There are stupid questions, but if you pretend you were just joking you should be okay.
6 yrs ago
The best business pitch is to throw the business ball past the business batter to the business catcher.
6 yrs ago
I sometimes hear about someone having skeletons in their closet. Ok? How do you know they're still in there? You can't just assume a skeleton is gonna stay still. This is your house, not a graveyard.
On the subject of Harpe, I can cut the anti-heal time down to just like 6~8 hours, and considering he's not like Diarmuid who had Mind's Eye, Knight Tactics, and Gae Dearg to set up this whole ploy where Saber had to take off her armour and then take a really precise hit, I can't imagine it'll be game breaking unless team Red has someone like Spartacus who relies purely on healing.
The sack is one of his canon NPs, it's in his little stat block on the wiki and in the prototype materials, just not in the abilities section on the wiki for some reason. I see what you mean about flight but since he lacks ranged attacks he would only be immune to melee fighters if he decides to flee or something, so it's mostly for flyby attacks where quick fighters have a chance to catch him. I can see it being really hard to counter if our Archer decides to hand over his bow or something, but somehow I doubt that'll happen.
I quite like this hero, so I'll probably try to find a way to make him usable. Noble Phantasms are his whole thing and Rider is the Noble Phantasm class, plus they're all in his legend and some of the lower ones like flying, disguise, and minimap are more or less on par with high-level magecraft. One thing I could do is fold them all into one phantasm like King's Order if that would made it look better but aside from that I could cut the Medusa's head (just something I added because it was mentioned in a FGO materials book) and preservation ability from the sack and nerf Harpe so the anti-heal wears off after a while, basically just putting someone out of commission for the rest of the night if he lands a good hit.
If I end up having to switch characters I'll probably have to change classes too since few other Riders appeal to me.
Not 100% if we're playing or not but I'll drop my Rider here to see if he's okay before putting in the effort to write personality and bio.
He's canon, but I expanded on that and switched some things around for this sheet. He's sort of unusual in terms of NPs but I don't think he's really overpowered.
Wish: Rider is generally happy to serve a Master in need of his skills, however should he get his hands on the grail he would probably wish to never again in any incarnation encounter that snakelike woman.
Weapons: While not a weapon, exactly, Rider can summon the powerful Phantasmal Beast, Pegasus as his mount. Such a being has extremely high flight speed, physical abilities, and magic resistance. However, it is a rather docile creature which is mostly useful only for high-speed travel unless a certain Noble Phantasm is applied.
Class Skills Riding A+: Rider can skillfully use any creature or vehicle as a mount, up to the level of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast. However, this does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind.
Magic Resistance C: Rider can cancel spells with a chant below two verses targeting him, but cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.
Personal Skills Divinity B: Rider, being the son of the king of gods, Zeus, has a naturally high level of Divinity. This allows him to break through "purge defence" and divine protective skills such as Protection of the Faith and Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig.
Disengage A: Rider can withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat, resetting battle conditions to their state at the beginning of the fight (turn 1) and forcibly releasing some of the bad status conditions from himself. He would never admit it, but having such a high rank in this skill is likely tied to his nature, somehow.
Bearer of Boons B: An ability reflecting the many Noble Phantasms that were showered onto Rider during his life. Whether being granted gifts from the gods or taking for himself the mystical head of Medusa, he it undoubtedly someone with a propensity for obtaining powerful artifacts. For other Heroic Spirits, letting Rider use their Noble Phantasms is a simple as placing them in his hands. However, the same effect cannot be applied to Rider giving away his own Noble Phantasms.
Noble Phantasms Rider received from the gods perhaps the most treasures ever gifted to a hero. However most individually are less than exceptional, and activating multiple at once may prove troublesome depending on the mana available.
Name: Haidos Kuneēn Rank: E Type: Anti-Self Range: 1 Description: Said to be a helmet granting invisibility in the legend, this item granted to Rider by Hades to allow him to sneak up on Medusa instead takes the form of a tattered black mantle. Wearing it allows the Rider to change his appearance at will. He can mimic a person right down to their voice and change or remove his displayed stats and presence as a Servant, but cannot truly hide his energy signature in the same way as an Assassin. At the very least he should register as a human with a large amount of mana.
Name: Talaria Rank: D Type: Anti-Self Range: 0 Description: A pair of sandals lent to Rider by the messenger god Hermes for the purpose of evading Medusa's deathblows. They exist as normal sandals worn by Rider at all times and can sprout wings at will to take to the skies as easily as walking. This method of flight lacks the immense movement speed of his mount, but offers higher maneuverability and evasion, essentially being worth a rank-up to Agility where dexterity is concerned.
