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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
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I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
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@Kenshi is up with the full blown clobbering time but there's a few of these guys so if someone wants to put forward a roll in the next 20 minutes i'll take it before i'm heading off like Kenshi

otherwise i'll be around tommorrow ;)
@VeyrinDay a mixed success, you partially resist it. So Baganaria takes two stress, she can move but does so sluggishly. likely this will put you at weak effect for things like running or fighting
@VeyrinDay ahh right!

5 is a mixed success, so again narrate the success part as you see fit in terms of the distraction. However, your target locks eyes with you, and presses their thumb against a ring on their hand as they mutter something in the Light tongue, freezing you in place. You can roll to resist this magical influence if you'd like.
Ok Skulk is same effect as Darc, you're in a strong position from the rain and the effect is regular. 6 highest is a success! You can narrate that as you see fit IC, and the lantern is no problem for you since you are so smol and the drunk dwarf is facing a wall.

Sneaking into the corridor you skulk along the finally carved limestone walls. You manage to enter a larger square chamber, with five Lightfolk sitting around drinking booze and eating recently cooked game. A cheerful halfling woman, a human woman with long raven-black hair, an elderly dwarf and a sunken-face human man sit around enjoying each others company. There are backpacks and pelts and even a tent set up in the corner. They all seem to be wearing similar garb, apart from the elderly dwarf who's clothes are a darker leather.

You can see the old stone structure continues onwards into another area, though what you glimpsed down that corridor makes you think some of the architecture may have caved in from time.

So the trick is a mixed success, you can narrate the success part as you like. It's a strong effect so they will all follow you out this building, however you stumble in the muddy ground at the last moment when you almost reach the group and they are (drunkenly) stumbling after you as you all slip around in the mud and rain. This will put you in a weak position next roll, if things go badly they could catch you.

Compell: I'm going to give you the option to Give into your dark impulse of cowardice here. you can choose to take the compell or not, if you decide to go through with it, gain a dark heart. Offer: Zaz'ac is afraid of the people on his tail catching up to him and he will flee away from them, not willing to help if theres an upcoming fight until he calms down. Your choice if you want to do that or not.

@VeyrinDay congratulations on the very first critical success of the game from your Allure resistant roll!

So your allure is a mixed success, so you can narrate the successful part as you see fit/pick your target as you like. Your victim is lurching over to you, but the complication is the rain is picking up as lighting cracks across the sky. It's now storming, making the situation from here on out more difficult.

Reminder: you can use your Dark Hearts to gain 1d on a roll (everyone starts with 1 dark heart banked already) and Defenses once per phase to protect you from a failure.

@Kenshi You're up next based on the plan,
though @Dark Cloud and @VeyrinDay may want to react to the information they got or get clarification
@Dark Cloud sure, if that's your preference.
@Dark Cloud All good! You can wait for position/effect in future if you want extra info on your roll but it's not required if you're sure of what you want to do. Also, how do you go about tricking these folk?

yep its 3d6 for your highest stat, 2d6 for two star stats, 1d6 for one star stats. you can gain practice xp for rolling stats you have no points in and this will grant you points in that stat eventually.

You actually get an extra dice for skulk and an extra 2 dice for trick. I'll take the two fours and if you want to roll one dice for skulk and 2 for the trick and we'll see if that pushes you from a mixed success to a success or possibly critical if you're super lucky on the trick.
@Dark Cloud you're up. What does Zaz'ac do/ how does he approach this task and I'll inform you what your position is (whether you're going toe to toe with the challenge, have an upper hand, are the underdog in the situation, or in deadly circumstances) and what your effect is (whether it'll have a strong, regular or weak effect. Throwing a pebble at a dragon would have a weak effect, but shooting a special dragon-slaying arrow through it's heart after researching dragon anatomy and being a great marksman would have a strong effect)

EDIT: just saw this woops one sec
ok so if the first rolls are these from Lucius:

Cool. While I know I ought to wait for Veyrin does, I’ll go ahead and do my rolls and we’ll see if they’re needed. Might not stick to the plan after all.

2 2 4 for the Skulk

2 2 for the Scan

the Skulk is even position strong effect as the rain is giving you good cover. Rolling a 4 as your highest is a mixed success, so you succeed (your choice how that pans out IC) but the complication is you see a dwarf leaving cover with a strong lantern to relieve himself from his booze. The lantern is spreading light in a circle around him as he rests it on a rock beside him. He is relieving himself against the cliff face opposite.

The scan is even position weak effect as the rain is making it harder to see. Regardless, with a 2 as your highest that is a failure. So I'm going to say that, you can see these stone structures carved into the cliff face, ornate dwarvern architecture, and you can hear the merrymaking coming from inside one of these places - it's the only one with light spilling out into the open air - and you can smell delicious pork wafting out the door. But you can't get a good angle to see inside the structure from your current position, without entering the light of that pesky lantern.

You can see the man outside is a dwarf wearing leathers, but he's facing away from you so you can't see any insignias.

So far the signal I'm getting is that:
Dark grabs some quick intel
Zaz'ac lures the people out into the open
Baganaria uses trick or Invoke to get them to miss or distract them
Krieg pummels stuff into oblivion
Darc drops down from above from a cliff face onto an unsuspecting target
Phardax adds some flair

is everyone into this?

EDIT: ty Lucius! missed your post . Yes stress gets added as you use abilities and such, you can use abilities straight away
Here we go for clarity:

Goal: To have a place to turn into a Dungeon (as per the pics provided earlier)
Target: these drunk smucks who made the mistake to eat/drink near you fearless monsters
The Plan: Assault? Strike? Ambush? Trickery?
+Krieg initiates by rushing in? or Darc and Zazac sneak in?

trying to keep up with the OOC posting so I may have missed some things
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