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Thanks for everyone posting! I'm sorry that I've been offline for a couple of days as I was dealing with vertigo episodes and a family member in the hospital. Expect a followup IC post tomorrow.

Also, @The Man Emperor are you still interested in participating?
Been feeling ill (not COVID) so I haven't been online in a couple of days. Still not feeling great so no post today, but I'll try for tomorrow.
I haven't been feeling well, as well as some family issues, so I haven't been able to post. I'll try to have one up tomorrow.
Been dealing with some vertigo episodes and a family member in hospital, so I've been absent. Not feeling well enough today to make a post, but I'll try for tomorrow.

Player Name:

Primary Character:

Secret Identity:
Adam Frankenstein (Public ID)

While not living, Frankenstein has existed for 203 years.

Usual Base of Operations:
None, he wanders the world.

Day Job:
Monster Hunter

Frankenstein is undead and as such does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. He is also functionally immortal as he can replace lost body parts with spare parts as long as they are the relative same size. Frankenstein also possesses strength greater than that of a regular human. Finally, Frankenstein possesses a neural implant that connects him to the SHADE database, allowing him to access the various files they have.

As an undead being, Frankenstein is susceptible to all magics that target the dead, and could potentially banished to the afterlife. Also, while he is able to replace lost body parts, if he were to be separated into small enough parts, then Frankenstein would be unable to be reformed.

Frankenstein is proficient in combat, being a skilled brawler, marksman, and sword fighter, as he wields a sword that used to belong to the Archangel Michael. Frankenstein also possesses a vast knowledge of the occult.

Frankenstein is a very large man, standing at 6’4’’ with very wide shoulders. His skin is a mishmash of decaying green and grey skin, covered in hundreds of stitches that are keeping him together. On his face, Frankenstein has short black hair, deep brown eyes, and two bolts lodged into his brain. He tends to wear old style clothing, with a mix of newer coats. On one hip he has a steampunk style pistol, while the other has the longsword of the Archangel Michael.

Given an unnatural birth by Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Adam was the result of grave digging, necromancy, and experimental science. Dubbed the monster, at first he was dumb and mute, but Victor saw fit to train him. Within a few weeks he was talking, and then learning other useful skills, even taking the name Adam. For several months Adam was kept locked in Victor’s lab, all the while Victor trying to create more creatures. Eventually, Adam escaped the lab, wishing to see the outside world. However, his presence in the nearby village sparked fear, the villagers chasing Adam back to Victor’s lab.

The villagers would burn down Victor’s lab, as Adam escaped with a female creation. For a year they hid in the wilderness of Northern Europe, even marrying one another. However, they would be reunited with their creator Victor Frankenstein, when he decided to destroy all evidence of his work. Victor seemed to kill Adam’s bride before escaping. Furious, Adam chased down Victor to the Arctic, where they had a climatic battle on a glacier, with both of them falling into the freezing water.

Adam would remain in the water for some time before making his way to America. There he would try to live in isolation, avoiding the humans. However, his isolation would be broken when he encountered the Bride once again. She had survived her encounter with Victor and was now a monster hunter. Her appearance prompted Adam to join her in monster hunting. The two would travel together for a while, before departing as they found their relationship wasn’t working. Adam would continue hunting monsters for decades before being approached by the American government, who wanted him to hunt down monsters created by the Nazis.

Once the war ended, Adam would continue to work with the American government, eventually meeting a person named Father Time, who was founding an organization called the Super Human Advanced Defence Executive, or SHADE. Adam would be one of the first agents of SHADE. During his tenure with SHADE, Adam would be put in charge of the Creature Commandos, a team of other monsters, such as vampires, werewolves, and mummies. Recently, Adam had an encounter with the Archangel Michael, who gifted him his sword and a few secret words. Whatever the angel had told him, it prompted Adam to take some time off from SHADE, and begin to look into the Justice League.

Supporting Characters:
The Bride - The only other remaining creation of Victor Frankenstein. While once married to Adam, they have since separated and she too now works as a monster hunter.
Father Time - A seemingly immortal being, Father Time runs SHADE, a secret powered agency. While Frankenstein is technically on leave from SHADE, he is still in contact with Father Time.
The Creature Commandos - A unit of monsters that work for SHADE that used to serve under Frankenstein. While not under his command anymore, the Commandos would do anything to help Frankenstein.

Secondary Character:

Additional Notes:
Yoyogi Park, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo - 21:37

Akira was laughing with his more recent friends as they passed by the park. They had just spent the last hour and a half out chasing Digimon, as they had been swept up into the craze. For Akira however it was not going good, only finding the most common Digimon this evening. Meanwhile his friend Koji had found a rare gold variant of Veedramon. So Akira was feeling a little jealous of him. As such, Akira wasn’t ready to call it a night as he still wasn’t satisfied with his Digimon catching.

