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4 mos ago
Current Be a moon unto yourself.
10 mos ago
You almost got the cheese touch....
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6 yrs ago
There are stupid questions, but if you pretend you were just joking you should be okay.
6 yrs ago
The best business pitch is to throw the business ball past the business batter to the business catcher.
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6 yrs ago
I sometimes hear about someone having skeletons in their closet. Ok? How do you know they're still in there? You can't just assume a skeleton is gonna stay still. This is your house, not a graveyard.


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Dude, Where's my Shining Helmet?

Core District, Outside his Master's Workshop

(Temporary Player Change)

"Yeah, I hear that. I'm no fan of fighting either, since it's a lot of work, y'know?"

Lancer retreated again when Rider came forward. He had leapt back to the building across the street, and now he did this again, landing on a rooftop another street over.

"But giving up against an impossibility... Are you really the kind of guy who'd expect someone to do that?"

I didn't give up back then, and this guy's a joke in comparison!

Rider lunged forward again, and so Lancer made a fighting retreat. He produced a bit of mud from his pocket and hurled it at the enemy before leaping to the side and trying to pierce him with his spear at the edge of its reach. This unbeatable foe would surely burst forth again and again, and without his Disengage ability Lancer would probably have been unable to match that rapid approach. Still, he attacked where he could. These opportunistic strikes at the charge of the bull would probably prove to be unwise, but when the 'flow' of the battle turned against him, he would simply reset that 'flow' to a neutral state and use what he had learned do to better the next time.

More retreats were made, with trash cans, cars, and street signs being used as cover and projectiles by Lancer, hopefully lowering the risk of the battle as it moved further from the workshop and Masters. Then, suddenly, Lancer moved closer as if to engage with Rider.

Victory being impossible was something that had already been established, but that was fine. He didn't need to win, only to arrange the situation correctly.


Hemlock's mind buzzed with flaws. Given a week or so, he was certain he could absolutely erase every problem in the likeness of the elderly Master he had created, but this art had an immediate purpose, and even Hemlock's judgemental mind couldn't deny that it was quite an accurate depiction. Now his brush dipped into the dollop of red paint that had so far been untouched. The painting was quite beautiful, but he would have to tarnish it.

The sounds of battle had grown softer outside. Lancer, it seemed, had done an admirable job of buying him time to make a quick portrait. He would repay that with the death of his enemy.

The red paint came down. A fabulous gushing of blood was added to the painting, falling from the old man's mouth to the ground, and splattering there like spilled milk. Not too violent or forceful, Hemlock had decided, but a low-pressure wave pouring forth like a small waterfall.

Magical energy was focused into the painting, and through Hemlock's gaze down to the street, where the model of the piece stood. Whether his suffering matched up to that which was depicted depended on his ability to resist, but given that the painting held no sample from his body, it was unlikely that it would be completely equal.

With that in mind, the window opened. At the very moment that Cerzelium began to feel a curse taking hold of him, an arc of yellow paint sprayed down towards him. Or rather, it began its journey through the air as paint, but moments before it reached him it changed form, becoming an attack of pure electricity that would finish him off while the curse troubled him.

Would Rider intervene? Lancer had gotten into position with that in mind.


I'd say it's best to get going soon. Join the party, you guys.
Yeah cool, I'm not planning to play Cu either. I just wanted a better idea of the kinds of characters you want, since you said you didn't like mine last time. Admittedly that Lancer I made was a weird one.
I'm not sure how much weaker Caster Gil is- he doesn't seem to have Enuma Elish. What really makes Gil broken in any form though is that he has basically any Noble Phantasm you can think of, so he could pull out magic wands that inflict wounds that never heal, or cause instant death or whatever.

And yeah I'd like to know how good we should be too. It says high stats are okay but broken abilities aren't, so are really high-class brute force guys like Arthur, Achilles, and Sigurd acceptable?
As far as I know, Caster Gil is more or less just as broken, still having all the NPs in his vault but just favouring the magic wands over the others. He also actually uses Gilgamesh's EX ranked future sight NP, which sounds really hard to run in an rp where we can't predict who's going to do what.
Hi, I'm around.
Hero of Patience

Foreign District, Near a Tree

Tristan vanished before Saber could reach him. Perhaps he had been too patient, ironic as that was. Would a hasty burst forward have allowed him to strike down Archer before his disappearance? He wasn't sure, but it definitely would have left him in a much worse state stamina-wise. As his speed had never risen beyond a jog, he immediately turned around and headed back towards his Master's side. The encounter just now had probably been a victory for Tristan in terms of information, but Saber already knew his identity, so what Archer was doing was simply playing catch-up.

“Saber, hurry back as soon as you can. We have another opponent; a Berserker this time, by the sounds of it.”

That was troubling. He was only a few blocks away at that point, alongside Ywain, but the fact that Cleo's orders had come as a simple message instead of a command seal indicated that the Servant was not immediately attacking. Why did mis Master think the enemy was a Berserker, then? Would a raging madman not have rushed forward mindlessly and attacked without delay? He could sense the new presence- it was standing still.

Then, he saw him. He recognized the man holding the tree when he caught a glimpse of him through a gap in the buildings.

A smile spread across Saber's face. The largest so far.

"A Berserker, Master? Are you sure? This man is a valiant-"

"You're going to help me prove my love to my lovely love! And then I CAN SLAUGHTER THE ENEMIES OF MY LOVE!"

"...No, my mistake. He's completely insane."

That word should never be heard from that man. It was a portent of chaos and disaster. And he had said it four times. His mental state was obvious.

And yet, the smile didn't disappear.


Ogier the Dane called out with mirth to his fellow Paladin. He strolled towards him as Ywain made his defensive maneuvers. His age-old friend was before him. A dangerous enemy was before him. Both of these things excited Saber, and so he approached without a hint of worry. After a brief moment of eye contact, Ogier lashed out. The sound barrier was broken in a sudden movement towards Roland. However, to those who could keep track of objects at such speeds-

There was no sword in his hand. A lone fist flew forwards. One with zero combat sense might have seen this as an attack, but of course that was not the case. It was not aimed at any part of Roland's body, but instead came as a sort of 'offer'. A greeting from beyond time that could be instinctively comprehended.

Upon meeting his buddy, Ogier had gone in for a fist bump.

@Reflection@King Cosmos@Danchou@SSW
Based on past experiences, I don't make a habit of giving players control over things their characters don't control. If it's really make-or-break for you then I'm willing to give your judgement a test drive in this game, but if I find it's being used too conveniently we'll revisit that decision.

@Aviaire Joy is good! Accepted! Put her in the CHAR tab if you're up for playing.

@MadManMoon@ItMeGritty You two are still welcome!
Do you really feel that way? You'd have control over what he does while he's awake.

I've never entrusted a player with something like control over their own medical conditions. Where do we draw the line between this and just falling asleep and waking up whenever it's tactically convenient?
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