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So I ended up watching the movie again yesterday. Still holds up. As for the IC, expect an intro post tomorrow.
I'm cool with either time period, though I do agree that setting it in the present could help make it easier to tell stories.
Working on a character concept, but first one question. Could I play as a Fallen Aasimar as my race? The idea would be that he was a Paladin who did something terrible, falling from grace and becoming an Oathbreaker, before fleeing to Torvelt. Also, do Paladins count as magic users?

If that character doesn't work, my backup idea is a Tiefling Bard.
I absolutely love the classic Universal Monster Movies, hence I can not pass this by. As for character archetype I am still undecided, as I have a hard time picking a favourite monster. Also would this be set in the 1930s/40s like the movies or in the present? Either way, I'll be watching this thread.
I don't think I've ever actually done an urban fantasy roleplay, so maybe I should change that. Thus I am throwing my interest in.
I'm trying to decide whether to re-watch the Atlantis Disney movie before this starts, as I believe that'll help me get in the mood, but conversely, I don't want to be tempted to make this too much like the movie. Suggestions?
Thanks for the welcome. And yes I enjoy writing sci fi, but also fantasy in equal measure. Though most of my writing in the past was fanfiction, I am attempting to branch out into fully original content.

He gets it. *hands him a cookie*

Also thanking you for the welcome.
To begin with, you get a cookie if you know what the title means. Besides that, hello my name is Steven, though I've decided to go by the nom de plume of Martian. I've recently been getting back into writing, short stories and such, but that has also reignited the feeling to roleplay, something I did a lot as a younger fellow. Anyways, I'm hoping to have some fun.
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