Open for buisiness! Its a mess but it's our mess. Please don't mind the imps as they busy about their work, feel free to give them a boot if they get uppity. Anyway, character sheet incoming, prepare your butts
___________________________________________ E L V E N G U A R D | F O L L Y & B O N E S | H O L Y O R D E R O F C L E M E N C Y | R O D D E R I C K 'S M A N O R
A coven of Hags that tend to their dark alter in the woods
Maddening to talk sense to and tricksy to make deals with, their aims and goals are shrouded in strange behaviour and bizarre choices
Workers of dark magick but theres always a cost.
M Y R E 'S R O O T M Y R E 'S R O O T
0 / 6: Raid the Tombs of Fulgent Rest 0 / 8: Sabotage Sanctuary
Neutral Faction
Faction of rogues, swashbucklers and cutthroats located deep in the swamplands. Some monsters like kobolds, ratfolk and lizardmen intermingle here with occasional Lightfolk thrown in the mix
You don't ask, we don't tell, there are many folk looking for work here and some of them are even discreet
Independent and a thorn in the side of anyone who's got something they want to pilfer
0 / 4: Trade route with Littlecrop fortified 0 / 6: Formal Complaint against Cragrock
Light Faction
Dwindling family of nobles under a curse, their only daughter is heir to the family crest and holdings
Hold sway over many of the noble class in Sanctuary
A strong loyal guard protect the holdings of their master
0 / 4: Trade with Littlecrop 0 / 4: Demand Booze from Vinyard
Light Faction
Unruly dwarves and some halflings tend the mine here
Unknowingly rich in ores and occasionally rare resources, dwarves have lost the knowledge of how lucrative this region once was and are slowly realising this
A young, relatively recent mine, disliked greatly by the nearby nobles
Battle hardened survivors of the Calamity looking to reclaim the borderlands
A rag tag, close knit group of different races and creeds. They don't care who you are, life on the Frontier is already hard enough
Claim they no longer owe allegiance to anyone after their harrowing service and yet neither Sanctuary nor anyone else is demanding ownership of their outspoken selves for some reason...
0 / 6: Lend Aid to Frontier Town 0 / 6: A Guardian is Summoned
Light Faction
The honored tombs of dwarvern warriors, nobles and kings laid to rest
The ghosts of the dead stand vigil over their resting place and sometimes wander into the landscape
Honorable great men and women who have taken a solemn vow to protect the region in life and continue to do so in death
0 / 4: Convert to the Holy Order of Clemency 0 / 6: Grab the Torch and Pitchforks against Rodderick's Manor
Light Faction
A weak farming village with little currently in the way of protection or defenses
Eager to ally themselves with a faction of Light who can take them under wing
They have just enough villagers to tend to the breadbasket of the region
Do not post in that thread, for organisational purposes only.
Player / Character List:
Phardax the Ebon, a Drow Warlock played by @Poohead189 Darc Matter, a Slime Shadow played by @Lucius Cypher Zaz'ak, a Kobold Conniver played by @Dark Cloud Baganaria, a Succubus Zealot, worshipper of Iziza, played by @VeyrinDay
Project Counters
0 / 8 Mining Shaft
Dungeon Map
1. Tier 1 Trick - Maze
The first action taken to build a home was when Dungeon Lord Krieg instructed his imps to dig out a suitable maze. Using the ancient architecture left behind as a framework, the walls of this dizzying structure went up in quick succession. Those adventurers won't know what hit 'em... Trigger: Entering the Maze Effect: Split the Adventuring Party Up
2. Level 1 Creature Lair
Feral kobolds live here, worshipping the effigy of the dragon Zaz'ak brought before them. Any adventurers who mistakenly stumble past their door will be in for a nasty surprise. Pending... Currently Empty...
3. Stairs to the Sanctum Level
These stairs lead down to the Sanctum, where our heroes Dungeon Lord's hoard and personal quarters reside. Adventurers will attempt to make it here, if they don't find the secret passage at 4.
4: Tier 1 Room- Secret Passage
This secret passage leads down to the Sanctum floor, hidden behind the rubble of the unfinished Mining Room. Darc uses this passage liberally to get in and out of the Dungeon quickly.
5. Tier 3 Room - Incomplete Mining Shaft, 0 / 8
They say when this room is finished, in all it's splendour, Dungeon Lord Phadax the Ebon shall lord over his workers with a fiery whip from his throne. For now this room is under construction, awaiting the needed parts necessary to build such a location. On Completion: You make an immediate discovery in the mine, and gain higher rolls on all future discovery rolls (e.g. breaking into a new cave ect.)
