Bertilak de Hautdesert
The Green
Class: Rider
Team: GreenBlue
Sex: M
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attribute: Earth
The lord of a solitary castle which lay deep in the wilderness of Britain. At one time, Bertilak fell into the debt of Morgan le Fay, who transfigured him into a towering green figure and sent him riding to terrify the court of King Arthur with his presence, issuing a challenge for anyone to strike him with his mighty axe, only on the condition that he would return the blow in a year's time. The ferocious stature of The Green Knight interrupting their Christmas feast frightened all the Round Table into silence, and he berated them for their cowardice. The King of Knights rose in fury, and stepped forth to challenge him, and yet..!
The one who ultimately accepted the challenge did so not out of pride, or anger at The Green Knight's insults towards the many knights, but because there was a risk of death, and Sir Gawain openly admitted that his life was worth less than that of the King. He was a man of pristine character, and even as The Green Knight's head was separated from his neck, he could only laugh and congratulate the brave soul. He picked up his head, left the axe behind, and rode off, challenging Gawain to find him in the following year, so that he could return the favour.
Despite that, he hadn't expected the knight to actually come. Bertilak, no longer transformed, welcomed a travelling Sir Gawain into his castle only three days before New Years, and when he heard how this man had journeyed through many perils and hardships in search of the Green Chapel where he could fulfill his promise, knowing full-well that it would result in his death, he finally understood just what kind of ridiculously noble hero he was dealing with--and resolved to test the limits of that heroism. Promising to show Sir Gawain the way to the Green Chapel in time for Christmas, Bertilak entreated him to stay at the castle, and suggested a game to pass the time: each day, he would go out hunting with his men while Gawain relaxed in his home, and each evening, they would give each other whatever they had won during that day. While the castle's lord brought back wild boars and foxes, the knight was beset by temptation from Bertilak's wife. Staying true to their game, Sir Gawain gave Bertilak the kisses he received each day, but on the final day, the fair lady offered him something much more valuable: a bright-green belt which could protect the wearer from all injury. By the rules of the game, Gawain should have given that, too, to his host. However, fearful of the next day's decapitation, his human nature drove him to conceal it, wearing it with him when he finally went to face his foe.
Once again taking on that monstrous form, The Green Knight was waiting at the Chapel. True to their agreement, Sir Gawain knelt in front of him, prepared to take the blow to his neck. The Green Knight swung falsely twice--once for each day that Gawain had kept his end of Bertilak's game--and with the third swing, gave the knight a small cut on his neck and helped him to his feet, laughing and telling him that he had done quite well, even if he hadn't been completely honest.
Personality: As far as Rider is concerned, there's nothing wrong with being vocal about what you enjoy! For him, that means good drink, thrilling games, and challenging battles, but he gets along well with anyone who seems to be honest and good-natured, particularly if they have a few harmless vices of their own. With that said... There's a special place in his heart for those who strive to be greater than the average man, doing things that no sane person would go through with, for the sake of staying honourable. If he can meet someone capable of staying true in the face of adversity, it would make him truly happy. On the other hand, few things hurt his heart more than seeing someone suffer because they're unable to come to grips with their own nature. Used to fulfilling treacherous missions for Morgan le Fay, Rider will have no issue serving a Master even if they request that he abuse his abilities to their fullest extent in order to win victory. In fact, he often ends up enjoying matters of trickery, especially if he is able to test someone's convictions, but he is still a Christian, and will abide no true atrocities.
Strength: B (A+)
Agility: B
Endurance: B
Mana: C (A)
Luck: C
Armaments: Rider carries great, two-headed axe with a long hilt, as well as a hardy shield and a tough suit of armour whose appearance is not normally so demonic as The Green Knight's. He wears a belt around his waist and often carries a bough of holly in his free hand. His mount is the enduring horse, Bredbeddle, who can leap over tall buildings and transport him great distances in a short time. Many these things are usually their normal colours--gleaming steel and brown pelt--but all become completely green as The Green Knight.
Class Skills
-Riding A: Aptitude for utilizing mounts and vehicles. Since Rider's own steed is a Monstrous Beast, he requires great ability in order to remain mounted and keep control of it.
-Magic Resistance C (A): When used against Rider, even high-ranking magecraft is nullified.
Personal Skills
-Incitement B+: Talent for exerting influence over large groups of people. In Rider's case, it refers primarily to matters of intimidation, just as he once caused all of King Arthur's court to fall silent at his challenge. However, this also represents his talent for drawing out wrath, pride, treachery, etc. in individuals. When mounted, Rider's capacity for intimidation is doubled, and if his opponent's bravery falters they will receive a temporary parameter reduction.
