___________________________________________ D A R I N G & A M B I T I O U S M A G E S S O R C E R Y: You can spend stress to INVOKE tier 2 or tier 3 spells of a single sorcery path, choose one: enchantment - evocation - force mastery - illusion - necromancy - pyromancy
___________________________________________ You gain a downtime action which you can only use to incant rituals to make magic items. These rituals also require one less special requirement than usual. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ On a success when resisting magical effects, you also (choose one): absorb the spell and clear 1 stress - establish a quirk about the caster’s power - reflect the spell at the caster. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You're magically bonded to a small critter, no bigger than a cat. You can speak telepathically while it's close by. Choose two actions that it excels at, which you roll your own INVOKE for. You roll 0d on anything else. It's knocked out of a scene when bloodied and magically returns during recovery. You can spend stress to cast a tier 1 spell through it. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can choose a second path for your SORCERY core ability and can cast from any sorcery path with only a single magic focus. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You open yourself to a torrent of power. You take +1d when you go hard with a spell, but you can't resist any consequences from the roll. On a critical, you clear 1 stress. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ When you deliver a killing blow with a weapon, you reap the soul of your victim. You can expend this soul later to cast a spell without spending stress, also taking +1d on the roll. You can only hold one reaped soul at a time. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can spend stress to assume an amorphous form for a few moments, such as a swarm or a fog. You gain any strengths and weaknesses the form possesses and can roll Invoke to perform actions it would excel at. All of these are chosen when you first take this ability. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ T E R R I F Y I N G & V E N G E F U L W I T C H E S W I T C H C R A F T: You can spend stress to INVOKE tier 2 or tier 3 spells of a single witchcraft path, choose one: Bloodreading - Soothsaying - Spiritcalling - Stormstrike - Wildheart
___________________________________________ You can spend stress to assume the form of a beast. While in this form, one of your actions swaps ratings with another and you gain either Primal Ability or a special ability from another calling. You also gain a second dark impulse while in this form. All of these are chosen when you first take this ability. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You have a magically bonded spirit or pack instead of minions. It has the companion upgrade and powers (choose two): become invisible - manifest physically - possess the weak-minded - reveal information about the past. It can use each once per cycle. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Your control of chaotic situations pulls information from surrounding spirits. On a success when resisting, you can ask the GM a question or to reveal a secret related to the situation. You also gain a defense against lies, trickery, and stealth. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Others can't help but reveal their fears. You can spend stress to establish what someone’s worst fear is. You take +1d when you act on that knowledge. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You effortlessly blend witchcraft with the material or mundane. On a success when casting a spell, you take +1d on any follow-up using a different action. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can brew potions of any tier from all witchcraft paths. You also gain a downtime action which you can only use to brew potions. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Your desire for payback fuels your witchcraft. When you cast a spell immediately after a resistance roll, you take +1d and it costs no stress to cast. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ S N E A K Y & E L U S I V E R O G U E S P R O W L E R : You can spend stress to perform an incredible feat of agility, like: slipping unimpeded through a mob, leaping safely from a high tower, or hiding in plain sight.
___________________________________________ You can compel other PCs to action just as if the GM had compelled them. If they accept, you gain a dark heart. If they decline, you take stress. The GM is still the final judge of what is an appropriate compel. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Making or procuring poisons is second nature for you. You have a steady supply of the following tier 1 concoction poisons: blinding - disorienting - slowing - nauseating. You also gain two supply slots which you can only use for them. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You recognize the perfect timing to strike. You take +1d when you catch someone by surprise. On a critical, you clear 1 stress. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You're tough to pin down. On a success when resisting an enemy attack, you can also (choose one): disappear from their sight - pick their pocket - reposition behind them. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Your lurking presence forces foolish action. On a success while moving stealthily, NPCs near you (choose one): do something stupid due to paranoia - reveal a secret. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You always manage to come away with something of value. You get 1 extra gold each loot roll and can control up to 4 gold without raising suspicion. Also, once during each raid, you can establish the location of some good loot nearby. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ When you assist an ally, you only take consequences if they roll a failure. If they roll a critical, you clear 1 stress. Why do they not know you're helping them? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ C U N N I N G & F E A R L E S S W A R R I O R S B A T T L E M A S T E R : You can spend stress to perform an incredible feat of athletics, like throwing an axe a great distance, maneuvering nearly anywhere on the field of battle, or facing off against a group of foes on equal footing.
