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Hey I'm still around. Had some issues with my depression, but I'll be okay. Hopefully you weren't waiting on me to start this.

Lowell George, the hero known as Dragoon, darted through the various high rise buildings that made up downtown Second City. While Dragoon did have a decent grasp on flying, it was clear that the manoeuvres he was doing were quite dangerous. But then again, he thought, what is the point in having superpowers if you don’t use them to the maximum.

The local police had come to see his nightly rows through downtown as a major disturbance to the peace. But Dragoon said screw them, as he thought they were still bitter over the Titans seemingly abandoning them. As a child Dragoon was a big fan of the Titans, but now he viewed them as yesterday’s news. He believed that he would start a new generation of heroes, ones appropriate for this modern day.

As Dragoon got bored with the aerial gymnastics, he did a ninety degree turn, rising up along the side of a skyscraper. He got a thrill out of how close he was to crashing into the building, as only inches separated them. Letting out a yell as he reached the top of the skyscraper, Dragoon landed roughly on the top of the building.

“Man, look at that view,” Dragoon mused, his suit enhancing the image.

Dragoon sat down, his wings folding back into his suit. He let out a yawn, as he had been out in a costume for most of the night. Lying down on his back, Dragoon struggled to see the stars in the sky through the smog, until his suit naturally enhanced the image.

“Dragoon, you have an incoming hologram,” the voice of the Dragonheart AI sounded in his mind.

“What are you talking about?” Dragoon asked.

A glowing orb sped across the night sky before stopping right over Dragoon. Instinctively Dragoon raised his gauntlets as they glowed with energy, pointing them at the orb. However, the orb transformed into an image of an older hero. It took Dragoon a second to recognize him as Viran of the Titans. The glowing hologram of Viran the n began to speak, asking for help with some abductions.

Dragoon felt dumb for not realizing that there had been mass abductions in Second City. But then again, he never said he was a detective, as he was more of a punch the bad guy type of hero. As the hologram continued talking it urged Dragoon to meet up with Viran at the old observatory. Yet again Dragoon felt dumb for not knowing that there was an observatory near Second City, only to remember that he passed a sign for it every time he took the highway to the beach.

Before Dragoon could think of a witty remark to make to the hologram, it turned back into an orb before dimming and disappearing. Dragoon picked himself off the roof, his wings unfolding. With another yawn, Dragoon looked in the vague direction of the observatory. Figuring it might be interesting to meet such a legendary hero like Viran, Dragoon lifted off the roof and darted into the night sky.

“I wonder if that fry place near the beach is open this late.”
Thanks for understanding. I also put up a new post for Eli.
Trigger Warning: Animal Death

Elias, the injured Tommy, and Clint the dog, ran down the street, away from the screams behind them. The group quickly turned a corner on Durum where Eli lived and the pharmacy Tommy needed was located. Tommy grunted in pain as blood ran down his arm from where he was attacked. Eli was surprised at how well Tommy was doing with the pain, but he then remembered that he had been injured far worse back in the war.

Clint barked as they past an alleyway with a group of people ripping into an elderly woman. Eli averted his gaze, not wishing to commit the horrid act to his memory. Years of watching horror movies had not prepared him for the savagery that was going on. Eli steeled himself inside as he kept sprinting down the street.

“Almost there,” Eli whispered to Tommy, hoping to not attract any attackers.

Tommy replied with a grunt as he kept up with Eli. Within a few minutes, Eli could see the pharmacy. However, it had already begun to be looted. Clint dashed ahead, entering the drug store. Tommy ran after him, still clutching his arm. Eli swore as he followed after the two of them.

“Clint! Come back here!” Eli heard Tommy bellow.

Eli followed the noise to the back of the pharmacy, where he found Clint and Tommy standing over the remains of a man. He was dressed in a postman’s uniform, perfectly normal looking, save the massive hole in his head. Eli held in some vomit as he saw the corpse. He was quickly snapped back to reality by Clint’s ferocious barking. Eli spun around to see a man pointing a shotgun at Tommy.

“How did you get hurt?” the man questioned intensely.

“What?” Tommy asked with confusion.

“The wound on your arm. How did you get it?”

“I don’t know. Some guy bit him,” Eli replied.

