark. A Dungeon sprouts around you, but it is new and vulnerable and easy pickings. You will provide it's nutrition. You will mould and tend it's growth. You are a ~ DUNGEON LORD ~
It sounds great in your head. In reality, however, you are mostly-incompetent beast driven by a dark impulse. It compels you, compels you away from your goals and towards satiating your monstrous urges like finding something really shiny. You are prone to flights of fancy and throwing caution to the wind. Together with your peers and minions, you might just manage to throw together a ramshackled dungeon of mad design, and possibly die not-so-gloriously in it's defence. Failing that, you could always just take over the world I guess.
This is an RPG where instead of being an adventurer killing monsters in a dungeon and looting them, you are the monster building a dungeon killing adventurers and looting them. It is possible your character will die, but your dungeon will live on, ready to spawn more creatures. Unless you do a very bad job of protecting it.
During the course of the game characters have access to things like potion making, trapbuilding, magical item crafting, faustian pactmaking, minionry and dungeon building. This roleplay is an opportunity to have characters that make terrible decisions, throw themselves into terrific circumstance, and develop a world-devouring cozy home.
If you're interested, please state your initial concept for monster race and what kind of class you're leaning to.
There's also some info on Dungeon Types and Dark Impulses if you're so inclined to get an idea of what that's about.
Class aka Callings are briefly outlined below, and monster race you have alot of freedom with.
Brute - Conniver - Crafter - Hunter - Marauder - Shadow - Shaman - Warlock - Zealot