Akira turned to his friends, “I’m just pop into Yoyogi. Anyone wanna come along?”

“Man, it’s just insect types in there,” Koji laughed, “Plus it’s getting late, so I’m going home.”

The others nodded and agreed, siding with Koji as usual. Akira just waved them off, entering the park. Luckily for Akira, he loved insect type Digimon, though he wasn’t sure why. Plus with how dismissive his friends were being, he didn’t feel like telling them the rumour that DTW might be adding rare Digimon at certain landmarks, like Yoyogi Park.

Akira took out his phone and began using its AR feature to try and find Digimon. Initially finding nothing, he figured that he should go a bit deeper into the park. As he did so, a ping sounded on his phone, indicating a nearby Digimon. Akira walked toward the Digimon, only to hear a strange voice.

Hel-! Young Ta--er, can --ou hea-- e?

“The hell,” Akira muttered.

Akira spun around trying to find the source of the distorted voice, but couldn’t see anyone around him. Maybe Koji was right and it was late, and Akira was probably tired. He heard that if you are overly tired you may hallucinate these kinds of things. But thinking deeper on the subject, Akira remembered that usually only happens after multiple days with no sleep. So he wasn’t overly tired, which meant that maybe it was a brain sickness.

The prospect of being crazy was not appealing to Akira, so he decided to pursue the alternate course of thought. That the voice was real. Akira kept his phone ready in his hand just in case this situation was dangerous, as he walked deeper into the park, searching for whoever’s voice he had heard.
Wow, thanks for having me. I'll get on the discord now.

Roger D’Monty

The young capybara yawned as his Introduction to English Literature class ended. He guessed he hadn’t slept well the night before, judging on how heavy his eyes were. He held in a second yawn, as he viewed a second one would be rude to Professor Valiant. Roger generally cared about the goat’s opinion and wished to stay in his good graces. To that end he planned to get a head start on the reading the professor had assigned. While Roger had already known that he would be reading it this semester as he had to buy it in advance, Professor Valiant had stated they would be working with the novel Around the World in Eighty Days.

While Roger had seen movies based on his books, he had never actually read the works of Jules Verne. In fact Roger didn’t recall ever reading a book as old as this one. Still, he had heard that Verne was a father of science fiction alongside H.G. Wells, another man that Roger had only seen the movies based on his works. So that seemed to mean that it would be a good read.

Seeing that he had a few hours before his next class, Roger decided to head back to his dorm to start reading the novel. It took several to get back to the dorms, but Roger didn’t mind as the cold winter air woke him up some. By the time he entered the dorm, he felt fully awake. As he made his way up the stairs to the floor he lived on, he immediately heard a pounding bass. Once Roger got to his floor, it became clear that someone was blasting music. Roger tried to ignore as he entered his room, grabbing his copy of the assigned novel.

He then tried reading it, but found that after one minute that he kept rereading the first page as he couldn’t focus. Letting out an exasperated sound, Roger left his room, novel in hand. For a split second he considered the notion of complaining about the noise, only to decided that he didn’t want to be known as a buzz kill. After all he would have to coexist with his dorm neighbours for the foreseeable future.

Instead, Roger left the dorm and headed to the library, the one place he could guarantee a quiet environment. As soon as Roger entered the library he noticed how unusually busy it was. It seemed like every seat was taken, that was until Roger saw a very large bear get out of a seat that was clearly too small for him. Roger made a beeline for the seat, sitting on it before anyone else got a chance. With a sigh, Roger took out the novel and began reading chapter one.

“Man, bummer about that fry place,” the young hero lamented.

Dragoon had taken a bit of a detour on his way to the observatory, taking a few extra minutes to check out the beach. And unfortunately the fry place in question was closed. While initially miffed, Dragoon cheered up when he remembered the prospect of having a hero team up. So far in his superhero career, Dragoon had been a solo act, not even meeting another hero. That’s why he had decided to go see Viran.

“There is a possibility that this is a trap,” the Dragonheart AI spoke, “It could be another individual using the likeness of Viran.”

“True,” Dragoon replied, “But do I have even an arch nemesis that would do that? Even though I like to inflate my ego, I’m still not that well known.”

“Perhaps,” the AI went silent after that.

A few minutes after that, Dragoon neared the observatory, not being able to see it with his enhanced vision. It was with these enhanced optics that Dragoon saw the lights turn on at the observatory. Wondering if that was a welcome sign, Dragoon sped up slightly. Within another minute, the observatory became visible to the naked eye.

Dragoon landed in front of the observatory, charging some energy into his gauntlets in case the AI was right and it was a trap. But regardless, he pushed open the front doors of the observatory, taking a step into the structure.
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