-Ubiquitous Green A++: The grotesque transformation granted by Morgan le Fay, making Rider a monster in battle. A beast that stood head-and-shoulders above King Arthur's court, The Green Knight sits somewhere on the border between being humanity and Phantasmal Species--the reason for his extremely high Strength, Mana, and Magic Resistance. However, the true power of this form is that which allowed him to lift his severed head from the King's floor with a hearty laugh. The Green Knight's injuries do not shed blood, and they close almost immediately. Whether he is sliced into pieces, crushed into paste, or run through with a great lance, he will only rise up in the next moment to complement his assailant. Of course, his steed is no less monstrous than its owner, and so when this Skill is active, it shares all these benefits. However, regeneration will be less effective when recovering from things like fire and disintegration, so it may still be possible to completely annihilate The Green Knight through means aside from traditional armaments. It is generally not an issue to constantly remain in this form, but Rider may enter and exit it at will if upkeep is an issue for the Master or an entirely green suit of armour is an issue in terms of appearances. This does result in a loss of combat ability, but transforming back into The Green Knight will provide immediate healing, so all will be well as long as Rider is not killed outright.
-Guide to the Green Chapel A: A Skill representing the duality of Rider's identities, activating when Ubiquitous Green is inactive. As Rider was able to welcome Sir Gawain into his home as a stranger, his voice and equipment are completely different from his monstrous form, and the ranks of his Skills and Parameters appear 1 rank below what they actually are.
Noble Phantasms:
Name: The Green Girdle
Title: Belt of Imagined Salvation
Rank: E
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1
Targets: 1
Description: An emerald-green belt that Sir Gawain was tempted into withholding from Bertilak despite their agreement, having been duped into thinking it would protect him from The Green Knight's swing. In reality, there is no mystical protection from wounds to be found in this belt, but because of the important role it played in the story, and the fact that Sir Gawain and all of Arthur's court wore such girdles in remembrance of that adventure afterwards, it has gained a special significance after the fact. When summoned, the Green Girdle will seem to swell with a large amount of magical energy, giving Servants and mages the impression that it must be a Rank-A Noble Phantasm of sublime power. This deception is trivially cheap to maintain, and can be influenced by Bertilak in various ways, such as to give the impression that it is activating to heal his wounds. The belt can be given to others and taken hundreds of kilometres away from Bertilak, and those with especially keen senses will identify it as an item which grants invulnerability. In truth, the only effect of wearing this belt is that one will take doubled damage from Rider's next Noble Phantasm.
Name: Wicked Vow
Title: Razor-Sharp Challenge of a Knight's Troth
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit / Anti-Army
Range: Unlimited / 15
Targets: 600 / 30
Description: The massive, weighty, emerald-green axe that The Green Knight offered as a gift to anyone who dared to cut off his head. This weapon can be used to decapitate even a sturdy knight in a single swing, and Bertilak should know--it happened to him! At the Green Chapel, this weapon was used to give a small cut on the neck to Sir Gawain for not giving The Green Girdle to Bertilak as per their agreement. This Noble Phantasm represents the binding nature of the agreements and games which Bertilak and The Green Knight draw others into. Once an individual has made any statement to Bertilak about their intentions, he will be notified if they go back on what they said, no matter where they might be at that time. He will gain some basic knowledge of the circumstances, such as whether they have been coerced into acting contrary to their agreement, and the option to immediately inflict a wound, usually to the neck. The damage inflicted is dependent on the severity of the breach, the clarity of the initial agreement, and The Green Knight's own will, and it can range from completely superficial to a clean decapitation. The damage suffered may be reduced on a successful Luck check. If the agreement is something which the target has continuous opportunities to fulfil, such as returning a borrowed item, and they avoid doing so, this effect can be repeated, although only once every 12 hours.
Taking on the monstrous nature of its user, when the axe's True Name is called while Ubiquitous Green is active, it unfurls into a swirling mass of branches and vines that surge forwards to pierce an opponent. This effect cannot be called upon when facing a truly honourable and honest foe, and its offensive power scales upwards in proportion to a target's lack of those qualities. Unlike the first effect, which only applies to agreements made in the present, this also takes a Heroic Spirit's legend into account, with anecdotes of them perpetrating lies and betrayals imposing significant vulnerabilities to the release of Wicked Vow. While classified as an Anti-Unit attack, it is possible to deal some environmental damage and hit a small group of people if each individual is guilty.
Name: Emerald Wild Hunt
Title: Otherworldly Charge of the Green Man
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 40
Targets: 750
Description: The strange figure of The Green Knight is often linked with and equated to The Green Man, and Cernunnos, the Horned God. Indeed, to say that Morgan le Fay changed Bertilak into such a being would not be far from the truth. Just as he led hunts each day with the men of his castle, the figures that his person was brought into alignment with are known on occasion as leaders of the Wild Hunt--a maniacal procession of bloodthirsty fey and spirits whose leader's identity changes from telling to telling. While in Ubiquitous Green, The Green Knight can raise his bough of holly overhead and call for a moment on the most ancient depths of his nature, summoning the Wild Hunt for a brief time and heading their charge. Embodying the might of a hurricane, all manner of fairies and spirits will endlessly stream forth, armed and mounted, with hounds and worse beasts running at their feet. A nigh-unstoppable force, the Wild Hunt will lay waste to all enemies in the area unless their leader is put down.