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2 yrs ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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3 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
3 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
3 yrs ago
I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
4 yrs ago
There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

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@ZAVAZggg anything that doesn't break the rules of the guild

why am I already filled with a sinking feeling of regret
@Dark Cloud if you wanted to spend both dark hearts on the first roll, want to commit and roll the last 1d on that set? you need a 6 ideally
@Kenshi tbf you are fast by guild standards, no sweat my dude :D
@Dark Cloud nope, only if you use a specific calling ability or if you take a consequence that is stress based. Some racial allow you to pay stress to do something, like if you use vicious tongues
@Dark Cloud no stress yet, you're good :D
I pinged @Kenshi so we might see him join us soon
mwhahahaha hope y'all ready to put your evil mage hats on
@Dark Cloud sure, looks like you have one banked!
@Dark Cloud hahaha, beat me to pinging you :D
@Dark Cloud 5 highest is a mixed success. you can roll again if you want to try for a success or critical, otherwise you succeed but Vorath-Dakoth will start a 4 clock for more sacrifices. It will tick at the end of a cycle (unless you guys do something terrible to Vorath Dakoth and Myres Root in your next raid, which I doubt...)

what would you like to do, take the mixed success or Risk It?

@Kenshi excellent, so are you tricking her into giving you information or doing something for you?

You have a dominant position with a strong effect but you have an overwhelming circumstance against you (which always exists when torturing a prisoner)

YOU are an aspiring evil mage looking to achieve world domination in a fantasy realm.
You have gathered with the other members of the Council of Evil in order to put your devious plans into action! Perhaps dethrone the King! Raise an evil Army of Necromancers! Open a portal to a realm of horrors! Turn everyone into an angry cat! The world is your oyster, except magic is kind of fickle and you're actually not that great at being a Big Bad. Learn on the job, right?

This is a Roll to Dodge game inspired by @Kenshi @Dark Cloud and @Spiral Origin

When you post IC bold or colour an action and I will roll a dice to determine the outcome.
6: Way Overdid It. Like Waaaay Overdid it...
5: Good news everyone, Total Success!
4: Partial Success.
3: A Mixed Success. Could be worse, but not ideal.
2: Failure.
1: Catastrophic Failure

Here's the CS, you can post straight to the character tab.
Character Sheet

[hider=NAME the TITLE][center][b][h3]Name[/h3][/b]
[sup]Age • Gender • Race[/sup]
[b]Appearance:[/b] remove this if you found an image you like.
[b]School of Magic:[/b] This is the school of magic your character has the most aptitude with.
[b]Inventory:[/b] you start with clothing of your choice (no armour) and one weapon of choice. We'll add to this over the RP.
[b]Quests:[/b] World Domination! You can also add a personal quest if you wish. When a quest is completed rewards will be granted.
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you want to share![/hider]
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