MENTIONS: Masashi [@Zombehs], Akira [@DJAtomika], Hoshiko [@Fabricant451], Akio [@Lord Orgasmo], Kenzan [@PrankFox]
Asumi would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed that Masashi didn’t accept her offer of a diabetes-inducing dessert. Leaving it at Chen’s house like he suggested was a no-go, either; what if he ate it all when she was gone? Was he the type of guy to eat a girl’s hidden candy? That’d be shameful! It was better to just eat it all now and make sure he couldn’t get his grubby hands on them. She gave Chen an inflated, yet playful glare once he took one of the Kitkats away from her. Hmph. He better just take one... for now.
She ripped open her pack of Pocky and nibbled on one of them, her eyes scanning the group as they discussed what to do. Video games or board games… hmm. Just as she was about to give her own input, Hoshiko voiced something about dirty magazines. Asumi’s eyes snapped to Chen in alarm. Wait, that was right. Chen was a guy. Guys liked that kind of stuff, didn’t they? A light blush dusted her cheeks. ”Oh my god…” she whispered, her eyes wide as if she had just found out the biggest secret ever. Her eyes blinked back to Hoshiko and Akira, and she leaned in close to whisper to them, despite the fact that the two boys in the room could definitely hear what she said. ”Do you think he really has those types of magazines?”
Eh. She wasn’t that much of a fan of judging; to each their own. Though, it was good to set a decent example. That was what her parents always said, anyways.
She quickly changed the subject after she was done chewing on another piece of Pocky. ”Anyways, we should totally play some Street Fighter! I’ll kick your butts at it!” Huffing a challenge, Asumi got onto her knees and crept towards the television as she pulled out another strawberry-chocolate covered treat. She stuck it between her lips like a cigarette as she sat down in front of the TV. The birds that sat on the wire outside Chen’s window scattered, squawking and chirping all the while. She looked at Chen, then Masashi, Akira, and Hoshiko. It was unfortunate that that one third-year student went away after dinner, because that would have meant one more challenger she could toy around with. A teasing glint shone in her glare. ”Who wants to fight me first, huh? Huh?”
It suddenly dawned on her that she had never played Street Fighter. Asumi assumed that was a bad thing. Welp, too late now!