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Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

As Trineon laid his hand on the girl’s feverish head, she began to stir. As she began to wake up she said a name: Sir Oren. Whoever that was seemed to be important to her. Before Trineon could introduce himself, her eyes focused on him, not sure of who he was. She then asked if she did something. Trineon didn’t know what she meant. Surely she didn’t think that she had killed these soldiers? She was such a petite girl, one who couldn’t create the same savagery that Trineon and his fellow gods had created in the heat of battle.

Speaking of savagery, out of the corner of his eye, Trineon saw O’Menus walk over to the unconscious soldier. The sun god then shocked as he stabbed the mortal in the ankle. This caused Trineon to flinch. To the water god, there was a difference between doing something in the hot blood of battle and doing it when one’s in cold blood. Still, they needed answers, and this method would probably generate some.

As the mortal awoke from the pain, Aureia decided to get some answers. With an umbrella pressed to his neck she asked him many questions including his name, place of origin, who he served, and what was the holy emperor, flower priestess, and the owner of the blade currently impaling him. While Trineon did want answers to these questions, his immediate interest was on the small priestess. For most of his life, Trineon had been of the opinion that it the duty of the gods to aid humanity. While some wrath was sometimes needed, Trineon didn’t want to torture the mortal soldier any further.

Trineon turned back toward the young girl who had placed herself into a deep hug with Ashte. While he wished to check her fever again, he didn’t want to interfere with the comfort the girl was probably getting from the tight embrace. Instead he kept his distance, but then began to speak in his softest possible voice.

“Everything is fine now little one. My name’s Trineon. Can you tell me your name?”
I figured someone would attack the soldiers in dragon form. I did not expect for someone to attack the soldiers with a fake dragon.
I'm mostly interested in playing a Power Ranger. Whether that's the 6th one, or one rescued from the Grid, I'm cool with either.
So I made my alien character a businessman instead of a politician. He's kind of like if Lex Luthor, if he were a split personality of an alien agent. Maybe he can be budget Batman's nemesis. Also I don't really use discord much.

Just put up my first post. Really excited to get this thing going!
As Paul checked the time on his watch he saw that it was time to leave. With as minimal noise as possible, Paul got out of bed. He did not wish to wake his roommates, not because they would question why he was going out at this time of night, but because they had a busy day at the factory coming up and they should have a good sleep. Like most other people in this neighbourhood, his roommates knew that he was a fixer, one who kept irregular hours.

Paul threw on a baggy brown jacket as it got quite cold at night in the Basement. Exiting his room with soft steps, Paul checked his watch again. He was supposed to be there for two, which meant he’d probably need to hustle. Paul stepped out into the darkness, the streetlights in his neighbourhood not working again. While it was slightly annoying, it could prove beneficial as it made it harder for a Machine Men patrol finding him.

Fear of being found out was always part of Paul’s work, whether it was masking tags or blowing up labs. While Paul mostly trusted Daniel, he had never met this Karen. He hoped he could trust her, after all she was apparently a high up in the resistance.

As a child Paul had never thought of joining the resistance, as things didn’t seem that bad. But as he got older he realized how good he had it. While his family was poor, at least they were never attacked or spirited away by Machine Man. It was only as an adult that he became fully aware of how screwed up this society was.

Paul was snapped back to reality as he heard the familiar whine of a Machine Man’s jet engine. Paul immediately dropped to the ground, making himself as small as possible. Up head underneath a flickering light was two homeless humans. Then a Machine Man dropped out of the sky. It seemed like it was trying to break up their gathering. It always seemed like the Beastial rulers were afraid of humans getting together, even if it was just two homeless looking for a spot to sleep.

While the Machine Man broke up the gathering, Paul sprinted into a nearby alley. He took cover behind a large garbage dumpster, trying to blend in with the shadows. Paul waited until he heard the Machine Man fly away, then waited a few minutes more. While the danger had passed, Paul didn’t want to risk encountering another Machine Man.

Looking around, Paul spotted a sewer grate. While most people would avoid the sewers, like most rebels or criminals, Paul had navigated the tunnels and had a good idea of how to get around under the city. As Paul approached the grate, he decided this was as good as any time to get in costume.

Pressing a button on the side of his watch, the clock face opened revealing a very small suit. The suit then launched out of the watch, before transforming into a human size suit, landing on the ground. Paul quickly put on the suit and helmet, becoming the Ant-Man.

Paul then walked over to the grate, before pushing a button on his belt. Paul then shrunk to the size of a small toy, falling between the grates. He then returned to normal size as he hit the sewer floor. After taking a second to get used to the unique smell of the sewer, Paul began jogging toward the meet up point.

After about twenty minutes of moving through the muck, Paul realized that he was near the meeting place. Finding another grate, Paul jumped toward it, shrinking as he moved. With precise movement, Paul went through the bars, returning to regular size in another dark alley. From there it was about a block to the meeting.

Trying to stay in the shadows, Paul found himself behind a building. Standing there was a woman wearing a hood. Figuring that this was Karen, as who else would risk being out at 2 AM, Paul introduced himself.

“Hey, there,” Paul approached her, “The name’s Ant-Man. Apparently we’re supposed to meet here.”
Also was busy over the weekend, though not with a rave. I just started working on my character and will probably finish tomorrow.

Edit: I would actually like to see @ZxyxZemon character, just to see what style he is expecting.
I've actually been recently getting back into Power Rangers through the Boom Studios comics. However I'm still early on, haven't even reached Shattered Grid, so I was wondering about spoilers as you are using the Omega Rangers. While I know the basics of the team, I haven't reached the point where they show up. If we could avoid spoilers I would totally be down for this. Character wise I was thinking a time travelling JJ Oliver, the SPD Green Dragon Ranger, who may or may not be amnesiac to avoid revealing the future.
So I'm really interested in this setting. I'm not really sure on a character, as the idea I had off the top of my head was an alien agent embedded in the world government. But that would assume that aliens were another form of apocalypse that stopped. If that's not cool I can come up with something else.
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