___________________________________________ You're the rock on which your allies lean. You take +1d when resisting consequences for an ally. On a success, the ally takes +1d on any follow-up action. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Your minions are always elite, with the mindset (loyal) and companion upgrades. They also have an additional upgrade (choose one): equipped - mindset (fearless) - trained - versatile. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You exert your will to bolster your minions. You can spend stress or a dark heart to give a minion pack +1d on a roll. You also gain a defense against minion failure. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You fluidly control a fight. On a success when resisting an attack in close combat, you can also (choose one): disarm them - redirect the attack - reposition them nearby. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You love nothing more than your own excellence in battle. On a critical while engaged in combat, you clear 1 stress and gain a dark heart. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You think nothing of risking life and limb. You take +1d when you go hard and put your own body on the line, but you can't resist any consequences from the roll. On a critical, you clear 1 stress. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Battle plans are the key to your success. You take +1d on your first action after an engagement roll. You also gain a defense against raid plans going off track. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ R U T H L E S S & T E N A C I O U S T R A C K E R S T H R I L L O F T H E H U N T : You can spend stress to establish a small, momentary weakness in your prey. You gain +effect when you exploit this on your next roll to stalk, catch, or bring them down. On a success, you gain a dark heart.
___________________________________________ Animal blood runs through your veins, causing your senses to extend twice as far as normal. You take +1d when tracking or surveying an area. You also gain a defense against surprise. ___________________________________________
| GRIT |
___________________________________________ You don't go down easy. On a failure when resisting, you can immediately roll an extra 1d that counts towards the roll. If the result is a success, it counts as a critical. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You have a hunting pet or pack instead of minions. It has the companion upgrade and knows tricks (choose two): cause confusion - fetch - herd prey - locate prey - surprise attack. Your pet takes +1d when performing known tricks. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ On a success while surveying or traversing a risky area, you can (choose one): find a piece of mundane gear - tick an edge crafting clock - harvest a tier 2 concoction. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You make a habit of roaming the surface and scouting out targets. While choosing a raid plan, you can establish a weakness you know about in your target’s defenses. During the raid, you can also spend stress to establish a second fact. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can pull off improbable (but not impossible) shots with a ranged weapon, like ricocheting a projectile off a wall or shooting through one target and hitting another. You ignore any circumstances towards effect from the difficulty, but you must explain how you pulled off the shot. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can spend stress to establish a fact about plants, animals, or the weather. You take +1d when you act on that knowledge. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ M A N I P U L A T I N G & C O N T R O L L I N G M A S T E R M I N D S S T R I N G S : You can spend stress to have an ally remember your voice in their head, allowing them to reroll a failure. If they roll a success, you gain a dark heart. What criticism or advice did you previously impart on them?
___________________________________________ Others are an open book to you. You can spend stress to establish a target’s emotional state, though it must be a reasonable emotion for them to be feeling. You take +1d when you act on that knowledge. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You excel at lying when you go all in on a falsehood. You take +1d when you go hard to tell a lie. On a success, you gain a dark heart. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Each downtime, you get two ticks which can be distributed to any project clocks started by your allies. What errors do you point out in their work? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You take +1d on a roll when acting immediately after an ally fails a resistance roll. How do you leverage their failure to your own advantage? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can speak the Light Tongue, albeit with a strong, monstrous accent. How does a monster like you even learn to speak the language of civilization? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ On a success during a flashback or downtime action to interact with contacts, you gain a dark heart. You also gain a downtime action which you can only use to contact a vile friend, faction, or other NPC. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ On a success when resisting with: BANTER, THREATEN, or TRICK, you can also (choose one): deflect blame - plant a false idea - have the GM reveal a secret. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ C L E V E R & C U R I O U S T I N K E R E R S I N G E N U I T Y : You can spend stress to perform an incredible feat of creation, like mixing concoctions on the fly to create a powerful combined effect, slapping together a temporary simple contraption, or ignoring volatility in monster science creations.
___________________________________________ When you make a concoction, you always make 1 extra dose, even on a failure. You gain a downtime action which you can only use to brew concoctions. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ On a success while working on a crafting downtime project, the downtime action isn’t consumed. You also gain a downtime action which you can only use to craft. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You fully believe in your creations. You take +1d when you go hard with a concoction or contraption, but you can't resist any consequences from the roll. On a critical, you clear 1 stress. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You instill a deep sense of yourself into anything you create. When you or someone else rolls a critical using something you crafted, you gain a dark heart. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Start a single tier 2 or 3 contraption crafting clock. You can use this unfinished contraption as normal. Any time you make a dire roll using it, it ticks the crafting clock once. When the clock is full, the contraption is made and you start a new clock. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can spend stress to establish a flaw in a structure or some machinery you can see. You take +1d when you act on that knowledge. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You have a steady supply of a single specific tier 2 concoction and you gain 2 supply slots which you can only use for it. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ P O W E R F U L & I N T I M I D A T I N G B R A W L E R S R A G E : You can spend stress to perform an incredible feat of strength, like throwing a large boulder, tackling a charging horse, or facing off against a much larger foe on equal footing.