6. Tier 2 Room - Minion Room:
Her Alluring Eminence has created this room to server as both a place of worship to Iziza and a home to her minions. It is Dim and Silent within, awaiting the day when the halls of the Dungeon can be filled with the sound of praise. Mechanics: Assign a single pack of minions to this room. These minions get morale each recovery and take +1d when defending the room against invaders.
7. Tier 1 Trap - Loose Beam, Pitfall Trap:
Who wanders around in an incomplete mineshaft in a Dungeon? A nasty surprise lies in wait for Adventurers who end up the wrong side of Krieg's maze... Mechanism: pitfall, beam gives out Trigger: Stepping on the loose beam.
8. Tier 1 Lock - Iron Padlock:
There's nowhere to go but into Krieg's maze. Adventurers should watch out - after entering the maze, they'll find they have little way to escape. Mechanics: Iron Padlock
It has been ∞ in game days since a PC death occured
The cold air was biting as you fleed from that failed dungeon you once called home. Your master was overthrown by an adventuring party, thwarted in his prime, many dark deeds unfinished. The survivors scrambled and struggled for scraps, cannibalising what little was left, the Dungeon finally imploding in on itself in a flash of magical ineptitude.
In the ensuing chaos, you escaped with other survivors,. The land around you was hostile, unforgiving and dangerous. You scraped by at night and hid in the day, when you had the luxury to find a place to lay your head. In that journey of horrors, you began to get to know the minions who survived and travelled with you. They had grit. They had promise. And while you did not know them well before that fateful night, you forged a fledgling bond with them and recognised greatness in each and every one.
Seeing first hand how precarious a dungeon run by just one master can be, you all decided to band together and create a Dungeon of your own. Each of you had the makings of a Dungeon Lord. Together, there was nothing, no adventuring party or agent of light, that could possibly take you down.
But that was weeks ago. You have travelled far in search of safety, the perfect spot to build a dungeon. Now, you and your companions are huddled around a dying campfire hidden behind a hillock, staying out the rain under an old gnarled tree. You're soaked through, cold, tired, and irritable. Food has been scarce the last few nights. There's one thing you're sure of, though.
This land around you is full of ripe targets, ready to be picked clean. But first, you're going to need a refuge.
You are standing around a dying campfire with the other characters. You don't know them well yet, but you've already survived hell together, and you've sworn to build a Dungeon with each of you as Lords - one that will be greater then any that came before.
Each of you has a Dark Heart on your character sheet, which in this case represents a great deed of some kind you accomplished either while the dungeon was falling or during the escape. Please introduce your character and share a flashback to your great deed (or , discuss it IC if you prefer!)
Genre: Fantasy, Monster, Sandbox, Humour Tone: Moustache-twirling B Movie Villainy, dark with a touch of humour. Mature themes may be mentioned but only in passing. Tech Level: Definitely-A-Bad-Idea Steampunk meets medieval wizardry. Scale: 2 - 4 Players, one boss character each. (players will have minions down the line) Mechanics: Dungeon Building, Raiding, Objective Based, Aspects of Communal Planning. System: Wicked Ones, a D6 system. No previous experience required.
Be a Monster, build a Dungeon, kill Adventurers, grow your Hoard.
You are a Monster who survived a calamity brought by the Light. You have banded together with the last dredges of your previous home and traipsed across this weary landscape to a faraway land, burrowing deep into the earth there and biding your time in the dark. A Dungeon sprouts around you, but it is new and vulnerable and easy pickings. You will provide it's nutrition. You will mould and tend it's growth. You are a ~ DUNGEON LORD ~
It sounds great in your head. In reality, however, you are mostly-incompetent beast driven by a dark impulse. It compels you, compels you away from your goals and towards satiating your monstrous urges like finding something really shiny. You are prone to flights of fancy and throwing caution to the wind. Together with your peers and minions, you might just manage to throw together a ramshackled dungeon of mad design, and possibly die not-so-gloriously in it's defence. Failing that, you could always just take over the world I guess.
This is an RPG where instead of being an adventurer killing monsters in a dungeon and looting them, you are the monster building a dungeon killing adventurers and looting them. It is possible your character will die, but your dungeon will live on, ready to spawn more creatures. Unless you do a very bad job of protecting it.
During the course of the game characters have access to things like potion making, trapbuilding, magical item crafting, faustian pactmaking, minionry and dungeon building. This roleplay is an opportunity to have characters that make terrible decisions, throw themselves into terrific circumstance, and develop a world-devouring cozy home.
