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3 mos ago
Current Be a moon unto yourself.
9 mos ago
You almost got the cheese touch....
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6 yrs ago
There are stupid questions, but if you pretend you were just joking you should be okay.
6 yrs ago
The best business pitch is to throw the business ball past the business batter to the business catcher.
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6 yrs ago
I sometimes hear about someone having skeletons in their closet. Ok? How do you know they're still in there? You can't just assume a skeleton is gonna stay still. This is your house, not a graveyard.


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Based on past experiences, I don't make a habit of giving players control over things their characters don't control. If it's really make-or-break for you then I'm willing to give your judgement a test drive in this game, but if I find it's being used too conveniently we'll revisit that decision.

@Aviaire Joy is good! Accepted! Put her in the CHAR tab if you're up for playing.

@MadManMoon@ItMeGritty You two are still welcome!
Do you really feel that way? You'd have control over what he does while he's awake.

I've never entrusted a player with something like control over their own medical conditions. Where do we draw the line between this and just falling asleep and waking up whenever it's tactically convenient?
Hm, that's fine. As long as the form makes sense, more or less.

The narcolepsy is a different matter, since it's not really something convenient at all.
@ProPro Great character- we just have to work out what exactly he's doing flying around. Since the narcolepsy is out of his control, I'll take care of triggering it via some dice rolls or when it seems to be appropriate.

(Keeping in mind that the range stats for long distance/automatic stands do not operate under the same principles as close range power stands)

You mean in the sense that those types tend towards the higher end of those ranges, right? Enter Sandman can probably make it a good 10~12 meters from Oberon with a range of C.

Aside from that, I'd say the Power, Speed, and Durability should be a bit variable. They're fine the way they are now, but considering it could become anything from a frail fairy to a terrible dragon, it might be more appropriate as something like "D~A" or similar. I'd let you know what you got each time it took form, and Oberon reading any specific storybooks before falling asleep would very much affect what it ends up as.
@Lord Orgasmo Your character and Stand are good. I'd like to see some more under personality, but I'm willing to accept the character and let you feel him out more in game. @ me if you do add anything, or put him in CHAR otherwise.

@knifeman Nice one! That A range might be a few hundred meters, but he certainly can't reach the eyes in his city from this strange airport. Since its function is just based on the drawing and it ends when that drawing is broken, its durability should be Null. Kris may also suffer a bit more if an eye is destroyed while he's looking through it. With that in mind, your character is accepted!
It's here!


Keep in mind none of your characters are actually approved yet. I'll be reaching out to each of you tonight and over the weekend.
Welcome! This is...

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Cloudy Red Lights

You could be flying nearly anywhere. Out of the US, into the US, within the US, the destination matters to you, of course, but not to 'Super Classic'. This is nothing but a brief stopover, and so you're not remotely aware of where this strange little town called Super Classic is situated- somewhere between where you started and where you're going, and in America, presumably. The most you can see through the terminal windows is the runway. All you have to do is get off the first plane, wait a few hours, and then get on the new one that'll take you the rest of the way to your destination.

It's easy.

Isn't it?

It ought to be.

It would be bizarre if it were not.

Dude, Where's my Shining Helmet?

Core District, Outside his Master's Workshop

(Temporary Player Change)

The Prince of Troy had made a slight error, but he had learned something in the end. The enemy could match his technique with predictions, and match his strength with power. What was next? If he fell back on the reliable move of tossing mud, would Rider unleash his hidden mud-cannon? Still, jokes aside, the flow of the battle was not running in his favour. By relying on pure power, he had tarnished the skills and techniques developed in his lifetime. He would have to correct himself.


Rider had located an opening, and prepared an attack.

"Gah... I'd rather not, though."

Thus, Lancer did what he had done in the past against that overwhelming foe.

Disengage: A

With the unbreakable spear raised as a precaution, a slight retreat was made. It was in this way that he had eluded even the hero who could cross a battlefield in a single breath, and so this opponent could not compare. As Lancer moved out of reach, he struck a streetside trash can with the shaft of Durindana, almost as an afterthought, and sent it flying towards Rider. With that, he leapt up onto a nearby rooftop, further from Hemlock's apartment than where the fight had began, and readied his weapon for the enemy. It was hard to say whether some gap would arise in Rider's abilities, whether through mana supply or otherwise, but no hero ever got anywhere by giving up!


His Servant was being overwhelmed. His workshop was at risk. An enemy stood just outside, held back by nothing but a verbal agreement.

None of that was too important, though. Hemlock had finally determined the perfect blue to capture the way the old man's clothing was tinted by the night sky.

It was wonderful. The emotions displayed by Cerzelium were rare in proper magi, who would have long since been mentally prepared for the furthest reaches of death and sacrifice. Moreover, the wrinkles on his face made his expression clear as day, even in this black night. It was a fine work. Extremely accurate, even on the handheld canvas as he looked down through his window.

And yet, he would tarnish it soon. The painter's brush hovered for a moment over his most fabulous shade of red. He considered the final stroke that would 'complete' the art.

No. Hemlock's magecraft would become greater the closer his painting was to the real thing. It would be best to continue.

His veins... yes, that's what I'm missing. Now, do I have a brush fine enough..?

As combat raged outside, the visionary continued to slave away.

Look forward to it, along with formal character reviews.
It's powerful! It's a bit far off from the rest of the Stands in the group in terms of ability, but that doesn't make it bad necessarily. I suppose I'd want the effect to run out in a short while, and have a visual representation of the place it struck, like (part 6 Stand).
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