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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
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Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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Wormwood the Forager played by@Dark Cloud
Boro the Bookkeeper played by@scrawls
Rallis the Hunter played by@theNoCoKid
Nibiria "Nibby" Arachne the ...Healer... played by@Enkryption
Penumbra the Evolutionist Slime played by@TimeMaster
Ingrid Lucentia von Draph played by@OwO
Zrer Lakeilu played by@Theyra
Old Man Goh played by@Zeroth
Jada Nahri played by@Yankee
Brother Yung Rinan played by@Wayward
Cornelius Bojangles played by@The Irish Tree
Saya Akaba played by@AzureKnight
So stats show what kind of attributes you're focusing on for your character. I don't want people to worry they have misplaced their stats for their aims - there is nothing to stop you being a weightlifting Spellcaster, for example. Please consider the below more of a guideline/inspiration. Your stats are supportive of your play style.

Some NPCs will place more value on certain stats then others when interacting/influencing them.


A quick note on magic - there are two types of magic, at the moment I'm calling them ignoble magic (bound in the physical world, such as anything elemental, the crucial building blocks of magic) and noble/inert magic (divine magic such as healing falls into this category along with the fantasy style light and dark magics. Strange magics such as teleportation or spatial magic falls in this category as well)

Ignoble magic can be combined in many different variations to create new effects. So you could combine water and fire magics to make steam, for example. There are many unexplored and undiscovered types of magic that can be learnt from experimentation and study, leading to many types of magic uses and professions. A water mage, for example, may still be able to produce steam given the right circumstances. But the crazy steam wizard who has devoted his life to steam magic would know a larger variety of steam related 'spells'. And he could combine that with other magics to make even wilder things, perhaps to make aeresol poison clouds or new living clockwork inventions.

The line between ignoble and inert magic gets pretty blurry as combine enough ignoble magic and you'll eventually have something the guild would class as inert anyway.

As with everything else in this RP, don't get too hung up on the specifics - if there is a cool thing you want to do or aim for, we can talk out different ways to achieve it in a way that suits your vision of your character. If you have magics or skills that combo well together, I may suggest new skills you can adopt, but it is always optional (*with the exception of perhaps picking up a cursed item that grants skills, but nothing is unavoidable. The adventurers guild will know how to cleanse a cursed item, or can help you with a quest to do it. Cursed items are rare)


Stats can be improved IC over the course of the game.

A strong character may do well in combat and have the ability to lift heavy items or complete physically taxing tasks that cannot usually be achieved or do so in less time (e.g a character lacking strength may not be able to mine as effectively), strength may affect appropriate crafting skills.

Dexterity improves hand eye co-ordination, balance and can be a reflection of skill and grace. Dextrous characters have improved ability with ranged combat or combat styles that require finesse and poise. Dexterity is also great for crafting professions and increases success rate at creating intricate or sensitive objects. Dexterity is also reflective of someone's speed and reflexes. Dexterity affects stealth.

Vitality is the endurance of the body, ability to resist poisons and disease, draining effects and may reflect a strong emotional fortitude as well. Strength and vitality are similar in that vitality may improve a characters ability to perform a task for an extended period of time, or push themselves further then usual. A character with high vitality is more likely to sleep well and experiences less physical ailments. Characters with strong vitality can more safely experiment with eating foods/herbs/potions of unknown magical properties or traits.

Intelligence is often associated with people who use magic and is also representative of knowledge, languages, quick wittedness, logical processing ability and mental acuity. Intelligence increases endurance of the mind, this mental fortitude improves protection against magic and mental effects. Intelligent people make good inventors, problem solvers, and nearly all magic wielding people will have good intelligence. You must have at least 1 star in this stat to learn magic.

Wisdom is the endurance of the soul and protects from spiritual attacks. Wisdom can infer a strong sense of self or an innate understanding of a universal truth. Wisdom is required for magic that does not have grounding in the core elements, aka noble/inert magic. Examples include healing magic, light and dark and spatial magics. Wise people have good gut instincts and it is said wisdom can also confer good luck. For this reason wise people make good gatherers of ingredients, this stat can also be good for scouts. You must have at least 1 star in this stat to learn a relevant inert magic.

Charisma affects how a person is perceived to be and improves the chances of them 'getting their way' in social situations. There are different forms of charisma, such as someone appearing to be sweet and charming, another person a wisecracking smooth talker, and a third person may inspire fear. Charisma improves ones ability to interact with other creatures. It is great for traders, but also monster tamers and leaders. NPCs are more likely to interact in favourable ways to those with high charisma, and those in positions of importance (whether that be a noble or the local forest Dryad, or the alpha of a wolf pack) are more likely to keep tabs on these perceived up and comers. Those with higher Charisma can get crowds to listen to them and militia to organise. Charisma also affects ones ability to deceive, and makes it easier to spread tales of great deeds across the land - or advertise great products - or sew untrue rumours.