If you're interested, please state your initial concept for monster race and what kind of class you're leaning to. There's also some info on Dungeon Types and Dark Impulses if you're so inclined to get an idea of what that's about.
Class aka Callings are briefly outlined below, and monster race you have alot of freedom with.
Choice of race has little mechanical effect. You can play a hench kobold or a teeny tiny orc. You can play a giant magically awakened evil squirrel or a sentient ooze or shy mushroom weeaboo man. I have a list that comes by default of race examples, but if you're hankering to play something a little more unusual, we can balance it in OOC or over PM.
The following are banned as they drastically alter or dominate the style of play. These are the following: Braineater - Think Mindflayers Doomseekers - Think Beholders Facestealers - Think Changelings or Shapeshifters Goldmonger - Think Dragons
Brute: Powerful and intimidating fighters. Gain Rage, which grants them incredible feats of strength. Their progression involves options like fury, living weapon and menace.
Conniver: Manipulating and controlling masterminds. Gain Strings, which causes allys to reroll failures. Gain bonuses from this. Their progression involves options like weaving the web, wordplay and masterful liar.
Crafter: Clever and curious tinkerers. Gain Ingenuity, which allows them feats of creation e.g. powerful concoctions, temporary contraptions, ignore volatility in monster science attempts. Their progression involves options like brewmaster, creative frenzy and signature elixer.
Hunter: Ruthless and tenacious trackers. Gain Thrill of the Hunt, allowing them to exploit a weakness in your prey. Gain bonuses from this. Their progression involves options like scavenger, scout and hunting pet.
Marauder: Cunning and honed warriors. Gain Battlemaster, which grants them incredible feats of athletics. Their progression involves options like tactician, commander and joy of battle.
Shadow: Sneaky and elusive rogues. Gain Prowler, which grants them incredible feats of agility. Their progression involves options like poisoner, stalker and unseen hand.
Shaman: Terrifying and vengeful witches. Gain access to the Witchcraft school of magic. Witchcraft breaks down into the following trees: Bloodreading - the pulse of life, soothsaying - the timeless eye, stormstrike - the storm's fury, spiritcalling - the world beyond and wildheart - the brutality of nature. Their progression involves options like beastform, terror and spirit whispers.
Warlock: Daring and amibitious mages. Gets access to the Sorcery school of magic. Sorcery breaks down into the following trees: enchantment, evocation, force master, illusion, necromancy and pyromancy. Their progression involves options like reaper, overload and artificer.
Zealot: Gets access to Channeling Magic. Devote yourself to a Dark God or fiend, channeling your worship to gain a slice of it's power. Their progression involves options like inquisitor, unholy rituals and rebuke.
Each character has one dark impulse. You can follow your dark impulse into trouble to gain extra dice called a Dark Heart, so it's not all bad - just an oppurtunity to roleplay something monster appropriate. If your character ever breaks from too much stress, they go feral, immediately doing something that satisfies their Dark Impulse.
Big Mouth: You can't hold your tongue, whether that means being obnoxiously rude, a horrendous braggart, a compulsive liar, or can't help letting slip the truth. You delight in people hearing you speak, whether it hurts you, them, or allies. You brag you can jump the chasm, blurt out where you're hiding the noble's daughter or tell the dragon it better watch how it speaks to you.
Cruel: You enjoy the pain and misery of others, killing is just not quite good enough. You might let the eyeless prince live knowing he will never be king, or twist the knife a little more to hear your victim scream.
Deranged: You find joy in the most bizarre, disturbing things. You're completely unpredictable, with as tendency to try unusual things just to see what happens. You might drink a label-less potion or kick a minion down a hole just to see what happens.
Fickle: You're easily distracted and can't stay on task. Once something grabs your attention, you HAVE to check it out. You might change your mind halfway through a plan before even taking the first step. Bored of listening, you might let your pet wolf devour the prisoner, or you decide not to bother paying the goblins you hired.
Obsessed: You're prone to fixation. Once something is on your mind, you can't let go. You might have an overwhelming desire to procure shiny things, or you're determined to feast with Lavisha in the afterlife. You will do anything to make the valley elves suffer.
Paranoid: You always feel like yourself, your belongings, your goals are under threat. You never feel safe and find the slightest reason to fear for the worst, knowing something terrible will happen. You might have an irrational fear of something mundane or an incredibly averse fear of something somewhat dangerous. You might refuse to cross the river, terrified of hidden knife-wielding crabs. You might always think your minions are holding back some loot, or that your close ally is backstabbing you.
