Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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<Snipped quote by Pakde>

Unfortunately at this point in time players will all be part of The Cerulean Order, which is a faction. The rp is meant to focus on these characters and their interactions in the faction and against the voidsblood. So this may not be the rp for you. :(

I see, if anything I am glad I asked it beforehand. Thanks for the clarification and best of luck with your RP.
I am interested. Provided that there is the freedom to decide my character's background. Not really a fan of pre-designated backgrounds such as a member of a particular faction or nation. However, a temporal allegiance is preferable so my character would still be taking quests and reporting to the order.

Is that doable?

I hope I am not being too demanding. I'd love another High Fantasy RP and I think I already have a character to fit in.
"I have a few business contacts with venerers-- Exotic materials are sometimes required in my line of work, and I have an eye for quality. I'm always looking to increase the size of my list of contacts, so, If you happen to be hunting in the southern provinces, and have quality furs to sell, please-- consider my establishment."

Maybe magic, maybe an illusion. Despite the tingly sensation in her Fingers, Sonia received the card as any upstanding professional would and gestured the beginning of a beneficial partnership by opening the folded white card and taking a brief glance at the extravagant introductory written inside:

Smouldering Ember
Fashion, Finery, and Frivolity

Let this tiny ember ignite your passions!
Fashion, Finery, and Frivolity at your whim and fancy!
Garments and styles to suit every need, occasion or pleasure.
Male and Female fashion and accessories, with 'while you wait' alterations.

"It is our pleasure to attend to your every need. Discretion guaranteed."

--EMBER, Proprietor.

"I will certainly consider that, madam. Although, deepest apologies, the purpose of my travel this time is for... personal matter. But I will be in touch with you as soon as it has been resolved."

Despite her seemingly genuine attentiveness, any keen eye would notice Sonia was spacing out for a brief moment. And indeed she was thinking about home and the purpose of her journey. She had great pride in her job, and expanding her clientele was surely a sound plan, but today she somehow felt strained talking about it.

"So, you're sharing a cabin with Miss Vivian? I only recently just met miss Vivian this morning myself-- It turns out, we're both magicians. I have a bit of soft spot for aspiring h... practitioners of the art-- Do you practice any magic, Miss Sonia?"

"No, not really except for a few studies about defensive magic and dispelling illusion. A hard requirement if you are hunting certain magical games. Nothing too advanced since they are, well...beast." Sonia paused for a moment, There she was, talking about work again. no fancy phrases this time. Now trying to recompose and reassess herself, surely occasional armor-piercing enchantment on her bolts was too trivial to be considered magic, right?

"I don't think I have the talent to learn any more than that."

Trying to steel herself from sighing, she exchanged a glance with Vivian to address the other question. "I just met Miss Vivian a while ago, and as she said, there is a lot to say about the room arrangement and general customer service of this shipping company, but all is well now, thanks to her understanding!"

"So are you two from the same university?"
Sonia was glad there was no more unfortunate misunderstanding, she could finally let her guard down and welcomed their guest... perhaps.

The madame took no time to immediately make himself feel at home; he walked past Sonia with hips swayed, hat doffed toward Vivian's bed and he even closed the door for her.

"So? Who's your friend then? We haven't been introduced!" he asked, turning to Sonia. Despite the flamboyant fashion, his general clothing, mannerism, and general air signified a rather grandeur background.

And it was only proper for Sonia to recall her old etiquette lesson and make practical use of it. Remember, hands on the skirt, right leg behind, lean forward a bit, lest she looked like a complete boar.

"Sonia Al-Hathya. Delighted to make your acquaintance." she answered with a moderate curtsy.

Someone was knocking, and indiscernibly called with a rather meek voice. Being thoughtful to her roommate, Sonia reached the door and, for a brief second, was hesitant to open it. Surely no one called for room service just yet.

"Yes?" she peaked. In front of her was a man? Woman? She was wearing heavy make-up and dressed in unmistakably frivolous clothing that did nothing to conceal his tall and lithe figure. And that red and flowing silky hair must be a wig!

"Can I help you, err... madam?"

Sonia was still leaning against the door, keeping it half opened, blocking the way. She hoped no other fuss would be coming straight into her hard-earned cabin, not this time, not in this lifetime!

Once again, Sonia entered the room with a slight cautiousness. Yeah, the same aroma, it hadn't been dispersed yet.

"So this is it, that bed is yours, this one is mine, I'm sure we both understand that our possessions are our own."

Half of the elf's instructions were vaporized in the mids of an urge to sneeze. Sonia walked toward the opening that was supposed to be the window, then after motioning a sign that she understood the general rules, she opened it and then sneezed to her heart's content. After all, she did say to feel free to get comfortable, right?"

"Sorry... but can we keep the window open for a while?" she sighed, sitting on her bed now and opening a vial of eucalyptus oil. Sonia made sure it was just a few drops on her palm so the scent wouldn't reach the neighboring bed. Such considerations were also to not offend her roommate. She would spare the detail until being asked.

"It settles then!" the quartermaster announced, probably the first jovial things he had said since this voyage began. Quickly he handed the key to Sonia, then left without looking back. "Enjoy your stay, ladies!"

"So what will it be...oh how rude of me, I didnt even get your name. I am Viviana, and you are?" A hint of blush graced her cheeks as she reached her complete hand for a hand shake.

Sonia instinctively welcomed her handshake. "Sonia Al-Hathya, a traveler, and a venerer by trade. Oh, you are really a live saver! Thank you!" she smiled, her hellish red irises looking back at Viviana's viridescent eyes, mentally measuring each other. The girl's grasp had a lack of confidence in it, and she could help but to notice a slight lisp in her voice. Being this close, their height difference was very apparent indeed.

