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Interested in participating. Quick question though. Are half-breeds a thing in this setting, specifically half-elf, half-human? I was considering playing a half-elf, but if that isn't a thing then I guess I could play a fullblooded elf.

Arthur chuckled softly at the reply of the strange woman sitting on the picnic table. Groovy. The only person he had heard that from none ironically was an older woman in his apartment building, one who had been a flower child back in the day. Yet this lady in front of Arthur was clearly way younger that, so he wondered why she was using such terms. He thought that it might be a hipster thing.

As she continued to speak, Arthur began to wonder if she knew where she was, “You know this is a scientific conference, right? I don’t think they’ll be sticking anyone with needles randomly, if you were worrying about that. As for harmonious thoughts, I’m not sure.”

Arthur paused, before laughing, “I mean do you think we should try and commune with the plant essences? I have no idea how that would work, but you seem like the kind of person who could get that started.”

Arthur was serious in what he said. This whole plant power thing had been nothing but a mystery since it started a few weeks back. Up until hearing about this conference, Arthur never had a notion that plant essences could be a thing. Yet he did change at night, same time as the flowers changed. So maybe a strange hippie lady leading some kind of meditation would allow him to gleam some information. It was worth a try.

“My name is Arthur,” he said as he extended his hand, “And would it be too forward if you yourself have a plant essence power?”

Arthur was under the assumption that most anyone here that didn’t look like a scientific type was probably someone with powers or knew someone with powers. Arthur himself at been keeping his power secret to those around him, but was warming up to the idea of being open with others with plant essences. Perhaps having some sort of community would make this life change easier for Arthur.

@Bai Suzhen

June 11, 2021
Arthur’s Apartment

Arthur stared into the bathroom mirror, still coming to terms with what he saw. His skin had become noticeably paler since he had last looked into the mirror in the morning. While he had heard of diseases that changed skin pigmentation, he could think of none that would do it so rapidly and then also change back to normal. He also seemed taller, something Arthur had always wished for, not liking his small body.

Hoping to see for sure if there was a change of height, Arthur walked over to his storage closet, fumbling through the mess for a few seconds before finding a tape measure. Lining up next to the wall in the hallway, Arthur extended the measure vertically down his body, noting the height. He had become just over an inch taller than he was this morning.

Still amazed, Arthur walked over to some hand weights lying next to his couch. Before whatever this is happened, Arthur could barely lift anything, with almost no arm strength. But now that he had changed, he could easily lift these basic weights. But that was only at night, as during the day he went back to his usual weakling self. Arthur picked up the weights, finding them even easier too lift than a few days ago. He thought that perhaps he should buy a heavier set.

Arthur put down the weights and went back to sitting in front of his laptop. In his browser he had several tabs open, each one a page related to superpowers. However, the tab that he was on was about a conference on plant essence powers. A few months back Arthur would of thought the notion of plant powers ridiculous, but his own power experience seemed to be tied to it. Arthur could clearly deduce that his powers came at night and went away during the day. He couldn’t help but be reminded of certain flowers that bloom at night and close during the day. There were several types of such plants in the community garden he worked on, each one very special to Arthur.

Arthur re-read the info page on the conference, noting that it wasn’t terribly far from where he lived. The only problem was the price of tickets. Arthur had been saving his money for college tuition as he still did intend to eventually attend. But figuring out his powers was very important to Arthur, as it would irrevocably effect his whole life.

Arthur decided to search what other people were saying about the conference online. After scrolling through several tweets making fun of it, Arthur found a few posts about people who believe they have plant essence powers and were genuinely stoked to learn more about them. What finally sealed the deal for Arthur was a re-tweet stating that those who can prove they have an animal essence get two-thirds of their admission back. Arthur figured that wouldn’t be hard to do as all they had to do was just look at him during the night.

Arthur went back to the conference website, hoping that there was some tickets left. Luckily there was, so Arthur gladly paid the fee. He then remembered that he needed to call his work to get time off, with only like a week in advance notice. Arthur prayed that they would let him.


June 19, 2021
Cypress View Retreat

So Arthur managed to get the time off, as the other receptionist at the office wanted to pick up a few more extra shifts. And Arthur had promised to owe her a favour. Arthur didn’t know what the favour would be as he drove down the wooded road in his bright red Volkswagen Beetle. Arthur wasn’t entirely sure where he was going as he made his way through the woods. The GPS app on his phone had decided to stop working about half an hour ago, and like most people his age, Arthur didn’t have a map of the area in his car.

After winding around the trees for a little while longer, Arthur finally saw another car. Then another. Then a few more. Figuring that they were headed the same way, Arthur followed behind them. The assumption proved right as they soon came upon a sign saying Cypress View Retreat. Arthur pulled into the parking lot, finding that there was still a decent amount of parking spots.