Reckless: The last thing you think about is consequences. You're impatient, rash and short-sighted. You take the quickest route to your goals, no matter what's in the way. You care little for your own safety, or those around you. You might grow tired of listening to the witch and snatch the idol from her gnarled fingers, or never miss an opportunity to test out your questionable inventions.
Vengeful: You never forget when someone has crossed you, and let no small slight go unpunished. Whether the injury was real or perceived matters not - you know they are responsible and they will pay for what they've done. You may send the orcs who badmouthed you right into a trap even though you needed them, or you run off into the forest, giving chase to kill the horse that kicked you.
Each of these Dungeon Types has it's own set of rooms assosciated with it. If we get enough people to play we'll put it to the vote which dungeon we run. Feel free to state your preference now if you already have a hankering for one of these.
Enclave: An Enclave is infused with magic. Arcane energy lingers in the air, and the surrounding land around the Dungeon is warped because of it.
Forge: A Forge is a place of ingenuity and blatant disregard for safety. Factories, steamworks, alchemical crucibles and mad inventions are all halmarks of a forge. A source of power fuels your dungeon, such as a volcano, steamworks or great dam.
Hideout: A place to lay low and escape detection, yet your influence stretches far. You live under the radar, but as agents of chaos, you meddle in the affairs with others and deflect the blame at the same time.
Stronghold: A seat of power for a great warband. Your physical force is unmatched.
Temple: An unholy monument to a dark god, venerating their domains and pushing their dark schemes. You may beseech them for access to great divine power.
Holy smokes I missed the party! I'm so excited to be roleplaying with y'all. OOC will be up today and the CS has been thoroughly scutinised, so we are ready to start finalising those characters methinks. I know alot of things are still unclear, I'm here to answer questions and clarify stuff.
So some things I notice are currently a bit vague:
+Dungeons will always attract imps that do the menial labor that is far below your station for you. 'Imps' is a general term, they could be sentient mushrooms or bipedal goldfish, we'll cover customising theese guys in the dungeon creation part of the roleplay.
THAT BEING SAID we should totally include some tunneling contractors among your list of dungeon allies when we get into building the dungeon. You could call on them to tunnel into well defended castles too.
+You guys are boss monsters. You have the deepest floor of the dungeon all to yourselves, called the Sanctum. You live leisurely here when not raiding and this is where you keep your Hoard of gold and treasure. When a Dungeon Invasion happens, you'll defend the Dungeon first by controlling your minions, and if the adventurers make it through to the Sanctum - you battle them, Boss style, preferably with monologues or while screaming foolish mortals at them.
For @Kenshi you might have a pack of minion minotaurs that chase the adventurers through the dungeon traps for you, and only bother to get involved if the interlopers DARE BEST YOUR MAZE, HOW DARE THEY.
wait, we can have racial traits?
I want my succubus to have a Vampirism, as well as the Calling ability.
How would that fit in the system?
@VeyrinDay so, for now you could pick the Primal Ability and then when you level up take the Calling ability.
Vampirism could be some of the following:
Vampirism: You can spend stress to remove the bloodied condition, so long as you can drink someone's blood. This comes with the weakness Sunlight Sensitivity: you are weak in sunlight
or if you want to lean more into the succubus side of things:
Alluring: You can spend stress to turn on the charm, TRICKing victims into coming closer to you. Human Passing: If prepared appropriately, can pass for a human. Weakness - Holy: You have a weakness to the Light's power.
My Succubus' Vampirism
Crunch: low level: buff mid level: heal and buff lower-high level: heal and buff + skill steal, 1 slot, single use then lost forever upper-high level: heal and buff + skill steal, 3 slots at max, semi-permanent but only 20% efficacy of the true user and degrades after each use
Fluff: The succubus has a certain body part that she (and her minion in varying level) can use to absorb the life force of her victims.
So these are cool but there are systems in place to do this IC when we get there. If you want to play alot of magical stuff, you could pick the Zealot class and worships Iziza, The Sweet Mistress, Goddess of Seduction and Trickery. Or you can stick with Conniver, put some points into INVOKE, and you'll have access to Tier 1 channeling though Tier 1 is quite basic:
Harmless: The lumberjack puts down his axe and comes over to help you with something. Hypnotic Gaze: the young nobleman can't break eye contact with you./ Dull Mind: The warriors mind grows foggy as he listens to you.
The other option is to really, really convince the other players they need a Temple style dungeon in their lives.
I should also just make clear, that racials are more for flavour and maybe a little more customised playstyle. IC people will still be able to do things that are kobold-y, vampire-y, slimey, I know everything is a bit unclear right now but it'll make more sense once we get into playing.