Stats can be combined together to reflect different archetypes. You may have an inventor with high intelligence and dexterity, who imbues their finely crafted creations with magic. A dextrous and wise scout may be quick at moving through the woods to report back, and always seems to luckily find what they're looking for. A cook with high vitality and charisma makes the amazing new dishes after befriending the local herbalist, and eating their new recipes themselves (able to withstand any negative effects from strange herbs!) to make magical dishes that revitalise their patrons. An intelligent and charismatic mage is able to discover greater heights and new combinations, while training the next generation of mages, who loyally travel from far and wide to learn from them.

Example distributions: a dextrous adventurer who takes slot of scouting missions and has a knack for detecting trouble and discovering locations of treasure
1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A

Example distributions: a great mage who can use both types of magic, and crafts items that they enchant and sell in their shop
1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A

Example distributions: a strong miner who explores dangerous underground caverns for rare veins and minerals
1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A
low casual ◉ ♫ chill vibes ♫ ◉ low stakes

far beyond the warzone of the demon king, far beyond the reach of plotting nobles and mad wizards, far beyond the great mountains and endless enchanted forest, there is a little Hamlet of no great renown. To you, this Hamlet is home. In this quiet village, in this peaceful valley, the winds of change blow anew.

An old traveller has recently re-opened the abandoned Adventurers Guild outpost.

In this sleepy place it is always a time of rest, but welcome change brings new opportunities. Can you bring prosperity to the beloved Hamlet you call home?

Isekai-Lite Fantasy
You are a local villager, but you harbour within you the potential for something extraordinary, something that might well bring great change. This RP pays homage to Isekai themes of progression of building up a home base location, uplifting the locals, and a 'zero to hero' power gain without the 'prior life/reborn' components. There are some light game mechanics, that affect exploration and progression. As your character tried new things and improves, new skills and items may be gained. As you explore, discover new locations, creatures and mysteries.

Creature Comforts, Low Stakes
The focus of this roleplay has a slight slice of life flavour, akin to Stardew Valley. Is your character an aspiring alchemist who wishes to discover new potions from unknown herbs in the unexplored woods? Perhaps a fresh faced monster tamer who wants to befriend the local wildlife, breed new evolutions and show that even the most frightening monster can have a heart of gold? Or maybe you are a blacksmith, explorer, inn keeper, farmer or magic acolyte who has the glimmer of a dream they strive for. In this slow paced Hamlet life, you are safe to explore your greatest ambitions. Only old age could cause your death here.

Home is where the Hearth is
There are many wonderful locations to be explored, but in the end this roleplay's beating heart is the Hamlet and the camaraderie of a small community reaching for the stars. While you may travel to many exotic places, sooner or later your weary feet yearn for home to share your newfound wealth of experience. Similarly, while factions make plans and great kings scheme, the plot is not set in stone. The story woven in the quiet inn is spun from the chosen threads of adventures plucked, and the particular interests of your villager characters.
Alright folks! Looking to square up starting skills and starting magic so we can polish them up together. If you don't think your starting skills reflect your character (including a little of hobbies, since you will start with some understanding of anything that your character would do regularly)

@scrawls accepted! I love the 'hunting down stories to trap in books' which is so evocative. Does this mean Boro has a special skill / type of magic that extracts stories in a very literal way? Going through the Character Sheets and starting to think about the spells/skills appropriate to start the game with (reflective of a key feature or playstyle) so let me know what you were imagining for Boro!

@Enkryption yes, there can be half breeds and also rare monster types, so I'm happy with that! Also I'm a sucker for Arachne I've made a god-race in my dnd homebrew world of mystical spider ladies. Is Dyrus a type of Dryad? Wrote more below after reading your sheet! V

@Crimson Flame Accepted! Add 'Singing' 'Housekeeping' 'Cooking' "Passive: Identify - Cooking' and 'Cooking - Baking' under skills to your sheet. If your character is Snow White like, would you like to pick one of the following (if it suits your character) and let me know if there's any other key features you'd like her to have:
Animal Friendship or Animal Taming
Shopkeeping (if Mary has a shop, might just attend the market or sell directly to people door to door/by commission)
Passive Charming - Etiquette and Grace
Passive Charming - High Society