___________________________________________ You’re a force to be reckoned with. On a success in close combat, you can also (choose one): cleave into a nearby enemy - destroy their shield or armor - send them flying. ___________________________________________
| FURY |
___________________________________________ When you suffer injury or humiliation, you take +1d if you immediately lash out. On a critical, you clear 1 stress. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Your body is a deadly weapon and has edges (choose two): concealed - longreach - grappling - ranged - pulverizing - terrifying. How did you end up this way? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You put the torment of others over your own safety. You take +1d when you go hard to intimidate or humiliate someone. On a critical, you clear 1 stress. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You can carry an immense amount. You gain two gear slots, a defense based on them, and a supply slot. Where do you keep all of that extra stuff? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Your thick hide protects you from harm. You take +1d when resisting physical attacks and spend 1 less stress when you do so. What makes your hide so tough? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You gain a downtime action which you can only use to recruit minions or sacrifice to have minions perform a downtime action without paying them gold. ___________________________________________
@POOHEAD189@Lucius Cypher@Dark Cloud@Kenshi@VeyrinDay looks like we have our players! I'll have some more information up later today regarding calling ability options and stats (called actions in this rpg) so you can start thinking about how you want to build your monster.
@POOHEAD189 let me know what concepts you're thinking of for your character :D
@Lucius Cypher so if you want, we could replace your calling's core ability with a Primal Ability, which would basically be a slime racial trait. For a Slime that might be something like can absorb and carry it's minions around inside it, or stick to walls and floors, or a mix of things. Let me know if you want to do this instead of your Calling's core ability and what you'd like your racial traits to be, and we can balance it. Then when you max out your XP a couple times you can switch to fleshy-abomination style monster.
Theres also some cool options for your Skeleton that involves taking a skeleton racial and zealot calling OR going full brute and using a flexibility slot to add some zealot flavour but that stuff will be discussed more in depth during character creation. TL:DR there are different ways you can take it when we get into the mechanics stuff so let me know what you decide.
@Dark Cloud@Kenshi@VeyrinDay That goes for everyone actually, when the OOC is up you'll have the information you need to choose whether you want to take your flat core class ability or change it up to a racial. I imagine Succubus might be one you want to customise more.
In the meantime, we currently have 1 vote for a Stronghold and 2 votes for a Hideout. Hideout will lead to a more political game and Stronghold is more full-out war style.
More Overview Info for Dungeon Types, there are rooms all dungeons have access to but these are just the unique ones for each dungeon.
Fighting Pit - bet on a fighter, if they win you gain a reroll.
Funeral Pyre - Minions are honored when they die. Any minion who sees a comrade dies gains morale and does not need to be paid next downtime.
Smithy - Provides a steady supply of weaponry. Your minions have greater success when crafting items or adding bonuses to them.
War Drums - The steady sound of wardrums keeps everyone focused in the dungeon. Projects essentially take less time to complete as characters are more efficient.
War Room - A place to plan strategies for warfare. Your have greater success during ambush, assaults and strike raids. When these succeed, gain a reroll
Barracks - you can recruit better minions that deal more damage and have the loyal upgrade. This room will defend you during invasions as well.
Bestiary - You have mounts and a secure area to keep them in. These can have two of the following affixes: aquatic - armored - fast - flying - magical - terrifying. This room will defend you during invasions as well.
Dojo - The dojo master trains you relentlessly. You are more likely to roll critical successes and find difficult battles less stressful. This room will defend you during invasions as well.
Gambling Den - Monsters come from outside your dungeon to use this facility. You can recruit monsters from this room. They can trick people and start with the strapped upgrade by default. This room will defend you during invasions as well.
Gear Locker - You always get geared up before you leave the dungeon. You gain extra supplies and a steady access to climbing gear - glowsticks - smoke bombs - tar bombs - throwing weapons - thunderstones - traps
Obstacle Course - Minions hone their skills here, gaining more effectiveness. The can become better at Finesse, Scan or Skulking. This room deceives invaders during an invasion.
