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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer blandit maximus dapibus. Duis nec elementum risus. Maecenas at nulla ac ex semper blandit. Vivamus et magna in magna imperdiet lacinia. Proin fermentum sagittis mi ac tempus. Ut enim ex, gravida at pulvinar at, euismod id ipsum. Sed vel maximus neque, eu placerat leo. Morbi scelerisque sed justo nec tristique. Aenean et velit nec eros egestas suscipit.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vel tortor libero. Donec rutrum vehicula odio in congue. Etiam in blandit eros, in accumsan nulla. Quisque eleifend porta ante non lobortis. Phasellus quis sodales metus. Sed est felis, consectetur ac turpis vel, porttitor posuere sem. Donec lacinia ornare ante, id efficitur mi cursus eget. Aenean bibendum ac lorem sed ullamcorper. Quisque nec urna eget arcu placerat convallis. Vivamus faucibus maximus odio ullamcorper rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce ac urna vel magna condimentum rhoncus sit amet a enim. Sed sodales, est et ultricies pulvinar, massa augue ultrices est, rutrum luctus libero urna non ex. Sed efficitur lobortis arcu vel tempor.

Etiam ultricies magna at euismod fermentum. Morbi tristique urna non magna consequat, non placerat elit ultrices. Curabitur hendrerit, dui a dictum fermentum, quam nisl facilisis enim, fringilla consectetur nibh dolor eu urna. Curabitur vitae magna arcu. Duis posuere efficitur justo ut volutpat. Nunc dictum sem ipsum, et vulputate turpis posuere et. Integer et scelerisque erat. Ut orci odio, consectetur quis suscipit vel, efficitur eget orci. Phasellus a sem erat.

Cras vel fringilla sem. Proin sed malesuada enim. Ut pretium enim vel lacinia fermentum. Nulla mollis ante sit amet posuere molestie. Vivamus ac purus rutrum, consectetur purus at, gravida eros. Cras vitae enim nulla. In imperdiet, tortor sit amet bibendum tincidunt, velit nisl imperdiet orci, at pulvinar mauris mi eu arcu. Sed pellentesque orci purus, non placerat enim sagittis scelerisque. Nulla tincidunt nec massa aliquet imperdiet. Sed diam magna, ultricies at mauris eget, aliquet sodales urna. Mauris vel dui iaculis, scelerisque leo sit amet, facilisis turpis.

Phasellus quis gravida ante, et eleifend enim. Nullam ac ex nec orci posuere suscipit. Nunc vestibulum est sed aliquam semper. Morbi odio libero, volutpat id aliquet non, porta non massa. Cras tincidunt pellentesque lectus, in mattis risus porttitor at. Sed elementum, elit quis sodales sollicitudin, ipsum sem suscipit turpis, at lobortis mauris est eu odio. Nulla pellentesque commodo sem, nec vulputate nunc cursus id. Sed tempus quam et aliquam placerat. Proin scelerisque dolor eu mi elementum feugiat. Nam quam ligula, rutrum non lacus a, ornare tempor ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis convallis sapien non turpis mattis facilisis.

1.01 // AWAKENED

Roshanna felt water droplets hitting against her face as she struggled to open her eyes. The concrete floor dug into her back as her head was still ringing. And there was a cold breeze that felt relieved. Then, she remembered everything: Angel's Hand, the strangers, and that awful gas. Roshanna's eyes opened wide with fear as she tried to look around the poorly lit room. She noticed a double door and immediately ran towards it. However, it was lock despite her attempts to force it open. The noise awakened someone else.

"What.. who is making that sound?" the voice tiredly asked.

Roshanna turned and barely recognized the woman from earlier. She gave up on the door and went towards her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think... Where are we?"

"I don't know." Roshanna offered her hand to the stranger. "But, we aren't staying any longer. I'm Roshanna, by the way."

"Holly." Holly grabbed the hand and got up with no problems. She looked around the room and saw two other people on the ground. "We need to wake them up. Then, we can try to leave."

Holly made her way over towards one of the strangers without hesitation: the man wearing a vest covered in patches. For a young age, her father taught her the importance of helping out. It made sense, given that he used to frequent church often. And sometimes, Holly came along to help out the homeless or distributed food to struggling families. She missed those moments with her father more than ever. So, Holly made her way to the man wearing a vest with... interesting patches while Roshanna went to the other man.

Lonnie felt someone trying to wake him up, but his head was still ringing. He went to stand up and found it to be difficult. But, sitting up didn't cause too much pain. Meanwhile, the woman backed away to give him some space before introducing herself. "Hello, I'm Holly. I was at Angel's Hand earlier before we ended up here."

"Lonnie." Lonnie waved and then tried to stand up again, but his headaches caused enough pain that it was a struggle. He turned towards Holly and extended his hand towards her. "Could you help me up?"

"Yeah, I got you." Holly smiled at Lonnie and went to help him up. But when she grabbed his hand, the world around her began to collapse in itself. There were flashes of random images: a woman standing over a kid, the police surrounding him, a man and another woman with the kid, and some men in suits. It felt surreal. Then, she was back in the real world. Lonnie was deeply disturbed and disgusted while processing the mindfuckery that just occurred. He looked up at Holly clearly upset and troubled.

"You... you were in my mind! How?!"

"I-I don't know?!" Holly looked at her own hands while they were glowing a mixture of red and gold. She didn't know how to react. Roshanna looked at her with fear while Miguel was amazed. And then suddenly, the sound of the door opening echoed across the room. Everyone turned their attention towards the source and were surprised to see it was a woman in a wheelchair approaching them. She had on a mask with a box on her lap, which was partially opened. Then, she reached into the box and pulled a bag of fruit snacks.

"Fruit snack?"

I kind of want to know how Discord RPing works. Isn't there like a post limit? So, would it be similar to Habbo Hotel roleplay rooms (one-lines and/or one-sentences)?
I disagree that AC has been ruined. I liked Origins and Odyssey despite their issues. And Valhalla looks like it's going to be like the last two games with updates and changes. Also, nice avatar @dhawan (wrench rules).

By the way, I finished Ghost of Tsushima and plat it. I loved the story and the combat and everything else. What a game to mark the end of the PS4. Sucker Punch did a great job. Now, let's hope they are working on another Infamous game or even Sly Cooper.

Let's be honest. Who wants to spend hours walking across the world map? That shit was a pain in the ass for Assassin's Creed Odyssey. And I am afraid that Valhalla's gonna be bigger and more of a pain to deal with.

But, I am gonna play Tsushima in an hour so let's see if it's good. Tho, I heard the lip-sync for the Japanese dub is pretty bad.
And I posted something once more. How are y'all doing btw?
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