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1 yr ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
2 yrs ago
Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
2 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
2 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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@Dark Cloud with a portable hole type spell the possibilities of pocket technology go up significantly...
@POOHEAD189 Accepted! Add the staff to your inventory. Your knowledge of ancient languages grants you the ability to decipher ancient occult runes, identify historical artefacts, and you can recall ancient history you have read about. You can recognise the work of different historical factions easier.

Set clones to 5
@Dark Cloud add it to your inventory please :D
@Dark Cloud yep, excitedly wanted to get a post out :P

ATM Wik is still within 20 ft of the other characters to look down into the chasm, so shouldn't cause problems
@Dark Cloud yep ;_; That was good fun to run though. I think some of the mechanics from ironwork might make it more robust.

It's such a cheerful little dungeon :DDD

I think Wik can comfortably carry 6 wands, or 12 wands if she's super careful. She can carry up to 24 wands if she recklessly squirrels them into every part of her robe. I'll let you decide how many you want to take
@Dark Cloud You lever off the lid off the first crate. It contains torches, rope, some glinting metal underneath the hay used to pack the items... pah! Useless. The next crate aspires to be a lot more interesting. Row upon row of hewn wooden wands, gnarled and identical. If she wanted one to be red or shiny, perhaps she could find a way to decorate them.

Wik approaches the lip of the chasm. The stairs are dotted with patches of moss, sand and- are those animal droppings? Some tracks trace patterns across the path. You can hear chirruping lilting up from below.

The misty waterfall cascades down the rocks into a tranquil pool. You can see a sandy beach at the bottom of the stairs.
@Dark Cloud Just the one? She can carry multiple ;)
@POOHEAD189 Jolly good! I'm off to bed shortly but feel free to post IC if the mood takes you once you've made your sheet and I'll review it tomorrow:D
@rocketrobie2 There is only one Carl. He ate his brothers
@Dark Cloud oh no, Wik is adorable ;_;
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