The man responded by shooting Tommy through the head, spraying blood, brains, and pieces of skull everywhere. Eli mouthed what the fuck and Clint leaped at the man. However, the man let loose the other shell in his gun, hitting Clint right between the eyes.

“What the hell was that?” questioned Eli in shock.

“Once they bite you, you become one of them,” the man said simply.

“What is them?” Eli whispered as he became aware of the blood of Tommy and Clint covering him.

“The dead,” the man laughed eerily, “They ran out of room in hell.”

As the man continued to laugh, Eli began to back away. He noticed that the shotgun was double barrelled, meaning he spent his round and would need to reload. Eli took the opportunity to bolt out of the store. Running as fast as he can, Eli didn’t look at the new corpses littering the street. He just kept running till he saw his apartment building. Dashing toward the front door, Eli paused as he heard a guttural noise.

The door to his building burst open as a bald man covered in bed smashed through. Eli quietly said shit as the man locked eyes with him. Eli spun as fast as he could, turning away from the building, and moved as fast as he could in the opposite direction. The roar of the man told Eli that he was following after him. Eli pumped his legs as he ran for his life. His thoughts quickly raced as he was moving on pure adrenaline. His mind wandered back to that strange phone call this morning, the priest saying he had a safe area.

Realizing that he wasn’t far from Fifth, Eli began to run with a destination in mind. He hoped there would be some kind of help there, as he was pretty sure that there was more than of these things following him, at least based on the noises they were making.
Hey still around, just dealing with some depression. Anyway I put up a new post for Roger.
Roger D’Monty

Roger sat by himself alone in the corner of the coffee shop, eating a slightly stale doughnut. He thought that perhaps the shoddy quality of the food explained why there was barely anyone in the restaurant, even with it being the breakfast rush. But the quiet was a nice change of pace after the food fight last night, as Roger really didn’t want hot coffee chucked at him.

Roger downed the last of his cup of coffee, before getting up from his table and throwing out the cup. As Roger left Dingo Donuts, he checked his phone, seeing that he still had enough time to get to his first class of the day. Roger started to cross through the field in front of the campus, only to decide against once the deep snow began to fill the sneakers he was wearing. Doubling back, Roger stepped onto the pathway that the school maintenance workers had shovelled out around the campus. Although it would add a few minutes to his walk, Roger decided that it was for the best as he shook his feet to dislodge the snow from his shoes.

Within several minutes, Roger stood outside the building where his Introduction to English Literature was being held. While initially wary of taking this compulsory class as he came to Eukary for cinema studies and not literature, he had come to find this class fascinating. It had quickly become apparent to Roger that learning about story structure and themes would help him understand film making.

As Roger entered the building he thoroughly rubbed his shoes on the mat at the entrance, before heading to class. As Roger opened the door to his literature class, he saw that the seating was half full, with the students who always came early being there. Roger found a seat in about the middle of the class, taking out his laptop and placing it in front of him. Roger then patiently waited for Professor Valiant to arrive. Valiant was an older goat gentleman who apparently had been teaching Introduction to English Literature for decades here at Eukary, and was very good at it.

Roger did believe that how good his professor was at his job did impact how he was enjoying this class. As Roger went over the merits of Valiant, the professor entered the room. Placing several books on the desk at the front of the room. Valiant didn’t say anything for a few minutes as several more students entered the class. Right as the hand of the clock struck twelve, Professor Valiant began to speak.

“So who here is familiar with the works of Jules Verne?”
Sorry for disappearing everyone. I’ve been dealing with some real life issues that consumed all my attention. I’m still going to move forward with this roleplay.

@Clever Hans
Hyper is accepted.

No problem. I understand and wish you all the best.

As for everyone else, give me a few days to get back into things and I’ll work on putting up a first IC post.
Apologies for disappearing. Real life has taken most of my attention, but I still want to continue with this roleplay. Really expect a post for Eli in a day or two.
Sorry about going MIA. I've been dealing with some stuff in my real life that has taken my attention. By tomorrow or the next day I'll go through the posts I've missed and create a new one for Roger.
Sorry about going missing. I'm dealing with some stuff in real life, but I'm ready to continue with this rp when it starts.
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