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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
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Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
2 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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@Dark Cloud You watch the Monkeys for a little while, swimming and playing. They nibble on the mosses growing by the staircase, swim languidly through the water, and seem able to stay at the bottom of the pool for an unusual amount of time.

You scampered round the corner into a corridor 5 ft wide and 10 ft long, kicking up sand as you do so. The walls and floors here are glowing in vibrant pulsating crystals, sometimes orange, sometimes purple. You can still hear the sounds of monkeys cheerfully splashing around. The dim pulse of the crystals casts some light into the dark chamber ahead, but the gloom of the cave remains obstinate.

@POOHEAD189 Carl ordains to snort in your general direction. Best not to contemplate the beast's ill mood too much.

You collect a variety of supplies and while no cot is forthcoming, you do find a bedroll. With no backpack, you could fashion something makeshift with the rope to carry the bedroll comfortably. For now you opt to tuck it under an arm, rations in the pockets of your robe.

The stream is a welcome companion as you set off on your journey. It is a small piddling thing, but the sound of it's quiet babblings brings a quiet comfort as you head southwards. The forest journey is uneventful, with the quiet chirping of birds a pleasant serenade. With time, this diminishes into an eerie quiet. There is no track but the ground starts to steepen. You find the origin of the stream peaking through the side of a hill, and as you crest the ridge, you find the Barrowlands waiting for you.

The forest encircles it, but you see the land blackening the further south it goes, breaking way to dead forest and eventually boggy swamplands. Before you, the tombs huddle together under the cool light of the morning sun, shunning it's reach. The Barrowmounds sit squat, keeping their dead and their secrets.

The ravages of time have left some tombs to collapse in on themselves. Others bear marks of being raided by adventurers in bygone times. Reclaimed by dying grass as some were, it was hard to be sure how many burial mounds lay below. Two dozen? More?

6 mounds lay in relative ease of reach. Climbing down the hill and into the Barrowlands would give you a better look at their condition.

@rocketrobie2 You watch as three brilliant blue comets arc towards the bush, blasting holes through it's foliage until it is a twig of it's former self.

Nothing particularly noteworthy happens, other then a nearby rabbit taking flight deeper into the forest.

@Duthguy You collect some rations before stuffing every possible pocket with wands upon wands till your robes are fit to burst. You leave the despondent Carl and Marcus' victim behind you and set off into the great green yonder.

The forest is a calming enough place. You mind your step passed rambunctious roots and foray ever deeper into the woods. The canopy rustles quietly as sunshine dots the forest in beams of cool glow. Plants of all kinds reach upwards, ever ambitious.

It's not long before you spot a small pile of round droppings directly in your path. They're fresh. Prints mark the soft earth beside them, trampled leaves mark a recent passage. You could investigate, or head further in.
@Duthguy Accepted! Set clones to 5. Add your character to the CS tab and post whenever you're ready
@rocketrobie2 blast, he's onto me... playing all sensible, pah!

Edit: I was going to make it so something had to be mildly sentient to use Magic Missile on it (so people don't just stand at the cart and do nothing other then fire wands) but I think this is very much in the spirit of things so I'll allow it :D
@Duthguy Hell yes welcome to chaos
I've been trying to figure out how I'm going to run the rp and I would like some input. Because people can go in on their own or whatever, there will be several different separate instances. Here's what I'm thinking:

I'll post for an opening of the Dungeon, which any one member or party can choose to join. Once all settled, I'll open privet chats, much like how guardian runs theirs for the witchlight campaign. Using quote function, I'll post a prompt, in which members and first discuss how they'll approach it then execute. This'll go on till either the party exits the Dungeon, or TPW. Once all is done, I'll take the master post into a hider and post it into the rp chat here as a log.

IMO PMs is good if there is a potential for secret information, or if there could be a big reveal IC when it's posted later. But if people go off into the PM world there might be less interaction OOC and it'd be a while before an IC post I think?

OOC can be a bit messier but I think it encourages interaction and people can comment on each other's styles of delving which might encourage people to party up more/differently later. But it can sometimes take a while in a big OOC to search for that one thing you want to find IMO.

I prefer OoC thread more but I'd be curious to try the PM thing since I haven't seen it done as a system before

@Cao the Exiled about to hit the pillow so don't rush yourself! The RP will be here when you're ready, you don't have an obligation to me to get your sheet on at a certain time. I know it's pretty busy over there ATM :D

I'm happy knowing you're not stressing over it. Plus, because characters are being teleported in from another plane, you won't fall behind if your character pops in a bit later ^^
@Dark Cloud Totally get that and my track record is a bit of a graveyard >.>'
@VeyrinDay Post your character in the OOC using the below form

@Dark Cloud hey! Hearing your concerns loud and clear. I started this rp at the Dungeon to get into the action a bit quicker.

Also, I was super tired from work yesterday and passed out for ten hours lol. So that's why there was no update, but I should be able to update today if all goes to plan my friend :D
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