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I am definitely interested in this. In fact I may have over thought my character's background, but I do tend to over think Star Wars. Anyways here is my sheet.


I’m continuing the conversation from the Interest Check. So in response to your points, here are some of my own:

- My character would be the son of two Kin. They basically tolerate him being a Deviant for now, and are pretty much just waiting for him to eventually become a Kin as well. To that end they encourage him to indulge in entertainment, which lead him to playing video games a lot. But unlike the Kin, he becomes interested in understanding computers rather than just consuming the content of others. This would lead to him dabbling in hacking.
- As he becomes older he begins to despise the Kin lifestyle, which leads him to Deviant chat rooms. He quickly becomes involved with a Deviant revolutionary group. They start as anarchists armed with knives and bats, causing trouble. This eventually draws the attention of the Jesters, or whatever the Cave authorities would be called, who quickly crack down on the Deviants.
- Realizing that they were backed into a corner, most of the revolutionaries fled the Cave, going to another world. My character would have fled to Earth, where he made a life in the frontier, receiving proper combat training. This went on for several years before he was contacted by the other revolutionaries. They decided that it was time to begin raids on the Cave. For fear of becoming Kin themselves, each operative was limited in how long they could remain in the Cave. My character would of just finished a round of raids, leaving the Cave and returning to Earth. When he is approached by the Interest, who offer aid for the revolutionaries if he assists them.

That’s just my thoughts. If all that sounds good I’ll begin working on a character sheet.
Interested in this. My character idea is this: a Deviant born in the Cave, who despises the Kin elite. This led to him joining a revolutionary group where he gathered combat and tech training. After being declared a terrorist he fled the Cave. He would be the hacker/infiltration member of the team. Obviously it would be more fleshed out in the character sheet.
So I joined the Guild a while back but had to leave unexpectedly due to issues with my mental health. Well I’m in a much better place now, thankfully, so I felt like returning to the site. I’m trying to make some positive changes in my life and I feel like roleplaying for fun could help with that. Well, anyways I’m glad to be back and get started posting.
I've seen many modern gods roleplays over the years but have never participated in one before. I think it is about time I change that. I would like to play the trickster god Old Man Coyote of the Crow people. Not sure on a face claim.
Thanks for understanding. Just put up a post.
Thanks for the well wishes, they are much appreciated.
Białowieża Forest - Poland

Orlok had not fed as recently as he would have liked. An unfortunate side effect of being in such thick wilderness was a definite lack of humans to feed on. For the past few days Orlok had been hiking through the dense forests of Poland, looking for beings who may or may not still exist. For many years, tales of shadowy predators with a taste for blood had circulated among the rural Poles. While stories of vampires had been popular for over a century, sightings in this day and age were rare. Most filed them away as myths and movie monsters. Orlok was glad of that effect, as he remembered the days when myths were accepted as reality and he was actively hunted.

However, Orlok knew that there was some truth to the vampires of Poland. It was Dracula himself who had sent him on this errand, believing that it would be fruitful to the cause. Apparently the Nazis had been experimenting with various creatures during the war, including vampires. That much was true as Dracula had encountered them himself. But in the decades since then, they were hunted down by the Allied forces, who wished to keep these experiments quiet. Unfortunately that silence meant facts were sketchy about the vampires. But if they actually did still exist Dracula would want to know. For he is the Prince of Darkness, lord of all vampires. And Orlok his fist.

The first inkling of the sun’s rays were beginning to appear over the tree line as Orlok made his way back to the truck he had arrived in. Sitting in the back of the truck was a box filled with the dirt of unhallowed ground. While Orlok could move about in daylight, it was very much preferable to sleep on top of unholy dirt. But as he neared his vehicle he saw a man waiting there, dressed all in black and holding a letter. Orlok recognized him, one of Dracula’s servants, and had been in his service for most of his life. Orlok then took the letter, slicing the envelope open with one of his dagger like nails. Inside was a letter written by the Count, requesting that he return to the castle, alongside all the other council members. That was odd for all of them to be together. But Orlok trusted Dracula, knowing that he had a grand vision, one that will better all creatures of the night.

Orlok was glad to leave these woods, as seeking these Nazi vampires seemed to be a wild goose chase. Dracula’s servant loaded Orlok’s box of dirt into a larger off road vehicle that he had arrived in. Orlok entered said box as the sun started to rise. Orlok would quickly fall asleep as the servant began the drive south across Poland, heading toward the Carpathian Mountains.


