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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
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Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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I do think the 'opening thoughts' ,/ relationships add alot to the RP, but no pressure to anyone to complete them.

@Yankee I'm happy either way, @AzureKnight what are your thoughts?

@The Irish Tree just realised Cornelius has 0 rank in intelligence do he'll need to rank it up to get access to those skills. Alternatively getting on the good side of people who already have earth magic cold be fun too.

@AzureKnight just working on your skill list
@AzureKnight which 2 magical elements would you like Saya to be strongest in?
@AzureKnight As I haven't heard anything from the other two curious potential players, would you like the last RP spot before I close it?
@Timemaster Great thanks! As for his reputation, the villages just need to get to know him a bit. But let me know if you'd like him moved to perplexed / cautious if you think the villagers know him a little bit at the start of the RP.

@The Irish Tree feel free to add Cornelius up to the CS tab!

His skills are a bit peculiar, let me know your thoughts and if there's anything apart of your concept you'd like included beyond this, this is a first pass:

Astral Weakness I
Birdbrain - Telepathy wth the murder of crows living inside his head. While they sometimes have a mind of their own, they tend to do what Cornelius says and have a very high bond with him.
Statue - when standing still, appears to be an ordinary scarecrow. This can still look out of place in the wrong location, however.
Weathered - receives no adverse effects from being stuck in bad weather. Visibility remains complete.
Construct - does not technically require food, drink or sleep, not that he is out prevented from simple pleasures.
Storage - Cornelius can store things inside his body, much to the chagrin and delight of his crows. The things he stores may have peculiar effects on him, however...
Endless Straw?! - Cornelius can pullout seemingly endless Straw from his sleeves. This does cause him to slowly shrink and his clothes to become baggy on him, though. He can be reconstituted by having his straw - or new straw - reintegrated.
Wayfaring - Plains
Detect - Pests
Ignoble Magic: Earth, Lesser
Ignoble Magic: Nature, Lesser
Identify - Seed
Identify - Needs (Plants)
Creature Taming
@Enkryption I was torn on where to pop Nibby. I think they trust her medicines but the kids still call her witch, and the fact she lives near the woods and Knows Things is spooky for them. I like the idea of the village warming up to her over the RP

Also, everyone next step before RP launch is for me to help flesh out Cornelius's skills. We have 2 people from the interest check who might make characters. If they have decided to drop their interest I will include Saya in the roster since it seems arbitrary to reject the last person. So long as everyone is comfortable with the group size, I think it's already a large group but 1 person won't change much my end.

Vietmyke has decided to drop out with Rowan, he's welcome back at any time if he changes his mind.

Finally it will be very important that everyone tags their locations at the start of their posts since people will likely break into smaller groups to explore quests in different places, I hope to make a template/header that will just be a simple one. You're also free to use your own templates so long as key information is visible. I'd also like GM and regular posts to have a little hider at the bottom with mechanics in (e.g use identify, craft X with Y material and Z goal in mind) but I'll elaborate on that later when I have some examples.

Also my PMs are open to anyone who may want to flesh anything out pre roleplay stuff or confirm any short term goals they'd like to grow their character towards. I am working on the initial Adventurers Quest board with a list of starter quests, so if you want to hit the ground running in any particular direction I can put a related quest on there. This is a slice of life rp, so it's also perfectly acceptable to just hang out and get to know each other, up your skills and not quest for a while. The adventurers guild won't burn down in the meantime, I promise.

I'd usually have a 3 quests to prevent analysis paralysis but since the Adventurers Guild is just opening and there are lots of different areas of interest there might be few more then that. So far minimum I'm leaning towards:

- identify new herbs at location
- unusual monster spotted in the woods, investigate
- monster bothering the local bison (might involve combat)
- Locate a shrine rumoured to be in the area
- investigate the abandoned mine
- I have a couple quests around town for NPCs that are either relationship building or may lead to other developments down the line (Dalton wants help making a signature brew, Brisk wants a pet fish from the pond or river)
@Yankee@AzureKnight@Enkryption I think after sleeping on it I don't really want pre-existing cast to make changes to their character concept to accommodate new characters. It's an excellent CS but we do have a big cast and I don't think Saya is filling a missing niche. I appreciate everyone's time to make this a possibility but I don't think it's a good fit on my end, although it has some cool differentiation possibilities later.
For AI art specifically related to RPing, I'm excited.
I was musing with this idea today, combining a few different tools you could have a group shot with all the different characters and unify it into one style, and run a RP with one style of artwork. No more faffing around with trying to unify landscape/portrait images with different resolutions into like bbcode friendly cropped sizes.

this in particular interests me, along with this.


Some of the animation stuff isn't quite there yet for me but sign me up for VN style cut scenes.

All of this requires some fiddling.

Writing wise I think a brainstorming tool for generating plot twists you might not have thought of might be cool, but I'm alot more interested in the visual stuff.
Well f*** this is brutal
@Dark Cloud I be creepin!
@Enkryption I really appreciate your thoughts actually, thanks for sharing.

I expect magic to be highly differential later in the RP, out the gate things are alot more similar so I didn't want anyone to feel their role is being diluted.

If @Yankee, you feel comfortable weighing in from an artefact/magical research angle. Jada could perhaps see Saya as a teacher.
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