"Looks like we will be in each other's care then," said Sonia, masking her retreat by picking up her backpack. "After you, miss Vivian."

"What is the problem here? Something to do with sleeping arrangements?"

Sonia felt even more uncomfortable than before. She shifted aside in no time, clearing the elf's passage. The last thing she wanted was to be a nuisance to others, and for her personal matters to be open for everyone to hear. However, the elf's question was directed with a curious undertone, and she seemed to observe her... deeper than any stranger ever had. A scholar apparently, judging from general attire, and she seemed to have formal airs and graces about her.

Well, since it was her who asked;

"I am really sorry for disturbing you, miss. Not a bit of intention to create a scene," Sonia replied, almost like wanted to bow. "And yes, it seems there was a misunderstanding about my accommodation. I assure you it will be resolved quickly."

"This lady has a first-class ticket." the quartermaster intervened, not even sugarcoating anything, excellent customer service be damned. "But she was late, all rooms have been occupied. I told her she can have one of the cabins in the lower deck and she then acted all entitled!"

Sonia felt a sudden urgency to bash the quartermaster with the stock of her crossbow. However, the man still had more to say, and bashing people mid-sentence is impolite.

"Say, since you are here, why don't you two share the room?" he eyed the elf and checked her ledger real quick. "Yes, that will do. Since I can't just give this lady the space without your permission-"

"But you did give me the key then asked me to return it." Sonia groaned, to the quartermaster's dismay.

"It was a mistake. And really, lassie? I'm trying to solve this for everyone's benefit." then he turned again to the elf, lowering his gaze and voice, half pleading. "Look, you will be doing me and this lady here a favor, I know I said it's a private room, but she has a first-class ticket, and if she doesn't have any, I will be in trouble, with the captain and the company. I am not forcing you to share your room with a stranger, but I would be immensely grateful if you do. Remember, this is a voluntary request. I don't want two complaints on me."

From the distance, she saw the crew returning with the quartermaster. In his hand was a large ledger, and strapped on his belt were an assortment of keys. He was leading the way like a furious bull, and as soon as he reached the acceptable proximity to Sonia, he spared no intermission.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"I am deeply sorry for taking your time, sir, but I think there is a mistake with my cabin arrangement. I believe the crew has given you the details, has he not?"

There was a brief pause. "Really?" He blurted and shot a look at the crew as if ready to chew him whole. Then he returned, not to Sonia but to his ledger. "Tsk tsk. We are really sorry, I will first ask you to return the key so we can sort this out quickly."

"Certainly, here you go."

He double-checked the key, rewrote the manifest in his ledger, then gave Sonia another key.

"Your cabin will be downstairs. Oi, you! Take this lady to that room in the lower deck."

"Wait a second! Lower deck?" she hesitated, gripping her ticket tightly. "But it's not what I... my ticket is for the first class."

"First class?" The quartermaster mentally rolled his eyes and grumbled. "Ma'am- no, lassie, look again at your ticket, no such thing as first class. It's a Luxury Class and we regret to inform you that the rooms on the upper deck are all full. You are late, and other passengers have already claimed every room, the fault is not at our side."

Sonia was almost at loss for words.

"Good sir, I simply insist that I should be getting the cabin worth the ticket I possess. And there is no way it will be in the lower deck."

The quartermaster sighed, yet somehow enjoying his cornering. "You are a smart girl, aren't you? We advertised it to be having two beds; your room will include two beds, full privacy;your room will be yours for the rest of the journey, and as for the deluxe accommodation," he paused for a smug exchange with the crew. "Ask our staff, your room is a way more deluxe compared to bunks they use to sleep in. So what would it be? It's either that room or the hammocks!"
"Look, papa! That lady has buggy's antlers!"

"Ssh! It's rude to point at people."

Sonia glanced at the little human girl who enthusiastically walked down the aisle with her father in tow. As they passed, she lets out a friendly smile and waved at the little girl while her father looked the other way and urged them to pick up the pace.

Apparently content to radiate her liveliness to everyone including the lone demon. The little girl turned back at Sonia despite her father's haste. "We are going to the fo-kas-le! Right papa?!" she announced, moving her hand up and down, mimicking the dolphin jumping in the waves.

And look! Sonia couldn't help but to answer the little girl's sheer happiness with a hearty chuckle. "Have a good day!"

"There'll be killer whales too! Wooooo!"

That was... refreshing. She had been traveling for years, and while frontal racism was quite rare, she knew very well people didn't put much stock in trusting a freak like her. It was always tough whenever she arrived at a new place; people talked behind her, suspected her to be a witch, or outright turned her away from their villages.

However, things were also would turn for the better the longer she settled down. More people and parties were starting to require her expertise, and she made quite a lot of acquaintances along the way. She believed if you help people they will help you too, maybe not directly, maybe not the same person at the same time. That was why she always kept that optimistic attitude in mind; no matter how bleak the situation may appear, things would get better eventually.

She touched her horn. Sharp as ever. On a few occasions, she had considered breaking, chipping, cutting, and grinding them down. For a shallow intent to not be alone, to be more like humans and less like her kind... honestly, what kind of creature she was anyway? She had no clue, not even people who feared her in their ignorance knew the answer. For too long she had suppressed the desire to look the answer for that question, so she just embraced it, her unknown ancestry, her identity, everything; she was what she was, the Sarkaz huntress, Sonia Al Hathya, and with her fractured memory she pushed on and said hello to the world.

But there was always a duality in one's heart, the pendulum would swing and she would eventually grow weary of it. She touched her horn again, this time the other one. The last few weeks had been the zenith of her unrelenting desire to know the answer, the truth... oh so intoxicating and maybe very bitter, but she marched on, almost at a frantic pace. She felt The Time wouldn't be so lenient with her anymore.

*cough* *cough*

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