@vietmykeAccepted! Can you replace your skills with the following:
Heat Resistance I
Passive: Dangersense - Urban
Passive: Identify - Metals and Ore
Passive: Identify - Tools
Passive: Identify - Weapons [if Rowan has made weapons before]
Passive: Identify - Armor [if Rowan has made Armor before]
Crafting - Basic Tools
Crafting - Metalwork Tools
Crafting - Weaponsmith (if Rowan has made weapons in the past)
Crafting - Armorsmith (if Rowan has made armour in the past)
Crafting - Repair

@TheNoCoKid Accepted! You can replace the sling in your inventory with a bow and the snacks with trail rations. Since his stealth skills is affected by both his ancestry and his experience I think it'd be an upgraded skill. Haven't fully nailed down what I'm calling these yet so just going to write upgraded for now. Please add the following to your skills if you think it suits your character and let me know if there is anything you'd like to add:
*Upgraded Skill - Unexpected! Stealth* (ancestry)*
Passive: Dangersense - Woodlands
Passive: Identify - Game
Hunting - Tracking Creatures
Hunting - Tracking Monsters
Hunting - Bow
Hunting - Trapping [include if you think your character uses traps to hunt]
Crafting - Basic Traps [include if you think Rallis uses traps to hunt))

@Enkryption Accepted! Would you like to start with any magic, particularly given her ancestry? Your instinct was right on for items - Inventory is customisable, the water/food was more incase someone went exploring beyond the Hamlet early on without provisions or making time for hunting. Really happy to see multiple goals too :D

Here's some skills that might suit Nibby, feel like it's missing some of her key concept though so let me know! There's definitely some gaps in her skills, and need to add some of her ancestry magical abilitiesz but it's a starting point:
Passive: Dangersense - Nearby wounded (severe)
Passive: Dangersense - Concoction Mishap
First Aid
Passive: Identify - Reagents
Passive: Identify - Medicine and Potions
Passive: Identify - Treatment
Gardening - Herbs
Gardening - Flowers
Research - Flora
Research - Potions

@Dark Cloud working on your skills and magic too! How koboldey would you like to go, e.g have dark vision? Any physical attributes you want to transfer into skills

@Timemaster holy smokes of course I remember you Ashe! It's been ages! So excited to be doing with you again!

@OwO sounds super stressful ngl but congratulations on making progress through your finals!! Definitely make the most of your week off.

@Enkryption that's what I was thinking! Characters would get more OOC protections then NPCs while stabled to make it work (people could talk with characters, but they couldn't just start controlling them randomly in scenes. just because you want to adventure on Grognak destroyer of pastries and leave the wizards pet haunted house to run itself for a while doesn't mean wizard-san goes crazy or something) it also means once you complete certain goals you don't have to engage in the tedium if doing the same thing over and over with them (hiring people to automate cultivating the magic onion for your region famous fire stew) unless you enjoyed it and wanted to go into that detail. And I agree, making a lively community is what I'd like to be a key theme, so having a bunch of characters wandering round just hanging out makes me happy.

@Dark Cloud Firstly, I've known Wormwood for all of 3 seconds and like Scrawls said I would die for him. I don't have an OOC yet but he's already accepted. Secondly, you can set a stat lower if you like but honestly he's so perfect already my precious bean :_:

@scrawls The Hamlet needs a chill reading nook! Maybe as it gets cozier it conveys buffs to people who study or chill out there. Your character could collect plants or rare books or nicknacks and adopt a cute monster that is definitely not just a happy fat cat for petting. Really love how wholesome this idea is.

@dark cloud sorry it took a while to reply!
So stats show what kind of attributes you're focusing on for your character. I don't want people to worry they have misplaced their stats for their aims - there is nothing to stop you being a weightlifting Spellcaster, for example. Please consider the below more of a guideline/inspiration. Your stats are supportive of your play style.

Some NPCs will place more value on certain stats then others when interacting/influencing them.


A quick note on magic - there are two types of magic, at the moment I'm calling them ignoble magic (bound in the physical world, such as anything elemental, the crucial building blocks of magic) and noble/inert magic (divine magic such as healing falls into this category along with the fantasy style light and dark magics. Strange magics such as teleportation or spatial magic falls in this category as well)

Ignoble magic can be combined in many different variations to create new effects. So you could combine water and fire magics to make steam, for example. There are many unexplored and undiscovered types of magic that can be learnt from experimentation and study, leading to many types of magic uses and professions. A water mage, for example, may still be able to produce steam given the right circumstances. But the crazy steam wizard who has devoted his life to steam magic would know a larger variety of steam related 'spells'. And he could combine that with other magics to make even wilder things, perhaps to make aeresol poison clouds or new living clockwork inventions.

The line between ignoble and inert magic gets pretty blurry as combine enough ignoble magic and you'll eventually have something the guild would class as inert anyway.