Planning Room - you plot your raids here in greater detail. Gain bonuses for negotiation, stealth and trickery based planes. When you succeed on these raids gain a reroll.
Roost - you have bats, ravens or other small winged beasts at your service. You can use these to scout and establish a fact about those you are about to raid.
Tavern - You have a raucous tavern with all the trimmings. Minions gain morale here during recovery and gain bonuses when fighting off invaders. Wandering monsters sometimes stop by the tavern and become available for recruitment.
Academy - Monsters study the esoteric arts here. You can recruit minions from this room. They have the adept upgrade for me and gain invoke (spellcasting) as their primary action. This room will defend you against invaders during invasions.
Crucible - The mystical power of this room enchants item. Every downtime it can produce a tier 1 magic item or push a higher tier project forward, so long as the reagents have been provided.
Greenery - These carnivorous plants can be fed to harvest: a plant based supply - special ingrediants for potions - a few doses of a concoction this room also counts as a trap.
Library - Once per cycle, the dungeon can establish a fact about the history, cultures or arcana of the world.
Potion Lab - Your imps have learned to make potions. The dungeon chooses a single magic path to focus on - you have a steady supply of all tier 1 potions from this school and a single tier 2 potion.
Scrying Pool - The pool reveals far away scenes. Once per cycle, the Dungeon can establish a fact about an NPCs recent activity.
Spawning Chamber - Minions are grown or summoner here, easily replacing your losses. Once per dungeon defense, a copy of a slain minion pack can burst forth from the spawning chamber. You can choose to add the expendable upgrade to minions for free.
Alchemist Lab - Your imps are always harb at work mixing reagents. You have a steady supply to all tier 1 concoctions.
Guild Hall - You let your minions organise to better their working and living conditions. In truth you ignore their demands, but the illusion of having some control reduces grumbling. The dungeon weathers calamities better.
Factory - Your imps toil away relentlessly in the factory. Each downtime, they can either produce a single tier 1 contraption or make progress towards a higher tier contraption.
Mineshaft - You dig out a mine, gaining a steady supply of a single non-precious metal. You make an immediate discovery in the mine, and gain higher rolls on all future discovery rolls (e.g. breaking into a new cave ect.)
Testing Chamber - You can empower your monster science, for a price. You can pay cost related to your testing to: remove an item's volatility - increase a concotion in size, scope or duration, - gain higher chance on a next use with a specific item
Vehicle Bay - The dungeon has an incredible vehicle, such as a submarine, dirigible, steamcar, or other type of transport. Detail the vehicle and give it two edges aka upgrades armored - camoflauged - dependable - fast - nimble. Give it a flaw clumsty - distinct - noisy - rickety - slow. The vehicle is fully repaired (or rebuilt) by imps during each recovery.
Workshop - You have a well furnished workshop where you imps and minions can toil away. They gain better chance of success on building or crafting projects.
Altar - You can make a sacrifice at the alter, paying cost to gain a dark blessing: higher success roll with an item this cycle - increase your success on your next resistant roll - your next failure instead becomes a mixed success. The sacrifice must be unique each time you ask for a blessing.
Antechamber - Between the staircase and your sanctum on the final level is an impressive room glorifying your dark deeds in the name of your god. Adventurers get unsettled by this when they stop to take note, gaining you a reroll and greater chance of success during a boss battle / sanctum fight.
Augury Circle - You can read portents of future events here. You can establish a fact in the present about an NPCs next likely move.
Dormitory - Fresh cultists flock to serve your dark god. You can recruit minions here. They always have your gods favoured action, choose when this room is built which you prefer. They start with the Zealous upgrade for free. This room defends you against invaders during invasions as well.
Reliquary - this room corrupts and amplifies magic of up to three items of unholy impact placed wihin it. When an item is placed, immediately incant a tier 2 ritual causing a persistant effect within your dungeon related to the specific item.
Penance Chamber - Your minions fear punishment more then death and will never betray you. When they fight to the death, ignore the dice penalty from being bloodied.
Scriptorium - Your deeds are recovered in unholy scripture, immediately giving you wicked XP equal to your dungeon tier. You also gain a new XP trigger - Were your actions worthy of your god's notice? Each PC must prove their worth to gain this xp.
Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'
[Center][URL=https://youtu.be/bVxHRkIsE9U][sup]Hᴀʀʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ, ɪᴍᴘᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ[/sup][/URL][/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'<br><br><div class="bb-center"><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://youtu.be/bVxHRkIsE9U"><sup>Hᴀʀʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ, ɪᴍᴘᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ</sup></a></div><br><br>GMT | </div>