Avatar of Marlowe


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1 mo ago
Current i lost the ability to draw and its made me incredibly depressed. i dont know what happened, was learning at a great6 pace, now i cant even draw a face anymore
3 mos ago
Weirdest people come here to rp the weirdest fetishes and play nothing else. There's tons of porn websites just so you guys know
3 mos ago
His name is Dino
3 mos ago
I got my first car yesterday. 2017 Jeep Renegade
4 mos ago
dandadan is so peak


Most Recent Posts

Queen of the NightWing Kingdom, Shadow-watcher

Queen of the SkyWing Kingdom, Emerald
Prince of the SkyWing Kingdom, Maroon

Queen of the SeaWing Kingdom, Narwhal

Queen of the IceWing Kingdom, Borealis

Queen of the SandWing Kingdom and Ruler of the Scorpion Den, Caracal

Queen of the MudWing Kingdom, Salamander

Queen of the RainWing Kingdom, Iridescence
Prince Maroon




A deep, ruby red SkyWing. His horns, wing membranes, and underbelly are a very dark crimson. His eyes are a deep amber that borders on red. The scales near his underbelly are all inlaid with gold. In fact, most of his jewelry is golden-- golden clasps, decorated with beautiful garnets, wrap around his wrists. Plain golden bangles are perched along his horns, though surprisingly, he doesn't wear earrings. His tail also bears claps similar to the ones that wrap around his wrists. Golden silks hang along his sides and the length of his tail, held up by delicate golden chains.

Extremely loyal, can read other dragons like a book, stuck-up, egotistical, arrogant, hot-headed, can be childish and cowardly

Has a huge crush on Solstice



50% RainWing
25% SandWing
25% SeaWing

- Has a RainWing's venomous spit
- Can change color at will much like other RainWings, though the color fades into a diluted hue as it reaches her flank
- SandWing venom is not potent, causes paralysis in certain parts of body
- Good swimmer
- Thanks to her gills, can breathe underwater for a decent amount of time, though not nearly close enough to pure SeaWings

- Poor flyer
- Can't breathe fire like SandWings can
- Dehydrates easily, leading to lethargy
- Her understanding of SeaWing language is very poor
- Sleeps a lot

Her stature is somewhere in between a RainWing and SandWing, with a thicker, SeaWing-like tail. She bears a cyan-hued color most of the time. The scales running along her face are bright yellow in color, and the same can be said for her underside and wing membranes. Her eyes shift colors depending on the shade of her scales. Orangey-yellow stripes swirl down from the base of her neck and down to the middle of her tail, though these too change color depending on the situation. Her frills, which are a slightly darker shade of blue than most of her body, are most prominent under her ears and along her spine until they reach the base of her tail. She can flatten and raise these at will.

Vivid bears gills and webbed claws. Her stinger is almost nonexistent; if one looks close enough at the tip of her tail, her stinger sticks out like a miniature dagger rather than an actual SandWing stinger. The stripes that line her body can light up, though they are much dimmer than a normal SeaWing's bio-luminescent markings. Her fangs protrude slightly from her upper lip, as with all RainWings.

Adventurous, happy-go-lucky, talkative, friendly, stubborn, easily frustrated, can be fierce when need be


MENTIONS: Everyone

Almost as if on cue, Isaiah walked through the door. His appearance spurred the others’, at the very least. Some of her compatriots had their Pokemon out, like Sawyer’s Glameow, Astrid’s Raichu, and even Mika’s recently caught shiny Snom. Hell, if she guaranteed that her Pokemon would behave and sit still, she would have taken out her own. Thus was the downside of being a Dragon-type leader; her dragons would probably eat something they shouldn’t or cause damage to the infrastructure. Not like they meant it. They all had hearts of gold– she just wasn’t willing to take the chance at a formal event like this. Especially in front of the newbie. And definitely in front of the… more distasteful people.

”Yeah, Seb. Gotta say, after all of this time, I don’t know who the ringleader of this whole circus is,” Hestia said, referencing what Nordrin had told him a few moments prior.

Hestia blew through three more of the lemon-drop martinis before she moved on to heavier stuff. Now nursing a dark stout, she raised an eyebrow at what Fiona suggested from Ryker. The champion had remained somewhat quiet throughout the whole fiasco at hand, only chuckling softly when he was acknowledged or teased. Ryker only became more serious upon the Flying-type leader’s request. Delicately, he raised himself from his chair and raised his newly refreshed cup of whiskey. Hestia raised her eyes, now silent as she watched the man closely. His crimson irises swept across their number.

”I know some of us might be nervous about this coming season. There may be repeating contenders taking part in the challenge, along with new faces that might give us more of a fight than others. Who knows, some of them may threaten our slots as leaders and champion.” Ryker raised his glass higher. ”But I know that all of us will persevere. All of you have proven yourselves as reliable gym leaders and respectable Pokemon trainers. Though, that’s not what’s important. Although much time has passed, your flames of passion have not diminished. You not only welcome such challenges, but you crave to overcome them. That’s why I know you lot will give the whole of Galar an even better show than last year.”