Getting out of his beetle, Arthur half expected everyone’s power to be evident. Instead he saw mostly middle aged people or young hipsters scattered across the parking lot. Arthur did realize that he as well wouldn’t stand out as the sun was still shining. Also, maybe people had an interest in plant essences, even if they didn’t have one.

Still kind of disappointed, Arthur grabbed his bag from the trunk and walked over to the entrance station. He pulled out his ticket and showed it to the check-in man. He scanned the ticket before directing Arthur to cabin five. Arthur said a quick thank you, before walking across the pavilion and toward where the cabins were situated.

As Arthur neared his assigned cabin, he saw a seemingly strange woman emerge from the wilderness, sauntering toward the cabins. Arthur was slightly stunned by her appearance, she was pretty, but looked like a mess in just a bikini and shirt, with flowers strung across her hair. Arthur wondered what she was doing here as this was a scientific conference and not burning man.

“Are you alright miss?” he asked, not really sure what kind of response he would get.

@Bai Suzhen

San Francisco, California

The GPS on Thomas’ phone informed him that he had just entered San Francisco. He had finally finished his twelve hour drive, having spent a night in a motel while halfway there. Thomas was excited as he saw the beach, something he had never seen growing up in Phoenix. He had come into this drive with anticipation over starting a new chapter of his life. He had finally moved away and was stretching his wings.

That positivity was tempered by the negative feelings that also prompted this relocation. Since the death of his father in the energy storm, Thomas had found that there were too many painful memories in Phoenix. He had hoped that by moving away it would leave his negativity behind.

Thomas’ stomach growled, telling him that it was hungry after the long drive. Thomas pulled his large pickup truck into the parking lot of a Starbucks, one of several he had already seen since entering the city. He put on his mask before heading inside to grab a coffee and a croissant. Thomas went back to his truck, sitting in the front seat. As he chowed down on his baked good, his phone began to ring.

Thomas answered, it was his mom, just checking in on him. She had calculated the length of the drive, and knew he was to arrive in San Francisco around this time. They spoke briefly, Thomas’ mother still worried about him moving to a new city by himself, especially with all the political unrest happening. Thomas managed to ease her fears by promising that he would be safe, before ending the call.

As Thomas finished his food, he thought back to what brought him here. While Thomas knew he had to get out of town, he wasn’t sure where he would go. Fortunately, Thomas’ boss at work had a cousin in California who was opening up a mechanic shop, but had been stopped by the plague. Now he was looking for good employees who still wanted to work. Even though he would be sad to see him go, Thomas’ boss secured him a job at the shop in San Francisco. So, Thomas packed up most of what he owned, and drove northwest to San Francisco.

Due to the abrupt nature of this move, Thomas hadn’t been able to find an apartment. But that didn’t deter him as he was recommended as his new boss Luke would allow him to use his guest room until he found his own place. Thomas was really glad that he was doing that as most people were trying to avoid others with the energy plague going on.

Thomas decided to head to the mechanic shop first. As soon as he pulled up to it he spotted Luke, his boss’s cousin, outside wearing a black mask. They had previously spoke over a video call, so Thomas knew what he looked like.

“Hey Thomas, you made it,” he said with a friendly voice.

“Yeah, it was quite a bit of a trip,” Thomas replied, the smell of coffee on his breath stuck in his mask.

“Well come on in. I’ll show you around the place.”

Thomas got out of the truck, and then began to tour the shop. It was small, but not a bad size for a first business. All the machines and tools seemed to be current and quality. In the corner, a small flat screen TV was attached to the wall, currently left on a all day news channel.

Luke had to run to get something, leaving Thomas in front of the TV. Rumours were abounding that California was preparing to go into lock down. Thomas considered himself lucky that he had made it to San Francisco before everything was shut down. But he wondered if that would include his new place of employ.

A new program began, this one hosted by a middle aged white man in a grey suit. Thomas didn’t pay him much heed as he waited for Luke to come back. That was until he saw that he was talking about an altered registry. A shiver went down Thomas’ back. Known only to himself, he was an altered, though he managed to conceal successfully.

“And now there’s rumour of a blood test for altereds. Mandatory for everyone to see who are these deviant individuals,” the man said.

“What a load of crap,” Luke said as he re-entered the room, “If there was a blood test they would already be doing it. What do you think Thomas?”

Thomas paused before speaking, “Yeah, its dumb. Plus shouldn’t these altereds be heroes like the X-Men or something?”

“Ah, but you forget the whole: the world hates and fears us.”

Hates and fears us. That is how Thomas felt right now. These were scary times he was living in, especially when you were different, an outsider. Things really did look shitty to Thomas at that moment.
I am also interested in the Digital Monsters.
Glad to be back. And I'm all for having everyone join the anime club!
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