As with everything else in this RP, don't get too hung up on the specifics - if there is a cool thing you want to do or aim for, we can talk out different ways to achieve it in a way that suits your vision of your character. If you have magics or skills that combo well together, I may suggest new skills you can adopt, but it is always optional (*with the exception of perhaps picking up a cursed item that grants skills, but nothing is unavoidable. The adventurers guild will know how to cleanse a cursed item, or can help you with a quest to do it. Cursed items are rare)


Stats can be improved IC over the course of the game.

A strong character may do well in combat and have the ability to lift heavy items or complete physically taxing tasks that cannot usually be achieved or do so in less time (e.g a character lacking strength may not be able to mine as effectively), strength may affect appropriate crafting skills.

Dexterity improves hand eye co-ordination, balance and can be a reflection of skill and grace. Dextrous characters have improved ability with ranged combat or combat styles that require finesse and poise. Dexterity is also great for crafting professions and increases success rate at creating intricate or sensitive objects. Dexterity is also reflective of someone's speed and reflexes.

Vitality is the endurance of the body, ability to resist poisons and disease, draining effects and may reflect a strong emotional fortitude as well. Strength and vitality are similar in that vitality may improve a characters ability to perform a task for an extended period of time, or push themselves further then usual. A character with high vitality is more likely to sleep well and experiences less physical ailments. Characters with strong vitality can more safely experiment with eating foods/herbs/potions of unknown magical properties or traits.

Intelligence is often associated with people who use magic and is also representative of knowledge, languages, quick wittedness, logical processing ability and mental acuity. Intelligence increases endurance of the mind, this mental fortitude improves protection against magic and mental effects. Intelligent people make good inventors, problem solvers, and nearly all magic wielding people will have good intelligence. You must have at least 1 star in this stat to learn magic.

Wisdom is the endurance of the soul and protects from spiritual attacks. Wisdom can infer a strong sense of self or an innate understanding of a universal truth. Wisdom is required for magic that does not have grounding in the core elements, aka noble/inert magic. Examples include healing magic, light and dark and spatial magics. Wise people have good gut instincts and it is said wisdom can also confer good luck. For this reason wise people make good gatherers of ingredients, this stat can also be good for scouts. You must have at least 1 star in this stat to learn a relevant inert magic.

Charisma affects how a person is perceived to be and improves the chances of them 'getting their way' in social situations. There are different forms of charisma, such as someone appearing to be sweet and charming, another person a wisecracking smooth talker, and a third person may inspire fear. Charisma improves ones ability to interact with other creatures. It is great for traders, but also monster tamers and leaders. NPCs are more likely to interact in favourable ways to those with high charisma, and those in positions of importance (whether that be a noble or the local forest Dryad, or the alpha of a wolf pack) are more likely to keep tabs on these perceived up and comers. Those with higher Charisma can get crowds to listen to them and militia to organise. Charisma also affects ones ability to deceive, and makes it easier to spread tales of great deeds across the land - or advertise great products - or sew untrue rumours.

Stats can be combined together to reflect different archetypes. You may have an inventor with high intelligence and dexterity, who imbues their finely crafted creations with magic. A dextrous and wise scout may be quick at moving through the woods to report back, and always seems to luckily find what they're looking for. A cook with high vitality and charisma makes the amazing new dishes after befriending the local herbalist, and eating their new recipes themselves (able to withstand any negative effects from strange herbs!) to make magical dishes that revitalise their patrons. An intelligent and charismatic mage is able to discover greater heights and new combinations, while training the next generation of mages, who loyally travel from far and wide to learn from them.

Example distributions: a dextrous adventurer who takes slot of scouting missions and has a knack for detecting trouble and discovering locations of treasure
1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A

Example distributions: a great mage who can use both types of magic, and crafts items that they enchant and sell in their shop
1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A

Example distributions: a strong miner who explores dangerous underground caverns for rare veins and minerals
1x - Poor | 2x ★ Average | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Exceptional)
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] V I T A L I T Y
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A
@OwO OwO my god! How ya been friend?

@AzureKnight I was imagining 1 PC per player. I was thinking of an option where people can have multiple characters but stable them so they have one active one (so they have one at a time they're actively playing, but the other character can do something basic in the background e.g collect basic materials, take a trade caravan to another town,ect) so people can experience different aspects of the game if they feel like their 'main' is too specialised.

However, I think I'd want the game to be underway a bit before then, if I opened that up at all.
@Dark Cloud honestly a cool concept with lots of opportunities. One man's scrap is another's treasure. Up to you though!

It's looking like we've got a good mix of character concepts that can develop in lots of directions. Also don't worry if people are slightly similar at the start, plenty of room to differentiate IC.

I have put together the CS if anyone wants to get started, still working on OOC. Here's the template:

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