Hestia raised her glass in response, which was significantly harder to do than she thought it would be. ”Aye!” she agreed, her voice sultry and full of vigor. ”Although, let’s not forget that your spot is also bein’ contested, Ryker. I’ll beat you this time, that’s for sure!”

Ryker’s laugh rang through the bar like a deep bell; it was as if the embers that dwindled within him had become a full blaze. ”Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, now.”

Even though she didn’t want to admit it, the dark, gloomy dragon in front of her was making a lot of sense. Vivid wanted to help the other hybrids– desperately, too– though there was simply no feasible way they could at the moment. If they were to go back, they would risk getting caught by the SandWings again. If they asked the SkyWings, they could blow their cover or get killed on the spot. She lashed her tail in frustration, not only with Frostbite, but with the predicament they were in. If only he were as willing to go back as she was. Her scales became tinged a slight pinkish color in her flurry of emotion. ”Who knows, they could surprise us…” she added in response to his claim about the SkyWings.

Oh, don’t fool yourself. You know he’s right. The thought came soon after her statement. Vivid averted her eyes and stared at the oasis. They should get moving at the very least.

”Let’s just leave it up to fate, then. We should probably get going, unless we wanna get snatched up again.” Vivid’s colors faded back to their normal shade of cyan as she glanced towards the skies. It would be a long trip to the SkyWing kingdom. What awaited them there, she wondered.

MENTIONS: Fiona [@Psyker Landshark], Iris [@Serei2477], Bianca [@Majoras End]

The peace and quiet had to end eventually, she supposed. Fiona entered the bar like a storm, though Hestia couldn't help but greet her with a crooked smirk. There she went, all crude and loud and trying to pry personal information from the both of them. She was more surprised that the other woman had dressed up for the occasion and abided to the Chairman's demands. Before she could say anything, Ryker gave Fiona a half-hearted glare. "Hey now, I don't think it's that bad. But I'm open to take suggestions if Mason has it behind the bar," he answered as he rested his empty glass on the table.

"And don't worry so much about me. You'll see. I'll knock Ryker right out of the Cup, no matter what it takes. Next thing you know, you'll have to call me Champ." Hestia answered, her smirk growing into a full grin while she sipped on her martini. A cough escaped her at another of Fiona's questions. "Why are you asking such personal questions from him, huh? Hoping that he'll take a chance and shack up with you instead?"

Ryker only produced a deep sigh. Hestia turned her shit-eating grin towards the younger man, though she was interrupted when the door opened once again. Iris had arrived with one of her precious Pokemon, her Mimikyu, perched upon her shoulder. Least it wasn't one of the creepier members of her party. Her features softened as the Ghost-type leader sat with them. "She sure is. Our conversation's just gotten a little heated." She laughed, patting Ryker on the back.

"You two're gonna be the death of me."

"More like the death of your career!"

The door opened again. Hestia turned to see Bianca enter the bar in a flowing dress and coat. How was she not burning up under that? Then again, even though it was about to be summer it was still a little chilly during the nights. "Hey, Bianca. I've been doing well. We're in the middle of tormenting Ryker before the men come and ruin the fun. Would you like to join us?" Hestia giggled as she finished off the rest of her lemon-drop martini.

Now that Frostbite regurgitated her suggestion back towards her, she supposed that the idea sounded silly and dangerous. They would be taking a huge risk if they went back for the other hybrids. Vivid didn’t want to get caught and thrown back into the Pit. But they couldn’t just run off and leave the hybrids behind! They could get hurt or die on the sandy, bloody battlefield. And their deaths would be on their heads. She swayed her tail underneath the surface of the warm water before she pulled herself out of the oasis. Her scales shifted into the color of the sands around them with the hopes of blending in. Who knows, maybe passerbys would think Frostbite was a big rock.

”You can’t say you don’t feel bad leaving the others behind. What if they get killed?” she quipped. ”There were hybrids younger than us there. They won’t survive for long if we don’t help them!”

Vivid slumped down onto the sand beside him. Her eyes were wide, yellow discs as she gazed up at him. She stayed silent for a few moments before her head craned forward, blinking as something crossed her mind. ”There could be dragons in the SkyWing kingdom that could help us.”

MENTIONS: Everyone

People always told her that Wyndon was the city of dreams. Years ago, when Hestia was still a teenager, she was prone to believe them. Now that she was older, she was able to see through the aura of mystique. Not only was Wyndon a city of dreams, but it was also a city of broken ones.

