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@Dark Cloud *salutes* always an absolute pleasure doing with you. Also, Hearth is the name of the village, still working out a name for the inn ect.

@scrawls that's really kind thank you!

@Zeroth Those are great skills, add 'em up! If you can leave the explanation in a hider underneath so in 3 weeks time I remember which are telegraphed.

@Wayward Love his vow of silence. Considering him accepted but please fix his stats and request another review - should be a quick fix, right now you have three 2 stars and one of them needs to be Untrained [-]

@Theyra would sleight of hand be a sort of thieving ability? Feel free to add these:
Crossbow - Precision
Passive Charming - Etiquette and Grace
Gaming - Cards
@Enkryption Here we go, I added the shapeshifting wearing off while sleeping you mentioned earlier. Looking forward to seeing her FC:

Ignoble Magic - Earth
Ignoble Magic - Wind, Lesser
Ignoble Magic - Fire, Lesser
Also can't believe I missed these:
Crafting - Medicine
Crafting - Potions
Ancestry Arachne - Webbing
Ancestry Arachne - Tremorsense
Ancestry Dryadic - Ignoble Magic, Nature
Inert Magic Shapeshift while lucid, Human

Are there any addition dryadic/Arachne skills you'd like?

@Dark Cloud Sure no worries, swap it with Poison Resistance I and swap Passive: Communicate - Creature (Woodlands) with Dangersense (Predator). If you're happy with that change I'll start adding the skills to the list!

@Zeroth Tempted to give Goh a people wrangling skill Still need to check the OOC thread but add:
Dynamic Vision: Track Fast Moving Objects
Also just to put everyone at ease skills are a work in progress system so don't worry too much if the IC goes up and they're not 100% perfect. I'll likely be tinkering with them for a bit
@Zeroth I'm imagining Old Man Goh's house might be close to the Smithy so he gets some residual heat in the part of the house closest.. but maybe not. purely curious, does he like to grab his meals at the inn or cook for himself at home? I can imagine him enjoying the slow life and he might know Ingrid as well.

Accepted! Happy to have some kids running around town too. Skil lists we can develop together, I'm trying to keep the syntax consistent for referencing during the RP more then anything. Feel free to add anything you think is missing. 'Dangersense - Protect Ward' is ward as in student. If the kids were in trouble nearby, he'd know.

Slash Resistance II
Blunt Resistance I
Cold Resistance I
Passive: Dangersense - Killing Intent
Passive: Dangersense - Protect Ward
Inert Magic - Killer Glare
Swordsmanship (Precise)
Wayfaring - Plains
Crafting - Trapmaking
Jack of Trades: Odd Jobs
Training: Swordsmanship
Detect Deception
Detect Intent

@Yankee her personality is so adorable. And the egg is really exciting. She probably knows Boro if she likes studying. She definitely needs extra thought to her skills and where she starts at - do you want her to have any active magic at the beginning of the RP?

@Enkryption excellent, I was imagining them at different ends of the town outskirts
@Dark Cloud honestly it's pretty great, not many people are living in the town center, which I think is an excellent way to start a RP about building a community. Everyone's a Hermit!

If I have time/can get it working on tablet I'd like to make a map to show roughly how people are spread out. There are forests to the West all the way round to the South of the village and plains (eventually hills and mountains) to the north and plains to the East. I think main trade/people come from the southern road but I'm missing with the idea of another very small fishing village to the East. I think [@Enkrypton] Nibby's garden might be visible from the trade road which is why the kids tend to bother her more then Rallis.

@OwOAccepted! I can see her, Bolo and Rowan sitting round a table in the inn trying to convince the Mayor to make all the doorways bigger..

Here's a first pass at the skill list, feel free to make any suggestions. Also, how good is Ingrid at solving crimes? I get more of a village jack of all trades vibe rather than detective, but let me know if you want her to have some skills in that department. Foodsense is a bit of a good for fun, but the sense abilities just give players knowledge on what's happening around the RP (or grants knowledge of things going on in the area no one may know about yet). I kinda like the idea of Ingrid knowing when tasty food is around to a supranatural degree.