@Dark Cloud you could do something like Vicious Tongue: You can spend stress to pick apart a momentary cinch in armor of a foe's repartee. You gain +effect when you exploit this on a roll to deceive, manipulate or pick apart an argument. On a success, you gain a dark heart. But this is pretty strong, so you would have to take a weakness like Sunlight Sensitivity: Your position is always weak in sunlight, or Easy Prey: You are instinctually afraid of foes twice your size or bigger. When you are in the presence of such a creature, you are compelled to avoid dealing with them. (like another dark impulse kinda) Or, let me know what you have in mind.
For the Crafting ability, you could take Ingenuity: You can spend stress to perform an incredible feat of creation, like mixing concoctions on the fly to create a powerful combined effect, slapping together a temporary simple contraption, or ignoring volatility in monster science creations. This would require no weaknesses.
@Poohead189 Any of the Warlock tech trees catch your eye? I've got a list of example spells for each school and tier but the great thing about spellcasting is you can make your own spells and we can balance them for which tier they would belong to.
@Dark Cloud@Kenshistrikes chase cars off the list Do you have an idea in mind for how you want to build your character? We can tinker the primal ability to fit what you have in mind for what you want to play
Ok, here's the class abiltiies y'all have access to. You can take one of your Calling's abilities at character creation, OR you can use your flexibility slot to take one ability from another class list. When you max out XP you can take another ability, but you only get one flexibility spot per game.
off the top of my head, some terminology if you're unsure what a calling ability does: +1d: you get an extra dice to roll during a test. Dark Hearts: Usually gained from following your Dark Desire. These are extra dice you can use at any time. When you take a killing blow, and you have Dark Hearts remaining, you can perform an immediate final action before you kick the bucket. You get +1d for each dark heart you have. Any ally who sees this gains a dark heart. Stress: Each character has a stress counter. When it maxes out at 6 stress, your character goes feral, immediately pursuing their dark impulse. They gain a dark heart from doing this. Clock: This is just a form of counter that keeps track of how far along a project is.
Here to offer clarification if I've missed something. Cycles we'll cover more as we play IC, but heres an overview:
L U R K I N G --> C A L A M I T Y --> R A I D I N G --> B L O W B A C K
The roleplay is broken clearly into phases, with some phases being shorter then others.
LURKING: You recover from your injuries and stress. You pile your loot from the last raid onto your hoard and revel, earning gold, dark hearts and items. You take a downtime action, such as building traps, making potions or inventions, recruiting minions, ect.
CALAMITY: GM rolls to see if something bad happens in the dungeon. Minions revolt, a tunnel collapses.
RAIDING: You leave the dungeon and plan a raid on the world above. You select a target, devise a fiendish plan, and then we delve into the action. The bulk of the game happens here.
BLOWBACK: How does the world react to your pillaging and looting? Here we find out if you get ambushed on the way home or cause some very upset adventurers to invade the dungeon.
___________________________________________ F E R V A N T & M Y S T I C A L B E L I E V E R S C H A N N E L I N G: You can spend stress to Invoke tier 2 and tier 3 spells of your chosen deity’s domains. Each god has two domains which act as magic paths.
___________________________________________ Your minions are fanatic devotees of your god. They have the mindset (zealous) and companion upgrades and will take a downtime action to incant a ritual each downtime without asking for gold. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Draw a 4-segment clock on your sheet. Tick it once each time you defile something sacred or beautiful that is antithetical to your god’s domains. When the clock is full, a tier 2 ritual immediately manifests in that location and you start a new clock. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ When you would become bloodied or be killed, you can designate a nearby minion to become bloodied or die instead. When a minion pack dies in this way, they can perform a final action and you gain a dark heart. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You feel deep satisfaction in breaking the will of others. On a success when torturing prisoners, you gain a dark heart and learn twice as much information as normal. You also gain a downtime action which you can only use for this purpose. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You teach those who challenge you a harsh lesson. On a success when resisting, you take +1d if you immediately act against them. On a critical when resisting, you also (choose one): strike fear in their heart - make them doubt their path. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Designate a weapon as your unholy weapon. It's now your magic focus. On a success when attacking someone with it, you can spend stress to immediately affect the target with a tier 1 spell without rolling. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You gain a downtime action which you can only use to incant rituals. On a success when incanting a ritual, you gain a dark heart. ___________________________________________
Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'
[Center][URL=][sup]Hᴀʀʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ, ɪᴍᴘᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ[/sup][/URL][/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'<br><br><div class="bb-center"><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href=""><sup>Hᴀʀʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ, ɪᴍᴘᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ</sup></a></div><br><br>GMT | </div>