Hestia recalled the first time she set foot in the grand city, completely in awe of its tall buildings which seemed to rend the clouds in half. She remembered the thrill of battle– the rush of her dragons’ wings as they soared into combat, the heat of their rampant breaths, the fury of their blows, the chill of defeat, and the salt on her lips as she wept after the end of her portion of the Champion’s Cup. The night on which she lost to Ryker weighed like boulders in the very pit of her stomach. She was so close to beating him. So close to becoming Champion of Galar. Little had she known, Ryker had her dancing to the beat of his own drum. Yeah, he had her wrapped right around his little finger. It was even worse that, with every consecutive time she faced him, he emerged the victor again and again.

Her taxi landed with a slight thump against the ground, wrenching her from the past. The flash of a Corviknight’s metallic feathers flickered outside her window, shimmering against the empty night sky. The city’s lights drowned out whatever stars that might have been brave enough to shine in the darkness. Or maybe they had come down to settle on her maroon cocktail dress that she was practically forced to wear for this occasion.

She already missed Hammerlocke.

”We’re here, Lady Hestia,” her cabby said as he opened the door for her.

She gave the man a nod and stepped outside before she paid the man accordingly, giving him a hefty tip. The two of them kept their exchange brief; he murmured a thank you, stay safe, and have a good night as his eyes swept up and down her figure, while she muttered a goodbye in response. The early summer’s spring breeze poured through the streets as she walked down the block, which teased the loose curls that hung upon her bare shoulders. Her dress teased the back of her knees as she strode along in her black heels.

Hestia almost decided not to come to this little meet-up. However, Chairman Peyton Hyacinth was quick to pressure her into saying yes. ”You haven’t seen your friends in a month or two. It’s best that you all catch up before the opening ceremony tomorrow.” He had told her in his typical deep, rumbling voice. ”Make sure to wear something appropriate, yes?”

She was met with the dull ringing of their call’s end tone before she could even say anything else.

Hyacinth never took “no” for an answer; she should have known better than to try to go against what he wanted. He was a good man, really, but he was an expert on what should be done and when. If he said that the gym leaders should meet up before the opening ceremony, then they had to. Whether it was secretly for publicity or simply only to catch up as he had told her, it was wise to listen. Not doing so earned Hyacinth’s mire in one way or another. So, Hestia decided to dress up pretty and decorate herself in makeup and jewelry inlaid with rubies, even if she much preferred to stay at home and watch television from the comfort of her couch.

The venue that Hyacinth had chosen was an intimate, yet popular bar in Wyndon– The Last Dahlia. It rested on a street corner not far from where her taxi had landed. Before she knew it, she was pushing open its doors. As her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, the aroma of sweet wines and ales washed over her. She stepped inside, her gaze glossing across the empty tables that lined the walls before they settled on the bar itself. At least she could thank Hyacinth for one thing; The Last Dahlia was empty save for three people: an older gentleman behind the bar whom she assumed was the bartender, herself, and him. Clad in a jet-black suit, Ryker sat in one of the middle seats, his silvery hair slicked back as he nursed a short glass filled halfway with a dark-hued spirit. Hestia sucked in a shallow breath before she approached, her heels clacking against the aged hardwood floors.

The younger male offered her a small smile as she sat down next to him. ”Hestia,” he mused. ”Good to see you again.”

”It’s good to see you again, too. What’ve you been up to?” Hestia glanced over his face. Even though he was only nineteen, his face seemed leaner, more mature. ”Haven’t been pushing yourself too hard yet, I hope.”

Ryker’s eyes wrinkled behind the rim of his glass as he gave her a sidelong glance. ”Need to keep myself on my toes these coming months.”

”Of course. Heard anything about this season’s lineup?”

”Not yet,” Ryker sighed out after a long draft from his cup. ”You know how tight-lipped the Chairman can be.”

”Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself?”

Ryker didn’t answer her. Raising a hand, he ushered the mustachioed bartender over. ”Mason, a lemon-drop martini for the lady, please.”

Hestia bit the inside of her cheek. She knew that there were things that Ryker couldn’t talk about to the rest of the gym leaders, but c’mon. The anticipation was killing her. Every season brought along its fair share of challenges, and it was best to be prepared before they were upon your doorstep. She stared hard at the side of the Champion’s face, hoping for a reaction. Yet, he seemed much more interested in his drink than her. Nothing else was said, not until Mason rested her drink upon the dark oak bar that rested in front of them.

”You should try the Crown Royal before you leave. It’s divine,” Ryker told her, referring to his whiskey.

Hestia raised her glass to her lips, the sweet melody of the limoncello and citrus teasing her taste buds. ”I’m perfectly fine with sticking to the sweet stuff.”

Ryker barked a laugh. Hestia couldn’t help but reciprocate it.

Time passed, and with it came familiar faces that filtered through The Last Dahlia’s front door and joined them upon the brown leather bar stools.

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