Name: Semita Clypeus Rank: C Type: Anti-Town Range: 0~100 Description: The polished shield provided to Rider by Athena to allow him to locate and battle Medusa without directly looking upon her. At base it is a sturdy shield capable of withstanding strong attacks, but its real value lies in its ability to "reflect" a comprehensive map of the surrounding landscape, up to the scale of a small town. Always keeping its own position at the centre, it can display a top-down layout or a 3D multi-floored guide, and marks the current exact positions of all life forms. To avoid being designated would require use of something like Presence Concealment at B rank or higher, and since such abilities are reduced in effectiveness upon preparing to attack, it can be used to react a split second before an ambush if Rider watches its surface carefully. Even if the display seems somewhat clunky, Rider finds it quite intuitive to the point where he can engage an enemy without laying eyes on them.
Name: Kibisis Quote: "This is a tricky one." "Swallow me up, but leave me out!" "Reflect it back, Kibisis!" Rank: B Type: Anti-Unit Range: 0~3 Description: The sack bestowed onto Rider by the Hesperides, the nymphs who tend to Hera's orchard, to reflect Medusa's "Breaker Gorgon" ability and safely contain her head. It is an anti-sealing Noble Phantasm that distorts the concept of the world through a mirror world-type Bounded Field that places the inside of the pouch on the outside and the outside of the pouch in the inside. When an enemy targets Rider with an ability or effect directly applying to him rather than being an an attack or projectile, he can react with the bag's true name, causing it to inflate, swallowing him up and reflecting the enemy's ability back onto them like a mirror. It is also possible to reverse this effect, forcefully cementing the fact that "the inside is in, the outside is out" in such a way that things placed into the sack are put into a sort of suspended animation state where any passive effects are sealed and any physical or magical decay is put on hold.
Name: Cybele Conquietus Quote: "Gross! Gross! Grossgrossgross!" "Just turn to stone already!" "I'm tired of holding it, Cybele Conquietus!" Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 1~30 Description: The only Noble Phantasm Rider obtained for himself, it is the severed head of Medusa whose gaze turn those who met it to stone. Upon calling its true name, the eyes spring open and all those who can see them directly are subject to powerful Mystic Eyes of Petrification. Having deteriorated somewhat from when Medusa was alive, they will quickly begin turning to stone anyone with a Mana parameter ranking of D or lower. Those with rank C Mana may or may not be petrified depending on conditions like distance and focus, while those with rank B and higher will never turn to stone, but will sustain a temporary rank-down to all parameters due to the pressure. One who has been turned to stone is essentially dead, but there are advanced and time-consuming methods through which such an effect could be reversed. Nothing can be done for someone who has been smashed to pieces, however.
Name: Harpe Rank: A Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1~4 Description: The sword(?) given to Rider by Zeus for the purpose of delivering the deathblow to Medusa. It is a holy weapon that deals bonus damage against monsters, more against serpant-like monsters, and an exceptional amount to gorgons like Medusa and her sisters. Its greatest strength is its trait of Refraction of Longevity, which is a divine ability that nullifies the "undying" attribute of immortals and inflicts wounds that cannot be restored by any methods other than healing in accordance to the natural laws (nonmagical medical treatment and recovery over time).
Name: Bellerophon Quote: "Come on, big guy!" "Get fired up quickly!" "Bellerophon!" Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 2~50 Description: A whip and bridle which can be used to greatly strengthen and control a Phantasmal Species, with Rider's usual choice being the Pegasus that sprung from the slain gorgon's neck. The already mighty Pegasus will have its abilities greatly augmented when this is applied to it, becoming a nigh-indestructable monster capable of travelling hundreds of kilometres per hour. Its charge is Rider's ultimate offensive measure, with the Pegasus becoming something like a white comet capable of engulfing and obliterating a wide area. Of course, if another Phantasmal Beast could be procured the exact buffs applied might be quite different.
It's a small number but I think we could make it work. Dealing with half a faction's worth of NPC allies sounds like a hassle though, so maybe we could get split up into different home bases for an assault on two fronts so we can have all the player characters in one little squad?
I'm looking at doing a close-combat Master, whether from the Church or just a muscle wizard.
As for the Servant, since there are no dragons allowed I'll probably use someone from canon. There are a lot of cool options, so I'm not worried about class so much.