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♦ W O N D E R W O M A N ♦ R E T I R E D ♦
♦ V E T E R A N ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T ♦
"Love, that spark of light within man, can save the world.
I will always fight against hate, that darkness within us, for a world I know possible." - November 1991
Princess Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippolyta, was created with clay from Paradise Island and given life thanks to Zeus. Then, she was granted six gifts from the Gods themselves: strength, wisdom, courage, compassion, speed, and flight. Antiope, general of the Amazons, oversaw her training and gave her the tools to survive and fight another day. Her mother taught her everything else, from language to history. She felt content about her life until she learned about Humanity. As the years passed by, Diana grew more curious about humans with every report.
One day, she overheard Antiope and her mother arguing about the doom facing mankind. A great war that will forever change them -for better or worse. Diana tried to make a case that the Amazons should save them. Hippolyta forbade her for speaking about the topic while Antiope watched proudly.
So, she decided to disobey her mother and leave for Man's World. While packing up for the long trip, Antiope knew what she was planning to do and decided to help. Both of them went to the island's only tower and stole the Amazonian battle armor, Amazonian sword, and Themysciran shield. They made their way to the docks, where Hippolyta was waiting for them. She had the Lasso of Hestia and the Bracelets of Aphrodite. Yet, she warned that leaving the island meant exile. With the heart of compassion, Diana made the ultimate sacrifice and got ready to leave.
Before she left, Hippolyta gave her own tiara before saying her goodbyes. Antiope gifted her Achilles' bow for her best student to use in combat. Diana bid farewell and set sail for Man's World. After a few days of traveling, she found her on the coast of France. Steve Trevor, a British-American spymaster, stumbled upon her while on break. Diana told him that she wanted to save mankind from the Great War. But she arrived too late. Steve dismissed her as suffering for heat exhaustion until he was ambushed by assassins.
Diana managed to block a bullet with her bracelets and overwhelmed the threat in seconds. It left Trevor speechless and asked to come and join his task force. She agreed on the idea to end the Great War before it was too late. Together, they took down down high ranking officers from the Central Powers and neutralized Doctor Poison and her poison gas factories. And saved villages from total destruction. Her deeds got the attention of the press, who started naming her: Wonder Woman. Once the war ended, Trevor offered to take Diana on a private tour of Europe and North America.
Unfortunately, they were unable to travel to America before the Nazi threat rose. Hydra and its leader, Red Skull, were also a significant threat once the Second World War began. However, she wasn't alone in the fight. Other superheroes joined in the effort to stop Nazism and defeat Hydra. It included Captain America and other heroes. Despite their efforts, the war proved to be worst than the first in terms of destruction and death. Both sides were bombing cities and killing innocents. Then, Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened. Diana became the first influential critic against nuclear bombs and denounced the bombings. It led her to be labeled as a communist traitor by the American government during the Second Red Scare.
Regardless, she persisted. Diana and Steve got married and moved to Britain. Together, they founded the World Veterans Federation to promote the well-being of veterans, victims of war, and peace worldwide. WVF rose to fame during the Cold War thanks to Wonder Woman repeated calls for the disarmament of nuclear weapons, especially after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Steve Trevor died in 1978 in his sleep. And Wonder Woman wasn't seen fighting bad guys as often. Instead, Diana Prince rose up and became more politically active while promoting her image and WVF across the world.
Wonder Woman made a return after 9/11 to maintain order and peace across the world. Then, Stryfe and his Mutant Liberation Front unleashed chaos. He had managed to frame her for the entire attack before being executed by her former friend, Captain America. After the attack, America went after Wonder Woman and launched a series of investigations. After months of fighting, her innocence was proven, but the damage was already done. To set an example for other heroes, the government ordered Diana to officially retire Wonder Woman. In turn, she was able to remain a free individual with regular check-ins.
With no other options, Diana hesitantly agreed and moved everything to the East Coast. Diana Prince was ready to rebuild. One year later, it seemed like almost everything about her life was back to a sense of normality.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S
Diana Prince spent a hundred years fighting for humanity from The Great War to the War on Terror. She was already tired of fighting and the suffering it brings. Now with the Stryfe attacks and being blamed for it, she was truly done. Even if the government didn't order Wonder Woman's retirement, she would have thrown the towel regardless. And with a year passing since the incident, she embraced the role of a multi-billionaire along with political activist, retiree, and other things. It's an interesting next step in her life. Inspired by several dozen drama shows and movies. Still gonna focus on the politics and business of the world.
I will say that some aspects of season one are void. Like the entire Aladdin arc. But everything else from the committee to Stryfe arc is canon. Ask me for details and I'll answer. And I will be taking control of Donna Troy (and Hawkeye). Why? For no reason whatsoever. Totally...