Also I gave her gluttony which is typically more of a monster ability but I think it suits her well. This opens up an unexpected question: monsters can sometimes gain attributes or evolution from things they eat. Do you want Ingrid to be able to do that too? No pressure either way. Right now I think with such a high vitality she has the most iron stomach of all the characters, even compared to Wormwood and Penumbra. Also, I imagine her family might have taught her some of the military skills, but she doesn't have much interest in them?
Poison Resistance I
Blunt Resistance I
Reputation: Hearth - Liked
Passive: Dangersense - Urban
Passive: Foodsense
Passive: Enhancement Vitality - Gluttony
Tracking: Urban
Detect Forgery
Training: Manual at Arms can provide combat training
Military Strategy
Jack of Trades: Odd Jobs

@Theyra Accepted! Definitely worth working out if you have connections with [@Enkrypton] Nibby and @scrawls. Nibby creates medicines and like Zhar has a herb garden, so they'd definitely be aware of each other as the only potionmakers in town. And you may have met Boro recently as he's reopened the library, and Zhar might find some books there useful.

So developing your skill list now. What does Zhar's elven ancestry grant in his case? Do you have an affinity for nature? Also with a high Dex he shoul definitely have some skills relating to that, how do you imagine he spends his time?
Upgraded Skill - Stealth* (ancestry)
Locked - Innate Magic
Passive: Dangersense - Concoction Mishap
Passive: Magicsense, Sentient, bodily
Identify: Reagent
Identify: Potion
Research - Potions
Gardening - Herbs
Wayfaring - Woodlands

@Timemaster Accepted! Glad to get to RP with you again, always had a blast together. Also really happy to have William the Hunter in town!

Here's the first pass of the skill list for Penumbra, let me know if you'd like anything adjusted/added as I think he could definitely have an expansion on his monster taming abilities. Also: the difference between Amorphous Shape and Form contort - Form Contort is basic conscious control over your shape (e.g while amorphous shape let's you squeeze through gaps, with form contort you could attempt to take a form you want, like a dog-ish shape or cat-ish shape. Right now I imagine Penumbra hasn't spent much time bothering with it, but it could eventually upgrade to shapeshifting. He also has resistance to having his form forcibly changed tough magic as he has conscious control over it.)

Magic Resistance I
Magic Resistance: Shapeshifting II
Slashing Resistance I
Falling Resistance - Immunity
Passive: Slime - Amorphous Shape (can squeeze through any gap, turn into a puddle, ect.)
Passive: Slime - Form Contort
Passive: Dangersense - Woodlands
Passive: Dangersense - Caves
Passive: Dangersense - Bonded Creature
Passive: Tremorsense
Identify: Creature
Creature Taming
Passive: Enhancement Vitality - Gluttony
Wayfaring: Woodlands
Wayfaring: Caves (not sure how much Penumbra remembers of being a slime, up to you. He was probably born here so even if he doesn't remember them, he'd have an instinctual understanding

@Enkryption Nibby definitely needs some sort of shapeshifting ability, which elemental magic would you like her to have? The basic element you pick will be the grounding for the wisdom based inert magic that gives her her shapeshifting ability, just a bit of flavour. If you and @Crimson Flame are interested in nature magic, I think you'd have a basic grasp of earth, water, fire.

@Crimson Flame woops, sorry, I wasn't very clear - I meant pick one from Animal Friendship or Animal Training, you can have any of the following you like:
Reputation: Hearth, Known
Passive Charming - Etiquette and Grace
Passive Charming - High Society

Would you like any magic at the start of the RP?
Also how powerful is Mary's relationship with Woodland Creatures? If she's Snow White like you could have a version of Wormwood's communicate with Woodland animal skill

@Dark Cloudsome skills for Wormwood, I think it's likely still missing a couple. All the below are optional so remove any you don't think fit your character. I'd like to give him a couple more if there's anything missing - What sort of things has Wormwood spent alot of time doing? Do you want him to start with any magic?
Fire Resistance I
Earth Resistance I
Dangersense - Edible
Passive: Communicate - Creature (Woodlands)
Passive: Kobold - Paltry Large intelligent monsters are likely to ignore the Kobold unless attacked.
Heat sense (Infravision) - can only be used in the dark,bright kightsources are blinding when activated.
Passive: Identify - Woodlands (I think Wormwood has probably eaten alot of stuff - herbs, bark, bugs, smaller critters, one or two pebbles. So he'd be able to identify most things in the known parts of the local woods)
Passive: Enhancement Vitality - Gluttony
Wayfaring: Woodlands

@scrawls so at the start of the RP I think Boro could have been working on developing scrying magic for a while, so I've granted 'Passive: Sense - Astral'. One of the smaller quests Boro might want to undertake is to collect the items for a scrying station (Crystal Ball type orb, dowsing tools) one he starts using that it'll push him up to Scrying. Same for enchantment, he's been reading up on it for a while, he just need some tools to spark that fire.