Castle Dracula - Romania

Once the roads became so bad that a vehicle could no longer take them, Orlok and the servant got out and hiked the last leg of the journey. For Orlok, he could have walked it blind as he had made this journey countless times over the centuries. Even before Dracula built his castle, Orlok knew these mountains well, having hidden in them, preying on those who didn’t know the way. But life was much different know for Orlok, as he was an actual leader of monsters. That much weighed on him as the castle came into view, the servant opening the front doors for him.

Orlok walked into the entrance hall, that feeling of death and decay surrounding him as cobwebs clogged the corners and shadows seemed to move about on their own. It was a familiar darkness, one that welcomed Orlok to this home. That familiarity meant that Orlok knew where the kitchen was. As vampires do not eat, all that one might find in a vampire’s kitchen is vials of blood. Orlok opened one such vial and quickly downed the small bit of innocent blood. Having somewhat satiated his hunger, Orlok began to look for the master of the house.

The search would prove fruitless, as no one knew where the Count had gone. Within the hour, the other members of the council gathered in the castle’s library. Orlok stayed in the corner, bathed in shadow like he preferred to be. He listened intently as they squabbled, questioning what had happened to Dracula and what to do about it. The one known as the Phantom declared that they should reveal themselves and take over the world. Orlok grunted a small laugh. He had known other creatures that had the same idea. However, they failed to realize that they were creatures of the night, it was in there nature to remain a secret, to rule from the shadows.

As Orlok agreed with Hyde about looking more into Doctor Pretorius, many gunshots rang out. Orlok instinctively retreated further into the shadows. The Phantom stated that it was the Romanian army who were attacking. Orlok didn’t care, as he had fought many armies over the years that laid claim to these mountains. As the others leaped into battle, Orlok quietly made his way into the hallway and toward the servant’s quarters.

As Orlok slunk into the quarters, he raised a long finger to his mouth to ask for quiet, his eyes ablaze with hypnotic power, “Servants of Lord Dracula, honour your oath and raise your weapons. Castle Dracula is under attack.”
Naldir had mostly remained quiet since the formation of the party. For one, he wasn’t sure of this mixed bunch of adventurers. Also, he was unsure of himself. It had been several years since he had gone on this kind of excursion. He had almost abandoned the party as they were leaving town, as when he went to the tavern to talk to his boss, he almost remained. But he had given his word and Naldir did value that kind of contract, and was not ready to break it. So he gave the tavern keeper his notice, quitting his bar keeping job. As Naldir gathered his few belongings into his pack, the tavern keeper was already posting a help wanted sign. Naldir sighed, realizing that there was no turning back, before rejoining the adventuring party.

The group then began their journey, marching down muck covered paths for several hours. Naldir was surprised by how light his large shield was in his hand. He would of thought that without using it for several years that it would be unfamiliar and heavy, but it felt like an old friend kept close. Naldir’s years of training had left him strong and full of energy. Even as the sun set Naldir was not tiring and felt like he could go for several days more. Even as he sludged through the mud and rain, Naldir was surprised with how well this journey had gone so far. That sense that everything was good was interrupted when a foul smell rolled in over the hills.

At first Naldir thought that they were passing a particularly vile bog. But then it dawned on Naldir what the odour was, as several yells off in the distance confirmed it. Trolls. Naldir had only seen trolls in the northern wild lands of his homeland. They were always an awful and deadly encounter. Many men had fallen beside Naldir to the clubs and spears of a troll. Naldir unintentionally gritted his teeth, his left hand quickly unsheathing his sword.

“Trolls! Ready yourselves!” Naldir shouted as he raised his shield in front of himself.

As Naldir shouted he saw that Nathaniel had cast some kind of spell to turn invisible. At first Naldir thought it was an act of cowardice, but he decided to trust the masked man, hoping that he had some kind of plan. Naldir wished he had a plan. He was out of practise in the art of combat, a fact that could get him killed. As his anxieties washed over his body, Naldir noticed that his shield felt just a little bit heavier in his hand. He once again gritted his teeth as he tried to steel up his body.

“Come on. Focus.” Naldir muttered as he tried to steady his hands and the weapons held within.
Hey, sorry for disappearing. Life hasn't been great and my mental health has taken a big hit. If there is still interest I would like to continue with this roleplay.
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