This dragon seemed a lot more… grumpier than she expected. She shifted around in the water, trying to get the cool liquid to wash over her dusty scales. She was part SandWing, yes, but even this was too hot for her. Vivid dipped her head into the water and drank deeply once again. She never knew she could ever be so thirsty. The SandWings had given her more water than the rest of the dragons that had been contained in the courtyard, but sometimes it wasn’t enough. Her tongue had been dry as the desert on more than one occasion.
So, Frostbite was headed to the SkyWing kingdom. She tipped her head at the suggestion. The SkyWing kingdom sounded like the closest and safest place… she didn’t even want to think of trying to head to the IceWing kingdom. She swayed her thick tail under the surface of the water as Frostbite made himself more comfortable with his ice-breath, attempting to keep herself from shuddering. She was lucky that Caracal and Boa prevented them both from using breath attacks on one another. Her mind didn’t want to think about what would happen if he actually had used his ice breath on her.
”Uhm, the SkyWing kingdom…” she murmured. ”Mind if I join you? I don’t have anywhere else to go. Least not for now.”
She had to get to a place where she could actually rest for the time being before she set off somewhere else. Making a break for the RainWing kingdom was too risky, especially in her state. She wasn’t even sure if she could fly that long of a distance. And if she tried flying over the Scorpion Den, she ran the chance of getting caught once again. There was no way she stood a chance if she was. No one would save her. Her heart sank at the thought of the other hybrids stuck in that courtyard. Who would save them?
Vivid’s frills suddenly perked up. ”We could rest in the SkyWing kingdom for a bit, then come back to save the others!” she suggested.