For stories, Boro can write them as usual. Alternatively, you can use Inert Magic: Astral - Recall Event, Sentient. In a calm environment, Boro can place his astral telekinesis 'hand/s' on something to recall parts of its history or story. It's not perfect but may display key events, particularly emotionally charged ones. Later upgrade of this will work on items as well. This makes Boro able to write stories or histories that may be untold or lost to time, which I think suits his long term goals. Let me know if this is too intense, he could always start using it later in the RP.

Astral Resistance II
Inert Magic: Astral, Basic Telekinesis
Inert Magic: Astral - Recall Event, Sentient
Passive: Dangersense - Library
Passive: Sense - Magic, Basic
Passive: Sense - Astral
Dangersense - Knowledge not all knowledge is safe to know
Passive: Identify - Knowledge and Tomes
Identify: Basic Enchantment
Detect Magic
Languages - All Common
Languages - Rare
Perfect Recall
Crafting - Repair
Crafting - Bookbinding
Knowledge - Archive
Research - Magical Items
Wayfaring - Liminal Space: Libraries

@TheNoCoKid so for Rallis, how about:
Ignoble Magic - Wind
Ignoble Magic - Enhancement Speed
Ignoble Magic - Enhancement Projectile
Also add:
Wayfaring: Woodlands
Passive: Enhanced Vitality - Vision, Perfect Detail
*Upgraded Skill - Unexpected! Stealth - Unmoving Unseen* (ancestry)
If you want to enhance his sneak further, you could have some Inert Magic - Shadow control.

Also can you take another look at your stats? 1 X 3 star 2x 2 star 2x 1 star 1x - no training for distribution. I know he's a specialised race but I want everyone to start with the same stat distribution and skills to reflect racial abilities. Stats can be upgraded in game.

@vietmyke Sure! How do you imagine his fire skill? I think he can probably summon it to his hand (his own flame won't hurt him) as well as stoke his forge with it. And I think anything he produces with a magic flame is higher quality.

For now add 'Ignoble Magic - Fire' and Ignoble Magic - Fire, Enhance Craft but he may had additional skills depending on how you imagine he's been exploring it. Also, Are you happy with yr skill list? Anything you'd like to add? Small thing but if he goes fishing, does he know how to swim?

@Meleck the GreyBoth of these sound cool! Thanks for stating your interest as I'm closing to new people now (who have not stated previous interest) both a brewer and a cleric will fit in nicely

@Zeroth I think story best wise that'd fit in really well. Would you be willing to fit in having some sort of curse or wound from his last battle that butchered some of his high tier skills? A seasoned veteran should definitely start with some upgraded skills if his speciality. But I don't want a vastly different power level if it might tilt the balance too much. I think it'd be fun for his resistances to stay intact so we could do the tropes of the old man thing out to be a bit of a beast when he does need to be. And also his key weapon skill. But there would be a reason why he doesn't have access to some abilities he might of picked up...although if you prefer, we could instead say it's his ages that's made him rusty. Of course he can develop as oyu like through the roleplay either way.

Also yeah - the warzone is far to the south and won't affect the story, but it gives an opportunity for people to want to travel here and join the village. Any dangerous dungeons would have reasons to be sealed and people would have to go out of their way to find them.

@redraider1 it's all good, take your time as needed

@Dark Cloud no worries I'm working on it :D was hoping I'd get the OOC done and finish the skills tonight but might be tomorrow now

Open, please don't post IC

Hearth Villagers are afraid of Penumbra
Hearth Villagers are cautious of Boro, Saya and Nibby. Though they'd have a drink with them.
Hearth Villagers are truly perplexed by Cornelius and Wormwood
Hearth Villagers tolerate Rallis and Zher
Hearth Villagers are neutral towards Brother Yung Rinan
Hearth Villagers like Old Man Goh
Hearth Villagers consider Jada and Ingrid to be one of their own


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