@Sep Diana totally mocks him for the name choice whenever possible.
@Mao Mao Am I free to pick and choose who from among The Institute survived the destruction? Or is there a particular Institute character you want dead-ed. Other than Father that is.
C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y Diana "Prince" of Themyscira _________________________________________________________ Greek | Ambassador | _________________________________________________________ Gateway City | Rhode Island | United States C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S P O S T C A T A L O G P O S T C A T A L O G | C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T What happens if an immortal goddess demands change in a stubborn world? In this interpretation, Diana of Themyscira has lived a relatively long wondrous from the late-1910s to the present day. She has seen the beauty and the ugly of mankind, made many friends and enemies, and even fell in love. But even as she slowly adapted to the times, the Themysciran could only watch as the climate started to change in an unprecedented manner. There was only so much she could've done without governments and authorities interfering and putting enough red tapes to chock a rhino. In the last decade, friends of Wonder Woman begun to notice a sublet change. Something that both world wars were unable to do. Something that didn't break when her first friend, Steve Trevor, was murdered in front of her. Something that she was still teaching about to everyone, including other heroes. Something that the Gods of Olympus bestowed upon her birth: Hope. Wonder Woman was losing hope. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) A year ago, I made the ragtag group known as Misfits as a response to what I felt in the midst of a global pandemic that shined a light on issues plaguing our world. Deep down, I had hoped these issues would've been properly addressed. But now? Uncharitable billionaires are having their own space race on the backs of their exhausted workers who don't make enough to afford rent. Record shattering heat waves, floodings, and wildfires destroying communities and lives while oil and gas executives rest comfortably. And corrupt politicians are desperately trying to maintain the idea that everything is still fine and everyone is happier than ever while the world burns on. That got me thinking. How would heroes react to our current circumstances? And my mind went to Wonder Woman. As a driving character, I would love folks to join as supporting and roaming characters if they wish to deal with political themes and topics. As for supporting characters, I am looking for someone to be Wonder Girl (preferably this version of Cassandra Sandsmark or Yara Flor) and Troia (Donna Troy but I don't want her to be Diana's sister or clone). I have plans for the Amazons, Twelve Olympians, Nubia, and Wonder Boy (Bobby Barnes). |
Amidst protests against police brutality and racism across the country, someone dressed in riot gear begins targeting organizers and protesters with citizens' arrests. And while the police department was expected to condemn the vigilante, the commissioner instead came out in support of the arrests and thanked the vigilante for "their service to the community." Wonder Woman, outraged by the endorsement, begins hunting down the vigilante before someone ends up dead. But what she doesn't know is that the vigilante is more than ready to deal with her...
Characters Involved: Wonder Woman and Wonder Boy, Lock-Up (if the Batman player approves), and any other heroes that would be willing to join
Desired # of Players: 1-3
Musical Selection: Dead Kennedys — Police Truck
One minute, a megafire endangers several agricultural communities in the Western United States. The next, record-breaking flooding creates chaos and threatens a large town in Ireland. Wonder Woman is doing all she could in the face of an inevitable climate apocalypse. But even she doesn't truly possess the power and wealth to bring forth meaningful changes. No, it's the dismissive politicians and selfish billionaire CEOs that wield such strength. So, instead of sitting on the sidelines in despair, Wonder Woman decides to fight back against climate inaction and inactivists even if it upsets a lot of powerful individuals.
Characters Involved: Wonder Woman, Veronica Cale, Maxwell Lord, and more as the story progresses
Desired # of Players: Unlimited
Musical Selection: Steven Universe: The Movie — Disobedient
Taking a short break for being Wonder Woman, Diana Price manages to
Characters Involved: STUFF
Desired # of Players: STUFF
Musical Selection: STUFF
Characters Involved: STUFF
Desired # of Players: STUFF
Musical Selection: STUFF
<Snipped quote by Sep>Did someone call me?
My old nemesis...