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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
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Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
2 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
2 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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@AzureKnightSorry, she's too close to Nibby, Jada and Zrer so I will decline the submission. Thankyou for the interest
@Dark Cloud it's alright if it fills a niche the RP is missing, but yeah, phasing out of the interest check search. Hoping to have the first IC post up this week if we get the last few Skill lists done. Waiting to see if raider and meleck still submit a character as they already stated interest early
Quick notes:
Reputation added on the CS tab
NPCs added on CS tab
Skills updated (still missing a couple characters)

Also. @The Irish Tree Welcome to Cornelius! We've got a pretty wild and wonderful mix of characters in this Hamlet now. The wider world is going to be so confused when the trade routes become more active
@AzureKnight We have a witch/doctor and two total potionmakersso that role is pretty well filled, what's your angle for a potential character?
@The Irish Tree ok he's so perfect for the setting, what a sweet little bean with his dream of a toupee ;_; I was wondering whether I'd have to relegate farming to NPCs.

also crows are super intelligent so there's alot of fun there.

Feel free to add him up to the OOC list and we'll work on his skills there. I love he has max vitality, I'm curious what your aims for that were? I imagine standing out in the sun and rain would have caused it, but don't want to miss anythin on his skills
@Yankee Jada wood be able to interpret what basic needs someone may require, like food, water or rest, and it'd apply to her mysterious egg and creatures as well. Later she may be good at match adventurers to the right quests if she decides to pursue upgrading it. It's possible it could eventually upgrade into things more magical research based e.g sense requirement would allow you to know what reagent or magic you're missing to achieve a certain goal.

Focus I
Speed Reading
Sense Motive, lesser
Gaming: Cards
Gaming: Boardgames

Also given her focus during the RP is magic I'd expect her to be able to develop the basic ones quickly, if you decide to explore that
@Yankee So I've given Jada wind and water, I imagine watching Boro's mage hand like abilities might have inspired some practice with wind. And water I could see her trying her own attempts at the pond, but feel free to swap them if you prefer earth or fire. Here's a first pass on her skills, what sort of hobbies does Jada have?

Liminal Resist I
Research: Magic Study
Sense Needs
Jack of Trades, Odd Jobs
Ignoble Magic - Wind, lesser
Ignoble Magic - Water, Lesser
Identify Scroll, Lesser
Inspect Artefact, Lesser
Inspect Rune, Lesser

@Timemaster Moved the hut closer! I think a Sense emotion based telepathy that conveys emotions/vague themes/concepts works. One that requires a peaceful environment to use to start with (can't use it on a wolf charging you, for example)

@Zeroth looks good! Nah, those are NPC huts.

@Wayward excelled, stats look better. What sort of skills would you like / how does he spend his time?

To answer the stats question stats affect success / failure chance for actions in GM Posts, what stats affect is referenced here. Stats and skills are intertwined - you need intelligence to cast ignoble magic and wisdom to cast inert music, for example. A successful action can lead to skill gain / improvement.

Updated the Map!
I like 'em but that's only because I enjoy making them. I don't really bother with the world map level stuff, when I see a world map I generally assume someone is putting more interest in their world building then players and should write a book rather than a rp, but that's just me. I have seen some great RPs using world maps and obviously nation roleplay's sit outside that.

I will make local region or dungeon or village layout maps because I like a player to see a cool thing and go 'whats over there?' or have a visual representation of a physical impact they've made on the game world. But that feeling can be achieved through writing too. Also, some of these habits I picked up because one of my favourite people to play with has Aphantasia, and stuff like that helps. But you also have to ask yourself - is what I'm doing adding quality to my game? Is my time better spent elsewhere? Good writing created together will always be more atmospheric and emotional then a picture.

In the roleplaying game' title I am admittedly more gamer then roleplayer. I am not a strong writer and my preference to world building lies towards gamist or simulationist mechanics though, self admittedly.

In terms of software, I love Wonderdraft best. Using incarnate ATM because I'm on tablet. Hexographer for hex maps but that's more TRPGs. I name by landmarks usually. It's simplistic but does what it says on the tin. Naming can tell an important story about your history though. If the dwarven city has an elvish namemaybe it's because there was a war 1000 years ago ect. So it's another way to get into to the players.
@The Irish Tree we're pretty full, I think it would depend on whether the character concept filled a niche that wasn't currently represented. What are you thinking of playing?
So I whipped up a first draft of the map so people can get an idea of placement. Let me know if you want your abode moved, this is a rough

It's just the immediate local area. The area to the north is hills (don't have an asset for it) that eventually become mountains. To the south and west is alooot of forest. There's a settlement to the south and a fishing village to the East that occasionally trades, but not often, since the Hamlet isn't very popular. There's a dilapidated 'gatehouse' near the roads which looks like a glorified toll booth. Ingrid might occasionally be on duty here in the morning on market days possibly, accepting traders/folk into the village (although it's usually quiet):
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